Life's a Witch

Having grossed out both of her operators with her description of a Starfish virus's eyes, Anathema proceeded to summon a black spike from a shadowy portal, skewering one of the blowfish right out of the bat. Unfortunately, the angle at which it was fired just brushed against the second one, which managed to get its volley of attacks off into the air. Meanwhile, the Starfish that had been hiding behind the signpost in front of her blew out some huge bubbles, one of which enveloped Anathema's body in its entirety. (-10, Trap!) Undeterred, she proceeded to summon the small mass of darkness with the Shake chip, which smashed into the Fishy's face as it dashed towards her in its futile offensive attempt. Finally came the Starfish, which had Anathema summoning a mass of purple fog in front of her, melting down both the virus and the sign it was hiding behind. Still, she was pretty trapped by the bubble it had used earlier, if not for the helpful, if slightly painful needles from the blowfish all the way in the back. (-5) The bubble was popped as soon as the needles hit, freeing her from her temporary prison.

-- Viruses --
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny
B: 80 HP (Sea, 2 moves away)
FishyFishy (Fishy)

Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, NetVegas

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 + Line Attack(5) + Impact + Piercing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies into a group of enemies.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
StarfishStarfish (Starfish)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Bubble Trap + 3 targets
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Launches three slow moving bubbles that trap the targets in a bubble prison, immobilizing them. These bubbles act as 10 HP objects, and can be shot before they make contact to pop them. Conversely, the virus can block incoming attacks with them.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BubbleStar1, Zenny
Special: Bubble Trap: Any target hit with this virus' attack will be instantly trapped in a 10 HP Aqua Element Bubble that can only be popped from the outside. Targets trapped within these bubbles will take 100% more damage from Elec element attacks. The Bubbles will expire at the end of the turn, or when hit.
Special: This attack can hit the same target multiple times (up to 3), or attack 3 separate targets.
Special: Targets trapped in Bubbles are easier to move with Wind Effects, Knockback, and Microburst than normal.

-- Navis --
Anathema.EXE: 65 HP (Normal)

-- Terrain --
25% Normal, 10% Grass (Pathway, with short flight of steps leading directly into Sand)
20% Grass (Flanking pathway)
25% Sea (Sea, leading out into the distance)
15% Sand (Beach)

-- Objects --
Directions Signpost: DESTROYED
For the most part, Anathema's strikes were good...the portal was a bit to the right, though, and she felt the results. " know, I should really give 'not standing around like a lump' a try sometimes. It'd probably extend my life span."

"Ugh, don't even kid about Navi life span right now...not when we're both here. Besides, maybe it's a blessing in disguise. There's still something you can suck the life out of!"

"And trust me, I'll suck that blowfish dry!" ...Well, that was a poorly thought out sentence on her part. Fortunately, its meaning was anything but. She brought her hand up to her face, and made a kissing motion, causing her fingers to gain a black aura. She waved it in front of herself, causing it to launch forward, and taking on a heart shape. Despite this, there was anything but love in there. It was mostly malice towards everything that had dared to take a shot at her the last couple of battles...and if it so much as touched the Puffy, it would split apart, engulf it, and leech away some of its life. A purple sphere of energy would then be sent flying back to the source of the dark energy, which she would then absorb and use to heal her various scrapes and bruises. And people were afraid of black magic. It made her feel a lot better in instances like this. So what if she literally drained the life out of something else in the process?

"Feeling better? We'll go ahead and blast it out of the water, since it can't hurt you if it doesn't exist!" BattleChip, Shotgun! Bubbler! Double slot in!"

A sphere formed in each of the witch's hands; one jet black, as was custom, but the other was a less standard blue. She first raised the black one, and let it shoot forward at her remaining target. On contact, it would create an explosion that also hit whatever was behind it...but since that amounted to air, it didn't really matter beyond the initial hit. The same applied to the blue sphere, which, once fired, became a bit clearer, as if water, or a bubble. ...Probably why it was called Bubbler. Astounding.

Regardless, so long as she didn't completely phone her aim in, that should be the end of that. ...Probably. Maybe. She really didn't need any more acupuncture.

[Order of Turn:
1-Black Heart sig attack on SenbonB (40, Life Drain, Self Slow)
2- ShotgunDamage: 50 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: A gun whose shot penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Trader Rank: E
on SenbonB
3- BubblerDamage: 40 + Spread 1
Accuracy: A
Description: Shoots a bubble blast whose explosion penetrates an enemy to hit another one directly behind it.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Trader Rank: D
on SenbonB]
With a repertoir of long-range attacks at her disposal, Anathema first let loose a flying heart of black magic that flew towards the blowfish virus. However, the distance caused her attack to veer off course a little bit from her intended target. The virus responded by spitting out a volley of needles into the air, one of which managed to land in her shoulder. Ouch. (-5) Of course, she wasn't about to let that one go sitting down, and produced two spheres of magic, which launched forward at great speed. Both of these were a tad bit more accurate, deleting the final target on the battlefield. In addition, if Anathema were to examine the remnants of the battle, she would find a lone Fishy wing, which would easily be converted to a battlechip!

-- Viruses --
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny
SenbonSenbon (Senbon)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: 5 Aqua x 3 Attacks
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Launches three Aquaneedles in an arc to strike targets from above.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AquaNeedle1, Zenny
FishyFishy (Fishy)

Area: ACDC, Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, NetVegas

HP: 90
Attack Damage/Effect: 15 + Line Attack(5) + Impact + Piercing
Attack Accuracy: C
Attack Description: Flies into a group of enemies.
Element: Normal
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack1, Zenny
Special: Omnishoes
StarfishStarfish (Starfish)

Area: Yoka, Beach

HP: 60
Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Aqua + Bubble Trap + 3 targets
Attack Accuracy: D
Attack Description: Launches three slow moving bubbles that trap the targets in a bubble prison, immobilizing them. These bubbles act as 10 HP objects, and can be shot before they make contact to pop them. Conversely, the virus can block incoming attacks with them.
Element: Aqua
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): BubbleStar1, Zenny
Special: Bubble Trap: Any target hit with this virus' attack will be instantly trapped in a 10 HP Aqua Element Bubble that can only be popped from the outside. Targets trapped within these bubbles will take 100% more damage from Elec element attacks. The Bubbles will expire at the end of the turn, or when hit.
Special: This attack can hit the same target multiple times (up to 3), or attack 3 separate targets.
Special: Targets trapped in Bubbles are easier to move with Wind Effects, Knockback, and Microburst than normal.

-- Navis --
Anathema.EXE: 60 HP (Normal)

-- Terrain --
25% Normal, 10% Grass (Pathway, with short flight of steps leading directly into Sand)
20% Grass (Flanking pathway)
25% Sea (Sea, leading out into the distance)
15% Sand (Beach)

-- Battle 2, Victory!! --
Rewards: DashAttack1Damage: 90 + Impact + LineAttack(5) + Movement
Accuracy: C
Description: The user charges forward at a great speed to ram a line of enemies. Hits a maximum of 5 enemies before the momentum is lost.
Duration: Once
Element: Null
Special: Direction of travel may be altered with chip, terrain, and sig use.
Trader Rank: D
Battlechip, 600z
"Well, that was easy enough!" Though, she really didn't need that needle in her shoulder. Worst part was, it faded into nothingness before she could try to send it to the PET for her research. At least she could get the last laugh by accessing those juicy bits of remnant data. "Now let's see what I got!...Money, good...chip data? Score!" Let's'd be funny if it was AquaNeedle, but sadly, no dice. It wasn't Aqua based, had to be Fishy's. "DashAttack, it appears to be called. Sounds nice, but I don't really care for rushing into the middle of things..."

"At least it's something, right? Go ahead and send it over." ...Done. "...Can you keep going for one more battle? I know something nice I could get you, but we'd need just a little more cash for it."

"Just one more fight, you say? Sure, I guess I can manage. It'd be an easier call if my darker magic decided to ever work properly, though..."

"...Aren't you the one that said that dark magic, compared to other types of magic, was more naturally prone to disobeying the wielder?"

"I did. Hence why I said 'decided'. Got wax in your ears, Alda?"

"Just making sure, yeesh."

"Well, that cavern still sounds like the place to go. I'll head that way, if there aren't any objections."

"None here."

"Go ahead."

Once more, the witch Navi found herself with her feet off the ground, hovering to give herself a break as she moved along to her left, following the directions of the now utterly demolished sign. Hopefully no one wanted to visit that cave for a while.

(Searching for Battle #3)
Following the recently destroyed signpost's directions towards the "Coastal Cavern", it didn't take long for Anathema to notice that the paneling for the road was becoming more and more sparse, and the road was being taken over by the grass from the sides and sand from the beach. Soon, the pathway was no more, and Anathema found herself walking down into a small beach, where the cavern could clearly be seen carved into the side of a cliff near the water on her left. On the beach itself, two Mushy were gently dancing about themselves on the sparse patches of grass. They seemed to have not noticed her yet. Further to the left, from the coastal cavern's mouth, two Catack viruses could be seen treading the sand, the small viral operators that manned them chatting with the tanks' entrances open. They saw Anathema approaching, and immediately sank back into their tanks with a loud slam on the entry ports. Unfortunately, this loud slam also alerted the Mushroom viruses to her presence, and they began to focus intently on her with hostility in their eyes!

-- Viruses --
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
A: 80 HP (Grass, directly ahead)
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
B: 80 HP (Grass, directly ahead)
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow
A: 120 HP (Sand, moving in from the left)
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow
B: 120 HP (Sand, moving in from the left)

-- Navis --
Anathema.EXE: 60 HP (Grass)

-- Terrain --
40% Grass (Random patches here and there, 20% concentrated near Anathema's area)
50% Sand (Most of the clearing area)
10% Sea (Further out)

-- Battle 3 Ready? Start!! --
The lack of regular road brought a smile to Anathema's face, though she floated once she moved on to the was one thing to walk on solid flooring in heels, but grass and dirt? Uh-uh. "Great, looks like I was right! Not too many people come by here if they didn't make a road!"

"Well, that should make it better for alchemical supplies. ...Aw, crap, Some virus stats just popped up on my PET screen!"

"Yeah...I got spotted. My bad!" A look at the clanking revealed some sturdy looking tanks, while ahead were...Mushy? "Oh man, what I wouldn't give to have one of those! Since it can make spores at will, I'd never run out of mushrooms for my potions!"

"Too bad they probably won't be all 'sure, feel free to kill me and my descendants for your experiments', because that really would be sweet."

"Well, it can't hurt to ask, can it? Hey you two, would you-" She suddenly stopped, feeling a familiar sense of darkness from the fungus viruses. "...Never mind. Yeah, I really don't think they're taking a shine to me..."

"Well, that's too bad. At least if they gave themselves up they'd get to die for a good cause. Now they'll just die!"

"I know, right? But before that..." But first, she had some artillery to leech the life out of. She turned to one of the Catack to her side, and blew it a kiss. This wasn't mere flirting, of course, as it was infused with her dark magic, taking on a jet black heart shape. If it hit, it would ravage the tank's systems, sucking out some of its health, followed by a purple orb returning from the nozzle of the cannon, hitting the witch Navi and covering her with a wave of energy, revitalizing her. But if it didn't, the heart would just sail by, and nothing would happen, aside from maybe her cursing under her breath.

"All right, go ahead and send me SideBamboo! For now, I'm going to deprive these viruses of looking at my loveliness!" Sure enough, Anathema's body faded from existing, becoming a purple cloud without any real shape to it.

"You really like that one, huh? I guess it IS pretty good...BattleChip, SideBamboo! Slot in!"

Almost immediately after receiving the chip data, a small piece of Anathema's cloud form broke off, and moved over next to the Mushy. This time, however, she allowed it to assume a form closer to its default, and the mist gained a Kilby-like shape. Any comfort the mushrooms might have gotten from the shape of a fellow Wood elemental would instantly be destroyed as it extended a not entirely corporeal piece of bamboo, in an attempt to make a vegan friendly shish kebob; it'd at least hurt like a sharpened lance, even if it didn't look the part. Regardless of success, it would fade away, only for the main cloud to regain its lost mass almost immediately.

Hmm...if she was going to survive longer, she should probably take some measures to protect herself from incoming fire. Since she was in mist form, however, it made sense to do that via getting any and all particles out of the path of incoming cannon fire, or spore explosions. Left, right, up, down, diagonal...the nice thing about being a floating formless mass was that she had her pick of directions to move in.

[Order of Turn:
1-Black Heart sig attack on CatackA (40, Life Drain, Self Slow)
1a-Transform subtype ability to PurpleFog.GMO (+1 rank to accuracy/evasion for next 3 actions)
2- SideBamboo1Damage: 80 + Long Attack
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons a Kilby virus to the field that stabs the enemy from the side with a long lance, then silently vanishes. Can hit up to 2 targets.
Duration: Once
Element: Wood
Trader Rank: D
on MushyA and MushyB
Having assessed her situation, Anathema first resorted to blowing a black kiss towards one of the tank viruses. It worked rather well, as the tank crumpled inwards slightly on contact with the floating heart, restoring some health to her. (+40) She then assumed the form of her PET's previous tenant, and caused some of her cloudy form to break off towards the Mushroom viruses. They proceeded to teleport in front of her in a sudden move, but luckily her bamboo spear was there to save the day, skewering both of them into instant incapacitation. However, this opened up the tanks to open fire on her, their mounted barrels erupting with light in a double attack on her position. She managed to avoid one of the attacks, but accidentally drifted into the other's attack, undoing some of her earlier healing. (-20)

-- Viruses --
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow
A: 80 HP (Sand, moving in from the left)
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow
B: 120 HP (Sand, moving in from the left)

-- Navis --
Anathema.EXE: 80 HP (Cracked)

-- Terrain --
35% Grass (Random patches here and there, 20% concentrated near Anathema's area)
5% Cracked (Under Anathema)
50% Sand (Most of the clearing area)
10% Sea (Further out)
The force of the cannon blast managed to shock Anathema back into a single, solid form, making her shake her head from the sudden state of matter exit. "Oh, that did NOT feel good!"

"Yeah, having all your molecules suddenly reform like that, semi against your will, is probably a drag. Are you all right, Annie?"

"I'm fine, just a little pun intended. Shall we go ahead and mercilessly slaughter them for making me go through that?"

"I think they kinda deserve worse than that, but if you're content with that, sure, let's do it!" ...Hmm. But what to use? Brute force was probably the way to go here, but they didn't have a whole lot of that, aside from that DashAttack that her Navi probably wouldn't be a fan of. ...Oh, wait, there was something else that worked better. "Time for some Anathema smash! BattleChip, Shake! Slot in!"

If one looked really carefully, they could see a small ball of shadow arcing in the air, from where Anathema was hovering over to the tank viruses. It was hard to tell, however, in part because she made absolutely no attempt to recognize its existence. Once it landed, it seeped into the ground, forming a small blackened hole. A hand of dark energy formed, holding what looked like a rather large mallet. It reared back, and swung with great force, enough to pull both hand and hammer forward. This may or may not have had the effect of slamming into each Catack hammer first, forcing each to suffer some serious blunt force. The darkness did go sailing past, but oddly, it neither dissipated nor went sailing beyond the horizon. Instead, it seemed to have gotten its weapon lodged in the ground somehow, and was now trying to pull it out. Maybe once it did, it could try again if needed?

For now, Anathema knew that she needed to do something. Hmm...perhaps she could get gaseous revenge? "Oh, I know just how I want to finish this! You'll know what I want as soon as you see...this!" She leaned forward, race hovering over to her remaining foes. "Heh, too bad for the little guys are in the tanks! I bet they would've gotten to see some nice cleavage!"

"Who knows? Maybe they saw anyway?" At any rate, Alda indeed knew what to do, though it would result in the viruses not being able to gawk any further. "Anyway, here's the chip you want. BattleChip, PoisonMask! Slot in!"

A large mask formed in front of the witch Navi, which she managed to keep floating in front of her with magic force; there was no way she'd be able to keep that thing off the ground with raw strength. The eyes and mouth quickly opened, expanding the protective range of the shielding slightly, and began to emit a toxic purple fog, not entirely unlike her own mist form. The nearby area quickly became covered in corrosive poison gas, capable of harming nearly anything...though, since it was attuned to her own form, Anathema simply floated, utterly unaffected by it.

[Order of Turn:
0a-Revert to default GMO
1- Shake1Damage: 90 + Wide Attack + Break
Accuracy: C
Description: Throws a dumbbell that slides through enemy lines for two turns. Can hit up to three enemies twice, second time having a 50% chance of hitting.
Duration: Two turns
Element: Null
Trader Rank: D
on CatackA and CatackB
2-Get within Nova 2 range of Catacks (Movement)
3- PoisonMaskEffect: (2-Hit Shield) + (50 Poison + Miasma(Nova2))
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a PoisonMask which acts as a 2-Hit Shield. While equipped, the PoisonMask will generate a cloud of poisonous Miasma in a Nova2 area around the user that damages all who draw near, but it will cease producing the Miasma if dropped. Break attacks will instantly destroy the PoisonMask.
Duration: Until destroyed or overwritten.
Element: Null
Special: Poison: Damage is considered Poison, and cannot be Imbued with an Element. Poison damage is dealt on a per-turn basis, and takes effect the turn after the target is struck with it. Poison can be cured with Status Cure.
Special: Miasma(mod): A method of delivering poison damage. This effect generates a damage zone, and bypasses all known forms of defense without exception. The coverage varies, and is denoted by the modifier listed in parenthesis after this effect.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Trader Rank: D
on Anathema]
Having been forcefully reverted into her original, less smoggy form, Anathema was a little less enthusiastic about getting hit again, and retaliated with overwhelming force. Forming a ball of shadow that drifted over to the Catack, the viruses had not much in the way of recognizing its lethality, and were summarily smacked with a giant dark energy mallet, deleting one of them instantly. The other was understandably rather terrified by this development, and opened fire on Anathema once again. Unfortunately, it seems that it had the jitters from seeing all of its other comrades being so quickly deleted, and its shot went wide again. Its last sight was a scary-looking mask shield that spewed out a load of corrosive gas, melting it down into junk data and deleting it.

-- Viruses --
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
MushyMushy (Mushy)

Mushies only appear in battle if 15% or more of the terrain is Grass. Mushies can only move across Grass, Mud, and Soil terrain types. If, for any reason, none of these terrain types exist on the field, these viruses will be unable to move until the end of the turn. Mushies will then attempt to change the terrain to Grass, or flee if they cannot. Mushies move by teleporting.

Area: Okuden Valley, Dentech, Beach, Yumland, Netfrica

HP: 80
Attack Damage/Effect: (Teleport) then (15 Wood + Confusion + Nova2)
Attack Accuracy: A
Attack Description: Teleports close to an enemy, and releases a cloud of spores in all directions. When attacking, the space it teleports to does not have to be on Grass, but the panel it teleports from and returns to after the attack must be Grass.
Element: Wood
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Spice1, BadSpice1, Zenny
Special: This virus may only move on Wood Element panels.
Special: When no Grass terrain exists on the field, this virus may throw a Grass Seed once as a Standard Action.
Special: If no Grass terrain exists, and this virus has already used Grass Seed, it will flee the battle.
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow
CatackCatack (Catack)

Catacks move at a slow rate and their dodges are generally bad. They can, however, attack in any direction while moving or attempting to dodge.

Area: SciLab, Electown, Dentech, Beach, Hades Isle

HP: 120
Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Panel Crack + Blast2
Attack Accuracy: B
Attack Description: Blasts enemy with TankCannon.
Element: None.
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Zenny
Special: May Move/Dodge while attacking.
Special: Slow

-- Navis --
Anathema.EXE: 80 HP (Cracked)

-- Terrain --
35% Grass (Random patches here and there, 20% concentrated near Anathema's area)
5% Cracked (Under Anathema)
50% Sand (Most of the clearing area)
10% Sea (Further out)

-- Battle 3, Victory!! --
Rewards: 720z
"Well, that went perfectly!" Anathema twirled in midair at her victory, before extending a hand to gather up that lovely remaining data. "No chip, sadly. Imagine if I could fling spells like a Catack shot!"

"Well, the important thing is, that's the last bit of cash we needed!" Though, explosions of darkness did seem cool. "So, you want to head on out, or do you wanna check the cave?"

"Hmm...nah, I don't need to check out the cave. Maybe another time!...Unless your sister really wants me to, at least."

"It's fine, Anathema. I think I've gotten what I needed from all this."

"You sure? Okay then...I'm comin' home!" And in a beam of black light, the witch Navi vanished from the Net without a trace.