
13 years ago
Name: Gramps
Age: 2
Gender: Male
Appearance: Gramps is a small, and quite chubby, Caucasian child with short blonde hair and large adorable eyes. His clothing varies but usually involves a diaper with dinosaurs of turtles on it and a poufy blue blanket. He is always in a state of the art, chrome and black baby carriage, complete with food dispensers, and television set, and a poop chute. His favorite cologne is baby powder.
Personality: Gramps likes to gurgle a lot, but most people find this habit of his endearing. He is a pleasant child with only the occasional flare up of temper, but most times he displays a winning smile. Never one to back down from a sand castle contest, Gramps has a fierce sense of loyalty to his caretaker, MediocreMan.
PET Modifications: Gramps' PET looks like a traditional model with a chrome and black color scheme. The PET is anchored to the front of Gramps' baby carriage and has the added functunality of controlling the electronic systems, effectively allowing for MediocreMan to care for the infant.

Name: MediocreMan
Gender: Male
Element: Normal
Subtype: Shadow
Appearance: MediocreMan looks like any normal netnavi in terms of build, which is to say that he is of average height, weight, and shoe size. He often gets compliments from men in black leotards and chrome colored armor and helmets because snazzy dressers think alike. Nobody has ever seen his face, and rumor has it that nobody bothered to program him one.
Personality: MediocreMan is either incredibly loyal or insane. According to records kept on file at child services, a newborn infant was found on its doorstep but immediately kidnapped by a baby carriage talking about a time traveling netnavi protecting his future operator against the ravages of poverty. Regardless, MediocreMan takes care of Gramps with unflinching resolve, but still maintains a classic uncaring attitude about anything else. And he thinks that Gramps gurgling is instruction and guidance during netbattles. So he might need a friend.
Custom Weapon: Thift Store Buster — The cheap operator's buster of choice! Looks like a regular buster that has seen better times.

Signature Attacks: (60 Points Total)

Pull Shot — MediocreMan shoots 5 bullets that compel the target to rush over to him. ((0 dmg + Pull) x 5 Hits). Shot Type. 1 TCD. (10 Points)

Glitch Nova — MediocreMan gets creative and bugs himself in an overdramatic fashion. 0 dmg + Glitch + Nova1. 1 TCD (20 Points)

Explosive Decoy —MediocreMan's decoys go out with a bang. When one of his decoys vanishes, the vengeful residual data immediately fires off in a shadowy beam that inhabits an opponent's body. The sudden influx of shadowy and fragmented data causes a short circuit in the opponents system. Trap (Decoy Vanish): Stun Opponent. Shot Type (30 Points). 1TCD

(I know that I probably did some things wrong with these attacks, but the rules are very elaborate here. In particular, I wasn't sure what the rules for nondamaging attacks were in terms of Sig Points, as well as what triggers for counters are acceptable. Also, I don't know if you will appreciate what I thought was a clever exploitation of Nova's effect or if I misunderstood the phrasing. Finally, I need clarification regarding the Shadow Subtype: Does the passive effect extend to the Ability or strictly limited to "Illusion" status?)
13 years ago
Hm, a rather... interesting registration, interesting in a good way. Good thing we like creativity! It may be a bit strange trying to explain every day occurances and real world encounters for a toddler in a robo-crib, but it looks like you'd be able to manage. Just a couple questions though:

1. How did MediocreMan and Gramps meet? How does a Navi have a "doorstep?"

2. Who maintains Gramp's carriage? (loads more food, empties waste containers, basic maintenance, etc)

For ease of explanation, I'll go through your sigs individually:

- Pull Shot: Pull effects do not require damage, so you can just pay for the effect (10 points) However, this only affects a single hit. If you wanted all 5 of these non-damaging bullets to cause the pull effect, you'd have to essentially pay for the Pull effect 5 times (because right now you'd be paying only 10 points for an attack with a very high chance of hitting, since you'd only need 1 of those 4 to hit to achieve the desired effect

- Glitch Nova: Nova effects are centered on the user, but do not effect the user. If you wanted to glitch everything within MediocreMan's immediate area, but leave him unaffected, use Nova. If you want him to get glitched as well, use Blast instead. ex: (Glitch Blast1 [centered on self] + 1TCD)

- Explosive Decoy: hm... I don't think anyone has tried to "imbue" a trap on a free-action decoy before. I'll have to talk with the other staff members to get their view on it to see if that'll fly or not. If you do get the "okay," just be aware that whatever destroys the decoy is the one that's targeted by the stun, unless you specify otherwise (whatever is closest to the decoy upon trap activation, etc). We can't let you just pick any target you want; a trap should function the same way every time.

Also, please choose one of the following NaviCust Programs (to go with your Undershirt): HP+50, Shield, Set Sand, Set Lava, Set Ice, Set Sea, Set Grass, Set Solar, Set Glass, or ResetStage.

If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel free to ask! Come on over to the chat to ask us one on one, and to get to know the other members.
13 years ago
Okay here are the edits...

Explosive Decoy — MediocreMan's decoys go out with a bang. When one of his decoys vanishes, the vengeful residual data immediately fires off in a shadowy beam that inhabits an opponent's body. The sudden influx of shadowy and fragmented data causes a short circuit in the nearest stun-able opponents system. Time Delay (Decoy Vanish): Stun. Shot Type. 1 TCD (30 Points)

Deadly Decoy - MediocreMan imbues a decoy with shadow energy. When the decoy vanishes, a surge of shadows will strike down the nearest opponent. Damage Delay (Decoy Vanish): 10 + 10 Life Drain. Shot Type. 1 TCD (30 Points)

These are probably still not right, but the idea is I'm trying to set it up so that when a decoy vanishes, the decoy penalizes an opponent. There is a megachip in mmbn that does something similar, but its an obstacle that can't move. If you know how I should do this let me know. The 2 issues here are: 1 Can i use the Decoy Vanish as a trigger? and 2 Can the attacks come from the decoys? Of course, MediocreMan would still need to use an action to setup the attack. So yeah...

Quote ()

1. How did MediocreMan and Gramps meet? How does a Navi have a "doorstep?"

2. Who maintains Gramp's carriage? (loads more food, empties waste containers, basic maintenance, etc)

1. I can't say without going to the future, but i assume that Gramps programmed him. Also, the antecedent of "its" is child services.

2. Oh its totally self-supported. Tech works that way in the future.

Also, I'll take the Shield NCP.

I have experience RPing, but I really only like doing it in battles. In a battle post I could probably show a better idea of what i want to do.
13 years ago
Bump. Also, check my sig!
13 years ago
1. Yes, you can set the trigger to be when the "imbued" decoy is destroyed.

2. Yes, the attack itself can originate from the decoy

For Explosive Decoy, which you set up as a "Time Delay," you need to specify when the trap will be triggered, in # of turns/actions after "setting" the trap. A time delay trigger means after a certain # of turns/actions, the decoy will automatically vanish, and an enemy will be attacked. For a damage delay, the trap will only activate once the imbued decoy is attacked, regardless of when.
13 years ago
Ah okay cool. Good to know. Final edit...

Explosive Decoy — MediocreMan's decoys go out with a bang. When one of his decoys vanishes, the vengeful residual data immediately fires off in a shadowy beam that inhabits an opponent's body. The sudden influx of shadowy and fragmented data causes a short circuit in the nearest stun-able opponents system. Damage Delay (Decoy Vanish): Stun. Shot Type. 1 TCD (30 Points)
13 years ago
Alright then, approved.

GET BATTLECHIP: Shotgun x1, Cannon x1, RageClaw1 x1
GET SUBCHIP: MiniEnergy x2
GET NCP: Undershirt, Shield

I saw you already created your forum signature, but you still need to list your zenny outside of the tabs. Also, just to let you know, once you start purchasing upgrades etc, please do not make those changes to your forum signature until AFTER you have gotten approval.