The Pirate-Infested Wanderlust Cruise Ship

Lyntael let Bomba get out of the picture before sneaking back out to meet Bombie, who was still standing dejectedly in the hallway, given that his sister's response hadn't done much to reassure him. He cast his eyes over to her smile for a moment, then back down uncomfortably, while shifting his legs a bit. "Hopefully you're right... I'm sort of worried I just made it weirder. And now I have to talk to Bombe about this stuff... At this rate, Bom-Bom will be the only one I haven't talked to about it. Well, Bombe's usually pretty smart. Maybe she can help me out," he resolved, then gave a small nod. "Yeah, let's do that..."

He walked alongside her without looking around much, as though nothing about the ransacked second floor really surprised or interested him much. "You read about that sort of stuff? Bomba won't let us read about things like that. Bombo's found ways around it. I guess maybe Bombo could help if I want to read it too," he surmised, though he still seemed loath to rely on Bombo for much of anything. He watched her original costume manifest with a look of intrigue and may have wanted to ask about that too, but all too soon, they were back up to the top. The sky had indeed started to clear a bit, perhaps because the Blesser who was causing the storm had already taken off. It seemed like all of the other pirates had left by now as well; Bomba was probably the only one left. If she wasn't so concerned with tracking down Cutlass, she'd probably realize that this was a great opportunity to take the entire cruise ship... although, given that earlier her contingency plan had been to burn the whole thing, maybe she had no desire for it in the first place.

"Yeah. I guess Bomba really cares about us a lot. She's just... kinda dumb some times," he spoke frankly. He didn't join her at the railing, perhaps because of the Bomba family's general aversion to water. "I'll talk to Bombe. I mean... if she doesn't know already, I should probably tell her about all this. She probably does, though. Oh well... Anyways... I hope you'll come see us again some time. Even if you have to sneak on. We're almost always in Beach Net, so you can come whenever you want. If you can't find us, you can just find one of the other pirate captains. Bomba is always following them, so where the others are, she'll be too." He didn't offer an e-mail address, which meant he either didn't have one or perhaps that it was shared between the others and he couldn't just give it out. "Maybe next time I won't be so uncomfortable about it and then we can... um..." he murmured, knitting his brow again as though vaguely aware he was about to say something bad. "Well, we'll talk some more whenever you're back."

With that, he gave her a wave goodbye, then headed back below deck, descending with surprising agility and seeming to vanish into the darkness before he even got out of sight. At this point, the only thing left to do, assuming Lyn believed that Bomba was going to take off now, would be reporting all the good news to Tango. Lyn's employer was still nowhere in sight and might very well still be dancing inside the dining room by herself (or with herself, if one counted the mannequin as another person).
Since Bombie hadn't seemed eager to approach the rail up on deck, Lyntael turned around eventually, leaning against the side and resting her elbows on the railing. She considered, briefly, explaining why she'd needed to go looking for information of this nature, but decided against it; it didn't really seem like something he actually had any need for knowing. Her gaze drifted upwards, waiting for the sun to finish coming out completely.

"I think I'd like that. It's been a frightening morning for me, but, you seem nice at least, so I'm counting that in the positives column." Her lips quirked up in a small grin that bordered on another giggle. "Once I really understood about the pirate captains a little more, it got less scary for me, so maybe it would be nice to come back again. I do like the beach." Her mind flitted briefly over the last time she's been here, on a different ship, for other reasons, and her cheeks pinked again slightly, but she shooed the thought away. "And anyway, next time we won't be strangers meeting for the first time, either, so your sister might not be so worried about us being friends." She closed her eyes for a few moments and breathed in with the breeze. It hadn't quite been the luxury love-boat cruise she had been hoping for, but these few stolen moments were still nice. One eye opened to look at the boy as he stopped himself saying something, but she didn't press it and instead waved as Bombie said his goodbye and ducked back below deck.

For her own part, Lyntael waited on the deck, relaxing and generally enjoying the open air and the sun for a few more minutes, until she saw some sign of Bomba's own vessel coming to collect the last crew. Once she was sure they were definitely leaving, she began making her way back to the room where she'd first met tango, on the far side of the deck. she glanced back one more time before going in; she meant to offer a wave goodbye to Bomba or any of her family that she saw on deck preparing to leave, if they showed up. Eventually, however, she ducked through the door and back into the dining room, looking around for her original employer at last. Inside the door, she took a moment to smooth down her vest and brush her skirt, just in case, and tried to assume as much of the formal professional look that she had started with while she hoped that the Tango she was going to deal with was still mostly favouring her female form.

Lyntael and Bombie shared a fond farewell before the latter made his way stealthily back below deck and the former made her way back to the employer that had sent her off such a long time ago. Opening the door to the dining room was like opening up a time capsule: where all the rest of the ship had been changed by Lyntael's actions, the party room was still the same bizarre scene. Tango danced around the table in the center of the room, heedless to the state of disrepair that her ship was in and seemingly without any limitation of personal stamina. Right now, Tango was in male form, but that could change at a moment's notice. When Lyntael entered again, he spun, then swapped place with his mannequin mid-spin. The he became a she and approached, flapping the billowy sleeves of her low-cut shirt as she approached.

"Oh ho ho! My little assistant returns! It had been so long, I was beginning to wonder if one of the pirates grabbed you up! No offense to my customers, but they don't deserve such a wonderful employee as you, little Lyntael," she chuckled, already beginning to dance circles around her compatriot, unless Lyn inexplicably joined in, at which point it would become a duet. It would definitely go on the record as one of the most annoying situations to deliver a mission report during. "There is so much I wish to learn! Foremost, did you take care of whatever task that yellow pirate captain wanted of you? Beyond that, are the pirates still on the ship? Oh, and did you learn anything more of what happened to my former star employee, Jack? Oh, oh, and most importantly..." She stopped here to place a hand upon Lyn's shoulder from behind, but when she looked, it was the mannequin again. The mannequin was instead kicking up jauntily in one of the chairs, though poised to break into dance again at any time. "Did you make any new friends? Please, sate my curiosity!"

Lyn could probably spend forever explaining everything that happened, but she might want to keep it to just the parts she'd get paid for. The employer hadn't mentioned it, but her pay really ought to be considerably higher given all that she'd accomplished beyond the initial task of waiting on Power. However, something about the employer... possibly the way their former employee had vanished and they'd never managed to sufficiently motivate anyone to replace them, or the fact that she'd left everything to one employee in the first place, or possibly the way she had spent the whole time dancing instead of helping Lyn at all... might make Lyn think that her employer was a bit of a cheapskate. She might have to play hardball if she wanted to be properly rewarded for all the effort.
Seeing the dining area in more or less the same state as she'd first found it, dancing hosts and all, subtly made Lyntael realise that Tango's detachment from reality was probably the only thing that had kept her out of overt danger in the first place. Watching the two figures dance until she was spotted was still odd, but since tango had been so insistent the first time, the smaller girl assumed it was going to be a given once again, and raised her hand to accept the other woman's lead when she approached. She was more prepared for the woman's dancing-and-briefing combo this time, and, to a certain extent, was more relaxed than she ha been even if Tango switched to her male form. As such, she followed the lead gracefully, and any time Tango decided to switch bodies and leave her in the arms of a mannequin instead, she held the pose as well, until the switch happened again. Mid steps she tried to formulate an answer, and then a report for the ship's host.

"One of them tried to abduct me, you know, and a few others said they wanted to... It was very frightening for me. I think I made at least couple of new friends though..." Dancing while reporting made it far to easy to string it out to a more conversational matter, rather than bullet points, and in between the spins and dips and holds, she tried to keep herself at least vaguely on track.

"I spoke to Power, and she was only interested in the thunder storm. She had positive things to say about the ship's food, as well, I might add... she was very happy to move on from the ship, and take her crew with her, once she learned of the source of the storm." Lyntael took a breath, hiding her pause for thought in amongst her dancing steps, making broad extensions with whichever arm or leg was left free during each set. Despite herself, the dancing was bringing a small smile to her lips and a light to her eyes, even while she tried to focus.

"I found the source of the storm, and then I ensured that it was sent away from the ship, and wouldn't come back, and I let Power know that I'd learned it was gone, and what direction she should head. She packed up her crew and went after it at that point. I don't think she'll visit the ship again, but she did seem pleased with my help. Also, because of this, I've made sure the bad weather has gone as well, so the sky is clearing up again, and the weather should be cruise sunny again very soon." A quicker spin made her skirt flare for a moment, but she didn't really notice it.

"While I was searching for the source of the storm, for Power, I called on the Jolly Pirates, to see if they needed any help as well, or if there was anything I could do to assist them. While I was attending other crew members, I learned that, in all likelihood, your other employee, Jack, was kidnapped by the fourth pirate crew, who fled some time ago, shortly after Jack herself disappeared." She paused for breath, panting slightly and a little bit pink in the cheeks now. Dancing and talking at the same time was just enough extra effort to begin getting her out of breath, when neither of the two activities alone would have been.

"The Captain and her first mate, when I spoke to them, were very pleased with the ship's accommodation, but were eager to go after the other captain, Clipper, once they learned what had happened. They also left the ship a short time ago." Trying to keep her mind on task, Lyntael spend a couple of turns through the dancing going through bullet points in her mind and taking a couple of longer breaths before continuing.

"Part of assisting miss cutlass, of the Jolly Pirates, saw me going below deck further, and while I was there I called on Bomba's family and crew mates, to see if they needed any assistance, or if I could help them in any other way as well. While they didn't need my help for any particular matters, I can report that they seemed to be finding the ship a perfect environment for building relationships and coming to terms with people special to them. While I was helping members of Bomab's family with some minor services, I informed them that Jolly's crew had left the ship, and Bomba, upon learning that miss cutlass had departed unexpectedly, grew very anxious to follow after her. I think she had more she wished to confess to her, and was very eager to be going. Bomba's crew are in the process of leaving the ship now; I expect they will have departed in a few minutes, but I believe their stay here was most beneficial to the family as a whole." Quite out of breath now between the dancing and the reporting, Lyntael's chest rose and fell rapidly, and she stepped away when she could to rest against the edge of a table and get her wind back. she'd done her best to keep a professional tone of voice to match the words she was choosing, but the breathiness was hard to disguise.

"So, hahh... in summary... all three pirate crews gave positive reviews of the ship's facilities and of the services I was able to provide them during their stay here, and all three crews have now departed the ship to return to their native waters, so you'll be able to start welcoming guests again once the ship itself is cleaned up, I think. I also took care of the storm, so it should all be sunny weather and smooth sailing for you from here." she fanned her cheeks with one hand, then grinned for whichever Tango was active right now. As worrisome as some of her time here had been, hearing herself make the full report like that had brightened her mood considerably. Without wanting to say so directly, the girl was, for the first time in a while, feeling quite genuinely proud of herself for managing as much as she had in just a few hours. Hopefully Tango would feel the same way.

"Oh, goodie! You've found your sea-legs, little Lyntael. Let us dance!" Tango applauded, then led her employee in her namesake dance. The female Tango smiled along as Lyn began explaining about the circumstances around her mission. Glossing over the attempted abduction, she latched straight onto the positive. "New friends! Excellent. That's the purpose of this cruise, after all! To mingle and meet new people," she chuckled, stepping back to raise both arms in the air for a moment, swaying her hips for a moment, then tapping her feet rhythmically, almost drowning out Lyn's next words. "Oh ho! You did what I asked of you then, and that pirate is gone! This means I finally have the deck of my ship to work with again, now that the freeloader left my ship-!"

She stayed quiet for a moment, listening to Lyntael continue, then slowed her dancing a bit. "You cleared the weather as well? Splendid! A cruise ship with no sunny skies is barely worth patronizing, wouldn't you say?" she inquired, clasping back hold of Lyn's hands and dancing almost forcefully, with some sense of purpose. "Now, let's-" she tried again, but Lyn wasn't done. She swapped back with her mannequin and he stayed seated, kicking his feet up onto the table while he listened. "The Jolly Pirates, and Jack? Jack was kidnapped? Clipper, that's the pirate who kidnapped her? My word, little Lyntael," he murmured, stepping back up to resume dancing in place of the doll. "Bomba too? And they're all gone? That means... The whole ship is mine again! Oh ho ho!" he guffawed, grabbing Lyn up and spinning her around, cupping his hands over both arms. He'd likely get a shock for his trouble, but he powered through it for the sake of celebration.

Eventually, Lyn would end up stuck high in the mannequin's arms, while Tango rose up from the floor gracelessly, perhaps having forgotten he/she dropped the dummy there earlier. "I... I suppose, even I must confess, I hadn't thought you would complete your task so... thoroughly. As such, you must be compensated, so," she gulped, reaching into the blouse of her shirt and pulling out a flat envelope. She stretched it out with her hands, forming it into a three dimensional diamond. "One for Power... One for Jolly... One for Bomba... One for finding out what happened to dear Jack-of-All-Trades... I supposed that comes out to 13,000 zenny," she finished, placing finally producing four packets total from out of her blouse, each containing another 3,250 zenny. "We'll consider it... a worthwhile investment, for getting my business back on track."

*Lyntael received 13,000 zenny*

Some of the dance seemed to have left Tango; it was pretty clear that she/he was not accustomed to handing over sums of cash like that. A bead of sweat dripped down from her curly black hair, tracing her tan, slender neck down to her tan, less slender bosom. "Well... Little Lyntael, I must collect myself. I'll have to promote my business again. If you're all finished, I'd say you've done... more than enough, for today," she smirked, her brown eyes watching her mannequin unblinking for a moment. "You should go."

Of course, Lyn probably couldn't, still being suspended mid-air. Finally realizing that, she poofed back, so that he was holding her once again, and gently set her down onto her feet. "Fare thee well. Perhaps when next we meet, it will be in the pursuit of a faaan-tastical love of your own, Little Lyntael?" he tried to end on a high note, then wiped his brow, seeming to show exertion for the first time, despite all of his earlier dancing.
Willing enough to continue dancing as she reported to her eccentric employer, Lyntael was nonetheless grateful of the frequent pauses that the Tangos took while dealing with the news of her achievements. For the most part she didn't mind, though she still got a little bit nervous when Tango in her male body exercised some of the more forceful lifts or holds that took her feet off the ground. She didn't mind holding her pose when it was locked in by the inanimate male figure, but appreciated eventually being let down all the same.

Tango's own hesitation and faltering expression became far more understandable to the younger woman when she realised how much the cruise operator was tallying up for her, and she blushed, bowing slightly and murmuring her gratitude as well as she could through the surprise.

"Ah... thank you! Thank you very much. I'm glad I was able to help! I hope you get everything up and running again soon! Think it would be nice to visit again, um, under better circumstances! Good luck! Thank you!" The payment she'd received converted swiftly to a data string that raced up her arm and began to circle the edge of her emblem slowly, waiting until her connection was restored, but Lyntael was still embarrassed about being paid so much, and backed away another step with a hurried curtsey, before turning to flee out the door and back towards the point where she'd first jacked in. A small thread of worry crept up a she found the link and re-opened it, but she brushed it aside; she'd only been on the ship for a little over an hour, at her best estimate, maybe two at the most, and she was sure Rogan would still be working on his own when she returned. With a deep breath she braced herself for the unstable, partially emulated cascade of light to pull her awkwardly back to Rogan's PET.

((Lyntael, Returning to=> Rogan's PET))
((Lyntael receives the following FXP

Tango: 9
Power: 10
Cutlass: 10
Jolly: 2
MiracleMan: 5
Bombie: 19
Bomba: 2))