From a beam of light, OpticWoman arrived at the destination, SciLab. "I'm here. I don't think SciLab detected the jack in."
"Isn't it going to be annoying keeping that button pressed whenever you want to speak?"
"Oh, no. I only have to do that when you're jacked out. When you're jacked in, I have to press the button to speak normally.
"So long as you can operate and such, whatever. ...Which way do I go first?"
"From where you are, go straight. Be mindful of viruses and worker Navis."
"That goes without saying. Navis and Progs should be a cinch to avoid, but viruses...even I can't guarantee I won't get spotted." The Navi raised a gun in her hand...or at least pretended to, as her fingers were now mimicing a gun, with her free hand steadying it. "Not that it matters. All who see me, will find that I'm the last thing they'll ever see." She moved at a brisk jog's pace, keeping an eye out for any and all danger.
(Searching for Battle #1)
Optical Non-Illusions
last edited by Rogan
With a stealthy jack-in to sci-lab's nets, the first steps of a clandestine mission were underway. The area that OpticWoman had arrived in seemed conveniently unpopulated for now – not far off the flashing lights and electronic sounds of more active network paths could be faintly heard and seen, but the immediate space was quiet by comparison – a small space between two tall structures that seemed to get increasingly convoluted and speckled with intricate machinery the higher up one looked.
As she jogged along, OpticWoman found it a simple enough ask to avoid the occasional navigator moving along the less used pathways, and it was child's play to evade the automated progs that might have noted her presence, however, before long she found herself in a small false cul-de-sac that contained several well-hidden back-end passwalls. The space seemed mostly disused and forgotten about, but cluttering the back corners of it were two piles of yellow-coloured metallic panels and a sentry turret that certainly didn't look like it was actually of SciLab design. The two piles of metal shifted as she approached and a pair of the panels stood upright, revealing tight-lipped faces etched into their front in stark, stoic lines. A warm hum began to sound from them both, accompanied by a growing light glow.
As she assessed this, a clatter from behind announced the arrival of one more virus; landing with a crackle of energy in the alleyway she'd just ventured down, and theoretically blocking off OpticWoman's retreat, a Billy virus clicked its prongs together in a more or less hostile manner. Oh well; at least she'd get a start on that bounty.
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Left side]
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Right side]
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: 60Hp [Normal][Guarding] [Centre back]
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: 80Hp [Normal] [Directly behind OpticWoman]
OpticWoman.Exe: 150Hp [Normal]
80% Normal
20% Solar
-=Battle Mode=-
- Win Condition: Defeat all viruses
- Additional Failure Condition: None
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
As she jogged along, OpticWoman found it a simple enough ask to avoid the occasional navigator moving along the less used pathways, and it was child's play to evade the automated progs that might have noted her presence, however, before long she found herself in a small false cul-de-sac that contained several well-hidden back-end passwalls. The space seemed mostly disused and forgotten about, but cluttering the back corners of it were two piles of yellow-coloured metallic panels and a sentry turret that certainly didn't look like it was actually of SciLab design. The two piles of metal shifted as she approached and a pair of the panels stood upright, revealing tight-lipped faces etched into their front in stark, stoic lines. A warm hum began to sound from them both, accompanied by a growing light glow.
As she assessed this, a clatter from behind announced the arrival of one more virus; landing with a crackle of energy in the alleyway she'd just ventured down, and theoretically blocking off OpticWoman's retreat, a Billy virus clicked its prongs together in a more or less hostile manner. Oh well; at least she'd get a start on that bounty.
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Left side]
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Right side]
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: 60Hp [Normal][Guarding] [Centre back]
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: 80Hp [Normal] [Directly behind OpticWoman]
OpticWoman.Exe: 150Hp [Normal]
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
-=Battle Mode=-
- Win Condition: Defeat all viruses
- Additional Failure Condition: None
-=Battle 1, Start!=-
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Ah, good. OpticWoman could see that her stealth wouldn't be put to the test on her first leg, as she silently proceeded ahead, avoiding anyone that could see her. At least, until she ran into some sort of weapon...but it didn't look like it quite fit in with SciLab's aesthetic. "Looks like I've run into something. This can't be what you wanted to find, is it?"
"Of course not, it's a virus."
"Well, it's just one. Which means..." As if on cue, two panels with...faces, stood up. "...That there's more nearby. Of course." But something wasn't adding up. Weren't Billy supposed to be out of control in these parts? Why weren't there...
The sound of two lightning rod arms hitting each other annoyed her, both for not noticing the virus behind her sooner, and for having her train of thought interrupted twice in rapid succession. Her first ever real battle, and she was already letting her guard down. "So, a virus in each cardinal do you propose we tackle this?"
"By evening out the numbers." The sound of two chips being inserted into a PET could be heard, as Hina did so, alongside a small bit of typing. "And you won't even need to lift a finger yet."
Sure enough, two allies appeared, in the form of an Elebee and a Dominerd2. The former seemed to already know where to go, turning around to locate the Billy, then speeding forward as it extended its stinger. The Billy may have possessed longer pointy bits, but the stinger held far more stabbing power; a lesson it would hopefully experience firsthand. The rectangular summoned virus, on the other hand, seemed more content to hang around, keeping itself between the Navi and one of the panel-looking viruses. OpticWoman seemed...less than pleased by these developments, though. "So, am I really needed right now? Seems like you've got everything under control."
"Hmph. Very well then, you know the contents of your chip folder. If you feel you can do better, have at it."
"That's...not really what I was saying, but sure." Okay, bringing up a list in her mind of her folder contents was easy enough. What to use...and who to target...hmm. One thing came to mind soon enough, and it sufficiently combined practicality and coolness for her liking. "Send over that...MaruBlaster? What a stupid name for a chip...but it'll be perfect for my next move!"
"Fine. ...It's sent."
She could feel the chip data entering her this time, but the secret agent Navi didn't unload its contents immediately. Instead, she swiftly raced over to the CannonGuard, and extended her arm. At the end, a gun...or, at least, her index and middle fingers were extended, with her thumb forming a right angle with them. But still, she didn't attack. She patiently waited for the virus to open its shutters, as it undoubtedly would be unable to resist taking a shot at the Navi mere inches from its cannon...and as soon as its defenses were opened, a jolt of electricity would fire from her extended fingers, strong enough to electrocute the virus in a single go.
Regardless of her success, once the electrical chip data was used up, OpticWoman stood there, leering over at the Grinner. Her CurseShield had never wavered, solely keeping itself pointed at a specific one. As for the other...
"Well? Aren't you going to do anything else?"
"No need right now. Why risk taking potentially heavy damage when I'm relatively safe now? Like this, I can focus on avoiding enemy attacks, and if they hit the shield virus, they're as good as deleted."
An annoyed, warped sigh could be heard. "...Fine. But do try to avoid making a habit of this."
"Consider it a special situation. Enemies like this require a more cautious touch." Of course, right now, she'd prefer no touch at all, since it would how did those things attack? ...She'd know soon enough, most likely.
[Order of Turn:
Arrow1Damage: 100 + Homing
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons an Elebee virus, and sends it flying at an enemy. The Elebee is tenacious, and will hunt down its prey. It vanishes after stinging it's target, or after two turns.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D on Billy (+10 elemental bonus)
CurseShield2Damage: (1 Hit Shield) + (Counter(210): On-Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Blocks one attack, teleports to face the attacker, and then charges the target to deliver a crushing bite attack. Break attacks will pierce the defense, but only Impact will stop the Dominerd's Counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C on OpticWoman
3-Get close to CannonGuard (Movement)
MaruBlaster1Damage: 60 + Glitch
Accuracy: B (Special)
Description: A taser shot that bugs the enemy's coding.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: If the user used a Melee or Sword chip immediately prior to MaruBlaster, this attack's accuracy is raised to A.
Trader Rank: D on CannonGuard (+10 elemental bonus)
"Of course not, it's a virus."
"Well, it's just one. Which means..." As if on cue, two panels with...faces, stood up. "...That there's more nearby. Of course." But something wasn't adding up. Weren't Billy supposed to be out of control in these parts? Why weren't there...
The sound of two lightning rod arms hitting each other annoyed her, both for not noticing the virus behind her sooner, and for having her train of thought interrupted twice in rapid succession. Her first ever real battle, and she was already letting her guard down. "So, a virus in each cardinal do you propose we tackle this?"
"By evening out the numbers." The sound of two chips being inserted into a PET could be heard, as Hina did so, alongside a small bit of typing. "And you won't even need to lift a finger yet."
Sure enough, two allies appeared, in the form of an Elebee and a Dominerd2. The former seemed to already know where to go, turning around to locate the Billy, then speeding forward as it extended its stinger. The Billy may have possessed longer pointy bits, but the stinger held far more stabbing power; a lesson it would hopefully experience firsthand. The rectangular summoned virus, on the other hand, seemed more content to hang around, keeping itself between the Navi and one of the panel-looking viruses. OpticWoman seemed...less than pleased by these developments, though. "So, am I really needed right now? Seems like you've got everything under control."
"Hmph. Very well then, you know the contents of your chip folder. If you feel you can do better, have at it."
"That's...not really what I was saying, but sure." Okay, bringing up a list in her mind of her folder contents was easy enough. What to use...and who to target...hmm. One thing came to mind soon enough, and it sufficiently combined practicality and coolness for her liking. "Send over that...MaruBlaster? What a stupid name for a chip...but it'll be perfect for my next move!"
"Fine. ...It's sent."
She could feel the chip data entering her this time, but the secret agent Navi didn't unload its contents immediately. Instead, she swiftly raced over to the CannonGuard, and extended her arm. At the end, a gun...or, at least, her index and middle fingers were extended, with her thumb forming a right angle with them. But still, she didn't attack. She patiently waited for the virus to open its shutters, as it undoubtedly would be unable to resist taking a shot at the Navi mere inches from its cannon...and as soon as its defenses were opened, a jolt of electricity would fire from her extended fingers, strong enough to electrocute the virus in a single go.
Regardless of her success, once the electrical chip data was used up, OpticWoman stood there, leering over at the Grinner. Her CurseShield had never wavered, solely keeping itself pointed at a specific one. As for the other...
"Well? Aren't you going to do anything else?"
"No need right now. Why risk taking potentially heavy damage when I'm relatively safe now? Like this, I can focus on avoiding enemy attacks, and if they hit the shield virus, they're as good as deleted."
An annoyed, warped sigh could be heard. "...Fine. But do try to avoid making a habit of this."
"Consider it a special situation. Enemies like this require a more cautious touch." Of course, right now, she'd prefer no touch at all, since it would how did those things attack? ...She'd know soon enough, most likely.
[Order of Turn:

Accuracy: B
Description: Summons an Elebee virus, and sends it flying at an enemy. The Elebee is tenacious, and will hunt down its prey. It vanishes after stinging it's target, or after two turns.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D on Billy (+10 elemental bonus)

Accuracy: A
Description: Blocks one attack, teleports to face the attacker, and then charges the target to deliver a crushing bite attack. Break attacks will pierce the defense, but only Impact will stop the Dominerd's Counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C on OpticWoman
3-Get close to CannonGuard (Movement)

Accuracy: B (Special)
Description: A taser shot that bugs the enemy's coding.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: If the user used a Melee or Sword chip immediately prior to MaruBlaster, this attack's accuracy is raised to A.
Trader Rank: D on CannonGuard (+10 elemental bonus)
last edited by Rogan
After a brief assessment, OpticWoman's operator sent her some support to assist with their viral roadblock. As the summons were forming, however, the cannon turret shuttered open and fired a quick shot at the intruder in their tiny pocket of the net. The navi herself, momentarily distracted by the sudden appearance of other allied virus-like entities, was clipped by the accurate shot.
It wasn't too much to worry about, though; more important, the Elebee got the edge over the Billy virus and stung it hard enough to remove its threat before the virus could make good on its threatening behaviour. Meanwhile, the two leering panels opened their mouths, sliding apart the heavy metal defence to reveal a more delicate, glowing mid section. A pair of heat beams launched out from them; the Dominerd protecting OpticWoman deflected one, before responding with a vicious bite that chewed the strange virus in half. OpticWoman was left to try to avoid the other on her own, but her quick dash forward to engage with the CannonGuard wasn't enough to spare her a scorching ray across the back. That one stung – the panel virus looked to be drawing extra energy from the solar panels it was hovering above.
Despite this, OpticWoman made it to a point blank position with the fixed turret, and waited until it prepared to shoot her again. Sure enough, a moment later, the shutter opened to fire another precision cannon shot, which she was able to avoid before retaliating with an electrical blast that destroyed its inner workings entirely. This left only the one Grinner, which had closed its face-plate again and continued to watch her. For her part, OpticWoman was able to take a brief moment on the nearby solar panels, drawing back some energy herself.
In the brief lull in the battle, as the Grinner clammed up and Opticwoman had a second to work out how to finish it off, a brief shimmering just to her left, at the back of the cul-de-sac, gave way to a small figure stepping out of the previously solid wall with hurried steps. The wall shimmered an returned to its normal solid-seeming appearance a moment later. The figure was dressed in a knee-length blue denim skirt, and a narrow crop top in red fabric, with the words 'Celebrating 20XX' printed in white across the bust. A blue denim short jacket with short sleeves was open on her shoulders, and as she turned to examine a list in one hand, it had a small pair of red wings picked out in red thread on the back, partially covered by a red fuzzy ornament that was suspended on a fabric strip, woven into the back of her hair. The rest of her was covered in white fur, and her visible face structure and long, soft ears gave the girl a somewhat lapin appearance - that she was barely three feet tall supported the image.
Seemingly oblivious to the battle in progress, the figure looked at her list, then resettled a wicker basket on one arm, which might be of more interest to Opticwoman; it contained more than a dozen tiny green data crystals, safely miniaturised for travel.
"Let's see... First is..." The bunny girl looked up. "Oh! That's convenient! Hi! Don't mind me. Holiday greetings and such. Here you go!" She waved with the hand holding the list then picked one of the crystals out of her basket, flicking it onto a nearby panel where it unpacked to full size. "It's all safe and not locked or trapped or anything, promise. Have fun doing whatever it is you're doing here! Can't stay to watch, I've got a lot of rounds to finish!" With a grin and a wink, she darted past Opticwoman, the data and her remaining virus, to disappear down the alleyway at a rapid sprint.
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: DELETED
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Right side]
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 110Hp [Solar]
GMD: [Ethereal][Normal][To the side]
80% Normal
20% Solar
-=Battle Mode=-
- Win Condition: Defeat all viruses
- Additional Failure Condition: None
It wasn't too much to worry about, though; more important, the Elebee got the edge over the Billy virus and stung it hard enough to remove its threat before the virus could make good on its threatening behaviour. Meanwhile, the two leering panels opened their mouths, sliding apart the heavy metal defence to reveal a more delicate, glowing mid section. A pair of heat beams launched out from them; the Dominerd protecting OpticWoman deflected one, before responding with a vicious bite that chewed the strange virus in half. OpticWoman was left to try to avoid the other on her own, but her quick dash forward to engage with the CannonGuard wasn't enough to spare her a scorching ray across the back. That one stung – the panel virus looked to be drawing extra energy from the solar panels it was hovering above.
Despite this, OpticWoman made it to a point blank position with the fixed turret, and waited until it prepared to shoot her again. Sure enough, a moment later, the shutter opened to fire another precision cannon shot, which she was able to avoid before retaliating with an electrical blast that destroyed its inner workings entirely. This left only the one Grinner, which had closed its face-plate again and continued to watch her. For her part, OpticWoman was able to take a brief moment on the nearby solar panels, drawing back some energy herself.
In the brief lull in the battle, as the Grinner clammed up and Opticwoman had a second to work out how to finish it off, a brief shimmering just to her left, at the back of the cul-de-sac, gave way to a small figure stepping out of the previously solid wall with hurried steps. The wall shimmered an returned to its normal solid-seeming appearance a moment later. The figure was dressed in a knee-length blue denim skirt, and a narrow crop top in red fabric, with the words 'Celebrating 20XX' printed in white across the bust. A blue denim short jacket with short sleeves was open on her shoulders, and as she turned to examine a list in one hand, it had a small pair of red wings picked out in red thread on the back, partially covered by a red fuzzy ornament that was suspended on a fabric strip, woven into the back of her hair. The rest of her was covered in white fur, and her visible face structure and long, soft ears gave the girl a somewhat lapin appearance - that she was barely three feet tall supported the image.
Seemingly oblivious to the battle in progress, the figure looked at her list, then resettled a wicker basket on one arm, which might be of more interest to Opticwoman; it contained more than a dozen tiny green data crystals, safely miniaturised for travel.
"Let's see... First is..." The bunny girl looked up. "Oh! That's convenient! Hi! Don't mind me. Holiday greetings and such. Here you go!" She waved with the hand holding the list then picked one of the crystals out of her basket, flicking it onto a nearby panel where it unpacked to full size. "It's all safe and not locked or trapped or anything, promise. Have fun doing whatever it is you're doing here! Can't stay to watch, I've got a lot of rounds to finish!" With a grin and a wink, she darted past Opticwoman, the data and her remaining virus, to disappear down the alleyway at a rapid sprint.
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: DELETED
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: 100Hp [Solar][IronBody] [Right side]
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 110Hp [Solar]
GMD: [Ethereal][Normal][To the side]
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
-=Battle Mode=-
- Win Condition: Defeat all viruses
- Additional Failure Condition: None
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"Tch." In the real word, Hina shook her head in disappointment. She made her Navi to be stealthy, but she took not one, but two hits that quickly? Maybe she wasn't as skilled at Navi customizing as she'd thought. "Disappointing."
"Disappointing?! This is my first ever battle, and-" OpticWoman went silent as she realized she wasn't alone with the virus. She pointed with two fingers at her immediately, though a bit confused at the fact she was now looking at some sort of rabbit. "Identify yourself!"
Instead, she reached into a basket...filled with mystery data? She flung it onto the field, though it seemed slightly less solid than it should've. By the time the secret agent Navi had looked back, the mysterious rabbit had already started to make her escape. She considered taking a shot or two...but eventually lowered her arm. "Damn, she's quick!"
"Are you insane? You just allowed a witness to escape!"
"Stay calm, she won't snitch. If she reports me to SciLab, I can easily report her for suspicious activity. And if she has half a brain, she'll realize that."
"In the meantime, send me something else that'll take out this Grinner in one shot. I'll leave the details to you."
Hina scowled at her PET screen, half-tempted to do otherwise...but doing so would be cutting her nose to spite her face. Instead, she sent over a chip. "Fine. Take this ElecPulse, and don't allow any more mistakes."
"...Understood." Though she felt the chip data enter her immediately, OpticWoman knew enough to not immediately fire. Instead, she'd run over to the other set of Solar panels, feeling a bit better once they were under foot. Then, she'd simply point at the remaining virus, and wait for it to get the bright idea to attack. Just like with the CannonGuard, once its defenses were down...bzzt! Except instead of a close range shock, she'd just shower it with powerful electromagnetic waves, strong enough to instantly erase it from the net forever.
Afterward, she'd be ready to avoid an attack if she somehow managed to miss at point blank range, and then ponder how to respond. But at that point, the bigger problem might be how her operator would respond to another failure of that level...
[Order of Turn:
1-Ensure GrinnerB is within melee range (Movement)
2-Wait for GrinnerB to drop its defense
ElecPulse2Damage: 120 + Seeking + Glitch + Cone Attack
Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of electromagnetic waves that disrupts invisibility and causes glitches.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Close range only.
Trader Rank: C on GrinnerB
"Disappointing?! This is my first ever battle, and-" OpticWoman went silent as she realized she wasn't alone with the virus. She pointed with two fingers at her immediately, though a bit confused at the fact she was now looking at some sort of rabbit. "Identify yourself!"
Instead, she reached into a basket...filled with mystery data? She flung it onto the field, though it seemed slightly less solid than it should've. By the time the secret agent Navi had looked back, the mysterious rabbit had already started to make her escape. She considered taking a shot or two...but eventually lowered her arm. "Damn, she's quick!"
"Are you insane? You just allowed a witness to escape!"
"Stay calm, she won't snitch. If she reports me to SciLab, I can easily report her for suspicious activity. And if she has half a brain, she'll realize that."
"In the meantime, send me something else that'll take out this Grinner in one shot. I'll leave the details to you."
Hina scowled at her PET screen, half-tempted to do otherwise...but doing so would be cutting her nose to spite her face. Instead, she sent over a chip. "Fine. Take this ElecPulse, and don't allow any more mistakes."
"...Understood." Though she felt the chip data enter her immediately, OpticWoman knew enough to not immediately fire. Instead, she'd run over to the other set of Solar panels, feeling a bit better once they were under foot. Then, she'd simply point at the remaining virus, and wait for it to get the bright idea to attack. Just like with the CannonGuard, once its defenses were down...bzzt! Except instead of a close range shock, she'd just shower it with powerful electromagnetic waves, strong enough to instantly erase it from the net forever.
Afterward, she'd be ready to avoid an attack if she somehow managed to miss at point blank range, and then ponder how to respond. But at that point, the bigger problem might be how her operator would respond to another failure of that level...
[Order of Turn:
1-Ensure GrinnerB is within melee range (Movement)
2-Wait for GrinnerB to drop its defense

Accuracy: C
Description: Blast up to 4 enemies with a cone of electromagnetic waves that disrupts invisibility and causes glitches.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Close range only.
Trader Rank: C on GrinnerB
last edited by Kemix1006
Moving into place as the Grinner watched her, getting into Melee range of the virus, it quickly began to open be blasted to absolute nothingness...zenny and Bugfrags scattered about, OpticWoman could begin to open up the GMD laid down by the woman amidst her battle if she wished before heading off.
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: DELETED
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: DED
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 120Hp [Solar]
GMD: [Ethereal][Normal][To the side]
80% Normal
20% Solar
Battle 1 Victory!
900z, 12 Bugfrags
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge A: DELETED
GrinnerGrinner (Grinner)
The Grinner virus possesses a body consisting of only one large solar panel, coated in colored metal with a design like a stoic, robotic face. The color of its body varies according to its strength. (yellow/orange/red/purple/blue/green/black). The virus attacks by opening its "mouth" to reveal its panel, then firing a beam of refracted light towards its enemies. When other solar panels are nearby, its attack will magnify additional light and become even more powerful. The Grinner moves very slowly, but is entirely invulnerable to attacks while its mouth is closed. It has been described jokingly as "the energy efficient Dominerd" due to the similarities between the viruses. The virus itself is electric, but its beam burns like fire, so wood navis need be wary.
Area: NAXA, Electown, SciLab
HP: 100
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire Shot + Piercing + Solar Terrain Boost 10 + Self-Cancel Body Effects
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Fires a scorching beam of refracted, magnified light. The beam deals extra damage when fired by a Grinner floating over solar terrain. When using this attack, the Grinner voids all protection granted by its metallic body and remains vulnerable until it closes its mouth again.
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 1 turn self IronBody
Secondary Attack Accuracy: S
Secondary Attack Description: Protects self using its metallic "face" encasing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): SolarShield1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes, cannot dodge B: DED
CannonGuardCannonGuard (CannonGuard)
CannonGuards are automatically in guard mode unless they are attacking. When guarding, the turret is protected by a shutter that will stop any and all non-breaking attacks from the front. This shutter cannot be destroyed, even by a breaking attack, so long as the virus exists. The shutter does not protect the turret portion of the virus against attacks from the back or sides. The base of the virus is also immune to non-breaking damage.
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town, Netopia, NAXA
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Lockon
Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Locks on and attacks
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MarkCannon1, Zenny
Special: Immobile.
Special: Target's evasion counts less against this virus.
Special: Can guard against attacks.: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 120Hp [Solar]
GMD: [Ethereal][Normal][To the side]
80% Normal
- No effects.
20% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
Battle 1 Victory!
900z, 12 Bugfrags
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It wasn't exactly the smoothest of battles, but OpticWoman had done it. "I suppose that was thrilling, but I think I'd prefer stealthily picking them off one by one, instead of running around, guns blazing."
"As would I, but unfortunately our means of doing so are...currently severely limited. With luck, over time we'll be able to change that. Now, as for your first have a lot of room for improvement, that's for sure. Your accuracy was quite good, actually, but when it comes to avoiding attacks, you...well, you sucked. No other way to put it. I suppose I should grade on a curve, though, since you had no prior practical experience."
"I should get better at that over time. And, I must say, this visor is excellent for locking on and targeting enemies."
"Good, I actually spent quite a bit of time programming some custom routines into it. If they prove useful, then it wasn't a waste of time."
"Now, as for the spoils..." With one more finger point, the remaining data was decoded and transferred over to the PET. "No chip data, just money and BugFrags. But perhaps more importantly..." She walked over to the translucent green crystal, and got down on one knee to take a better look at it. "What, exactly, should we do about this?"
"Do YOU trust a random rabbit creature allegedly leaving uncorrupted mystery data?"
"Of course not. all outward appearances, it's a genuine Mystery Data. What's the worst that could happen, even if she gave us a trapped one for a prank?"
"...IF it's a geniune mystery data, that would be true. But if it's not? What if it's a virus that sends data on our activites?"
"You're the one that's proud about your untracable tech. If this managed to track that data, isn't that somewhat on you?"
"...You're not exactly wrong, but...hmph. Whatever. Go ahead, if you want. Should a problem arise, we'll take care of it then."
"Like I said, I don't see much of a downside here. Should something bad happen, I take full responsibility." With that, OpticWoman poked the data, and began the decoding process.
(Opening GMD)
"As would I, but unfortunately our means of doing so are...currently severely limited. With luck, over time we'll be able to change that. Now, as for your first have a lot of room for improvement, that's for sure. Your accuracy was quite good, actually, but when it comes to avoiding attacks, you...well, you sucked. No other way to put it. I suppose I should grade on a curve, though, since you had no prior practical experience."
"I should get better at that over time. And, I must say, this visor is excellent for locking on and targeting enemies."
"Good, I actually spent quite a bit of time programming some custom routines into it. If they prove useful, then it wasn't a waste of time."
"Now, as for the spoils..." With one more finger point, the remaining data was decoded and transferred over to the PET. "No chip data, just money and BugFrags. But perhaps more importantly..." She walked over to the translucent green crystal, and got down on one knee to take a better look at it. "What, exactly, should we do about this?"
"Do YOU trust a random rabbit creature allegedly leaving uncorrupted mystery data?"
"Of course not. all outward appearances, it's a genuine Mystery Data. What's the worst that could happen, even if she gave us a trapped one for a prank?"
"...IF it's a geniune mystery data, that would be true. But if it's not? What if it's a virus that sends data on our activites?"
"You're the one that's proud about your untracable tech. If this managed to track that data, isn't that somewhat on you?"
"...You're not exactly wrong, but...hmph. Whatever. Go ahead, if you want. Should a problem arise, we'll take care of it then."
"Like I said, I don't see much of a downside here. Should something bad happen, I take full responsibility." With that, OpticWoman poked the data, and began the decoding process.
(Opening GMD)
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Upon closer inspection, and with no more viruses present in the near vicinity, the data crystal's ethereal veil faded away. With a single tap, the crystal responded and decoded itself, unpacking into a mass of energy that resolved further into a small bundle of arrows, before collapsing into chip data that OpticWoman could claim.
RollArrow1Damage: 40 + Chip Break
Accuracy: B
Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D

Accuracy: B
Description: Launches an arrow tipped with a pink heart. If a virus is hit, they lose the ability to attack once. If a Navi is hit, they lose their first selected chip for that turn.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
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Much to OpticWoman's surprise, the decoding process took no effort on her part beyond the tap, though as it proceeded, she gave it a more and more puzzled look. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but that isn't typical of mystery data, is it?"
"No. No it is not."
"Well, at least we know it's chip data. Checking the ID...RollArrow. ...So it's an arrow that rolls?"
"BattleChips aren't exactly my forte, but it sounds like it. Send it over, and I'll check the defaults." A few moments later, some new chip data entered the PET. "Checking them now...well that's weird. The chip image appears to be some girl Navi with a bow for an arm. The actual attack has you gain that bow, and shooting an arrow with a heart shaped head."
"So it's not like Arrow, where I get a giant wasp to sting things to death. I basically become Ye Olde Secret Agent?"
"A bit. For what it's worth, the attack does disrupt selected enemy chip data."
"This is 20XX, what kind of moron just shoots a bow in the internet?"
"To be fair, that's just the default. After it's interacted with your systems, who knows how it'll manifest?"
"That's...marginally comforting. But who EVER thought that was a good idea to begin with? ...Don't answer, it's rhetorical."
"Then I'll just inform you how to proceed. Keep going straight for a while. The center of that wall should be able to be passed through."
"Should?" The secret agent Navi drew near the wall, picked up a nearby piece of debris data, and threw it at the wall. It went through without issue, answering that particular question. She nodded, and went through it to the other side, where thankfully there weren't any viruses for a potential ambush. "Odd that they'd take the false wall approach, instead of something like a password."
"In my experience, that means they're trying to not make it look too hush-hush. If you can go through without any effort, clearly it isn't hiding anything major. Of course, if my intel is right, that's far from the case here."
"Still seems odd for the likes of SciLab to rely on something so...crude. Ah well, it makes our job that much easier, since we're not fooled."
"Indeed. Now, keep going. It's even more important now to not get yourself caught."
"Noted." And so, OpticWoman raced forward, towards the goal of...well, she didn't know what the goal was yet. But she'd find out soon enough, she figured.
"Oh, and by the way...I doubt I need to say it, but let's not have a repeat of those lead feet, shall we?"
"...No, that's definitely not happening again." She kinda wanted to say something else, but that was probably a bad idea right now, with the increasing danger and said operator being the source of her chips.
(Searching for Battle #2)
"No. No it is not."
"Well, at least we know it's chip data. Checking the ID...RollArrow. ...So it's an arrow that rolls?"
"BattleChips aren't exactly my forte, but it sounds like it. Send it over, and I'll check the defaults." A few moments later, some new chip data entered the PET. "Checking them now...well that's weird. The chip image appears to be some girl Navi with a bow for an arm. The actual attack has you gain that bow, and shooting an arrow with a heart shaped head."
"So it's not like Arrow, where I get a giant wasp to sting things to death. I basically become Ye Olde Secret Agent?"
"A bit. For what it's worth, the attack does disrupt selected enemy chip data."
"This is 20XX, what kind of moron just shoots a bow in the internet?"
"To be fair, that's just the default. After it's interacted with your systems, who knows how it'll manifest?"
"That's...marginally comforting. But who EVER thought that was a good idea to begin with? ...Don't answer, it's rhetorical."
"Then I'll just inform you how to proceed. Keep going straight for a while. The center of that wall should be able to be passed through."
"Should?" The secret agent Navi drew near the wall, picked up a nearby piece of debris data, and threw it at the wall. It went through without issue, answering that particular question. She nodded, and went through it to the other side, where thankfully there weren't any viruses for a potential ambush. "Odd that they'd take the false wall approach, instead of something like a password."
"In my experience, that means they're trying to not make it look too hush-hush. If you can go through without any effort, clearly it isn't hiding anything major. Of course, if my intel is right, that's far from the case here."
"Still seems odd for the likes of SciLab to rely on something so...crude. Ah well, it makes our job that much easier, since we're not fooled."
"Indeed. Now, keep going. It's even more important now to not get yourself caught."
"Noted." And so, OpticWoman raced forward, towards the goal of...well, she didn't know what the goal was yet. But she'd find out soon enough, she figured.
"Oh, and by the way...I doubt I need to say it, but let's not have a repeat of those lead feet, shall we?"
"...No, that's definitely not happening again." She kinda wanted to say something else, but that was probably a bad idea right now, with the increasing danger and said operator being the source of her chips.
(Searching for Battle #2)
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OpticWoman's dash into the hidden passageway went unimpeded for a short while; a few twists and turns later, however, the sounds of something else gave the infiltrating navi reason to pause as she was approaching a more-or-less blind t-junction on her path. The main way continued ahead, the centre of the path a reinforced metal strip lined either side with softly glowing solar. The immediate surrounds weren't entirely walled in, but they didn't offer a massive amount of room, and what there was that wasn't part of the central path seemed to have acquired a certain amount of clutter. The junction was easier to see that it would have been, due to the clear space through the other cluttered junk that led to it.
A clanking sound was followed by a metal ventilation grate slamming to the ground in the middle of the small area, followed by a billy virus; it was hard to tell immediately whether it had punched down deliberately, or whether it had just fallen from the grate giving out. Either way, it picked itself up quickly and tried to play it off with some particularly aggressive body language. The noise seemed to attract other sounds, however; a pair of ratty scuttled out of the debris to OpticWoman's left, close together as they picked through the junk to get a look at the situation. Meanwhile, just peeking out of the entrance to the t-junction turn off, she could also spot two pairs of metal loop ears, faintly sparking every now and then; a pair of bunny seemed curious about the disturbance.
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. A: 60Hp [Normal] [A little forward and left of OpticWoman]
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. B: 60Hp [Normal] [A little forward and left of OpticWoman]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: 50Hp [Normal] [Peeking out of the right corridor]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: 50Hp [Normal] [Peeking out of the right corridor]
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: 80Hp [Metal] [In the Junction]
OpticWoman.Exe: 120Hp [Metal]
40% Metal
20% Solar
40% Normal
-=Battle Mode=-
- Defeat all viruses for victory.
-=Battle 2, Start!=-
A clanking sound was followed by a metal ventilation grate slamming to the ground in the middle of the small area, followed by a billy virus; it was hard to tell immediately whether it had punched down deliberately, or whether it had just fallen from the grate giving out. Either way, it picked itself up quickly and tried to play it off with some particularly aggressive body language. The noise seemed to attract other sounds, however; a pair of ratty scuttled out of the debris to OpticWoman's left, close together as they picked through the junk to get a look at the situation. Meanwhile, just peeking out of the entrance to the t-junction turn off, she could also spot two pairs of metal loop ears, faintly sparking every now and then; a pair of bunny seemed curious about the disturbance.
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. A: 60Hp [Normal] [A little forward and left of OpticWoman]
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. B: 60Hp [Normal] [A little forward and left of OpticWoman]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: 50Hp [Normal] [Peeking out of the right corridor]
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: 50Hp [Normal] [Peeking out of the right corridor]
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: 80Hp [Metal] [In the Junction]
OpticWoman.Exe: 120Hp [Metal]
40% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
20% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
40% Normal
- No effects.
-=Battle Mode=-
- Defeat all viruses for victory.
-=Battle 2, Start!=-
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As she kept moving, OpticWoman couldn't help but notice the increasing amount of junk on the sides of the path as she proceeded. If nothing else, it made it pretty clear that she was entering seldom used territory.
"Stop for a moment."
Despite the suddenness of the order, the secret agent Navi came to a screeching, yet quiet, halt. "Hmm? Dis we miss an exit?"
"No, I just want you to quickly scan the clutter. See if there's any remnants that may be useful."
"I suppose SciLab isn't above throwing out things a civilian might be able to use...all right. Scanning now." OpticWoman's visor went fully opaque as she looked over the various garbage...for a moment. It quickly went back to normal as she noticed something moving to her left. She immediately pointed at it, ready to fire if needed, only to shift her focus straight ahead as a virus fell from above. "Incoming viruses! I can't risk being vulnerable long enough to scan until they're gone."
"True enough. And where there's one, there's bound to be others, so watch it."
As if on cue, a couple of Ratty appeared where she'd seen earlier movement, and she could make out what were clearly some Bunny ears at the edge of a wall. "I'm not short on company, it seems. What say we have them join the rest of the garbage?"
"I already have a plan on how to approach this. We'll start with this."
"Mind saying what the chip or chips are beforehand? Even a brief moment before helps me out."
"...Oh. Fine. I'm sending...Synapse first. After that, you'll be receiving a ThunderBeam." As soon as she finished saying ThunderBeam, Hina immediately inserted the other chip.
"See, that's very helpful. Thank you." Based on that order, it was pretty clear what she needed to hit with what. OpticWoman readied her not-quite-a-gun hand, aiming it straight ahead at the Billy before her. As she readied the chip data, she could feel her mind focusing, then felt a jolt move from her brain to her arm. Shortly afterward, her fingers sparked, and fired off a wave of electricity. If and when it hit the Billy, it'd use its body to quickly alter its direction, and fire itself at the semi-hidden Bunny, and the process would repeat with it to hit its partner in fighting.
"Good, you understood. Here's the other chip."
The electrical Navi widened her hand positioning, such that she was using an additional finger to mimic a gun. She aimed sideways, which would have been bad form for a real gun, but for something like a ThunderBeam chip, it'd actually be easier to aim this way. Soon enough, a bolt of lightning shot out from each of the three fingers. Two were shot out at each mouse-based virus, with the third veering off towards where the Billy had been. Even if it was still there, it wouldn't get away that easily.
"...Hmm. Perhaps we shouldn't press the offensive."
"Why not? Unlike that last fight, none of these can block my attacks."
"More haste, less speed. I think we can afford to be cautious here. But, if you insist on an extra attack, I think I have just the thing. Here, have CurseShield."
A Dominerd2 formed in front of OpticWoman, who shook her head, but wasn't exactly displeased to have protection with sharp, pointy fangs. The next thing that tried to hit her, was in all likelihood dead. Figuring the chip selection and lack of further instruction for clues that she wasn't going to get anything else, she readied herself for evasive action, just in case she had had horrible aim. ...Nope, nothing but silence. She was on her own for a few moments, until they could properly reassess the situation.
[Order of Turn:
Synapse1Damage: 80 + Piercing + Chain 2
Accuracy: B
Description: Produces a powerful ray through sheer force of thought, which arcs towards nearby enemies when it hits a target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Trader Rank: D on Billy, BunnyA, and BunnyB (+5 same element bonus)
ThunderBeam1Damage: 60 + Seeking x 3 Targets
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D on RattyA, RattyB, and Billy (+5 same element bonus)
CurseShield2Damage: (1 Hit Shield) + (Counter(210): On-Hit)
Accuracy: A
Description: Blocks one attack, teleports to face the attacker, and then charges the target to deliver a crushing bite attack. Break attacks will pierce the defense, but only Impact will stop the Dominerd's Counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C on OpticWoman
"Stop for a moment."
Despite the suddenness of the order, the secret agent Navi came to a screeching, yet quiet, halt. "Hmm? Dis we miss an exit?"
"No, I just want you to quickly scan the clutter. See if there's any remnants that may be useful."
"I suppose SciLab isn't above throwing out things a civilian might be able to use...all right. Scanning now." OpticWoman's visor went fully opaque as she looked over the various garbage...for a moment. It quickly went back to normal as she noticed something moving to her left. She immediately pointed at it, ready to fire if needed, only to shift her focus straight ahead as a virus fell from above. "Incoming viruses! I can't risk being vulnerable long enough to scan until they're gone."
"True enough. And where there's one, there's bound to be others, so watch it."
As if on cue, a couple of Ratty appeared where she'd seen earlier movement, and she could make out what were clearly some Bunny ears at the edge of a wall. "I'm not short on company, it seems. What say we have them join the rest of the garbage?"
"I already have a plan on how to approach this. We'll start with this."
"Mind saying what the chip or chips are beforehand? Even a brief moment before helps me out."
"...Oh. Fine. I'm sending...Synapse first. After that, you'll be receiving a ThunderBeam." As soon as she finished saying ThunderBeam, Hina immediately inserted the other chip.
"See, that's very helpful. Thank you." Based on that order, it was pretty clear what she needed to hit with what. OpticWoman readied her not-quite-a-gun hand, aiming it straight ahead at the Billy before her. As she readied the chip data, she could feel her mind focusing, then felt a jolt move from her brain to her arm. Shortly afterward, her fingers sparked, and fired off a wave of electricity. If and when it hit the Billy, it'd use its body to quickly alter its direction, and fire itself at the semi-hidden Bunny, and the process would repeat with it to hit its partner in fighting.
"Good, you understood. Here's the other chip."
The electrical Navi widened her hand positioning, such that she was using an additional finger to mimic a gun. She aimed sideways, which would have been bad form for a real gun, but for something like a ThunderBeam chip, it'd actually be easier to aim this way. Soon enough, a bolt of lightning shot out from each of the three fingers. Two were shot out at each mouse-based virus, with the third veering off towards where the Billy had been. Even if it was still there, it wouldn't get away that easily.
"...Hmm. Perhaps we shouldn't press the offensive."
"Why not? Unlike that last fight, none of these can block my attacks."
"More haste, less speed. I think we can afford to be cautious here. But, if you insist on an extra attack, I think I have just the thing. Here, have CurseShield."
A Dominerd2 formed in front of OpticWoman, who shook her head, but wasn't exactly displeased to have protection with sharp, pointy fangs. The next thing that tried to hit her, was in all likelihood dead. Figuring the chip selection and lack of further instruction for clues that she wasn't going to get anything else, she readied herself for evasive action, just in case she had had horrible aim. ...Nope, nothing but silence. She was on her own for a few moments, until they could properly reassess the situation.
[Order of Turn:

Accuracy: B
Description: Produces a powerful ray through sheer force of thought, which arcs towards nearby enemies when it hits a target.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Trader Rank: D on Billy, BunnyA, and BunnyB (+5 same element bonus)

Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots three beams of electricity at three different enemies. Pierces Invis.
Duration: Once
Element: Elec
Trader Rank: D on RattyA, RattyB, and Billy (+5 same element bonus)

Accuracy: A
Description: Blocks one attack, teleports to face the attacker, and then charges the target to deliver a crushing bite attack. Break attacks will pierce the defense, but only Impact will stop the Dominerd's Counter.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: C on OpticWoman
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While OpticWoman assessed and had a quick exchange with her operator, the Billy virus ahead of her thought it saw its moment. It fired off a tracking bolt of electricity just as the infiltrating due confirmed their plan, and managed to wing Optic woman with it, an uncomfortable electric crackled arcing through her to the ground. Its victory was short-lived, however, as the keen-sighted navi made an attack of her own, swiftly obliterating the impudent virus. The bolt arced just as she'd planned, jolting each bunny in turn before either could do so much as squeak in shock.
From the scattered piles of junk, the two rats did squeak in unison, before launching erratic, zig-zagging ground missiles towards the intruder. One peeled away to the side and struck a different garbage pile as OpticWoman shifted to her next chip, the other seemed to be on target, even as her second electric spread found and eliminated both rats; at the last moment, however, she was able to get her friendly Dominerd shield in between herself and the explosive. The Dominerd weathered the blow for her, then rushed forward to take a bite out of something. It didn't find any viruses left, however, and took a vindictive bite of the junk data before disappearing.
In moment,s the scuffle was complete – it had almost taken longer for Opticwoman and her operator to discuss their tactic than the battle itself. There was ample time now to scan the surrounding junk data, however. Some of it was sure to have value to someone, though the only element of usable chip data that remained came from the rat-missile that had missed OpticWoman initially... it was debatable whether it didn't simply belong in the refuse pile she found it in.
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. A: DELETED
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. B: DELETED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: DELETED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 90Hp [Metal]
40% Metal
20% Solar
40% Normal
-=Battle 2, Victory!=-
Spoils: 1100z, 15 BugFrags,
Ratton1Damage: 40 + Blast1 + Ground Attack + Homing
Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a rat shaped homing bomb scurrying after an enemy. Will attack again on the following turn if it misses once.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Can be intercepted and destroyed by a break attack.
Trader Rank: D, Billy Bounty +1
From the scattered piles of junk, the two rats did squeak in unison, before launching erratic, zig-zagging ground missiles towards the intruder. One peeled away to the side and struck a different garbage pile as OpticWoman shifted to her next chip, the other seemed to be on target, even as her second electric spread found and eliminated both rats; at the last moment, however, she was able to get her friendly Dominerd shield in between herself and the explosive. The Dominerd weathered the blow for her, then rushed forward to take a bite out of something. It didn't find any viruses left, however, and took a vindictive bite of the junk data before disappearing.
In moment,s the scuffle was complete – it had almost taken longer for Opticwoman and her operator to discuss their tactic than the battle itself. There was ample time now to scan the surrounding junk data, however. Some of it was sure to have value to someone, though the only element of usable chip data that remained came from the rat-missile that had missed OpticWoman initially... it was debatable whether it didn't simply belong in the refuse pile she found it in.
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. A: DELETED
RattyRatty (Ratty)
Area: SciLab, Kotobuki Town
HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Blast1 + Homing + Ground Attack
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Fires a ratton missile that scurries in a tricky pattern toward an opponent.
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Ratton1, Zenny
Special: Gains one free dodge at 30 health, but this only activates if the virus remains alive at this value. Missile has object properties, as an object equal to the damage dealt: if a missile is fired and dodged, it will remain active at 30 HP and attack the opponent again before it is destroyed. Never comes alone, favors pack mentality. B: DELETED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. A: DELETED
BunnyBunny (Bunny)
Bunny viruses move by hopping. They are adept at jumping, and can reach higher terrain or hop onto objects with ease. They are also very good at dodging, and are treated as having Haste (+10%) for Evasion purposes only at all times. Omega Bunny has double Haste (+20%). These effects cannot be removed except by Glitch. They attack by launching a ZapRing from their ears.
Area: ACDC, SciLab, Electown, Dentech
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Stun1
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Hops around randomly before lining up a shot and firing.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ZapRing1, Zenny
Special: Slightly better dodges. B: DELETED
BillyBilly (Billy)
Billy viruses move and dodge at average rates. They attack by shooting electricity from their lightning-rod-like arms, either in the form of a homing thunderball or a pair of lightning bolts. They cannot attack while moving.
Area: SciLab, Electown, Netopia
HP: 80
Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Elec + Stun 1 + Homing
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Generates a Thunderball, and fires it at the enemy. The thunderball travels slowly, but it homes in on the target. Causes stun on contact
Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Elec + Seeking x 2 targets.
Secondary Accuracy: B
Secondary Description: Fires a lightning bolt from each lightning rod arm that pierces Invis. It cannot target the same enemy with both bolts.
Element: Elec
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Thunder1, ThunderBeam1 (Rare), Zenny: DELETED
OpticWoman.Exe: 90Hp [Metal]
40% Metal
- Cannot be Broken or Cracked except with Geddon/PanelShot, cannot be Burrowed into.
- Elec attacks: +100% Source Damage.
- 100 Damage Aqua attacks: Change terrain hit to Cracked.
- 100 Damage Fire attacks: Change terrain hit to Furnace.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Break.
20% Solar
- Elec Elementals get +5 HP/action.
- Wood attacks: +100% Source Damage, change terrain hit to Cracked.
- PanelShot: Imbue Elec + Stun1.
40% Normal
- No effects.
-=Battle 2, Victory!=-
Spoils: 1100

Accuracy: C
Description: Sends a rat shaped homing bomb scurrying after an enemy. Will attack again on the following turn if it misses once.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Can be intercepted and destroyed by a break attack.
Trader Rank: D, Billy Bounty +1