Shuri and Bayonet at Hera's Fortune

The pillowy bliss of Aroma's sweet-scented, well filled robe served as stark contrast to the scene on the other side of the room a few milliseconds after Shuri's dive. As it turned out, the proceedings were a little mixture of both possibilities: the mafia did have a plan and it did involve punishing Piper. PantheonMan's face continued to twist into a further menacing grin and his lips parted, revealing that sparks of electricity were now leaping out from the corners of his mouth, around his gleaming wire teeth. Lightning began to bristle in forks out from his eyes... and before Piper had time to realize that the target was not, in fact, the NP, he grabbed hold of the metallic fence that she'd wrapped her fingers around earlier.

The sound of a horrified screech and something like a giant bug zipper going off rang out simultaneously; just like that, PantheonMan created another charred crisp vaguely being the shape of a navi. It was over so quickly that there had been no time to watch the decay; just a burst of light and volume, then slideshow flicker from unpleasant smelling mafioso to even more unpleasant smelling pile of barbeque. Aroma must have seen what was coming a second early enough to make sure that the ninja's fate had not been entwined in the enemy's.

"What you just saw was a communication breakdown! Yes, we punish deserters, but that punishment is not nearly as severe as the one for a navi choosing to endanger the Techari family's secrets. If she's still alive, I will apologize for that later," he explained, smiling as his eyes and innards returned to normal. "What a sad turn of events... I can't believe she couldn't even recognize the difference between mind-control victims and free thinkers! Quite a gaff."

Before Shuri had time to ponder whether she could take on a ranked Mafioso or whether she and Aroma ought to book it, she received the answer to one of her earlier questions: Bayonet was present and alright. This became apparent as a giant, historical naval warship appeared out of nowhere and ran over PantheonMan in the blink of an eye. Unfortunately, unlike the roasted navis from earlier, he probably wouldn't be EJO'd so easily.

She didn't see or hear the others and appeared to v be focusing on the fight, from what they could tell. The brief glimpse of her half nudity and stern expression that Shuri had seen implied that she was back to normal but still dressed in her equal parts patriotic / erotic two piece.

Aroma was momentarily at a loss for words, either due to the surreal scene she'd just witnessed, the general unease of being this close to such a dangerous enemy, or the unusual site of her friend in a bikini. "Well... I guess she's fine now. I'm glad you're unharmed, too, although I still don't know your name," the NP sponsor laughed nervously, still hugging Shuri into her breasts.

Because Shuri couldn't enjoy nice things, HoundMan brought up the rear, arriving outside the cage. "I just saw Bayonet! She's rejoined the fight and I'm going to help out! Excuse me, ma'am! It looks like you're held hostage inside a cave by some suspicious character!" he interjected, only now noticing the awkward position she was in. His helmet ears perked up and his tail armor began to move like a pendulum. "Should I assist, ma'am? Or are you ready to eject and collect your reward at the kiosk?"he inquired, seeming half aware that she wasn't in any real danger. "I detect no mechanism barring a jackout!"
While she wouldn't have minded staying completely buried Aroma's bosom a bit longer, Shuri had the situational awareness to know to turn around as soon as she could, and did so just in time to see Piper get fried. That looked like it'd take some time to recover from, even for a was a good thing her ninja reflexes didn't fail her. PantheonMan then talked for a bit, but she didn't pay him much heed, since he said nothing of interest to her.

His next act, however, did catch her interest, as he was sent flying by a very large navy vessel. She wasn't an expert on non-ninja based warfare, so exactly what it was, she didn't know...but, she did get a glimpse of Bayonet on it, still in her bikini. She was actually a bit surprised she hadn't changed back to her usual outfit...maybe she was so furious she forgot? Either way, she certainly didn't mind getting another look at that...

...And since it would be too pleasant for her to remain in her current situation, HoundMan showed up, and indirectly spilling her purposes in being here. The ninja Navi really wanted to sigh, but elected to save it for when she got back, and put a bit of distance between herself and Aroma. "...She's not the enemy, so you can calm down. And I think now's a good time for me to take my leave. The mission's a success, but...well, I'm a better infiltrator than fighter." Granted, she might be selling herself a tad short as a battler, but she had no intentions of finding out what being a charred ninja was like. "I'm sure the NetPolice can wrap this up by themselves, so if you'll excuse me." And with that, she-wait, she did have one more thing to say, and so she turned to the Navi in the cage that hands down smelled the best. "And...thanks for the assists." Admittedly, it could've been much trickier to get close to the snake Navi without her, or she might've ended up barbecued. Or both. And with that, she dissolved into a purple beam of light and vanished from the Net. She never did tell her her name, but that was one thing she was perfectly fine with not saying.

((Shuri gains 16 Bayonet FXP, 8 HoundMan FXP, 1 Cabal FXP, 1 Achilles FXP, and 6 Aroma FXP))