The Shrew taming the Beast.

((Modlocked by Asator)) Not anymore.

Winter stepped out of the NetSquare Gateway, and into a place that felt like home to her. It was cold, the wind was crisp, and a blanket of snow carpeted the landscape as far as the eye could see. Speaking of which... Is there anyone nearby? Winter swept her gaze across the area, looking for signs of life, such as it was on the Net. Seeing none right off, she lowered her hood, and unclasped her cloak with a quiet smile. At least I can enjoy the cold. She stepped down off of the dais the Gateway stood upon, and began walking through the snow towards her destination after checking the coordinate data. She was quietly alert, but outwardly seemed relaxed as she proceeded. Perhaps the environment had a little hand in the small serene smile on her face.
Unfortunately for Winter, her good mood was only likely to last through the journey. The coordinates weren't terribly far, leading to an area adjacent to a gateway to Yumland Net, but they were far enough to give her ample time to enjoy the cold, snow-covered landscape.

((Mission Theme))

Once she approached the coordinates, however, the environment changed sharply. Where she had been passing over a nearly pristine snow covering before, the ground now hardened to ice that rose in jagged chunks surrounding pools of water. Beneath them, the ground had been torn away, exposing a gaping ice cavern that was now threatening to flood under the runoff from the melting snow and ice. The portal to Yumland Net was visible nearby, and currently blocked by debris.

Surrounding the upturned landscape were several viruses that had been torn apart by the intruder and now lay scattered, in pieces. Most were now completely unrecognizable, save for an IronShield that had been punched clean through and a windbox that had been spit clean in half and now lie half-submerged in a pool near the largest entrance to the cavern. More virus parts formed a trail leading inside.

The modified Ashuraid was nowhere in sight, but there was little doubt that it had been there.
Winter arrived at what looked like the scene of a disaster. She frowned at the apparent carnage that had been wrought, and came to the realization that her foe may be better off deleted than spared. Human meddling had produced a super virus, and it was all very apparent what the thing was capable of, at minimum. This virus possesses terrifying strength, obviously. She examined the area. Perhaps there is way to deal with it, if it is indeed in the cave. However... She stepped towards the closest of the viral remains. Never let it be said that there is naught to gain by study and preparation. Perhaps something here is still serviceable. A weapon or spell would be useful, but even tools could prove helpful. Faced with a prospective opponent such as this one, I'm willing to take whatever I can get. With that, she began studying the area much more closely, and also searching the viral remains for anything of use.
Most of what Winter could find was no longer of much use. The windbox, obviously, was now completely useless, and while the shield part of the IronShield was intact, the gaping hole through the middle made it less than idea for defense. While searching the less recognizable remains, however, she found some expended weapons that could still be of use, including an arrow with a star-shaped tip, a Cloudy's umbrella, and a pair of metal spikes. Not the best haul from a group of deleted viruses, especially since they couldn't be converted into proper chip data, but they were usable.

Single use StarArrow1, LilCloud, and TwinFang1 gained.
Single use: Weapons function as a standard chip, but dissolve upon jack-out or one use, whichever comes first.

A closer look at the disaster area before Winter showed distinct impact points around the worst of the upturned terrain, where they had been struck by blunt force that probably included breaking. The ground around these impact points, still consisting of panels under the now melted snow as it was, had been separated around the edges and upturned, creating the unusual formations. The cavern, in turn, had formed under the panels. While the walls and floor, from what Winter could see, showed less dramatic damage, there were still clear points of impact where something, whether it be large rocks or Ashuraid fists, had slammed into them and occasionally carried unfortunate viruses with them.

What had caused everything to melt and in some cases re-freeze was unclear.
Most Navis, if they even bothered to search as Winter had just done, would likely be irritated that the data they had just found was barely usable, and would never work as chip data no matter what they wanted. Winter was not like most Navis. She picked up the damaged viral data, and converted each bit of it into individual spell scrolls that she hung on her belted sash. She had every intention to use what she had found if she thought she needed it, rather than discard it as junk because she couldn't keep it forever. These could be handy.

Winter made mental notes of everything she had observed, and connected relevant pieces to draw new conclusions. As much as I hate to think about it, this meta-virus may have the ability to use Fire. Somehow it wouldn't surprise me if this company kept a few secrets to themselves instead of posting them on a BBS anyone could read. If it was indeed intended for use in a viral battle tournament, telling everyone everything it could do would be... counterproductive. She laughed quietly to herself, making almost no sound. Not that making super viruses in the first place classifies as productive. I wonder if they had other intended uses for this virus. Winter frowned at that thought as she looked into the cave. What have I gotten myself into. With that thought, she began her descent.
It wasn't until Winter was beneath the surface that it became clear just how much damage the modified virus had been causing in the area. Hidden by the remains of panels on the surface but clearly visible to the left once beneath them was a gaping hole that had been blown in the wall, resulting in a tunnel that had been carved into the ice and rock for some forty feet until it opened into what was hopefully an existing passage beyond. No signs of virus remains could be seen in the new tunnel. In contrast, smaller quantities of the junk data had drifted into the passage ahead of Winter, drifting on the pooled water that was now flowing over the gradually sloping cavern floor.

Down the new tunnel, the sound of running water could be faintly heard, suggesting that the cavern on the other side was experiencing similar conditions, and that the two paths might be connected.
Winter carefully stepped along the surface of the water as silently as she could, while her cold aura froze small footholds for her along the way. Her pace, while not particularly slow, was unhurried and deliberate. She made note of her surroundings, cataloging various aspects of her environment for later use if needed. She also took note of the tunnel that was smashed through the wall. It's a good bet the metavirus went this way. If so, what was it avoiding? She turned to look down the original passage. Either way, chasing directly after it might be unhealthy. I think I will investigate further.... With that thought, Winter proceeded further down the original passage. She examined the junk data she found as she progressed in order to identify the viruses involved, to further determine the abilities of the metavirus, and just in case she found something useful. You never know.
All of the virus remains that were still identifiable were of Sharo native, with the exception of a Whirly identifiable only by its claws. The remaining identifiable viruses that had washed down into the passage included a Dharma, a SnowBlow, and a normal Ashuraid as well as the Windbox that had been visible from outside. Other than the Windbox, all showed signs of having been bludgeoned into deletion. Scattered bits of junk data floated around them, but Winter had no way of making use of them.

Up ahead, the passage continued to slope downward, and the water pooling on the floor became deeper and flowed faster. The walls were slick with the melting ice, but Winter's cold aura allowed her to keep her footing. After she rounded a turn, she could see a small alcove ahead of her, with at least one virus in it. Noticing Winter, it ducked back in as though hiding from her, or something else. She could probably avoid them if she didn't try to pick a fight.

---Our Hero---
Winter: 200 HP

---Creepers Viruses---
FortFighter: 50 HP (Hiding)
Unknown number of other viruses in alcove

70% Sea (Main passage) (Flowing)
30% Ice (In Alcove)

-Combat has not begun-
Winter just barely spotted the virus in time before it ducked out of sight, but gave no sign she saw it at all. She halted her progress to examine the tunnel ahead, and spotted the entrance to a side path. She had no idea how far this path went, as of yet, but she did kno there was at least one live virus present. Let's see what happens if 'I' continue on my merry way. Winter thought to herself as she projected an image of herself that kept right on walking ahead as she herself did not. If the virus(es) did not attack it, she would continue forth. If it (or they) did, she would deal with that situation in her own way, come what may.

--: Arctic Mirror : (Passive: (Decoy) + (5 Aqua, Delayed))
The nearest virus immediately braced itself, rapidly constructing a fort out of ice shards and snow that it appeared to generate itself upon seeing 'Winter' passed by. A number of other 'voices' could be heard within the alcove, sputtering in a panic in their own viral language, while one more still could be heard hammering against a wall.

When Winter's decoy didn't attack them, however, the voices calmed down, although the FortFighter continued to hide in its snow and ice fort. It seemed safe for Winter to pass and go on her way.

---Our Hero---
Winter: 200 HP

---Creepers Viruses---
FortFighter: 50 HP (Hiding)
Unknown number of other viruses in alcove (At least four) [Aquabody Shield: 2/2]

70% Sea (Main passage) (Flowing)
30% Ice (In Alcove)

-Combat has not begun-
Winter waited to see if anything happened to her mirror image. When nothing did, she had the decoy turn around and come to her. She dispelled the image, and then proceeded forward. This act should present the illusion that it had been her walking through the cave all along, and not, ironically enough, an illusion of her. Good. I hopefully won't need to expend valuable resources and energy fighting viruses that have nothing to do with my objective. She thought back to the Fishy she'd somehow tamed that still followed her around from time to time. And, too, not all viruses are irredeemable. It is a pity that my views are not shared by the serf Navi masses, but then my experiences diverge widely from theirs.

Winter looked in the direction of the alcove as she passed by; taking note of the viruses that existed within. Survivors of the horror wrought by a super virus built for sport... supposedly. Her gaze stayed settled upon the viruses until she was passed while taking note of what they were, but her thoughts had long since moved on. Let's be honest, this viral 'contender' was made for anything but a fighting tournament. No program built strictly for the virtual equivalent of martial arts would need the ability to tunnel through the net like this. My guess is, someone plans to use it to break into or directly assault a server of a rival company or government organization. Everything else feels like... She remembered the contents of the BBS post, and how incongruous the information was in many senses. ...pretense. Winter almost frowned at that thought, but stopped herself, aware that body language could be read the wrong way by the wrong audience.

Once passed this group of viruses, however, Winter would return her attention to the path ahead while resuming her deliberate and careful progress forward.
The viruses cowered again as they watched Winter walk back across the entrance of the alcove, and then back across one more time, oblivious to the fact that the first one had just been an illusion and now the real one was crossing. When she looked, she could see that there were five of them.

In a panic, one of them launched what appeared to be a large snowball that was so poorly aimed that it wouldn't have hit Winter even if it had been intended to. All five of them then huddled behind the FortFighter's wall, hoping she would go away.

The snowball itself, as it turned out, was still usable as temporary chip data. Had the viruses been trying to placate Winter so she wouldn't attack them?

Single use Avalanche1 gained

The path bent to the left again ahead of Winter, leading toward where the tunnel through the wall would have come out. Two more paths branched off from the sides, although both led to, and carried running water from the surface of Sharo net. Meanwhile the water on the cave floor ahead got deeper and more turbulent.

---Our Hero---
Winter: 200 HP

---Creepers Viruses---
FortFighter: 50 HP (Hiding) [Aquabody Shield: 2/2]
Snowlo: 90 HP (Hiding)
SnowBlow: 100 HP (Hiding)
Shrimpy A: 100 HP (Hiding)
Shrimpy B: 100 HP (Hiding)

70% Sea (Main passage) (Flowing)
30% Ice (In Alcove)

-Combat successfully avoided-
Winter saw the large snowball land just before her. She stopped long enough to look at the viruses with one raised eyebrow before converting the data into another scroll and continuing on. She didn't see any reason to deal with them, and simply left them alone. Instead, she spent a little time making a mental map of the area, specifically taking note of the other two cave exits, among other features.

Winter then proceeded deeper into the cave, completely unafraid of the water. If need be, she would swim from here.
The cave continued around two more bends that, other than large chunks of ice scraped off of the walls and the continually rising water level, were completely uneventful. After the S-curve, however, things changed. The path split off three ways ahead of her. One path led off to the left, then descended underwater into darkness, broken only by a faint blue glow at the far end. Faint scuttering noises could also be heard down the darkened path, suggesting more viruses were lurking down it. A tunnel directly in front of her, meanwhile, had collapsed, but the rubble from it had opened an easy way back to the surface. Signs of a path left by the fallen rubble suggested that it was possible for Winter to skip over part of the cave that way, if she took it.

The flowing water from the tunnels behind and above Winter, meanwhile, collided with the remains of the collapsed passage to create a section of turbulent rapids leading into yet another underwater tunnel, leading below the collapsed passage and out of sight.
Upon exiting the S-curve, Winter was confronted with a thee-way split path. Rather than continue forward randomly, she stopped to analyze her choices. She looked at the path leading up, and, near as she could tell, more than likely out of the cave. Counter productive. She thought dismissively. Exiting the cave at this juncture is a step backwards. I should verify whether the meta-virus is in the cave system before searching the surface.

Winter looked at the collapsed path below it, and quickly wrote it off. Yeah... no. That's just too much time, effort, and resources to dig out, and it may well just all come down on my head for all my troubles. Just... no.

Winter's gaze turned toward the left-most passage. It was completely filled with water, but this did not bother her. The path seemed clear, and a blue glow could be seen emanating from somewhere deep within. I wonder what that could be. The glow piqued her curiosity, but there were also signs of activity somewhere in the depths. I would prefer to avoid unnecessary combat, but fighting underwater would give me a few advantages. Hmm. She decided to come back to this option after looking at the last one.

Winter looked upon the entry to the last branch at this juncture. Such as it is. Her sarcastic thought accompanying a frown. She wasn't terribly afraid of the current, since she had ways of dealing with such things, but it would still be more taxing than taking on of the calmer paths. If the other paths don't pan out, I may yet take this one. However, going by what I know of Ashuraids and Fishies, this is most likely not the path the meta-virus took. Ashuraids are large and quite heavy. Their hands are also not directly connected to their bodies. This makes swimming an impossibility for them. Sure, they could use their hands to pull and pseudo climb their way through, but it would be terribly difficult, and they would likely perish from lack of contact with normal data streams. In other words: they'd drown. Winter stroked her chin a she switched subjects. Fishies have the opposite problem. They're smaller, lighter, and composed of mostly aerodynamic wing surfaces. They would be carried along like a leaf in the wind, and eventually drown as well. I don't even know if their jet mechanism works underwater. If it does... Her eyebrows flew up as it dawned on her that perhaps the meta-virus could indeed take this path. ...Okay, I see it now. It would be hard on the creature, but it could be done... maybe. If it came to blows down there, I would have many possible advantages over the virus in that environment. And that makes it worth exploring.

Winter turned to look back at the left-most passage. But not yet. I would much rather see what my other options are like first. She smirked at that thought. And besides, this path does dangle a carrot before my curious nature. I do want to know what that light is. Winter knelt down, and climbed quietly into the water. It was quite cold, a sensation she thoroughly enjoyed. Once she was fully submerged, she began concentrating. Winter felt neutrally buoyant after a few moments, which told her the aquatic travel spell was working. From then on, she only had to imagine which direction to glide in, and off she went without having to go through the bothersome motions of swimming or worrying about drowning. As an added bonus, not having to flail about as swimmers do, her progress was much quieter. Now, to find out what that noise is....

With that thought, Winter glided quietly through the water.
The middle path took Winter into near complete darkness, with only the light from the tunnel she had just come from and the glow ahead to break the gloom. Which turned out, after a short swim, to be a blue mystery data, lodged in a large crack in the icy wall of the cave. It appeared to be easy enough to get out, just so long as there weren't any...yep, there they were.

A submarine-shaped virus drifted in front of the mystery data, then turned to spot Winter. Two Megalians soon joined it, blocking her off from the data. Meanwhile, behind her, a pair of whirlpools formed in the water which, by what little light was available in the tunnel, could be seen to contain small crab viruses in their centers. Between them, a much larger, hulking form rose up from the floor of the passage, cutting off any possible retreat.

It seemed that these viruses were either oblivious to the activity outside of their little tunnel, or more opportunistic than the ones Winter had encountered earlier. Whatever the reason, they weren't about to let her just go on her merry way.

-In Front of Winter-
Megalian-A A: 130 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP)
Megalian-A B: 130 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP)
Marina EX: 160 HP

-Behind Winter-
Whirly A: 90 HP
Whirly B: 90 HP
Null EX: 130 HP

---Not Enemies---
Winter: 200 HP

Missile Expansion Blue Mystery Data: 30 HP

100% Sea (All combatants submerged)
Winter halted as the submarine virus drifted into view between her and the Blue Mystery Data. As expected. Was her thought as the Megalian-A's joined it. However, the caress of disturbed water flow from behind alerted her to the possibility of an ambush. Winter turned her head at this and saw her escape route was indeed blocked off. Huh. She looked back and forth between the two groups and quickly came up with a plan. The temperature dropped dramatically as she ceased focusing on suppressing her powers.

Battle Theme

"Let's get on with this." Winter said aloud in a cold, challenging tone that was somehow unimpeded by being underwater as she pointed her left arm towards the ground, and then swept it upwards while making rapidly changing hand signs akin to letters in sign language. Spires of ice erupted from the cave floor an ceiling that stretched outward, feeding upon the abundant water to grow much larger than normal, until they hit the opposite surface. The pillars also grew wider, becoming a forest of spike covered ice columns, each of which glowed with an inner light to show they were charged. The forest of obstructions was meant to serve as cover for Winter, completely blocking off the Marina and Megalians with a wall of glowing spikes, while merely concealing her actions from the Null and Whirlies for the moment with a couple of spare columns.

Winter acted quickly once the Shivan-Scape forest was in place. She summoned a mirror image of herself, formed of ice, with a thought while summoning and unsheathing her rune saber with separate hand gestures. She had learned how to multi-cast minor spells like this over the past year, but rarely did so unless time was a precious commodity. Like now. Winter then calmly focused in order to tap her inner reserves of magic power in preparation for launching her assault on the read guard group of viruses.

And... Go! With that thought, Winter dashed from her hiding place to the right while the mirror image of her did the same thing in the other direction. From the viruses' point of view, there were two of her, one that went left and one right. As the sorceress moved, she cast a spell that generated millions of tiny bubbles in a loose cocoon around her body. This allowed Winter to move through the water at extreme speeds with the use of super-cavitation made possible by the aforementioned cocoon of bubbles. Her burst of speed was very short lived in the close confines of the cave, and left a rather spectacular wall of bubbles in her wake. Her mirror image, of course, mirrored everything she did.

Winter quickly took stock of where her targets were while she grabbed one of her singe use spell scrolls from her belted sash with her free hand. She held it out towards the group of viruses, and unrolled it with a flick of her wrist while uttering the proper incantation. A moment later, an enhanced spike of energy blasted forth from both Winter and her copy towards the Whirly virus closest to the real Winter. As soon as her gaze locked upon the second crab virus, another pair of power enhanced energy spikes (only one of which was real) lanced towards it as well. The TwinFang1 scroll, once cast. was then consumed by a burst of blue flame that sent it into digital oblivion.

Winter finally focused on the last of the three viruses in the rear guard group. She glided towards the virus at first, but then turned sharply to pass her mirror in front of the virus. As the two moved past each other above and below, the real Winter summoned a current of water to push the Null virus towards her. The two Winters broke left and the mirror right while their rune sabers glowed brighter as raw elemental power flowed into the real blade. The two turned back towards each other as the virus came into range, and attempted to execute an X-strike with the virus in the middle. Only one of the swords was capable of dealing damage, but then, only one was necessary.

x: Aura of Cold @ nearest viruses (Passive: 5 Aqua Damage, 4 times/turn)
x: Prepped Arctic Wind to deflect body blows. (Passive: Knockback)
1: Shivan Scape : (8x Summon 5 HP Aqua Element Objects (5 Aqua Damage at range/on touch); 2 TCD)
x: Arctic Mirror (Passive: (Decoy) + (5 Aqua, Delayed))
2: Nuclear Winter (Strengthen 120; 3 TCD)
x: Gust super-cavitation. (Gust Dodge)
3: TwinFang1 @ Whirly A & B (90 Null @ 2 Targets)
x: Advance w/ Swift Strider (Passive: Movement)
x: Antarctic Wind @ Null EX (Passive: Pull)
4: Sword @ Null EX (130 Null + Slashing)

Remaining Strengthen Pool: 30
Fragments of ice began to fill the water as Winter's now unsuppressed powers brought it to freezing temperatures. The viruses in front of her were caught in jagged edges of the newly formed ice, although only the Marina suffered any damage as the Megalians's auras absorbed the rest. Winter then blocked them off with spires of ice, which froze the water around them to become columns and then a wall. The Megalians launched their heads as soon as the columns blocked the way to their target, smashing through either side of the new wall with ease. The first, however, was knocked off-course by a gust-powered water current, while the second received a wall of bubbles to the face as its reward for moving too late to hit Winter before she launched herself out of the way. Both returned to their necks slightly worse for wear and covered in a thin crust of ice.

The Marina then launched a pair of anchors encased in their own bubbles, which miraculously managed to weave through the remaining columns and suspended ice fragments as they advanced on Winter. They did not, however, avoid the sudden movement of a crab riding a whirlpool along the edges of the tunnel, which broke one of the columns left on its side of Winter and popped both bubbles, but managed to miss Winter entirely. Winter punished the Whirly and its companion with a pair of energy spikes, deleting both of them instantly.

The anchors didn't miss at all, though, and collided with Winter and her decoy, destroying the latter and causing the remaining, amorphous form behind her in the tunnel to be hit for minor damage.

In place of the deleted whirlpool-riders, two more whirlpools appeared, filling the gaps where the Megalians had broken through Winter's ice wall. The Null virus then teleported directly in front of Winter and forced her back toward one of them, throwing off her sword swing in the process. Fortunately for Winter, her advance toward the Null combined with being underwater prevented her from being pushed all the way into the vortex.

-In Front of Winter-
Megalian-A A: 120 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP)
Megalian-A B: 120 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP)
Marina EX: 150 HP

-Behind Winter-
Whirly A: Deleted
Whirly B: Deleted
Null EX: 125 HP

---Not Enemies---
Winter: 130 HP (Decoy destroyed)

Missile Expansion Blue Mystery Data: 30 HP
Spire A: 5 HP (Between Winter and Marina EX)
Spire B: 5 HP (Between Winter and Marina EX)
Spire C: Destroyed
Spire D: Destroyed
Spire E: Destroyed
Spire F: Destroyed
Spire G: 5 HP (Behind Winter)
Spire H: Destroyed
Whirlpool A: To left of Spires A and B
Whirlpool B: To right of Spires A and B

100% Sea (All combatants submerged)

Freezing water: Water is filled with ice fragments, limiting movement.
Winter winced in pain at all the damage she had just sustained as she strove not to get sucked into the Vortex. That could have gone better. She cast a minor healing spell upon herself with a minor hand gesture while she glanced quickly back and forth to survey the situation. Things, frankly, did not look good for Winter. Because of her powers, Ice was beginning to form in the water around the sorceress Navi. Movement through the ice filed water was becoming increasingly difficult for her, but there wasn't really a whole lot she could do about it. It's not like I can just be something else and not have this problem. Not that I would really want to even if I could. A small smile appeared on Winter's face at that thought.

Winter's smile didn't last very long as bad scenario after bad scenario flashed through her mind. All of them included getting pounded by the viruses to varying degrees. Hmm. I don't see any way to fight the enemy with hit and run tactics. The ice impedes my mobility too much to make it a viable strategy. Winter went still as an idea came to her. All right. If I can't be proactive, then I shall try being reactive. She focused on her senses and tensed up ever so slightly to react to whatever the enemy did next. She did not taunt the viruses with something so silly as a dare, as that would only make them fight harder. Instead, she just silently waited with her rune saber and spells at the ready.

[spoiler=Split Summary]x: Aura of Cold @ nearest viruses (Passive: 5 Aqua Damage, 4 times/turn)
x: Keep out of Vortex w/ Swift Strider (Passive: Movement)
x: Improved Novice's Healing : (Passive: Recover 15 HP/turn)
1: ----
2: ----
3: ----
4: ----[/Spoiler]
Winter waited on the viruses to make a move, while freezing the water more and trying to stay out of the vortex. The latter soon became slightly less of an issue as the viruses did make a move. Well, two of them. The submarine virus spit out a couple more anchors, although they were going nowhere particularly fast. The vortexes, meanwhile, dissipated, only to re-form in different locations. One appeared behind the Null virus, while the other materialized next to it, where a Whirly had been moments before.

The Null, meanwhile, dispersed into the water and reappeared behind Winter, where the whirlpool she had been dangerously close to falling into had been. It smacked Winter toward one of the new ones, and took a face and arm full of ice for its trouble. It didn't seem to notice this fact, though, as the ice shards were pushed out of its regenerating body shortly after.

-In Front of Winter-
Megalian-A A: 120 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP) (1 action remains)
Megalian-A B: 120 HP (AquaAura: 10 HP) (1 action remains)
Marina EX: 150 HP (0 actions remain) (Anchors deployed x2)

-Behind Winter-
Whirly A: Deleted
Whirly B: Deleted
Null EX: 130 HP (0 actions remain)

---Not Enemies---
Winter: 125 HP (4 actions remain)

Missile Expansion Blue Mystery Data: 30 HP
Spire A: 5 HP (Between Winter and Marina EX)
Spire B: 5 HP (Between Winter and Marina EX)
Spire G: 5 HP (Behind Winter)
Whirlpool A: Where Null EX started, next to Spire G
Whirlpool B: Next to Whirlpool A

100% Sea (All combatants submerged)

Freezing water: Water is filled with ice fragments, limiting movement.