Grand Unveiling OOC!

Quote (RevivedSin)

Kobo = Micheal Jackson.

Ok, dang it. He was just smiling, bounching up and down, and didn't say anything on the way. I fixed it all now. Fer gods sake don't be like that. SOR-RY. But anyways, don't try to talk to kobo or he'll stab your heart. and, like, stab you, IN THE HEART.
Blah, School Event. Be back in... 2 hours? oo;
You shot my cyber... You goddamn shot me... this is not nice at all...
Thats what cannons do...they shot people...and if that shot doesn't kill their target if it was a human the would bleed to death slowly and painfuly....
He didn't shoot you, Braden. Okay, he did, but Volt took it, trying to make a point. He knows you're innocent.
"Oh when the weather outside is frightful....~" :lol:

Lets see em stay hidden now. >=D
Yay... time for post number two!.... I can do that right? lol
? ?

Well seeing as how you've just got shot, I feel an appropriate reaction is required....
Sorry...Why am I so horrible Whaaa I'm evil whaa i'm horrible I'm going to rott in jail!!
Well, Volt just went military commander style.
In Child.GMO.
Damn, I hope he's taken seriously. Also, I really hope my plan works...
Stringer can bind at long range, so he can help as soon as the culprit is found.
Well, it looks like there's not much else I can do until someone responds with what the intruder is doing and how our actions have affected him...

Then again, my plan may not have been the smartest idea... especially if it works... <_<
right now, I'm trying to see what kind of attack brought down those navies. Because that could very well tell what we might face.
This thread needs to be updated by someone who's privy to this storyline ><
Demon should be back to update the NetPolice soon. He posted the "be back in two hours" two hours ago.
Í think there's a cleverly disguised moral in there somewhere.
I didn't eat the pie, or drink the punch. Does this make me lucky, or do I just get knocked out by someone?
umm, I only am going to be CAUTIOUS of being affected. It's on the ground in some wierd place after all.