Wet behind the (cat) ears

Nyan resisted the urge of baked shellfish, trying to keep her composure as she collected the spoils of war from the remaining data upon the battlefield. Her fiery enhancement faded as her claws retracted, only to run a hand through her silvery hair.

That was more trouble than it was worth. Still, it was a decent work out. I can still go for more training though. The feline like navi remarked, as she looked onward into the distance. As she uploaded the zenny to Mira, she began to walk off once more in search of a more worthy training partner.

[Heehee, just don't over do it Nyan! Perhaps you should have made a snack out of that enemy to keep your energy up!] Mira teased as she added the zenny to her account balance. Nyan just tried to ignore the remark all together. She wouldn't lower herself to the act of eating a virus, after all.

((Ready for battle 4))
Nyan's hike led her into a shallow stream, which eventually fed into what looked like a lake. And in that lake was all matter of strange and exotic viruses relaxing and playing.

Handy: 80 HP
Kettle: 100 Degrees
MarinaA: 120 HP
MarinaB: 120 HP
Mudfeesh: 60 HP
Rush: 4 HP
Starfish: 60 HP

100% Onsen

Nyan: 135HP

—Battle 4, Start!—
Nyan came to a pause as she neared a shallow stream in the midst of her trek. Her large feline ears twitched for a moment as she picked up on the sounds of movement and water splashing. Carefully she moved in closer, only to find a congregation of viruses of various sorts. The group consisted mostly of enemies she had never seen before, which caused her a bit of worry in addition to the large number.

Mira, 7 viruses detected ahead. I'm moving in swiftly to get the jump on them, so I need the bubblewrap and dash attack data. The military navi was already plotting her attacks, as she eyed each of the viruses with concern. She wasn't going to take any chances and risk sustaining a large amount of damage in the process.

[Got it! two chips comin' right up!] The young Mira wasted little time in searching for the navi's requested arsenal, not that nine chips was a chore to sort through regardless. Slotted in and ready for use, Mira transferred the data in a flash.

In a matter of seconds, Nyan had access to everything she needed and was poised to strike. Taking a breath to calm herself, she took a more offensive position as she planted her feet and readied her claws. A surge of energy coursed through her body before making its way to her legs, only to cause the warm waters around her to scatter as she burst forth across the watery surface. Her claws lashed out at each enemy as she dashed through their ranks at high speed, aiming the thin the herd and weaken the remains. Droplets of water cascaded from above as she came to a halt, the force of her attack had momentarily split a path open kicking some the water into the air.

As she turned around to face what was left, a portion of the displaced water began to culminate around her in the form of a bubble. Using the terrain to her advantage she would use the liquid to keep herself guarded, replenishing it as needed with the large reserves of water nearby. She still kept on her toes however. She was never one to willingly let her guard down, thanks to her training. She vigilantly watched her enemies for any sign of hostility and prepared to react accordingly.


1) DashAttack - 90 dmg + Impact + LineAttack(5) - Accuracy: C @ Handy, MarinaA, MarinaB, Mudfeesh, Starfish

2) BubbleWrap1 - [1-Hit Aqua Barrier | Status Guard | Regen]

3) Dodge
Nyan's mad dash and claw swipes dispatch the Handy and heavily damage the two Marinas. The Mudfeesh jumps out of the way of the Navi as she rushes through and the Starfish is not struck as well. Then the Navi wraps herself up in a bubble-shield.

In retaliation, both Marinas unleash a bubble with an anchor suspended in it. While the Starfish releases three bubbles with no anchors suspended in them. All five bubbles drift slowly towards Nyan. The Kettle gives out a merry little bubbling sound as it continues to percolate. And the Mudfeesh thrashes around in the muddier parts of the water, splashing mud at Nyan. Which the Navi cleanly dodges.

The Rush escapes in the confusion.

Kettle: 100 Degrees
MarinaA: 30 HP
MarinaB: 30 HP
Mudfeesh: 60 HP
Starfish: 60 HP

Anchor BubbleA: 1 HP
Anchor BubbleB: 1 HP
BubbleTrapA: 10 HP
BubbleTrapB: 10 HP
BubbleTrapC: 10 HP

100% Onsen

Nyan: 135HP (BubbleWrap1)
With 3 enemies out of the way and another 2 weakened, Nyans battle became much easier than she had initially planned. As she looked on to survey the new circumstances a swarm of bubbles of various types seemed to be closing in on her. She had never dealt with these type of enemies before but she was sure that these attacks would be troublesome if they managed to catch her. Looking at the distance and taking into account the number Nyan decided that going around them would take to long. She was going to go above them.

The feline took a step back before hurtling towards the bubbles head on. She had to build up some momentum if she hopped to clear them with one attempt. As the gap between became shorter and shorter Nyan prepared her self according and leaped into the air to launch herself past them. As she reached the peak of assent the air around her began to chill. Two icy sets of claws formed upon her feet, and with two swift kicks she sent forth a wave of frozen blades toward the two injured Marinas.

Hopefully thats two more down. Now to finish off another... Mira, the fireknife please!

The navi requested and the OP obeyed, as Nyans normally deadly claws became enhanced with a nice flame as she splashed back down to the ground. Her eyes darted back and forth until they locked onto the starfish from her new position, glaring angrily. A swift motion to push towards the enemy, Nyan quickly followed up with a sweeping slash. A trail of flame lingered and danced in the air from the attack, only to fade away.

She remained ever aware still, she wasn't about to let her guard down just yet and she watched and listened for even the slightest movement. A lapse in judgement could be her undoing after all.


1) Move action - leap over bubbles

2) mid-air - Fridgid claw - (30 aqua + Slashing) x two targets ; A accuracy, shot type - 2 TCD @ MarinaA/B

3) Fireknife - 60 fire + slashing, 6 uses - A accuracy @ Starfish

passive subtype ability - free dodge
The Navi leapt over the collection of bubbles, but was snagged by a non-anchor bubble, popping it and causing her own bubble-shield to pop. Nyan released a pair of frigid claws that slashed through the Marinas, deleting them. As she turned around to attack again, her bubble-shield formed around her, but the Starfish also released another three bubbles.

One bubble popped immediately as the Navi's fiery slash went through it, leaving the virus unharmed. Though the navi was quick enough to dodge back out of the other two bubbles reach, as well as the mud splashes of the Mudfeesh.

The Kettle continued to churn and bubble happily.

Kettle: 100 Degrees
Mudfeesh: 60 HP
Starfish: 60 HP

BubbleTrapA: 10 HP
BubbleTrapB: 10 HP

100% Onsen

Nyan: 135HP (BubbleWrap1)
Nyan was disappointed as her fiery claws were obstructed by a stray bubble. It seemed as though a head on attack wouldn't be enough to deal with the starfish like she first expected. Luckily Nyan was more than a one trick navi, and had just the idea to deal with it. After all, she was great at adapting to situations thanks to her training. She lifted her foot just a touch above the onsen, before kicking the surface causing the water to scatter over head. As the water began to fall back down it's shape and form took that of needles, and following a flick of Nyans hand they hurtled towards the starfish from above.

If that took care of her enemy, then she only had two more to deal with. Soon it would only be one. This time her claws would not be stopped. Her gaze shifted to that of the mudfeesh, an enemy which had annoyed her to no end once before, and one that was about to receive the lingering anger from her currently blazing weapons. Nyan leaped forth fiercely at her enemy, showing no remorse as a fiery slash aimed to turn it to little more the a smouldering pile of data with on swift motion.

Should be just one left. She said, attempt to assure not only her Operator but herself as well. She was confident she didn't miss this time, but it wouldn't be a first of they had survived by pure luck. Still, she turned her attention away and began to focus her sights on what she thought was the one final virus. The flames still burned brightly are her claws as she closed in on the target. Her hand poised and ready to lash out one more time in hopes of ending this battle. She had seen the kettles fall to her flaming strikes before and intended to repeat the process once again. In one fluid motion her body struck out at the kettle, aiming to rend its steel-like body.

She tried to remain vigilant just in case, she still refused to make the mistake of taking it easy only to find herself being attacked because of a miscalculation. She wanted this to end perfectly. The attack may not end the battle, and thus she wasn't about to relax just yet.


1) AquaNeedle1 - (20+5 elemental bonus) x 3 Aqua + Variable Targeting + Drop Attack - Accuracy: B @ Starfish

2) Fireknife - 60 fire + slashing, 5 uses - A accuracy @ MudFeesh

3) Fireknife - 60 fire + slashing, 4 uses - A accuracy @ Kettle

passive subtype: free dodge

passive: (BubbleWrap1)
The AquaNeedles fall on the Starfish, and two pop bubbles while the third pierces virus hide. Then Nyan slashes with flaming claws at the Mudfeesh. Who nimbly dodges... er... flops away. The Mudfeesh splashes more mud on Nyan, but the bubble that encases her keeps her clean as it pops. Just to reform moments later.

The Navi then sweeps her burning claws through the Kettle. The Kettle gives out a shriek as it boils over, just as the Starfish releases another trio of bubbles. Boiling water erupts from the Kettle and geysers all over the lake. The intense heat of the water pops all the bubbles and boils all the remaining viruses. Leaving Nyan alone with the smell of roasted sea life.

Mudfeesh: DELETED
Starfish: DELETED

100% Onsen

Nyan: 135HP (BubbleWrap1)

—Battle 4, Victory!—
Nyan: 600z, MudFlop1

Quote ()

Damage: 60 + Impact + Slow + Medium Mud Terrain
Accuracy: B
Description: The user strikes at a target with their whole body, blasting them with mud.
Duration: Once.
Element: Wood.
The battle came to a surprising end for Nyan, expecting the kettle to be a little more resilient. She made a mental note on the unique viruses weakness to flames for future reference, before turning attention towards the left over data from the battle. sifting through the charred remained of her enemies, she came upon some zenny and a rather sub-par prize; yet another Mudflop chip.

Ugh, another of these filthy and undignified chips. Who would willingly get dirty and throw themselves at an enemy? it's barberic. Nyan shuddered slightly at the thought, remembering the disgusting feeling after her last fight against the mudfeesh. It made the hair on her tail stand on end.

Upon sending the data up to Mira, Nyan began to survey the net once more. Her tail swayed back and forth as once more she took up the task of furthering her training with yet another battle, to temper her skill and wit. Even if she had been sorely disappointing so far.

[You know you really should relax more! hehe. You're going to over work yourself if you keep this up] The ever cheerful Mira chimed in, but Nyan didn't hesitate to continue moving forward.

[Well, suit yourself.]

((Ready for Battle 5))
Venturing deeper into the far to calming, smoothing waters, the little neko would soon come upon an odd sight. For there, ahead the waters seemed to be swirling in large whirlpool, and while normally such a sight wouldn't be so odd when surrounded by the waters of the network. The oddity came from the mass of thick, metalize gunk that seemed to be rising from the center.

The mass of thick oozing liquid metal soon rose into a mass above the waters as they settled and calmed beneath. And while it had no facial features, or form of any kind, it seemed to drift one way, then another as if searching about. Finally it lurched forward towards the navi, seemingly have found its next prey.

Metal Slime Ooze: 200HP

100% Onsen

Nyan: 135HP

—Boss Battle, Start!—
"Mira! Unidentified virus up ahead! Excercising extreme caution and requesting assistance."

Nyan came to an abrupt halt at the sight of the creature as it slowly rose from the watery depths, a mass of flowing metal sway this way and that with no real defining features. From it's outward appearance Nyan couldn't come up with any sort of physical or elemental weaknesses, nor what it could be capable of. That made Nyan worry. She had never heard of anything like this before, which either meant it was a rare occurrence, a new type of virus, or nothing that met it survived. Thankfully with operators and the ability to jack out the later was more unlikely.

Meanwhile Mira was preparing a variety of chips for the battle to help both offense and protection. She grabbed the ever useful bubblewrap and a long ranged aqua chip for now, a way to stay on the careful side and test the waters from a distance. [Hear you go! Battlechips, download!] The hyperactive operator seemed excited at the idea of pitting Nyan against a new enemy. That or she was bored of normal viruses.

As a bubble began to form around Nyan she at least tried to make a note of the way it moved, memorizing it and keeping attention for any sudden signs of aggression as she prepared her limber body to move away at a moments notice. Her body shifted to the side as she pulled back her right hand. With a swift motion she swiped at the water beneath her to kick some up above the two. Raising her hand a cold wind began to blow slowly causing the water to freeze into shards of ice, only to have to come crashing down upon her enemy.

"Lets see how it reacts."


1) dodge

2) BubbleWrap1 [1-Hit Aqua Barrier | Status Guard | Regen]

3) AquaNeedle1 - (20+5) x 3 Aqua + Variable Targeting + Drop Attack - Accuracy: B @ Metal Slime Ooze
Movement did not seem to be the strange slime creature's strong suit, as it lumbered and rolled through the waters slowly, only to suddenly lash out, a thick part of its body shooting forth like a hammer, which thankfully Nyan managed to dodge and wrap herself within her bubbly barrier, not to mention the gentle soothing touch of being in the healing waters.

Her attack followed just after, as those three icy spikes stabbed into the creature, causing it to still for a moment, than seem to quiver in reaction. Though it was then that the tip of a glowing green crystal appeared, as the ooze shifted and started to draw itself back together, the navi could clearly make out a trapped crystal locked near the base of the giant seemingly sentient slime.

Metal Slime Ooze: 127HP [GMD Exposed]

100% Onsen

Nyan: 138HP

GMD: 5HP [Inside Metal Slime Ooze]
As Nyan assaulted the beast she noticed something glint as part of its body became damaged and seperated from the attacks. A green crystal formation was lodged withing the oozing body of the enemy, much to Nyans surprise. Before she could decide what to do about it, the familiar voice of Mira called out to her.

[Nyan! Secure the shiny thing!] Mira sounding excited as always.

Nyan let out a bit of a sigh even though the response was to be expected. "Mira, can you give me the Aquaknife, please. The navi responded as she began to dash forth into her enemy. If she focused on attacking the main body she figured preserving the data would be much easier than just trying to pry it away. She drew back her clawed hands as a coating of ice began to form over them, the aquaknife installing and enhancing her power. She kept her wits about her as she watched for any more sudden movements from the ooze, her bubble of protection reformed once more in the off chance she failed to dodge.

Leading off with a thrust of her right arm Nyan struck out at the creature's main body forcefully. She couldn't be certain if she was connecting thanks to the liquid like body of her opponent, but she was confident her claws wouldn't fail her as she followed up with a wide slashing strike from her left. Her eyes kept careful watch over the oozes motions even still as she feared the idea of getting sucking into its creepy body much like that crystal seemed to have been. Nyan finished off with one final rising slash as she hoped this would be enough to fell what she could only assume was a mutated virus. Pulling back slightly she kept on her toes for anything that might happen, still a little wary of the enemy.


Passive: BubbleWrap1 [1-Hit Aqua Barrier | Status Guard | Regen]

Subtype Passive: Free Dodge

1) Aquaknife - 60+5 Aqua + slashing, 6 uses - A accuracy @ Metal Slime Ooze

2) Aquaknife - 60+5 Aqua + slashing, 6 uses - A accuracy @ Metal Slime Ooze

3) Aquaknife - 60+5 Aqua + slashing, 6 uses - A accuracy @ Metal Slime Ooze

Spotting some much desired treasure, the little feline navi called out for a powerful sword, and with it, began to hack and slash the boss to little bits, or at least she tried too. The first slash, seemed to just miss completely as the ooze reacted and parted ways to avoid the strike completely. While the second strike did strike true, it simply sliced the thinnest part between the two and with it, simply sliced the giant ooze in two!

Both the remaining halves seemed to recoil, the first snapping away and lashing out at the navi, who managed to leap aside from the first strike, only for it to lurch back up and crush through the bubbly barrier, slamming into her heavily and delivering with it a surprisingly painful shock! (-40) The other half seemed to draw back towards the glowing crystal, sealing it away completely once more.

Oddly enough, the separated half seemed to begin to steam and hiss within the water, and looked almost like it was beginning to melt. But that didn't stop the Nyan from lashing out again, striking at the half with some fight left in it, this time connecting fully, nearly cutting the thing to bits as more and more of it seemed to drip and hiss into the Onsen waters.

Metal Slime Ooze A: 30HP [Disconnected from GMD]
Metal Slime Ooze B: 100HP [Surrounding GMD]

100% Onsen

Nyan: 101HP [BubbleWrap1: Destroyed, cannot regenerate]

GMD: 5HP [Inside Metal Slime Ooze B]
Nyan reeled from the electric shock, realizing the ooze was much more dangerous as she initially thought. The fact it could replicate was even more fearsome, and she began to wonder just how she would defeat this enemy. While she did make not that the separated ooze seemed to begin to melt as it became separated it seemed the process wasn't immediate and perhaps destroying it before it could rejoin the main body would be a smart idea. There was only one major question on her mind now: Was the crystal in fact its core?

While grabbing it might be nice, if she ended up getting defeated because she was too focused on a prize then what would be the point. She resolved to just do what she needed to do in order to stop the slime for now, and worry about recovering anything after. She wasn't about to let herself be defeated here. She started off by slashing at the small surviving piece of slime with her claws once more. It was heavily damaged as it was so putting it out of its misery shouldn't be too much more trouble she thought.

Now she could focus on the remaining blob with a little less worry. She let out a sigh as a plan came to mind, but she knew deep down she would regret it as she pulled her jacket off and tossed it to the side. With a deep breath, she charged forward at the ooze with great speed. Nyan darted back and forth trying to keep nimble on her toes as she moved. She didn't want to take another hit after the damage it had already caused her once. As she pushed forward, a dark layer of a slimey substance began to coat her body the closer she got. Practically throwing herself into her enemy, Nyan was now coated in a thick layer of filthy mud as she flung herself into the ooze at top speed. She cringed as she could feel it's dirty texture, covering her entirely, hating every moment of it.

Ewwwwww... the things i do for victory...


1) Aquaknife - 60+5 Aqua + slashing, 3 uses - A accuracy @ Metal Slime Ooze A

2) dodge

3) MudFlop1 - 60 wood + Impact + Slow + Medium Mud Terrain - Accuracy: B @ Metal Slime Ooze B
With the separated half of that ooze slowly melting away, it had little ability to defend itself from Nyan's powerful attack, which quickly deleted it away. Leaving her head to head with the other half surrounding her prize.

Seeking a quick resolution before taking anymore pained attacks, the navi went for the desperation move. Sheathing herself within the gunk and filth of mud, she charged forth and smashed into the remaining slime creature. Which let out a hissed cry as it recoiled and parted around the navi; for a brief moment it seemed as if Nyan had actually been swallowed by the slime monster.

Then, she hit the crystal core at the center, sending a powerful shockwave through the substance which quickly caused it to burst apart as the crystalized gem shattered. Or rather, the larger, corrupt crystal core the ooze had formed around a true GMD shattered. The ooze, far to scattered and broken to reform, melted and faded down into the waters and mud, leaving an obvious glowing data file behind, while Nyan stood, covered in mud, before her glowing prize.

Metal Slime Ooze A: Deleted
Metal Slime Ooze B: Deleted

70% Onsen
30% Mud

Nyan: 104HP [[s]Covered in mud[/s]]

GMD: 5HP [Inside Metal Slime Ooze B]

—Battle 5, Victory!—
Nyan: MetaGel1, 670z

Quote ()

Damage: 90 + Slow + Drop Attack x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
Special: Drop Attack: This attack originates above the battlefield, and falls to the ground. It gains one rank of accuracy against High Altitude targets.

Open GMD: [[b]Y/N[/b]]
Nyan, upon seeing her foe fall, Quickly sank herself into the warm waters of the onsen almost immediately. The mud that clung to her was distracting enough that the feline completely missed the shiny GMD remaining after. Some furious scrubbing and a satisfying sigh later, her eyes turned once more to the corpse of the slime.

[get the shiny thing nyan!]

Mira called out cheerfully, her curiosity getting the better of her. Who wouldnt want shiny things after all. Nyan prioritized however as she picked up the new chip data and funds from the victory first, before walking over to and opening the GMD.

"Alright, alright..."

Feline curiosity did not stop the navi from taking her dear sweet time in cleaning up. A good thing the GMD couldn't sprout legs and walk away, or another slime monster come to claim it. In fact no, neither of those things happened at all, so Nyan was able to crack open the GMD and claim that beautiful reward!

[GMD Opened]
Nyan: PoisonMask

Quote ()

Effect: (2-Hit Shield) + (50 Poison + Miasma(Nova2))
Accuracy: S
Description: Summons a PoisonMask which acts as a 2-Hit Shield. While equipped, the PoisonMask will generate a cloud of poisonous Miasma in a Nova2 area around the user that damages all who draw near, but it will cease producing the Miasma if dropped. Break attacks will instantly destroy the PoisonMask.
Duration: Until destroyed or overwritten.
Element: Null
Special: Poison: Damage is considered Poison, and cannot be Imbued with an Element. Poison damage is dealt on a per-turn basis, and takes effect the turn after the target is struck with it. Poison can be cured with Status Cure.
Special: Miasma(mod): A method of delivering poison damage. This effect generates a damage zone, and bypasses all known forms of defense without exception. The coverage varies, and is denoted by the modifier listed in parenthesis after this effect.
Special: Status Guard: This chip blocks debuffs.
Nyan was pleasantly satisfied with the spoils of battle, and the contents of the "shiny thing" as her over excited operator put it. All in all it had been a good day of training and it was about time she had taken a rest, there was no point pushing herself.

"Alright i think we should call it a day. Jacking out.

[got it, nyan. Lets go get some waffles! I'm starving!]

With that, a flash of blue appeared and Nyan removed herself from Yoka, but something told her she would be back again soon. She prayed she wouldn't have a run in with another slime next time.

((thread over))