Inside the shop

A clatter from behind the counter announced the sudden waking of a napping Suitachi, startled back to wakefulness by the enthusiastic arrival. He straightened his chain and made sure the small Tv set he'd dozed off watching hadn't been jostled before blinking a few times across the counter at the strange clashing of styles that was... offering food? He tentatively reached for one of the proffered snacks while eyeing up the list.

"Just these things...? Right, right... coming up." Donut in one hand, he turned back and rummaged quickly, transferring the pasty to his mouth as he began to dig up the items on the list. It was mostly gone by the time he turned back, pushing the small stack of parts across the counter and holding out his other hand for Hippie's choice of payment method. "Mmff... Mno dishcounts" The warning came muffled around confectionery, added as an after-thought.


Hippie GET: HP Mem v2 & v3, PU v3-5, AquaShot, FirstArmour NCP.
Hippie LOSE: 7450z

((Mod note: Hippie's level is 3 currently – so the HP mems take her to lvl 5; this still allows you to get PUs 3, 4 and 5, so you're all good, cost and purchase-wise!))
((Thank you for the mod, and helping sort myself out <3))

Hippie's eyes glittered as she beheld the treasure trove that was her purchase. She scanned her card over the reader in Suitachi's palm and gathered up the boxes of electronic goodies in her hands. This was every last penny she had budgeted for this month, and she was sure to make good use of it.

"Thank you!" She squealed, clob-homping her way out the door. "We hope to see you again- Wait." She caught herself, and turned to give Suitachi a wink just before the threshold closed behind her. "That's your line this time!"

Hippie had departed, but the unclaimed bag of donuts and assorted pastries remained on the countertop, living out it's own short-lived adventure.
The door of the navi shop barely had time to herald a new arrival before a blue and yellow uniformed courier darted in and paused by the counter to check his order manifest. His eyes scanned the print out and he nodded to himself.

"Got a dispatch order here for two Process Upgrades and two NC Expansions. Versions twenty-eight and twenty nine, on the PUs and version...." he checked the sheet again quickly. "Fifteen and sixteen for the customisers." He paused for a moment to pull out a small disposable transfer card and hand it across the counter. "Here's payment confirmation, and here's the order form. Can I get a signature?" He held the manifest out as well; the order was for an address half the world away, with a confirmation to release the stock listed to the courier company, from a storehouse in the same city as the order address.


NaviCust Expand (v15, 16): 4500, 4750 = 9250z
Process Upgrade (v28, 29): 2800, 2900 = 5700z

Total: 14950z
Rogan's funds: 15385z
Funds remaining: 435z

((Lyntael's Level becomes 29, Navicust is now 120, Sig pool is 1240))
Looking up from a manifest he had just gotten from his suppliers, the owner would give a grunt of acknowledgment as he looked through the dispatch real quick, making sure all the t's were crossed and i's dotted, with all the usual stuff along those lines. "Hmmmm...alright then that all looks good, let me just get my signature down here..." He mumbled as he gave a quick penning on the manifest, money being transferred into his account almost immediately after. "And there we go, they can make those avalible to the customer, thank you. I really should open up stores out across the world, but this is just so much more cheaper, fees and all..."

Rogan loses: 14950z
Rogan Get: Navicust Expansions 15 and 16, Processor Upgrades 28 and 29
The courier reclaimed his documents and tipped his hat with a nod to Suitachi.
"Thank you, we appreciate your on-going business! Have a good day." He re-shouldered his delivery back as he tucked the manifest away again, then quickly darted from the store to get on with the rest of his own working day.
((From Parasite Research))
Pushing open the door, Henry entered the shop and began browsing. "Do you think that we should go with HPMemories or navicust?" Delta's voice piped up from the PET on his waist.

"Hmm...I'm thinking maybe another copy of the shield program, and one HPMemory?"

"...we definitely have enough Zenny to add another HPMemory to that. We'll still have enough for some subchips as well." The navi suggested as Henry approached the counter.

"Hey, can I get two HPMemories and a Shield?" He asks.

Shopping List:
2x HPMemory (3250z)
Shield NCP (3000z)
6250z Total -> 1150z Remaining
Turning around as he heard the door open and close, Suitachi would meet with Henry almost immediately as he made it to the counter. "Sup. What can I do for ya?" He asked simply as navi and op would speak to one another for a moment before turning back around, snapping up the three items requested and turning around, taking payment with his free hand as he handed over the items and card to Henry as the register approved the transaction. "Have a good day you two." He spoke simply before turning back around to get back to work.

(Henry Lose: 6250z
Henry Get: HP Up 3 and 4, and Shield NCP)
((GET 2x HPMemory))
((GET Shield NCP))

Henry happily takes the programs, and exits the shop.
The bell on the door of the navi shop jingled again as another courier strolled in through the door, disposable coffee cup in one hand and a slim data pad in the other. It was a different individual to the one who had come by earlier, but wore the same blue and yellow uniform. He sipped his coffee and double-checked his order from before catching Suitachi's eye.

"Right then... Order for PU30 to 33 and NC17... heh... uh, through to 20. Sign here...” The courier took another languid sip of his coffee as he held out the delivery form, along with the payment receipt, awaiting Suitachi's confirmation. The release order was for the same far-off address as the one earlier in the morning – someone was having a busy day, it seemed.


NaviCust Expand (v17, 18, 19, 20): 4500, 4750, 5000, 5250 = 19500z
Process Upgrade (v30, 31, 32, 33): 3000, 3100, 3200, 3300 = 12600z

Total: 32100z
Rogan's funds: 40935z
Funds remaining: 8835z

((Lyntael's Level becomes 33, Navicust is now 140, Sig pool is 1400))
Turning around from another stocking session, Suitachi would quickly take a quick look at the shipping manifest. Looking over it briefly, the man would jot down his signature for the deliveryman and give him a nod. "Well busy today aren't we? Well, can't say I blame them huh. Just a quick transfer of money...and there we go. You're free to send those out to the buyer."

Suitachi gave the man a smile before turning back around and finishing what he was in the middle of, ironically, a few PUs and NCEs were being stocked onto his shelves in a tidy order. Funny that.

Rogan get: PU30-33 and NCE 17-20
Rogan lose: 32100z
The courier barely glanced at the returned manifest before tipping an imaginary hat to Suitachi and sipping his coffee again. He returned the polite nod along with an equally brief thanks then turned to head for the door.