For a while, Regalia waited.
And then he waited.
And then he waited.
The breeze blew by, and he waited.
The ocean had somehow turned into a giant chessboard, and he waited.
His allies all looked at him expectantly, and he waited.
The world grew older, and still he waited.
Finally, Thomas began to nag him.
"Hey." Thomas said. "Hey."
Regalia.exe was not responding.
"Hey, are you alright? Hello? Hey! There's kind of a battle going on!"
Regalia.exe was still not responding.
"I know you're an Elec navi, but you didn't run out of power or something did you? Do I have to crank a handle on this PET somewhere?"
Regalia.exe was still not responding, but began to tremble.
"If I'd known that programming an old man would give him Alzheimer's, maybe I would've gone for like, a cute chainmail bikini knight instead? I could still do that, you know! GMOs exist! We could make you blonde, and your eyes could be all blue, and you could have HUGE-"
"ENOUGH!" Regalia yelled. "I was attempting to tactically survey the situation, but it seems you cannot wait five glorious minutes. Since you seem to have such an apt grasp upon the situation at hand, verily you should be the one to just send me the chips you think are appropriate!"
"Uh-" Thomas stuttered for a moment. "I don't-"
"Hurry it up! You are not going to spontaneously turn into a bikini-clad waif, are you? Send the chips!" Regalia let his words sting, tapping his foot and crossing his arms.
"Alright, okay. I admit it, that was maybe a bit out of line. But you were standing there quite a while." Thomas's response was pockmarked by the sound of him slotting chips one after the other. "Here, take these and go get them, alright?"
"Very well." Regalia's voice was cooler after the apology, and he grasped his cane as he began to stride forward.
Then he disappeared.
There was a flash of light as Regalia appeared in the air over the Spikeys and AlphaSpikeys, electricity crackling and storming around him like an aura of power. He lobbed a small, gray, metal object toward the AlphaSpikeys, which sprouted propellers and began to home in on the nearest one, all whilst making a loud buzzing noise. Something like a jet-booster-powered gauntlet appeared on Regalia's arm as he slowly began to descend; energy flooded the intakes as Nightshade's overclock took effect, and with a swing of his arm he took off again, rocketing through the air and out of the blast range of his own bomb. He rocketed toward the Knightmare that his allies currently weren't targeting, gray hair fluttering in the wind pressure he was subjecting himself to. He stopped just short of it, and the gauntlet he was wearing launched forward instead, carried by its own overcharged thrusters on a path straight for... whatever passed for a Knightmare's face.
The lightning trailing behind Regalia caught up to him now that he was stopped, and as he slowly descended the electric storm blew past him, separating into bolts and balls of lightning that sought out Regalia's targets and left frizzy hair and the smell of seared ozone in their wake. Each of these orbs and bolts detonated with a burst of light and lightning, a deafening CRACK that echoed across the battlefield. Finally, as Regalia landed, his breastplate appeared and encased his chest, cape fluttering out behind it as he began to look healthier and healthier.
1: Teleport to just above Spikey pack (AreaGrab: Teleport + Accuracy UP (Acc: S))
2: PropellerBomb1 @ Spikey Pack (AlphaSpikey B if you need specifics) (PropellerBomb1: 1HP Flying Mobile Object, 3-Turn: (80 + Knockback + Blast3): On-Hit/Contact + Delay-Turn(3) (Acc: C) (+Acc from Teleport))
3: Use DashAttack1 + Nightshade-granted Overclock to launch across the battlefield toward Knightmare A and hit him (DashAttack1: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement (Acc: C))
4: Launch ClusterShot2 barrage at Knightmare A (10 x 8 Shots + Variable Targeting (Acc: B) +ELEC BOOST: 20 x 8 shots instead of 10 x 8)
*Free: Cape1 and Cape2 sigs @ Knightmare A if it still lives (20 elec, 20 elec), otherwise launch them at AlphaSpikey A
5: Equip Breastplate sig to self ([20 HP Object + Equipable + Light + Passive: Heal 20])
Fishing for Zennies
last edited by
Overall, the Chessboard was probably vastly unprepared for the warfare that was about to be raged across it as each group of enemies moved to attack. One of the big Spikey pack leaders gave a fire-dripping bark, then curled up on itself, rolling across the ground in a flame-and-spike covered shred that cut across the board and tried to plough into the collection of navis. It crashed through a number of pawns on its way to them, knocking pieces aside, but by the time it got to the navis Regalia was already gone and Daybreak shattered and reformed safely just as it seemed to hit her. The ball of fiery death didn't manage to collide with GigaMan either, leaving only Nightshade unable to dodge its rapid assault. It uncurled, teeth bared and hot, sulphur breath wafting over the slightly singed cat boy.
As Daybreak reappeared in her artful landing pose atop the black queen, her familiar took a potshot at one of the black knights, marring the side of its face with a nasty burn. Fearsome or not, it seemed they were still, ultimately, made of wood. Good to know. The burned knight turned to glare at the vampire hunter.
The other pack-leader of the Spikeys held her ground instead, standing ahead of the smaller ones; the large virus hadn't seemed to have noticed the distortion in the air above her as Regalia warped in, and instead followed up the alpha male's body attack with a barrage of smaller fire bursts. Unfortunately, Nightshade and GigaMan were the only two left in close proximity, and the bolts spread in various directions as they struck. Nightshade took two more rather minor singes, while GigaMan once again escape injury. Some of the chess pieces in front of them also took some fire splashes, though the Alpha Spikey in amongst the two seemed unaffected by the fire that washed over it in the process.
Nightshade took the opportunity to change the ground to something more his taste, and covered a large portion of the nearby chess board in magnetic terrain instead, but it wasn't enough to prevent the two black knights from gathering themselves, then leaping high into the air with a simultaneous thump of lift. Also, and odd beeping sound that persisted. How peculiar.
GigaMan, having avoided the assaults of the Spikey pack all around him, went on the offence and, ignoring the massive alpha not too far from his face, took some heavy shots at the one that had held back instead. All of his hits connected, striking the far alpha squarely, though the explosions were small enough, and her own body too big, that none of the blasts could really reach any of the smaller viruses nearby. It was enough to make the meta-virus reel back and stamp, yelping and howling in response, and thoroughly distracted it didn't notice Regalia releasing his own explosive device. It zipped down, humming loudly, and settled in the virus' fur, before exploding in a broad area while the knight rocketed himself away towards his next target. The blast covered not only the alpha Spikey and her smaller allies, but also washed over a number of the chess pieces on the near edge of the board. The queen piece fell over as it took the explosion, but as it did, a red laser beam shot from the gem in its crown, lancing up towards Regalia. the armoured knight was fortunate enough that the reflect beam wasn't able to track with his rapid speed quite well enough; it looked potently strong.
Towards the back of the board, the Shredder was in the process of revving up its engines, and rose into the air enough to survey the board. It seemed to twist slightly, facing Daybreak for a moment, but then took a straighter angle down the field and launched a spinning bladed puck down through the chess pieces and across the field. The eventual target seemed to be Nightshade, but as it crashed through a rook a pawn and a bishop on the way, the attack wasn't nearly accurate enough to strike him by the time it reached the cat navi.
From her perch atop the black queen, Daybreak was able to make a good line on one of the leaping knights just as it reached the peak of its soaring jump; it certainly didn't look like it was moving the normal standard for a chess piece, but wherever it had been intending to land, the vampire-hunter's lava ball crashed into it and destroyed the highly flammable chess piece utterly before it could begin its decent. So much for that one.
Badly hurt and huddling near the larger Spikey, to of the smaller ones barked as threateningly as they could and shot two more small fire bolts towards Regalia as he travelled towards the remaining knight via rocket-assisted gauntlet; their shots, normally so precise, were shaken and unsure, however, and neither hit him. A moment later he punched into and past the second knight, making it spin in the air a bit while, below, Nightshade attempted to slash at the virus, but was unable to jump high enough to reach it.
Unhappy that GigaMan was ignoring its hulking presence and shooting at its mate instead, the Spikey that had rolled into them turned, stamped its paws in front of the viral-navi and then howled loudly enough to make the chess pieces rattle. A blast of fire radiated out from it, scorching several of the nearest pieces, but by some fluke of positioning, GigaMan himself was untouched by the flames. He responded, presumably with his usual disdain, by continuing to ignore the virus and firing another trio of blasts at the female instead. Three more clean connections later, the meta-virus was looking in a very bad way. The growl sounded more like an injured whimper at this stage, and the virus looked for an easier target, settling on Regalia while he was still up in the air. she exhaled another volley of spreading fire bursts, and in the middle of moving into his next attack, regalia wasn't in a position to avoid any of them. The minor scalding he took wasn't enough to throw him of his plan, however.
Daybreak summoned a chess piece of her own... sort of... while the remaining knight crashed down onto an empty space not far from GigaMan. A blast-wave from its landing damaged and destroyed a few more chess pieces, as well as reverting some of the magnetised space back into normal terrain. One of the pieces that it had landed next to was the white king, and as the knight's blast-wave disintegrated it, a moan rose up from the board. Gradually, the white pieces began to decrepify and crumble. The damaged ones swiftly fell apart, while the unscathed pieces didn't look like they would last much longer. More pressingly GigaMan was caught by the edge of the attack as well. It wasn't too bad, fortunately. Seeing the knight come down, Nightshade rushed in in an attempt to apply his claws to something that was in his range this time, but his enthusiasm got the better of him, and he didn't manage to connect with the piece. A moment later, a barrage of electric bolts rained down on the chess piece from a different direction, as Regalia released more attacks onto the field. It was enough to break the knight apart and topple it, while two more errant bolts zapped the the alpha Spikey that was still howling angrily at GigaMan. Regalia touched down a moment later, though they all might need to mind their steps, since the beeping sound hadn't stopped with the death of the knights. He formed his breastplate and its restorative energy rapidly healed the minor burns he'd taken earlier.
At the far end of the field, the shredder rolled over on itself in place, rising a few more feet until it was level with Daybreak. It hovered still, and the huntress might wonder what it was doing, before its engines revved up heavily and the virus rammed forwards, blasting towards her, blade-pucks extended. Daybreak had just enough time to raise her shield before it hit her, air-braking as it did. Her shield absorbed the blow safely, though the impact was still enough to throw her off her perch and to the ground below in a moderately undignified heap. This seemed to be something of a trigger for the other two smaller Spikeys who took her fall as a sign of vulnerability. They both shot out small balls of fire in her direction, and though Daybreak was able to lift her shield to the first, it gave out and allowed the second one to strike her directly. These particular fires did not feel like the heavenly kind, unfortunately. They actually stung.
-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)
Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.
Area: All
HP: 270
Element: Null
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.
Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][Beyond the chess board, to the North]
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny A: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny B: DELETED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny A: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][In front of GigaMan, South centre]
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny B: 40Hp [Meta-Virus][Far left, at the edge of the board]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys A: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys B: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys C: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys D: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpieky B]
-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 125Hp [Normal][Shield Broken!]
GigaMan.Exe: 85Hp [Normal][Centre South, off the board]
Nightshade.Rx: 70Hp [Magnet][Centre South, near GigaMan]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Magnet][Breastplate Equipped: 20Hp][South-East, near White King]
-=Uniform Field=-
70% Normal
30% Magnet

-=Pieces in Play=-
Black Pieces
Rooks: 120Hp [StoneBody]
Bishops: 120Hp [HardBody]
Kings: 20Hp [SteelBody]
Queens: 80Hp [Reflect any damage as Null, A, Shot-type]
Pawns: 40Hp
White Pieces
All: 10Hp [Effects nullified]
-=Other Objects=-
Crasher: 50Hp [North end of field][Belongs to Daybreak]
As Daybreak reappeared in her artful landing pose atop the black queen, her familiar took a potshot at one of the black knights, marring the side of its face with a nasty burn. Fearsome or not, it seemed they were still, ultimately, made of wood. Good to know. The burned knight turned to glare at the vampire hunter.
The other pack-leader of the Spikeys held her ground instead, standing ahead of the smaller ones; the large virus hadn't seemed to have noticed the distortion in the air above her as Regalia warped in, and instead followed up the alpha male's body attack with a barrage of smaller fire bursts. Unfortunately, Nightshade and GigaMan were the only two left in close proximity, and the bolts spread in various directions as they struck. Nightshade took two more rather minor singes, while GigaMan once again escape injury. Some of the chess pieces in front of them also took some fire splashes, though the Alpha Spikey in amongst the two seemed unaffected by the fire that washed over it in the process.
Nightshade took the opportunity to change the ground to something more his taste, and covered a large portion of the nearby chess board in magnetic terrain instead, but it wasn't enough to prevent the two black knights from gathering themselves, then leaping high into the air with a simultaneous thump of lift. Also, and odd beeping sound that persisted. How peculiar.
GigaMan, having avoided the assaults of the Spikey pack all around him, went on the offence and, ignoring the massive alpha not too far from his face, took some heavy shots at the one that had held back instead. All of his hits connected, striking the far alpha squarely, though the explosions were small enough, and her own body too big, that none of the blasts could really reach any of the smaller viruses nearby. It was enough to make the meta-virus reel back and stamp, yelping and howling in response, and thoroughly distracted it didn't notice Regalia releasing his own explosive device. It zipped down, humming loudly, and settled in the virus' fur, before exploding in a broad area while the knight rocketed himself away towards his next target. The blast covered not only the alpha Spikey and her smaller allies, but also washed over a number of the chess pieces on the near edge of the board. The queen piece fell over as it took the explosion, but as it did, a red laser beam shot from the gem in its crown, lancing up towards Regalia. the armoured knight was fortunate enough that the reflect beam wasn't able to track with his rapid speed quite well enough; it looked potently strong.
Towards the back of the board, the Shredder was in the process of revving up its engines, and rose into the air enough to survey the board. It seemed to twist slightly, facing Daybreak for a moment, but then took a straighter angle down the field and launched a spinning bladed puck down through the chess pieces and across the field. The eventual target seemed to be Nightshade, but as it crashed through a rook a pawn and a bishop on the way, the attack wasn't nearly accurate enough to strike him by the time it reached the cat navi.
From her perch atop the black queen, Daybreak was able to make a good line on one of the leaping knights just as it reached the peak of its soaring jump; it certainly didn't look like it was moving the normal standard for a chess piece, but wherever it had been intending to land, the vampire-hunter's lava ball crashed into it and destroyed the highly flammable chess piece utterly before it could begin its decent. So much for that one.
Badly hurt and huddling near the larger Spikey, to of the smaller ones barked as threateningly as they could and shot two more small fire bolts towards Regalia as he travelled towards the remaining knight via rocket-assisted gauntlet; their shots, normally so precise, were shaken and unsure, however, and neither hit him. A moment later he punched into and past the second knight, making it spin in the air a bit while, below, Nightshade attempted to slash at the virus, but was unable to jump high enough to reach it.
Unhappy that GigaMan was ignoring its hulking presence and shooting at its mate instead, the Spikey that had rolled into them turned, stamped its paws in front of the viral-navi and then howled loudly enough to make the chess pieces rattle. A blast of fire radiated out from it, scorching several of the nearest pieces, but by some fluke of positioning, GigaMan himself was untouched by the flames. He responded, presumably with his usual disdain, by continuing to ignore the virus and firing another trio of blasts at the female instead. Three more clean connections later, the meta-virus was looking in a very bad way. The growl sounded more like an injured whimper at this stage, and the virus looked for an easier target, settling on Regalia while he was still up in the air. she exhaled another volley of spreading fire bursts, and in the middle of moving into his next attack, regalia wasn't in a position to avoid any of them. The minor scalding he took wasn't enough to throw him of his plan, however.
Daybreak summoned a chess piece of her own... sort of... while the remaining knight crashed down onto an empty space not far from GigaMan. A blast-wave from its landing damaged and destroyed a few more chess pieces, as well as reverting some of the magnetised space back into normal terrain. One of the pieces that it had landed next to was the white king, and as the knight's blast-wave disintegrated it, a moan rose up from the board. Gradually, the white pieces began to decrepify and crumble. The damaged ones swiftly fell apart, while the unscathed pieces didn't look like they would last much longer. More pressingly GigaMan was caught by the edge of the attack as well. It wasn't too bad, fortunately. Seeing the knight come down, Nightshade rushed in in an attempt to apply his claws to something that was in his range this time, but his enthusiasm got the better of him, and he didn't manage to connect with the piece. A moment later, a barrage of electric bolts rained down on the chess piece from a different direction, as Regalia released more attacks onto the field. It was enough to break the knight apart and topple it, while two more errant bolts zapped the the alpha Spikey that was still howling angrily at GigaMan. Regalia touched down a moment later, though they all might need to mind their steps, since the beeping sound hadn't stopped with the death of the knights. He formed his breastplate and its restorative energy rapidly healed the minor burns he'd taken earlier.
At the far end of the field, the shredder rolled over on itself in place, rising a few more feet until it was level with Daybreak. It hovered still, and the huntress might wonder what it was doing, before its engines revved up heavily and the virus rammed forwards, blasting towards her, blade-pucks extended. Daybreak had just enough time to raise her shield before it hit her, air-braking as it did. Her shield absorbed the blow safely, though the impact was still enough to throw her off her perch and to the ground below in a moderately undignified heap. This seemed to be something of a trigger for the other two smaller Spikeys who took her fall as a sign of vulnerability. They both shot out small balls of fire in her direction, and though Daybreak was able to lift her shield to the first, it gave out and allowed the second one to strike her directly. These particular fires did not feel like the heavenly kind, unfortunately. They actually stung.
-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)
Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.
Area: All
HP: 270
Element: Null
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.
Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][Beyond the chess board, to the North]
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny A: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny B: DELETED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny A: 270Hp [Meta-Virus][In front of GigaMan, South centre]
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny B: 40Hp [Meta-Virus][Far left, at the edge of the board]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys A: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys B: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys C: 10Hp [Just behind AlphaSpikey B]
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys D: 10Hp [Just beside AlphaSpieky B]
-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 125Hp [Normal][Shield Broken!]
GigaMan.Exe: 85Hp [Normal][Centre South, off the board]
Nightshade.Rx: 70Hp [Magnet][Centre South, near GigaMan]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Magnet][Breastplate Equipped: 20Hp][South-East, near White King]
-=Uniform Field=-
70% Normal
- No effects.
30% Magnet
- Non-Elec Elementals get -30% Evasion, and 50% (+/- 25% RP) chance to fail movement off the panel.
- Only Elec Elementals can burrow.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Normal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Seeking.
-=Pieces in Play=-
Black Pieces
Rooks: 120Hp [StoneBody]
Bishops: 120Hp [HardBody]
Kings: 20Hp [SteelBody]
Queens: 80Hp [Reflect any damage as Null, A, Shot-type]
Pawns: 40Hp
White Pieces
All: 10Hp [Effects nullified]
-=Other Objects=-
Crasher: 50Hp [North end of field][Belongs to Daybreak]
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"Grr! Don't you distract them- I said I'll distract them!" Daybreak snapped back to Nightshade, stopping short of spelling out that being the human target was her favorite role in battle. "If that little cat boy continues to undermine me...!" she thought with some annoyance, though she was mostly just annoyed he was only snuggling up with the old navi he seemed so attached to.
In brighter news, her most important attack had connected and her chip had put her out of harms way when the first fireball touched down. In a less bright upheaval of fortune, she was next knocked down from her queenly throne and onto the floor of the net, landing on her back with her legs thrown above her, splayed in either direction. "Grrnrrnrrk!" she hissed, but even her shield couldn't fully protect herself from a slew of Spikey fireballs. She didn't love the third degree burns. "Aren't you wolves supposed to pounce and have your way with me?" she scorned internally, admitting that particular fantasy to herself. "Instead their just yakking up fireballs!"
All said, she hadn't gotten it particularly bad. She dusted herself off and got back up to her feet. "What, are you just going to hang there, watching?!" she asked in a low growl, turning her eyes upward.
"S-Sorry!" Alexandru yelped, not wanting to admit he'd just looked at Daybreak in a compromising position.
"Not you..." she said again, narrowing her one visible eye. "Him," she spoke up, pointing towards the red, glassy shape in the sky, which continued to arc in its jump until it reached as it suddenly crashed down somewhere to the side of her current position, shattering into pieces even as it produced a massive, rippling shockwave, headed towards the AlphaSpikeyB and all of the viruses hiding out behind it.
With that distraction out of the way, she acknowledged that she was in a unique position to take care of the thus far unscathed Shredder lurking behind the many pieces dotting the battleground which would obscure many of the shots that her allies could make. She emitted a tracking beam from her eye-patch until she judged she had a bead on the metavirus, then held out her right hand, stabilizing it with her left. Rather than a blast of fire, this time, she crystallized shards around the finger tips and released them, propelled by a burst from the grooves lining her prosthetic digits. The blast should be accurate enough to hit the virus, she figured, even as nimble as it seemed.
"Alexandru, how are our allies doing?" she asked, unable to see much past the giant chess pieces.
"Mostly okay, considering... The knight is angry, but unharmed. They attacked GigaMan a lot, but he somehow avoided taking a lot of damage. The cat got hit a bunch though," he pointed out. "Hard to say how badly he's hurt."
"Bingo!" Daybreak smirked, recognizing the perfect chance to ingratiate her future feline friend to herself. She summoned another portal, similar to the one she passed through earlier, shining with eerie, unnatural sunlight, then unwound several of her harness ribbons from around one arm, utilizing the expert hand of one who often practiced how best to quickly undress in front of others. She sent the coil of ribbons through the portal, where it would appear above Nightshade. He might, for a moment, think he was being attacked by one of the viruses, while, Daybreak's hot ribbons flew down and draped themselves around his new wounds, pulling tightly. Unless he shared some of Daybreak's masochistic tendencies, it wouldn't feel good, but it would stop any pesky exit of data while theoretically strengthening him the same way it did her.
"Quickly, the RageClaw!" she spoke next. "I'm feeling emboldened!"
That was usually not a good claim by Daybreak, in Marian's estimation, but she urged Alexandru to slot it in regardless. "You're really going to go after that flying Metavirus with that chip?" Marian questioned, raising one eyebrow.
"Ho ho ho! This is a job for strength, not finesse. And you will see just how much strength God has granted me!" she cackled, flexing the fingers of her prosthetic hand. Still, when the time came to execute her plan... it wasn't without some difficulty. "Hrrrrgh! Grnrnrnrrrgh! she grunted, as she tried to get her arms around one of the giant chessboard pieces nearby her and toss it. Fact of the matter was, strong arm or not, the thing was still larger than she was. It was going to be an unwieldy toss any way she went at it. "Nroooooh! This is how humans play cheeeess! Rook to vampire minion!" she roared. If she finally got it up, she would lean lurch forward and heave it bodily at the Shredder. If it connected, it ought to do a lot of damage, but it was a far cry form the pinpoint accuracy shard blast she'd let loose earlier. "Grk!"
"Are you still hurting from your burns?" Alexandru asked, politely.
"Y-Yes, that's it," Daybreak replied dryly, not wanting to say that she felt like she'd nearly thrown out her back doing that maneuver.
RockArm1HP: 50
Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D: 50HP Mobile Object, 2-Turn: (Stun + To-All-Enemy + Ground Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) + (100 + Line Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) (Acc: C) @ AlphaSpikeyB and viruses behind
*) Molten Tears: 10 fire damage shot attack, A accuracy, passive @ SpikeyA
*) Cursor subtype Marksmanship: Increase accuracy of next shot attack
MarkCannon1Damage: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on
Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon whose automatic aiming system locks onto heat signatures and fires.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lock-on: Same effect as an automatic Take Aim.
Trader Rank: D: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on (Acc: A) @ Shredder + One accuracy rank
2) Dodge
3) Huntress Harness: Recover 30 + Strengthen 20 @ Nightshade
RageClaw1Damage: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw)
Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) (Acc: B / B then B) to pick up Rook at north side of board and toss @ Shredder
In brighter news, her most important attack had connected and her chip had put her out of harms way when the first fireball touched down. In a less bright upheaval of fortune, she was next knocked down from her queenly throne and onto the floor of the net, landing on her back with her legs thrown above her, splayed in either direction. "Grrnrrnrrk!" she hissed, but even her shield couldn't fully protect herself from a slew of Spikey fireballs. She didn't love the third degree burns. "Aren't you wolves supposed to pounce and have your way with me?" she scorned internally, admitting that particular fantasy to herself. "Instead their just yakking up fireballs!"
All said, she hadn't gotten it particularly bad. She dusted herself off and got back up to her feet. "What, are you just going to hang there, watching?!" she asked in a low growl, turning her eyes upward.
"S-Sorry!" Alexandru yelped, not wanting to admit he'd just looked at Daybreak in a compromising position.
"Not you..." she said again, narrowing her one visible eye. "Him," she spoke up, pointing towards the red, glassy shape in the sky, which continued to arc in its jump until it reached as it suddenly crashed down somewhere to the side of her current position, shattering into pieces even as it produced a massive, rippling shockwave, headed towards the AlphaSpikeyB and all of the viruses hiding out behind it.
With that distraction out of the way, she acknowledged that she was in a unique position to take care of the thus far unscathed Shredder lurking behind the many pieces dotting the battleground which would obscure many of the shots that her allies could make. She emitted a tracking beam from her eye-patch until she judged she had a bead on the metavirus, then held out her right hand, stabilizing it with her left. Rather than a blast of fire, this time, she crystallized shards around the finger tips and released them, propelled by a burst from the grooves lining her prosthetic digits. The blast should be accurate enough to hit the virus, she figured, even as nimble as it seemed.
"Alexandru, how are our allies doing?" she asked, unable to see much past the giant chess pieces.
"Mostly okay, considering... The knight is angry, but unharmed. They attacked GigaMan a lot, but he somehow avoided taking a lot of damage. The cat got hit a bunch though," he pointed out. "Hard to say how badly he's hurt."
"Bingo!" Daybreak smirked, recognizing the perfect chance to ingratiate her future feline friend to herself. She summoned another portal, similar to the one she passed through earlier, shining with eerie, unnatural sunlight, then unwound several of her harness ribbons from around one arm, utilizing the expert hand of one who often practiced how best to quickly undress in front of others. She sent the coil of ribbons through the portal, where it would appear above Nightshade. He might, for a moment, think he was being attacked by one of the viruses, while, Daybreak's hot ribbons flew down and draped themselves around his new wounds, pulling tightly. Unless he shared some of Daybreak's masochistic tendencies, it wouldn't feel good, but it would stop any pesky exit of data while theoretically strengthening him the same way it did her.
"Quickly, the RageClaw!" she spoke next. "I'm feeling emboldened!"
That was usually not a good claim by Daybreak, in Marian's estimation, but she urged Alexandru to slot it in regardless. "You're really going to go after that flying Metavirus with that chip?" Marian questioned, raising one eyebrow.
"Ho ho ho! This is a job for strength, not finesse. And you will see just how much strength God has granted me!" she cackled, flexing the fingers of her prosthetic hand. Still, when the time came to execute her plan... it wasn't without some difficulty. "Hrrrrgh! Grnrnrnrrrgh! she grunted, as she tried to get her arms around one of the giant chessboard pieces nearby her and toss it. Fact of the matter was, strong arm or not, the thing was still larger than she was. It was going to be an unwieldy toss any way she went at it. "Nroooooh! This is how humans play cheeeess! Rook to vampire minion!" she roared. If she finally got it up, she would lean lurch forward and heave it bodily at the Shredder. If it connected, it ought to do a lot of damage, but it was a far cry form the pinpoint accuracy shard blast she'd let loose earlier. "Grk!"
"Are you still hurting from your burns?" Alexandru asked, politely.
"Y-Yes, that's it," Daybreak replied dryly, not wanting to say that she felt like she'd nearly thrown out her back doing that maneuver.

Properties: Normal, Mobile
Damage: 100 + Stun
Accuracy: C
Description: Summons a Crasher to the field. The following turn, it will leap and crash, causing a massive stunning earthquake for all ground-bound enemies, and send a shockwave towards a line of targets.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Special: Attacks the turn after summoning only.
Trader Rank: D: 50HP Mobile Object, 2-Turn: (Stun + To-All-Enemy + Ground Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) + (100 + Line Attack + Delay-Turn(1)) (Acc: C) @ AlphaSpikeyB and viruses behind
*) Molten Tears: 10 fire damage shot attack, A accuracy, passive @ SpikeyA
*) Cursor subtype Marksmanship: Increase accuracy of next shot attack

Accuracy: A
Description: A highly accurate cannon whose automatic aiming system locks onto heat signatures and fires.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Lock-on: Same effect as an automatic Take Aim.
Trader Rank: D: 70 + Seeking + Lock-on (Acc: A) @ Shredder + One accuracy rank
2) Dodge
3) Huntress Harness: Recover 30 + Strengthen 20 @ Nightshade

Accuracy: B / B then B
Description: Creates an impressive bear claw. Can be used to slash or throw enemies or objects.
Duration: Until Overridden/Broken. Breaks automatically after 6 uses.
Element: Null
Special: Throw: The wielder must first grab the target to be thrown, then the target is thrown in the direction/area indicated. A second check is made if against another object/enemy. Throw deals damage to both thrown object/enemy and the second object/enemy. Damage occurs at point of collision with the ground/wall/ceiling/etc. or an object/enemy, not during initial grab attempt. Objects deal their max HP in damage (instead of the chip's damage) if they hit an object/enemy, then break. If they miss, the object just takes the chip's damage. This chip has a variety of uses.
Trader Rank: D: 40 + Slashing (Attack) OR 20 + Impacting (Throw) (Acc: B / B then B) to pick up Rook at north side of board and toss @ Shredder
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The cat navi was trying his best not to get absolutely smashed by the huge wave of viruses. He took alot of heat, literally, but somehow managed to pull through the wave of blasts alive. Rolling over to the side he suddenly felt foreign data meld with his own. The little feline was somewhat stunned by it's presence. It could feel it seep into his wounds, closing them up.
Nightshade observed as bandages wrapped around his arms. While the tight coiling of the bandages stung a little, he couldn't deny that Daybreak's data was helping him big time. Once she had stopped the bleeding, his own body would be able to heal up, almost good as new.
Trying to avoid any further damage, the little cat would roll backwards towards his allies, while nearly getting hit by a flying Rook.
...Wait. Do Rooks fly?
Turning over, his blue eyes noticed the self proclaimed vampire huntress. He should probably thank her for helping him...and probably return the favor. Looking at his hands, he had to wonder for a moment how to go about it. He knew he could share his energy with others. Regalia was able to move so fast after he had hugged him. Was it only because he was Elec type like him?
He had to try. He needed to know if his power could transfer to anyone he wished for. Maybe he could develop this trait he had for good. He seemed to enjoy sharing and recieving energies from other navis. Perhaps he could mimic their useful abilities and use them to help even more people in the future! ((mimic plis T^T))
Hop-hop, the black cat closed the distance between him and Daybreak. He shyly approached her, stopping by her right. He showed her his arms now wrapped in her bandages thinghies.
"U-uh...thanks for the help...I needed it. Sorry for earlier, by the way." He told her, the beginning of a blush showing on the only patch of skin visible on his face. He really didn't know how to go about it. With Regalia it seemed he could kinda have his fill of cuddles when he wanted. The old knight was a gentle soul that was more than happy to keep him happy. Daybreak was more...weird and unruly with all that vampire thing. He really didnt know how she would react to him.
Then, he heard his NetOp chuckle. "Go on, Nighty. Just do it. No one hates hugs. Especially yours."
Nightshade nodded, and hopped closer to Daybreak. Now visibly flustered, he gently wiggled himself in Daybreak's lap, circling his fuzzy paw-hands around her. Once again, he felt his power flow from him towards the other navi he was in contact with, supercharging their own energy over their normal limit.
Daybreak had to deal with the fuzzyness of the young cat navi for another fifteen seconds as Nightshade took a few moments to cuddle and enjoy the hug. He simply couldn't get enough of them. Since he had begun cuddling with Regalia and experience affection, the little cat was hungry for more.
A real hugaholic alright.
Gently letting Daybreak go after he could no longer feel the energy flow between them, the now very embarassed cat sheepishly muttered a "Uhh, thanks again" before quickly scurrying over and hiding behind the much more well known Regalia. From there, the feline would take a few potshots at the badly hurt pack of angry fire doggos, trying to take them out so that the group would have to deal with less threats at the same time.
Free Action: Huggle Overclock at Daybreak!
Passive: 7HP Healed!
Action 1, 2, 3: One Buster Shot at each of the 10hp spikeys.
Action 4: Dodge!
Nightshade observed as bandages wrapped around his arms. While the tight coiling of the bandages stung a little, he couldn't deny that Daybreak's data was helping him big time. Once she had stopped the bleeding, his own body would be able to heal up, almost good as new.
Trying to avoid any further damage, the little cat would roll backwards towards his allies, while nearly getting hit by a flying Rook.
...Wait. Do Rooks fly?
Turning over, his blue eyes noticed the self proclaimed vampire huntress. He should probably thank her for helping him...and probably return the favor. Looking at his hands, he had to wonder for a moment how to go about it. He knew he could share his energy with others. Regalia was able to move so fast after he had hugged him. Was it only because he was Elec type like him?
He had to try. He needed to know if his power could transfer to anyone he wished for. Maybe he could develop this trait he had for good. He seemed to enjoy sharing and recieving energies from other navis. Perhaps he could mimic their useful abilities and use them to help even more people in the future! ((mimic plis T^T))
Hop-hop, the black cat closed the distance between him and Daybreak. He shyly approached her, stopping by her right. He showed her his arms now wrapped in her bandages thinghies.
"U-uh...thanks for the help...I needed it. Sorry for earlier, by the way." He told her, the beginning of a blush showing on the only patch of skin visible on his face. He really didn't know how to go about it. With Regalia it seemed he could kinda have his fill of cuddles when he wanted. The old knight was a gentle soul that was more than happy to keep him happy. Daybreak was more...weird and unruly with all that vampire thing. He really didnt know how she would react to him.
Then, he heard his NetOp chuckle. "Go on, Nighty. Just do it. No one hates hugs. Especially yours."
Nightshade nodded, and hopped closer to Daybreak. Now visibly flustered, he gently wiggled himself in Daybreak's lap, circling his fuzzy paw-hands around her. Once again, he felt his power flow from him towards the other navi he was in contact with, supercharging their own energy over their normal limit.
Daybreak had to deal with the fuzzyness of the young cat navi for another fifteen seconds as Nightshade took a few moments to cuddle and enjoy the hug. He simply couldn't get enough of them. Since he had begun cuddling with Regalia and experience affection, the little cat was hungry for more.
A real hugaholic alright.
Gently letting Daybreak go after he could no longer feel the energy flow between them, the now very embarassed cat sheepishly muttered a "Uhh, thanks again" before quickly scurrying over and hiding behind the much more well known Regalia. From there, the feline would take a few potshots at the badly hurt pack of angry fire doggos, trying to take them out so that the group would have to deal with less threats at the same time.
Free Action: Huggle Overclock at Daybreak!
Passive: 7HP Healed!
Action 1, 2, 3: One Buster Shot at each of the 10hp spikeys.
Action 4: Dodge!
last edited by Frelia
GigaMan was face to face with a large fire breathing dog of a virus. He could feel the power seeping from AlphaSpikey’s body. “You would have obeyed me in my past life.” He said with a grunt, “Your kind may yet obey me once again in the future... however this is the end of the road for you.”
The navi’s words were mighty tough, seeing as there wasn’t anything in his folder or arsenal that could put the big dog down for good. He could atleast injure it, and snapped into action once Julius selected the second level equivalent of their go to chip.
“TwinFang2, slot in and download!” He was hitting his stride and feelong the excitement of virus busting to the fullest.
GigaMan fired off a large golden fang like projectile nearly point blank at the AlphaSpikey’s face. A second fang was launched far off. This one sped through the net sky, until finally starting to dip at a slant and head straight for the Shredder to the back of the board.
Then, wether due to luck or skill GigaMan continued his evasive movements, hoping to once again remain unharmed. He dodged to the left first, then hopped even further thinking it would keep him safe from the sure to be angry MetaVirus’s rage. Only once he stopped did he see NightShade attempting to be all cuddly with Daybreak. “What the hell is this house cat doing?”
Passive: [High Focus] - [Passive Take Aim] at TwinFang2.
-Buff: +10 Dmg to TwinFang2-
TwinFang2Damage: 100 x 2 targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Launches two fangs. Hits cannot be stacked on one opponent.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 x 2 targets (Acc: A) Acc: A -> ? With Take Aim, first fang +10 dmg with buff. Fang1 at AlphaSpikeyA, Fang2 at Shredder.
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
The navi’s words were mighty tough, seeing as there wasn’t anything in his folder or arsenal that could put the big dog down for good. He could atleast injure it, and snapped into action once Julius selected the second level equivalent of their go to chip.
“TwinFang2, slot in and download!” He was hitting his stride and feelong the excitement of virus busting to the fullest.
GigaMan fired off a large golden fang like projectile nearly point blank at the AlphaSpikey’s face. A second fang was launched far off. This one sped through the net sky, until finally starting to dip at a slant and head straight for the Shredder to the back of the board.
Then, wether due to luck or skill GigaMan continued his evasive movements, hoping to once again remain unharmed. He dodged to the left first, then hopped even further thinking it would keep him safe from the sure to be angry MetaVirus’s rage. Only once he stopped did he see NightShade attempting to be all cuddly with Daybreak. “What the hell is this house cat doing?”
Passive: [High Focus] - [Passive Take Aim] at TwinFang2.
-Buff: +10 Dmg to TwinFang2-

Accuracy: A
Description: Launches two fangs. Hits cannot be stacked on one opponent.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: C: 100 x 2 targets (Acc: A) Acc: A -> ? With Take Aim, first fang +10 dmg with buff. Fang1 at AlphaSpikeyA, Fang2 at Shredder.
2. Dodge
3. Dodge
last edited by
The first of the next round of attacks to come out of the quartet of vunlikely comrades was the Crasher virus that Daybreak had assumed to be a dud earlier. Leaping into the air with a jolt, the summoned virus made out of hardened red shards immediately crashed onto the injured Spikey's skull, completely pulverizing it into the dirt and creating a massive shockwave that rocked the entire chessboard. As the Crasher vanished, most of the viruses were damaged in some way, though the AlphaSpikey that it landed on had its already ailing pack completely obliterated from the shockwave, save for one.
The Shredder, perfectly situated far away from the carnage, was not all too happy about its safe distance being challenged by the Crasher's attack, and spat out what it saw to be two good targets: Nightshade and Regalia. Both of them were able to avoid the attacks relatively easily, however, and the Shredder itself received a two-pronged attack from both Daybreak and GigaMan, bringing it down to critical levels. GigaMan's attack also connected with the AlphaSpikey that he was currently staring down, which howled in rage, releasing a conflagration of fire that singed his body painfully. (-20)
Nightshade, meanwhile, was content to merely smile and nod at Daybreak's rather deranged musings. As much as he thought strangely of Daybreak, he did acknowledge her assistance, as he recovered part of his wounds with her help, as well as with his own restorative energy. (+30, +7) Afterwards, he went back to where he was before, helping out as much as he could with contributing damage to the fight by sniping off the lone Spikey, which had earlier barely managed to avoid complete destruction of its pack. Too bad for it.
This seemed to be a bit of wake-up call for the last remaining AlphaSpikey, which had seen its comrades being wiped out with relative impunity by Daybreak's attack. Even then, it felt the effects of the Crasher's shockwave slowly overtaking its body, and decided to preserve itself for now. Rolling up into a burning fireball, it rapidly rolled forward towards GigaMan! Thankfully, GigaMan was able to avoid the attack, but the AlphaSpikey seemed to show no sign of abating its spin speed, and subsequently rolled out of sight into the distance.
There was then one final remaining virus on the field, the Shredder. Had it possessed any eyes, it would have seen the last move on the board, being made by a very enthusiastic Daybreak. The rook soared through the air and crushed the Shredder's already battered carapace. As it was deleted, all of the chess pieces crumbled into pieces as well, while a bright holographic projection suddenly appeared above the board, displaying a cryptic message. "2. Rf8 f12# 0-1", it read, before disappearing within a couple of seconds.
-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)
Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.
Area: All
HP: 270
Element: Null
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.
Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny A: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny B: DELETED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny A: FLED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny B: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys A: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys B: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys C: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys D: DELETED
-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 125Hp [Normal][Overclocked!]
GigaMan.Exe: 65Hp [Normal][Centre South, off the board]
Nightshade.Rx: 70Hp [Magnet][Centre South, near GigaMan]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Magnet][Breastplate Equipped: 20Hp][South-East, near White King]
-=Uniform Field=-
70% Normal
30% Magnet
-=Pieces in Play=-
All: Disintegrated
-=Battle 2, Victory!!=-
DashAttack1Damage: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 840z
HeatShotDamage: 40 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 640z, 39 BugFrags
Burner1Damage: 110 + Nova 2
Accuracy: B
Description: The area around the user spontaneously combusts, causing anything nearby to be scorched with fire.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 640z
Regalia: 640z, 39 BugFrags
All: +6 to all participants
Daybreak: +1 Nightshade
Nightshade: +1 Daybreak, +1 Regalia
Regalia: +1 Nightshade
The Shredder, perfectly situated far away from the carnage, was not all too happy about its safe distance being challenged by the Crasher's attack, and spat out what it saw to be two good targets: Nightshade and Regalia. Both of them were able to avoid the attacks relatively easily, however, and the Shredder itself received a two-pronged attack from both Daybreak and GigaMan, bringing it down to critical levels. GigaMan's attack also connected with the AlphaSpikey that he was currently staring down, which howled in rage, releasing a conflagration of fire that singed his body painfully. (-20)
Nightshade, meanwhile, was content to merely smile and nod at Daybreak's rather deranged musings. As much as he thought strangely of Daybreak, he did acknowledge her assistance, as he recovered part of his wounds with her help, as well as with his own restorative energy. (+30, +7) Afterwards, he went back to where he was before, helping out as much as he could with contributing damage to the fight by sniping off the lone Spikey, which had earlier barely managed to avoid complete destruction of its pack. Too bad for it.
This seemed to be a bit of wake-up call for the last remaining AlphaSpikey, which had seen its comrades being wiped out with relative impunity by Daybreak's attack. Even then, it felt the effects of the Crasher's shockwave slowly overtaking its body, and decided to preserve itself for now. Rolling up into a burning fireball, it rapidly rolled forward towards GigaMan! Thankfully, GigaMan was able to avoid the attack, but the AlphaSpikey seemed to show no sign of abating its spin speed, and subsequently rolled out of sight into the distance.
There was then one final remaining virus on the field, the Shredder. Had it possessed any eyes, it would have seen the last move on the board, being made by a very enthusiastic Daybreak. The rook soared through the air and crushed the Shredder's already battered carapace. As it was deleted, all of the chess pieces crumbled into pieces as well, while a bright holographic projection suddenly appeared above the board, displaying a cryptic message. "2. Rf8 f12# 0-1", it read, before disappearing within a couple of seconds.
-=Virus Conjunction=-
Shredder V1Shredder V1 (Shredder)
Shredders are a combination of Yort, Fishy, and Dharma viruses. They appear to be Yorts with 3 body pods instead of two. The pods are black with fishy-fins, and of course feature jet thrusters in the back. In the space between each of the pods is a Dharma's puck that splits and reveals a nasty ring of curved metal blades when attacking.
Area: All
HP: 270
Element: Null
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Piercing) per hit
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Launches a volley of three blades at one target in sequence. They fly out, and come straight back. They pass through any object or enemy they strike, and may strike twice or even three times at max range. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null + Slashing + Break + Rebound(5)) per hit
Secondary Attack Accuracy: E
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a spread of three blades that bounce around the field. They carom off of whatever they hit up to a max of 5 times each. The blade pucks have 1 HP, and Iron Body. This attack cannot damage Shredder viruses.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null + Impact + Slashing + Knockback)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The virus fires up its boosters, and charges the enemy. When contact is made, the blade pucks extend their blades, and spin, slicing at the target. The virus then airbrakes, leaving the target to fly a short distance ahead.
Special: This virus may summon a RockCube once each turn as a free action.
Special: OmniShoes
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack, Yo-yo1, AirHockey1, RockCube, Attack+10, Zenny.: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny A: DELETED
Knightmare V1Knightmare V1 (Knightmare)
Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.
Area: All
HP: 240
Element: Wood
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.
Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny B: DELETED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny A: FLED
AlphaSpikey V1AlphaSpikey V1 (AlphaSpikey)
AlphaSpikeys are a combination of the Spikey, Dragrin, and Armadill viruses. They appear to be larger than normal Spikeys wreathed in flame with the ability to roll up into a ball and shred along the ground as a fireball.
Area: All
HP: 310
Element: Fire
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Fire + SeriesSpread x 4 Shots
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Attacks with HeatShot, then Heat-V, then HeatSide, and finally HeatCross.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Seeking + Nova2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Roars, releasing a rage-driven blast of fire in all directions.
Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Impact + Slashing + LineAttack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Curls up into a fireball, and shreds along the ground at high speed, rolling over all who stand before it until it reaches its intended target. When it does, it uncurls into a sudden pounce attack.
Special: Improved Pack Tactics: Same as Pack Tactics, but the bonuses are doubled. Works with both Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
-- AlphaSpikey are immune to the attacks of Spikey and AlphaSpikey viruses.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Heatshot, HotBody1, IronShell1, Fire+30, Burner, Zenny B: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys A: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys B: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys C: DELETED
SpikeySpikey (Spikey)
Spikey viruses are a little faster than the average virus, allowing them to cover more ground than normal with movements and dodges. They may attack while moving, but as normal, they cannot attack while dodging without expending a second action to do so. Spikey viruses are also able to use something called 'pack tactics' when 3 or more of them are present. Simply put, the Spikey viruses attack and dodge as a wolf pack. In addition, they are treated as having a reduced power Haste and Accuracy Enhancement effect which grants them a +5% bonus to evasion and accuracy while this effect is active. The effect is passive, and only expires when their numbers drop below 3.
Area: ACDC, Kotobuki Town, Yumland, Netfrica, Hades Isle
HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Fire + Spread 1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description - Fires HeatShot
Element: Fire
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatShot, Zenny
Special: Uses pack tactics when with at least 2 other Spikeys D: DELETED
-=Navi Collective=-
DayBreak.Exe: 125Hp [Normal][Overclocked!]
GigaMan.Exe: 65Hp [Normal][Centre South, off the board]
Nightshade.Rx: 70Hp [Magnet][Centre South, near GigaMan]
Regalia.Exe: 150Hp [Magnet][Breastplate Equipped: 20Hp][South-East, near White King]
-=Uniform Field=-
70% Normal
- No effects.
30% Magnet
- Non-Elec Elementals get -30% Evasion, and 50% (+/- 25% RP) chance to fail movement off the panel.
- Only Elec Elementals can burrow.
- Wood attacks: Change terrain hit to Normal.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Seeking.
-=Pieces in Play=-
All: Disintegrated
-=Battle 2, Victory!!=-

Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 840z

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a fireball whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 640z, 39 BugFrags

Accuracy: B
Description: The area around the user spontaneously combusts, causing anything nearby to be scorched with fire.
Duration: Once
Element: Fire
Trader Rank: D Battlechip, 640z
Regalia: 640z, 39 BugFrags
All: +6 to all participants
Daybreak: +1 Nightshade
Nightshade: +1 Daybreak, +1 Regalia
Regalia: +1 Nightshade
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Nightshade dropped down on the ground panting. "A-alright. bring on the others..." He stuttered as if he was drunk, while simultaneously struggling to get back on his paws.
"Alright alright." His netop interjected. "I think this is enough Virus Busting for today. I wouldn't want you to get deleted, so how about we take a break? You can always play with Regalia again next time. "
While the little navi sincerely wanted to keep going, the whole thing drained alot of energies from him. He wobbled over to Regalia, hugging him once more. "T-Thank you for helping me. You're awesome." the little feline mumbled as he nuzzled into the old knight's chest. Then he turned over to Daybreak and waved his goodbye...hell, he heven saluted Gigaman.
With that taken care of, the small feline navi disappeared in a flash of light to get some rest.
--Nightshade: Logging out--
"Alright alright." His netop interjected. "I think this is enough Virus Busting for today. I wouldn't want you to get deleted, so how about we take a break? You can always play with Regalia again next time. "
While the little navi sincerely wanted to keep going, the whole thing drained alot of energies from him. He wobbled over to Regalia, hugging him once more. "T-Thank you for helping me. You're awesome." the little feline mumbled as he nuzzled into the old knight's chest. Then he turned over to Daybreak and waved his goodbye...hell, he heven saluted Gigaman.
With that taken care of, the small feline navi disappeared in a flash of light to get some rest.
--Nightshade: Logging out--
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Marian watched Nightshade approach Daybreak for an embrace with a growing sense of dread, wondering if Daybreak was going to take the opportunity to turn the cat boy into ash, or something that would, against all odds, be even less appropriate to allow her son to witness. "Ah, come on Dru, let me hold the PET a moment," she suggested, meaning to take the device so she could be ready to jack the vampire huntress out in a moment's notice.
To her surprise and perhaps even Daybreak's, the huntress returned the hug; with their high difference, he ended up grabbing around her upper thighs in a way that could have turned into a butt grab if he had different intentions in mind. A funny smile spread across her face as she clasped her flesh hand and her metal hand around the back of his shoulders, which were much more slender than her own. "Ah, well... Water under the bridge, my friend. Us humanoids have to stick together," she muttered awkwardly, trying to decide if she was 100% firm on the fact that Nightshade was not a vampire. That was more flattering than one might think, considering her default position was 100% firm in the other direction.
Alexandru and Marian watched in silence for a bit, waiting for something to blow up. Fifteen seconds later, feeling their gazes, Daybreak finally broke it up, withdrawing her arms and crossing them at her breastplate. "Alright, alright. I know I emit a certain sensuality that makes it hard to break up an embrace like this, but we have enemies to destroy," she insisted, as the two split apart. She'd grown a little red in spite of herself, feeling a bit childish for sharing a platonic hug for the first time in her life.
"Huh... We've got to get her more cats to hug. I prefer her that way," Marian told Alexandru, who laughed, although confusion was evident in the tone and brevity of that laugh.
With the hug break out of the way, Daybreak surveyed her handiwork. It looked like the other viruses had all been terminated or fled, and with no new damage to their group, that was as good an outcome as she could hope. Even her summoned soldier had finally managed to do some work. Especially noteworthy, in her opinion, was the smashed Shredder she'd hit with the Rook. "And that's how you play chess, hm hm hm," she gloated, knowing only enough about chess to know that it was rich in metaphors one could make during battle if one was so inclined. "One of these days I'll become a student of the game... when the vampire epidemic is contained," she resolved. "Now that we've cleared the board, we reap the reward!"
"It's a DashAttack! We've learned about those in class," Alexandru added excitedly.
"Hm, but it looks like Nightshade's a little out of it. Those bandages of yours must be cutting off the circulation to his brain, just like they do yours," Marian pointed out, throwing out a jab at her navi in the process.
"Yes, I suppose we'll call it here," Daybreak agreed. "As we part, remain vigilant. We are humanity, and there are few bastions left against the vampire menace. We blessed few, who are God's chosen, must fulfill His desire: to create a world free from the hated vampires. Go in God," she finished, calling her familiar back into her arms and stroking its surface, which calmed its growing jealousy a little. Finally, she vanished in another beam of sunlight. "Ah wait, the one called GigaMan... did I ever decide whether he was a vampire monstrosity or not?" she couldn't help thinking as she disappeared, unsure if it was time to close the book on that one or not.
((Jacking out))
To her surprise and perhaps even Daybreak's, the huntress returned the hug; with their high difference, he ended up grabbing around her upper thighs in a way that could have turned into a butt grab if he had different intentions in mind. A funny smile spread across her face as she clasped her flesh hand and her metal hand around the back of his shoulders, which were much more slender than her own. "Ah, well... Water under the bridge, my friend. Us humanoids have to stick together," she muttered awkwardly, trying to decide if she was 100% firm on the fact that Nightshade was not a vampire. That was more flattering than one might think, considering her default position was 100% firm in the other direction.
Alexandru and Marian watched in silence for a bit, waiting for something to blow up. Fifteen seconds later, feeling their gazes, Daybreak finally broke it up, withdrawing her arms and crossing them at her breastplate. "Alright, alright. I know I emit a certain sensuality that makes it hard to break up an embrace like this, but we have enemies to destroy," she insisted, as the two split apart. She'd grown a little red in spite of herself, feeling a bit childish for sharing a platonic hug for the first time in her life.
"Huh... We've got to get her more cats to hug. I prefer her that way," Marian told Alexandru, who laughed, although confusion was evident in the tone and brevity of that laugh.
With the hug break out of the way, Daybreak surveyed her handiwork. It looked like the other viruses had all been terminated or fled, and with no new damage to their group, that was as good an outcome as she could hope. Even her summoned soldier had finally managed to do some work. Especially noteworthy, in her opinion, was the smashed Shredder she'd hit with the Rook. "And that's how you play chess, hm hm hm," she gloated, knowing only enough about chess to know that it was rich in metaphors one could make during battle if one was so inclined. "One of these days I'll become a student of the game... when the vampire epidemic is contained," she resolved. "Now that we've cleared the board, we reap the reward!"
"It's a DashAttack! We've learned about those in class," Alexandru added excitedly.
"Hm, but it looks like Nightshade's a little out of it. Those bandages of yours must be cutting off the circulation to his brain, just like they do yours," Marian pointed out, throwing out a jab at her navi in the process.
"Yes, I suppose we'll call it here," Daybreak agreed. "As we part, remain vigilant. We are humanity, and there are few bastions left against the vampire menace. We blessed few, who are God's chosen, must fulfill His desire: to create a world free from the hated vampires. Go in God," she finished, calling her familiar back into her arms and stroking its surface, which calmed its growing jealousy a little. Finally, she vanished in another beam of sunlight. "Ah wait, the one called GigaMan... did I ever decide whether he was a vampire monstrosity or not?" she couldn't help thinking as she disappeared, unsure if it was time to close the book on that one or not.
((Jacking out))
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"I suppose we shall withdraw as well, then. Thomas?" Regalia turned- and then he was gone.
(Jacking out)
(Jacking out)
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GigaMan watched as the other three temporary comrades had jacked out. His thirst for deletion hadn’t quite finished up yet, but I was time for him to log off also.
“GigaMan, jack out for now, I got some stuff I need to take care of.” Julius commanded, pulling the cable, immediately returning GigaMan back to his PET.
“GigaMan, jack out for now, I got some stuff I need to take care of.” Julius commanded, pulling the cable, immediately returning GigaMan back to his PET.