Signature Attack System

Good. Then my Level 1 Sigs shall remain a quick source of spammable status effects, terrain changes, and defense boosts with pitiful damage values and low relative cooldowns.
It's all about flexibility and overall balance. I think I need to stress that there's no requirement to pump past Sigs up to their new maximums when you get them. ^^;
Does that means, the damage caps rises as we buy Process Upgrades, then we can choose whether to raise the damage of the previous sig atk or not. I f we choose to raise the damage, then we should add more cooldown....hmm, double edgy...

Well, I'd say go for Growing Sig.
Less over powered. In the previous RP before (ToNE), I tried my best to utilize all of my attacks so it can be used even after the navi gets the final attack. If we have something less over-powering, I'm pretty sure that everyone would use the lower level ones also~

*skips around a flower field*
To me, this is like the .hack games system compared to the .hack//g.u. engine.

As a person, I'd take g.u. anyday, because it's all about power leveling in .hack.

Humm... I like it, mostly because the Lv. 1 sig doesn't become so horribly obsolete as soon as you leave ACDC. The King approves.
Love the new version. I'm going for option #2--the new one.
Would adding new effect count towards a raise in the cooldown when I buy a new upgrade? Such as...

60 damage...three turn cool down.

Buy upgrade.

60 damage and stun....three turn cooldown?
Depends on how much the buff increases the overall power.

A stun would add a turn of CD, definitely.
Ok then. One more question.

60 damage, three turn cooldown

But TWO upgrades.

60 damage, stun, three turn cooldown.

Would the buying of two upgrades, and not upping the power of the attack, just adding stun, add a cooldown? I bought two, so it should amke for for it, seeing as I didn't spend the first up in power.

Also, you said yourself, Demon, that it is a process upgrade correct? So why couldn't just the power be upgraded? I mean the Navi would have learned to control its power over time, and make it stronger and stuff. It should have knowledge over the power and be able to use the buff version more.

Maybe instead you should do...

After two buffs in power the cooldown goes up accordinaly. Mer?
You misunderstand, Rinku. The system gives you greater flexibility in your Sigs with each upgrade. The CoolDown system remains the same.

Quote (Demonstar)

About the Level 5 thing... During the course of RECN (the old forum), only one person managed to get a Level 5 during it's one-year run. We'll cross that bridge when we reach it.

Um... Fenix and ONE other person got level 5's... I just don't know who the other person was.
Eon never managed to get his past Registration. Thus, Fenix was the only one to reach Process Level 5.
No, I understood. I was suggesting another way. Tis all.

The system sounds ok to me.

I still have yet to vote, as I like both systems.

Quote (Demonstar)

Eon never managed to get his past Registration. Thus, Fenix was the only one to reach Process Level 5.

Oh... oops.

Anyways, I vote for the new system.

Just like 13 of the other 14 voters.
Does this result in the loss of .5 sigs?
No offence. This seems pointless.

Rather then fixing something that isn't broken (AGAIN) in such a complex way, why not just put more effect/damage limiters on sigs?

Quote (Zal)

Does this result in the loss of .5 sigs?

No, you still get .5s.
I ahve to say that I was somewhat worried about how powerful signature attacks could get with the old system, and that a navi's HP wouldn't be able to keep up with it. This new system seems to balance that better, though it may need a tad of refinement it looks to be an excellent idea overall.

Quote (theomegaman009)

No offence. This seems pointless.

Rather then fixing something that isn't broken (AGAIN) in such a complex way, why not just put more effect/damage limiters on sigs?

It's not really complex... Is it? If there's any real confusion, I'll be more than happy to clear stuff up.

It's the same system, with lower caps for the Level 3-5 Sigs. The X.5s are merged with the X.0s, so you have 3 Level 1 Attacks and 2 Level 2 Attacks instead of the mess of X.0s and X.5s we had.