Public Neo-Shogun Camp.

Yasu didn't give up; she could see the crouching figure in the distance just as well as he could see her (which wasn't well enough to make out details, but well enough to know someone was there). "I'm coming over there," she warned, pausing to grab up a towel and carefully wrap it across her body. The brief distraction might be DragonierMan's only chance to escape. But would he make it through the door without being identified?

Additionally, DragonierMan noticed the door he'd come from begin to creak open ever so slightly. Could they both be in danger from an unknown foe? Or could it simply be someone else, intending to spy on Yasu while she bathed? It was impossible to tell just yet.

Last chance. DragonierMan thought as the door creaked and Yasu began to head to his corner. His mission at the moment was to figure out who the mysterious individual in the tunnel was, and hopefully remain unknown himself. And he was almost out of time. Just a bit more.

He waited for a few more seconds to pass, until the door was half-way open and Yasu was almost on top of him, then he sprung towards the door. He dashed across the bath house floor and whipped the door open with a bang. Immediately, without pause, tackling whoever it was on the other side before they could recover.
Having gathered her towel around herself, Yasu made her way towards DragonierMan with agile, urgent-seeming steps. He finally made a bolt for the hatch he'd hidden in earlier, intending to reveal their guest/peeper/mystery person. "DragonierMan...! Imbecile, what are you doing in our-?!" she barked, but she stopped as soon as she saw him dive into the floor hatch. Putting two and two together, she realized he must have been there at least a little while to know that such a hatch existed.

She walked over and stared down into the hatch, where DragonierMan had tackled down a previously unseen figure. The navi lying on the floor underneath DragonierMan was garbed from head to toe in wrapped, white cloths, making them look like some sort of walking turban. The figure was entirely undefined except for one pitch-black skinned, bare foot sticking out from the garment and the softness of the body he felt through the clump of robes. He assumed that the person must be a woman.

Yasu glared down in unmistakable fury, red-faced with rage. As a muffled voice came from beneath the cloths, she suddenly seemed to change her demeanor; her expression turned to one of awkward surprise. "Be careful! We've got no info on that adversary. Regroup on my position for the time being!" she warned, seeming lost on how to handle the situation.

Unguarded, she reached one hand down to help DragonierMan up and knelt down. He could nearly see up her towel at such an indecent angle, but getting such a look at her legs and breasts was arousing enough. Still, it might be hard to care about all of that while he still had an unknown person of interest pinned beneath him.

DragonierMan tightly gripped the unknown creature underneath him, ignoring Yasu. Then slowly attempted to slide around the form of the white-clad woman, while simultaneously pulling her with him. This should put the unidentified navi between Yasu and DragonierMan. Held firmly in his grasp and shown fully to Yasu. And keeping Yasu's potential scorn away from looking directly at DragonierMan.

"Talk." DragonierMan growled with a quick shake of his prisoner. He tried to lock her arms behind her back as he began his interrogation. She could feel his hot breath on the back of her neck and the jagged growl from between sharp canine teeth. Escape seemed improbable, but one couldn't be too sure with an unknown such as this.
Yasu looked angrier and angrier as DragonierMan continued; baring her teeth, she stopped reaching out her hand and instead grabbed the silent captive, trying to drag her away from him. "DragonierMan, yield to the orders of your senior officer! This is not a time for bravado, this is a time for caution!" she scolded him, pulling hard on the cloth.

The figure beneath the robes seemed to move its head into another gesture. Yasu, apparently understanding this simple movement, let go and stood up. "Alright, I confess; I've lied to you. That is no enemy at all. In fact, that figure is a very important guest of ours. As such, I demand that you release her immediately," she growled, glaring down at her subordinate.

Strangely, the figure inside the robes didn't seem to be trembling or nervous; their body continued its rhythmic breathing virtually unchanged as DragonierMan held her in his grasp.

Of course, Yasu was probably telling the truth; it was hard to imagine the First General covering for someone who wasn't supposed to be there. On the other hand, Dee had asked him to investigate the identity of a white-robed figure. If he simply released her now, he might lose his only lead.

"And what is the name of this guest?" DragonierMan asked as he loosened his hold a bit on the white-clad individual. Though he still held on enough that she would have a hard time breaking free. "And why all the secrecy?" he asked.
Although perhaps unintentionally, DragonierMan seemed to be testing Yasu's patience as far as it would go. Leaning in to the hole and baring her teeth, she nearly snarled at DragonierMan. "This is insubordination! You will release our guest first, then I will answer whatever questions you may have! This is your last warning!" she barked.

Something beneath the robe shifted just enough to expose the covered navi's lower face. Strands of shockingly white hair stood out from aside her angular, feminine chin; the skin there was also pitch-black, even the lips. "Do not reprimand him, Yasu. Faith in one's senior officers does not mean blind loyalty. It is understandable if you are suspicious, DragonierMan," the navi offered in a gentle, regal voice.

"Perhaps. DragonierMan, this woman is a highly valued patron of the Neo-Shogun's army. Her identity is a closely guarded secret because we cannot risk harm coming to her. I've told you all I can; now you must release her," she demanded once more, trying her best to mask her anger.

"My name is Hime. It's a pleasure to meet you. I am happy to see that our army has such powerful assets on its side," she laughed, emphasizing powerful as she briefly tugged, trying to free her arm to no avail. "If you don't mind my asking, what brings you... here?" It was hard to tell if she meant the bath or the underground shaft.

"You've told him more than he needs to know already. DragonierMan, please leave us. Exit back into the camp's public grounds," Yasu commanded, glaring at DragonierMan.

"Come now, Yasu. The subordinate deserves an apology; we caught him up in our web of secrecy, after all. I'd be happy to answer more of your questions if you'd like," the captive offered.

Yasu frowned, leaning out of the hole and staring at her feet. She didn't seem terribly enthused by the idea, but oddly, she didn't try to assert her authority over the Neo-Shogun Army's patron. Could Hime really have that much influence?

DragonierMan shifted to his knees and stood up, dragging Hime to her feet with him. Then he let go when she found her footing. "My apologies," he said with a stoic face as he straightened up, puffing out his chest a little. He hoped to look more regal and presentable, even though he wore a quite revealing uniform. "I hope you are not injured."

After a pause to assess her condition he continued. "I will answer your question first. I was summoned to this camp in order to ferret out a few ongoing mysteries that could be potential threats to the Neo-Shogunate." He paused again as his brow furrowed. Then sudden shock illuminated his features as he remembered the details of the mysteries pertaining to this bath house and the white cloaked individual. The bath house 'closure' may in fact be related to this interrupted meeting between the white-clothed Hime and Yasu... And the Shogun's 'meditation' might be used as an excuse for him to discuss the Hime situation with Yasu in private.

"Ah," he said plainly as he came back to the conversation, pounding one of his fist into his other palm. "I see that a few of those mysteries are solved now that I know of Miss Hime."

"But on to the next question," DragonierMan began as he kept his eyes on Hime. "I assume I am not entirely privy to the details of your patronage or your comings and goings, so I will ask if you have heard about the recent rash of accidents that have been plaguing this camp? The rumors suggest that a 'white-cloaked' individual is seen skittering away from each occurrence." He obviously pointed out with a wave of his hand that Hime was dressed in white and he was perhaps accusing her of somehow being involved, but couldn't be sure that it was her that was causing the problems. It was most likely that the occasional brief sightings of her by others between meetings was enough for the camp to have confused her with the true culprit.
Yasu moved back around to the bath, grumbling and releasing her towel as she sploshed back into the water. She seemed disgruntled that her influence had been undercut by Hime and furthermore she'd been dismissed from the rest of the conversation.

The patron laughed as she heard DragonierMan describe the rumors, seemingly related to her due to the mentioning of white robes. "The accidents you speak of are actually common occurrences; in a camp such as ours, it's only logical that some crates would spill or some arguments would break out. I've simply been on the scene to observe the events, record what happens, and strive to mitigate future accidents," she explained. "I assure you I'm not the source."

Even now that she was standing, it was hard for DragonierMan to believe that the figure he was talking with was really a woman. The appearance was more like a mummy than a rationally-clothed being. "Perhaps you have more to ask? First, however, I must request that you answer one of my questions. Who is the one asking you to perform these investigations?" the navi inquired, a smile curving along the exposed lower half of her face as she spoke.


Dee yawned, leaning up against Magistrate as a headrest. "Goodness gracious. Our Recruit's certainly taken his sweet time, hasn't he? Well, more importantly, I believe I heard Yasu's voice... I wonder if he's doing alright," she muttered, pressing one gloved fist to her chin. "Do you have some sort of link with him that allows you to see? If not, I feel like I ought to become invisible and go in to check on him..."

Magistrate.EXE was created with the intent purpose of overseeing all of Destin Obscura's operations. That included internal communications... and a command and control processor. Theoretically, Magistrate could assume direct control of DragonierMan. But the more accessible option was just remote guidance and surveillance. At the present moment, Magistrate was tapped into DragonierMan's audio file, and was still listening in when Dee asked her question.

{You are correct in assumption.} Magistrate began to scrawl in the air, with harmless laser-lights, so Dee could read. {He is currently receiving some of the information we need. However, we are also on our own quest. Yasu is away from the Shogun. Regardless of the purported increase in guards around the Shogun, we should attempt to learn more while she is distracted. Your invisibility would be better served spying on the Shogun.} Magistrate reiterated in an attempt to distract Dee from finding out about Hime. Knowledge was power and Magistrate was not beholden to the same ethics and honor subroutines that were currently in a state of corruption in DragonierMan. If Hime was an important patron of the Neo-Shogunate, than it would be beneficial to somehow convince her to work for Destin. Keeping the secret of Hime would give them leverage, and a relatively unknown supporter... And to finish the last third of the mission while DragonierMan was busy would also be a boon.


As Hime finished asking her question, DragonierMan nodded. It was only fair that each got to ask a question, in turn, after answering the previous one. "Unfortunately," he began with a stoic frown, "That individual requested not to be identified. So I cannot answer that question," he concluded with a smirk. "But since I cannot answer that question, it doesn't count toward your one question. Ask another."
Yasu interrupted again, spreading her arms behind her on the rocks and leering at DragonierMan. "You don't have the leverage for negotiation right now, do you, DragonierMan? Under my authority as First General, if your secret client is anyone less than our Shogun himself, I can have you condemned for treason against our lord," she smirked. "So did our Shogun tell you to do this?"

The first general fell silent as Hime coughed into her hand. "Unless you investigated the abilities of a treasonous spy and then promoted him personally to subordinate position only to immediately call him out, I think we are safe assuming that he has no ill intentions. Our empire is expanding, after all. There's any number of people inside our organization who might have wished for an answer to these questions," the cloaked figure reasoned.

Grinding her teeth, Yasu sunk deeper into the water and remained quiet.

"Alright, I understand that you can't tell me the name of the client who asked you to do this. Let's move on to something more opinion-oriented, then. What is your opinion of our first general?" she asked, seeming perfectly serious.

Yasu splashed up from the water briefly, then sank back in, remembering she was unclothed. "Forgive me for speaking out, but I don't believe that the two of us have been acquainted long enough for the Subordinate to have any meaningful opinion of me," she griped.

"But you must understand, Yasu; even the current perception is relevant. DragonierMan is the perfect example of new talent in our organization. The perception new recruits hold of their senior officers is important indeed, I'd say," she explained. "So please, DragonierMan, speak as candidly as you will. Despite the general's earlier words, the Neo-Shogun's Empire is one built on trust; as such, we should be able to set aside rank and speak."


"Oh ho! This notepad seems more useful than I originally predicted. You certainly have your master's courage," she chuckled. "Very well then. Behold the wondrous magic of the Neo-Shogun's finest sorcerer, Dee!" Laughing haughtily (and perhaps announcing their position more than she ought to?), the sorcerer enshrouded herself in a thick mist. As the mist vanished, her form did as well.

"Wish me luck, Notepad. I'll be back," she winked (invisibly), then slipped in to the room through as small a crack in the large gate as she could. Magistrate could only hope that she had enough knowledge of the inside of the building so that she could be certain she wouldn't be spotted through that simple motion.

DragonierMan coughed into his hand, clearing his throat and buying him some precious seconds to think of a good answer to the question. "As the First under My Lord, I am infused with the twin virtues: Duty and Loyalty. Duty, to the task of securing My Lord's future through strength of arms and tactical cunning. Loyalty, to My Lord above all, body and soul," he began. "First General Yasu has those traits toward Her Lord, the Shogun. There can be no higher respect given between two honorable warriors than that acknowledgment."

He coughed again, the humidity of the bath house was stifling and made it hard to breath. Beads of condensed water rolled off his form and puddled on the floor beneath him as they spoke. "She is a strong fighter and keeps herself in good shape... as we all must do in order to better serve our respective Lords whenever we are called." DragonierMan's eyes wondered over both navis while he said that, but his face did not betray any intention beyond a cursory evaluation. "So yes, to answer your question, I believe she is worthy of respect. Regardless of any other traits she may or may not possess."

He coughed a third time. "Aheh, this mist is so heavy its hard to breath sometimes. But if that answered your question, I have another to ask: You keep referring to the Neo-Shogunate as 'OUR' empire. Are you just an important patron or an actual member?"
"Hm hm. That's not a bad answer, if you want to avoid confrontation. Perhaps I'll ask again when she isn't listening in," Hime chuckled, turning her head just slightly to face Yasu. Yasu sunk deeper into the water, looking sulky.

"Remaining loyal to your own operator is surely a great priority, but be ready to act in the service of our Shogun as well. In my case, serving my operator serves the good of the Empire. I hope that your operator's goals are just as congruent," Yasu murmured, looking indifferent.

Focusing back on DragonierMan, the robed figure shifted briefly, perhaps changing the position of her arms beneath her garb. "Perhaps all of this moisture does not suit a dragon such as yourself. Would you like to step outside?" she offered. "While I'm not a member that would go in to combat, I play a role in organization, advisement, funding, and other matters. I wish I could tell you more, but it's important that I keep some degree of secrecy even now."

As she finished, the patron's shoulders seemed to jump slightly, as if startled. "Forgive me, I must attend to some urgent business. DragonierMan, perhaps you'd like to continue this conversation later? For now, I'd recommend you wait here. Why don't you join Yasu in the bath? It's really quite refreshing," she offered, heading back towards the ground hatch she'd entered from.

"What?!," Yasu griped, looking a mixture of flustered and disappointed. "Er... certainly. I'll extend you the privilege. Please do as Hime has asked," she replied, straightening her face and staring at DragonierMan with one sharp eye. Neither of them seemed to want DragonierMan following her.

If Hime got away now, he might again lose his chance to garner some critical insight. She didn't seem to have a reputation for staying in one place for very long.

Dee had vanished to go scouting, leaving Magistrate in the bushes. Currently, not many individuals knew, or cared, that Magistrate was in the camp. When Hime stated to DragonierMan that she was off on some important business, having DragonierMan follow would be tactically unsound. It would draw too much attention and would put Hime on the evasive. It was probably best if Magistrate, whom Hime had not yet met, shadowed her. A quick flash of light illuminated behind Magistrate's blank mask, shining barely more than the flicker of a candle.


Before the navi could respond to the development in front of him, DragonierMan's eyes took a picture. The momentary blinding flash of light from his eyes probably startled the girls and brought about some questions. Even DragonierMan seemed hesitant and confused for a moment. But he shook the sparkles from his eyes and the ache from his head. "Does that mean that you will return here when your business has concluded? he asked Hime.

Assuming the answer was yes, and the fact that he was sweaty and dusty, he decided to follow Hime's advice. So before anyone could respond, he began to unclasp the buckles of his armor. Within moments of the straps beginning to unwind and the plates clattering to the floor, he came to wear only his briefs. "Then I shall make myself comfortable. I am in sore need of a bath as it stands," he stated matter of factually. He walked into the water until it hung around his waist, then dove in. His head and neck emerged a moment later, matted down. His dark, blackish-gray hair splayed out, wet and wild. It framed over his ears and brow, and draped down the back of his neck like a hood and cloak, disappearing under the water. He fidgeted a moment and then brought one of his hands out of the water, carrying his man-thong. He turned and tossed the wet garment at the pile of armor at the bath's edge. "Ahhh."
"Ah... Well..." Hime muttered, watching DragonierMan remove what little clothing he had with surprise evident on her face. "Y-Yes, we'll meet again," she finished, heading back for the secret door.

Yasu watched, wide-eyed and mouth agape. "You dare photograph our secret patron and the barely-obscured, naked body of your senior officer?!" she growled, pointing out one finger in an accusatory fashion with a slight sway of her impressive bosom. "Don't think that I'm blind to what you- hrk!" she gagged, blushing and squinting her eyes as she watched his last remaining garment fly up out of the water. "O-O-Outrageous! I won't share my bath with such filth! Just knowing that that... disgusting... crass appendage is sharing the same water with me!" she gasped, pressing her back up against the rocks as if distancing herself in terror.

The first general's difficult-to-understand feelings towards men were on full display as her face's expression alternated between terror, rage, and some other emotion like a mixture of curiosity and dread. "DragonierMan! Rank is now back in effect! I command you to stay on your side of the bath!" she raged, crossing her arms across her breasts. "I don't want you or... or any part of your filthy body crossing that imaginary line! "

Yasu's eyes darted back and forth; she seemed so on-edge that she couldn't afford to sit still. Her one visible eye lit up briefly as an idea occurred to her. "Well, with Hime gone, I suppose I'd better go find a bath partner to help me scrub my back... I'll be back shortly once I've located someone suitable," she spoke quickly, making as if to stand up.

Unknowing as to where Hime would turn up after entering the tunnel, Magistrate plotted a possible route she would take from the bath house given the direction the tunnel ran... If it ran relatively straight like a tunnel. The program emerged from the bushes and began to trek along that route. Sensors were put to maximum range and sensitivity as Magistrate moved along lines of cover. It was more than likely that the tunnel led to either a storage shed or some sort of cave near the outskirts of the camp. Hopefully, Magistrate could remain unseen when Hime emerged.


DragonierMan did not react much as Yasu scooted away from him at breakneck speed. He even chuckled slightly as Yasu butted up against the rocks, red-faced. All of the generals he had met so far: Arch, Dee, Yasu, were all similar in the manner of how shocked they became upon encountering any potential sexuality-laden situation. One could assume that they had lived relatively sheltered lives up to this point. Though you wouldn't know it at first glance by the way they held themselves and how provocatively they dressed.

Yasu barked out some orders on staying away from her, terrified she was of his rampant masculine sexuality. DragonierMan suppressed a smile at her awkwardness and remained where he was, submerged to his neck and upper shoulders. He knew how to follow orders after all... But when Yasu made mention moments later about finding a 'partner' to 'scrub [her] back' DragonierMan stood up.

Water cascaded off his tanned muscular torso as the mist caressed his arms and chest. The water pooled around his waist, concealing the lower half from view. But it was probably enough to cause another shock of crimson to spread over Yasu. "No need to go looking. Your dutiful subordinate will assist you in scrubbing your back," he said as he began to advance in her direction. He paraded along the edge of the bath, scooping up the closest wash rag/sponge he could get his hands on. He made quite a show of giving it a strong squeeze in one massive paw as he drew closer. The mist parted around a wide grin.
"You pig-headed fool! What culture do you hail from that finds it acceptable for a man to wash a woman's back in full nudity?!" she inquired in shock, stopping her climb to press her back more against the rocks and lowering her body. From this distance, the mist obscured much less, so that if she didn't keep her upper body submerged she would be indecent. Furthermore, it lent DragonierMan the extra bonus of stripping his commander of her normally extraordinary height; he was able to tower over her body, which was submerged up to the shoulders.

Realizing that she'd be in even more disgrace if she tried to get up and leave now, she clenched her teeth and turned her back. "Very well, DragonierMan! If it amuses you to disobey my commands, then satiate yourself this one time. I never wish to hear you disobey me again after this," she murmured seriously, turning her scarred, tan back towards him. The nape of her neck showed, slender and elegant above the first general's tight but characteristically broad shoulders.

"You will keep your lower body a good distance away from me! If I so much as suspect that you intend to allow that... vile meat to touch me, I will sever it from your body," she spat, crossing her arms as she rose up just enough for him to see the full curve of her back, down to her hips. She stood very straight, so as not to give him an excuse to lean over her body, and kept her hands at her sides.


Magistrate learned quickly that the only possible objective point was the Shogun's chambers themselves. There didn't seem to be anywhere else one could go after heading in that direction, unless the tunnel was more long and cavernous than it had originally appeared.

DragonierMan reached out toward Yasu as she surrendered herself to a backwash. Keeping himself at arm's length, sans a few inches, he held her shoulder lightly as his other hand busied itself with the cleaning rag. "I am surprised," he suddenly lost a lot of his playfulness as some concern bled into his rumbling voice. "That you retain such scars upon your body. It would be a simple matter to heal them. His hands worked diligently away at his task as he spoke. "Why do you keep them?"


Curiouser and curiouser. Magistrate wondered how buried Hime was in her link to the Shogun, as the tunnel had apparently burrowed right under the Shogun's own chambers. Dee was probably in the best position, wherever she was currently, to learn of what would transpire. But for the moment, Magistrate would continue following the invisible path, around to the other side of the compound. The program would continue to operate on the assumption that the tunnel stretched farther into the distance.
Yasu turned her head sideways to glare at him with her one uncovered eye, then quickly returned her gaze forward. "The scars are reminders of battles I've fought for my Shogun. A lot of them are fairly recent. I have sworn to no longer use my blade for the same reason I keep my scars; my sword was destroyed in battle because of my misjudgment. Until I have increased my skills and become a worthy soldier for my Shogun, I will use my fists to remind myself how necessary it is that I calm myself and think rationally in battle," she explained at length. Slowly, she lifted her arms and grabbed a fistful of her long, wet hair, moving it over one shoulder so that DragonierMan could access more of her back. It also meant that he got a bit of a peek at her breasts, although from a limited view.

"The case of my eyepatch is another such story of failure. Perhaps I will see fit to tell you that story one day," she continued in a morose tone. It didn't sound like Yasu had a lot of experience with success in battle.


Magistrate found that to continue any further would mean mounting the fence and continuing past the camp entirely. While nothing really stopped him from doing so, the net beyond was an uninteresting muddy field.

Seeing that the world beyond the camp was desolate and uninteresting, Magistrate turned around and headed back to the front of the Shogun's dwelling. The program melded with the nearby foliage again, awaiting the white traveler to appear once more.


"Perhaps," DragonierMan concluded. He diligently continued to work on Yasu's back for a few minutes. He had a good gander at Yasu's assets earlier, so he didn't go out of his way for another view. He just went on silently. If Yasu wanted to continue with the stories, she would do it on her own time.