Random Chat (NEW!!!) V.1

EDIT: Edit ninja'd. =D
sorry for the missunderstanding but Pinpoint and Lynx dose not have the same operator i know they sound the same in certain parts but belive me their different kyuubi is my friend and he told me about his navie so i got some ideas from him on how to make my navie
Alright, sorry for all the trouble. I believe you.

*dons a snobby british accent*

Well then, old chaps. I think we can all learn a lesson from this.

Wait, which lesson was that again?

Oh, yeah. Never bathe in hot oil and mollases.
Phoenix how long did it take you to finish your first battle?
Here, it took two turns. My first ever battle (back at RE:CN) took about four. Why'd you ask?
No like how long did it take for a mod to catch on?
Ehh, can't remember. That's ancient history by now, even on RE:RN.
Counter! They have completely different IPs.


I doubt he'd be smart enough to use a proxy if he was sockpuppeting-- puppeteers rarely are.

Okay, I'm convinced. Apologies to Twi, KyuubiForte, and OGpinpoint, as well as everyone that got absorbed into my rushed conclusions.
Apologie approved... commence with random chat
Pedophiles are everywhere.
Wait, whaddo I see in pinpoint's reg thread? Identical IP addresses? Same AOL accounts?


Indeed. Looks like this all might have paid off. Nice eye.

Of course, I'm know as much about IP adresses as my cat, so I'm not going to draw any conclusions. =P
Aha, Detective Phoenix never misses a thing!

Uh-oh, do I spy shenanigans? KyuubiForte and Pinpoint could very well be rayman, trying to catch us wisely detectivey types! But no, us wisely detectivey types never miss a thing, do we now? Check and mate, rayman! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

Woo, that was some good weed.

Anyway, have an awesome game to pass the time.
On a current note, now that I can type for not laughing my ass off for 10 minutes straight...

Order of events: (Kyuubiforte/Pinpoint shall just be Pin, for the purpose of not wanting to type a lot)
Mods: Where did you guys post from?
Pin: Skool compies. We use the sam one.
Mods: One computer for two students?
Pin: Ya.
Mods: What computer did you just post from?
Pin: Mine.
Mods: Then how does KF have the exact same IP address?
Pin: Uh, he usd mine.
Mods: For all of his posts?
Pin: Uhhh... no?
Mods: This sounds like a giant pile of BS.
Pin: Oh, wait! It was my DAD's computer I posted from!
Mods: And KF posts from there too?
Pin: No. I dunno how he got that IP adress. It must be a malfuncton
Mods: One last chance to redeem yourself, liar.
Pin: Im not lieing!
Mods: IP addresses don't lie, you decieving little f**er. BANNED

Man, I couldn't stop f***ing laughing... that was brilliant... and KF's horrible lying made it all the funnier.

Quote (All of KF's excuses)

My school compu... er... my home com... er... my dad's computer. What? Same IP addresses? Uh... the internet is lying!

Let this person be added to the "PWNED BY THE MODZORS" thread. FREAKING AWESOME HILARITY ENSUES!

Quote (Phoenix)

Uh-oh, do I spy shenanigans? KyuubiForte and Pinpoint could very well be rayman, trying to catch us wisely detectivey types! But no, us wisely detectivey types never miss a thing, do we now? Check and mate, rayman! WRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!

No, he wasn't Rayman. Just himself.
MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! seems like he was more retarded than me.

Screenshots and Artwork of the newest Final Fantasy Tactics for DS. Yes, it is a Dutch site but the pictures count.
Hrmm... the new FFTA for the DS still looks pretty good, but what's funny to me is how smarmy the human main characters look. Their smirks annoy me. XD