Springy Adventures

GelMan began to dash towards Terra, causing the ground the tremble with each step he took. "Drop dead and-*slurp*-and get this over with!" He jumped up into the air, causing his entire body to jiggle and expand before he plummeted straight down onto Terra. Again, the barrier was able to ward off the serious harm...

"...You're testing my patience...*Sluuurp*...Missy."

Just as when GelMan retracted back to his original shape, Terra quickly retaliated with multiple burst of typhoons that successfully pegged the navi. Unfortunately, his body was hardened a moment before to null the damage. [-60]. "That...*slurp*...hurts"

His arm turned from red to lime-green as it began to extend into a whip-like shape. He then began to cause rampage all over as he swung the arm relentlessly, hoping to finish his enemy off quick. Terra was nimble with her feet, and with the help of the fertile soil, she easily dodged all of the attacks without breaking a sweat!

GelMan: 540 HP [Soil]

Terrain: 40% Normal, 55% Soil, 5% Grass

Terra.EXE: 100 HP [Soil] [Barrier BROKEN]
Hurts, doesn't it.

Watching the Typhoon battlechip do its work, Terra smirked slightly at her success, small enough that GelMan probably wouldn't notice it. She checked her options, and found that all of her dodging had let her offensive processes cool down rapidly, allowing her to use her plant-growth once again. Activating it, she stood her ground as the green protection of her barrier sphere put itself up once again. Alright, let's see what we can do.

"Sending in second MarkCannon," said Scarlet, knowing that Terra would probably find a use for it.

Terra nodded at her operator, and began to put her plan into action. Putting her fancy footwork to the test, Terra began to run about erratically about GelMan, trying to confuse him into firing wildly at her. That way, it would distract him from using his gelatinous body to effortlessly dodge her attack. A sound plan, Terra thought, but it needed to be executed smoothly and swiftly, or it wouldn't work at all. Have to work fast. Quickly, quickly!

As such, she ran around GelMan in wide, erratic circles, carefully gathering her energies with the MarkCannon battlechip. When she figured he'd had enough, Terra abruptly stopped, and sent her plant-growth processes into overdrive. Vines burst out of the ground as she pointed her finger-gun towards GelMan, and fired the large MarkCannon round towards GelMan. Executed correctly, Terra figured it would catch GelMan off his guard, and damage him critically. Her plant-growth processes were ready to receive the hit as well, with the soil underneath her enemy's feet about to multiply the hurt he would get.


[*] Terraskill: Earthen Barrier 1 @ Self [20 HP Planar Barrier: Wood]
[1] Terraskill: Nature Force 1 @ Self [Imbue Wood 2]
[2] Dodge [+ Soil Bonus]
[3] Dodge [+ Soil Bonus]
-- Imbue Wood: MarkCannon1
[4] MarkCannon1 @ GelMan [Wood 70 + Lock-On + Seeking] [x2 Terrain + Shift Grass] {A}
"Is that how you're going to play?...*slurp*...Fine by me."

GelMan was still worked up about the last attack and the fact that Terra was running around like a rodent wasn't helping one bit. The first attack of firing a jelly bullet was a miss and the second was a hit, only to be warded off by the barrier.

Only after receiving a blow from yet another MarkCannon, GelMan reached his boiling point. "You're not getting off easy this time!" His torso shifted the color into a darker red and it began to bubble up as if it was boiling. Crossing his arms together on his chest, GelMan was fully focused on charging his attack as he patiently waited till it reached the maximum potential. Soon, the bubbling soon began occur through his entire body.

"Lets see if you...Hrrgh...Can dodge this!!"

As GelMan threw both his arms outward, his body violently exploded, throwing thick red jelly all around the explosion radius. Terra was hit by the jello-explosion, but the amount of damage she suffered wasn't dire at all...except, the jelly that covered the navi quickly began to harden rock solid and rendered Terra virtually unmovable! [-10 / Hold]

The rest of the remains of GelMan immediately gathered to the source of explosion, regaining his form in a matter of seconds as he put a big smile under his masked face. "Well, look at you...*slurrrrrrp*"

GelMan: 400 HP [Grass]

Terrain: 40% Normal, 50% Soil, 10% Grass

Terra.EXE: 90 HP [Soil] [Barrier BROKEN] [Hold]
As the explosive jelly attack erupted in Terra's direction, she instinctively put up her hands to shield herself from it. Strangely enough, the explosion, as loud-sounding and destructive-looking as it was, didn't hurt her all that much. She was puzzled, until she realized that the jelly formation had began to spread all over her body and solidify! Before long, her movements were constricted considerably, and she could only twitch in place. It covered her entire body, but she still lived. After all, programs didn't die from suffocation. She watched her opponent slowly make his way towards her, commenting about her current state.

And he's right where I want him, she thought.

A small message appeared on Scarlet's screen as she slipped on her clothes, stating a request for a certain battlechip. The operator viewed the battle on-screen, and smiled. Resourceful, most definitely, thought Scarlet, as she tapped the icon for the only Fire-related chip in their arsenal.

Terra continued to stare down GelMan as the latter spoke, watching where his feet lay. After confirming her strategy, she activated the HeatBreath chip within herself. However, instead of breathing it out through her mouth, as she did before, she channeled the heat through the entirety of her body. Concentrating on the upper half of her body, the fire burned from within her. Cracks began to appear on the jelly covering her head and torso.

Before long, the heat managed to break through, though whether partially or completely Terra didn't particularly care. What she cared about was to direct the explosive heat forward, aiming directly for GelMan. The heat melted through the paneling so completely that it was turned to liquid rock, which would probably hurt quite a bit. Through all this, Terra's barrier process still managed to initiate, covering her in the protective emerald aura that had become so familiar to her.


[1] HeatBreath @ GelMan [Fire 90 + Small Lava Terrain + Cone Attack] [x2 Terrain] {C}
-- Attempt to use heat to break down jelly
[*] Terraskill: Earthen Barrier 1 [20 HP Planar Barrier: Wood]
"Wait till I get , *slurp*, started on you."

GelMan slowly approached the immobile Terra as his heavy body jiggled with every step he took. His giant arms began to fuse into one another to create the same wrecking ball from the beginning, swinging it even faster than before as it already begun to blur in motion.

"Eat this!!" As GelMan swung the ball down, it crashed straight into Terra's head with immense amount of impact that the attack it self shook off a few of the hardened jelly off her. [-50] "HAHHA, *SLUURP*, NOW LETS GET THIS OVER WITH!"

The jello-navi swung his wrecking ball again, but Terra took this chance to unleash her attack, lighting GelMan and the terrain beneath him aflame and inflicting heavy damage onto the navi before he could attack again. "*Hoooock*...Just one more!"

Ignoring his boiling (jello) flesh from the attack and the burning lava beneath him, the navi took one more swing down onto his enemy, but it was fortunately warded off by the barrier...Leaving Terra open for a lethal blow.

GelMan: 210 HP [Lava] [X Turns Left]

Terrain: 40% Normal, 35% Soil, 5% Grass, 15% Lava

Terra.EXE: 40 HP [Soil] [Barrier Destroyed] [3 Turns Left] [[s]Hold[/s]]
"Terra!" exclaimed Scarlet.

Terra recoiled as the blunt force crashed on her head, but at least her breath attack connected successfully, and for quite a deal of damage, too. She couldn't keep it up for long. That particular hit had quite the toll on her, and she warily regarded GelMan's attacking. Heavily breathing, she requested what would hopefully be the last chip she would need for the battle. "Scarlet, Pulsar, Sword."

"Hey, Terra, you're looking really beat-"

"Scarlet, we are not talking about this again, not now," retorted Terra quickly, not wanting to waste any more time.

Defeated by her Navi's stubborn attitude, Scarlet sighed heavily, and sent the chips, which Terra received gladly. However, the dizzying effects from the blunt-trauma wrecking ball were causing her to wobble around, and she struggled to keep her stance. She tried to make the most of it, and used the erratic movements to her advantage, using the effects of the soil under her feet to increase the chances of her not taking another attack. Gathering some dirt in her hand, she crushed it in her hand, and a rod of earth extended itself from her fist. The rod sharpened into an edge, and formed a light shortsword.

Immediately, Terra leapt at her adversary, and swung the sword in front of her mightily. The sword carved through the air, and an explosive shockwave burst forth from the blade. Terra recoiled from the shock, and backpedaled. Holding the earthen sword in her hand with a vicegrip, she tried to regain her composure, with her breathing strained from the injury she sustained on her head.


[2] Dodge [Soil Movement Bonus]
[3] Sword @ GelMan [Null 80 + Slashing] [5/6] {B}
[4] Pulsar @ GelMan [Null 70 + Object-Activated Blast2] {A}
"...Imbeciles, did you transfer the item safely?"

GelMan's attention was suddenly shifted into the job he was doing before in the midst of battle, slowly stepping away from the lava step by step. "Yes...Sir, Mr. Honeywell is wondering where you are right now? You know how he is, you don't want to keep him wai--"

"Shhh, I'll catch up later. Keep Mr. Honey busy a little, I'm almost done...*Slurrpp*"

The jello navi shifted his left arm into a gigantic cleaver and pounced towards Terra, already going for the final blow to end the battle. However, the geomancer was able to freely evade the cleaver and counter it with her own. GelMan's body easily divided into two, but it formed back to its original form quickly before anyone could take advantage of it. "...*Slurp*, What's your name, missy? I'm curious to know the navi who put up such a pointless fight this far before I finish this!"

GelMan: 55 HP [Soil]

Terrain: 40% Normal, 35% Soil, 5% Grass, 15% Lava

Terra.EXE: 40 HP [Normal] [Sword 5/6]
As the cleaver missed her by a long shot, Terra sought to end the battle quickly. She had wanted to end it on a more civil note, but it was clear that her opponent was not thinking in the same vein of thought as she was. As such, she prepared herself, drawing up her last reserves for one final push. However, something felt off to her, something important. Soon, she came to notice that the barrier function wasn't working right. Of course, she was standing on plain, non-elemental terrain. She'd fix that soon enough.

With a quick exhale and a stomp of her boot, a clanking sound was heard her stomping. That was well, since it marked her changing of the ground beneath her into a tough steel, which rapidly extended out to cover much of the field. Her barrier process quickly picked up on the elemental properties of the metal, and covered her in a translucent yellow sphere of protection, as always.

"Scarlet, ElementalRage."

Receiving the request, Scarlet slotted in the chip, wanting Terra to end the battle in her favor as quickly as possible. The Navi, in her opinion, was far too stubborn. She would have recoded the personality in the Hikari AI to resolve it, but once an actual sentience develops through the AI's natural processes, even in the course of a couple of days, Scarlet realized that it was impossible to decode the personality data by human hands alone. Sighing, she sent the chip anyway, trying to get her clothes on quickly so that she would be able to go back to her dorm room.

Still in a defensive posture, Terra received the battlechip data, and smirked briefly. Then, the smirk turned back into her poker face, as she gathered the energies of the Planeswalking data beneath her feet into her hands. The earthen sword in her hand received the data most gladly, and solidified into a shiny grey metal. A yellow line appeared along the blade's side, pulsing with electrical arcs as it received the ElementalRage's data.

"If the battle was pointless, then I don't have to tell you that," said Terra, replying to GelMan's request for her name.

Immediately after, she proceeded to slash again at the air, creating another shockwave. This time, however, the electrical properties of the terrain were imbued into the shockwave, turning it into a massive wave of lightning-yellow sparks flying towards GelMan at high speed. Terra followed up the attack by lunging after the wave and striking out with the sword itself, should the wave somehow miss. Reminding herself of the powerful attacks GelMan had in his arsenal, however, she only executed one slash before leaping back again to her original position.


[1] Terraform: Tough Steel @ Terra + GelMan [Large Metal Terrain]
[*] Terraskill: Earthen Barrier 1 @ Self [20 HP Planar Barrier: Elec]
[2] ElementalRage1 @ GelMan [Null 60 + Line 3 + Terrain-Element: Elec] [x2 Element] {A}
[3] Sword @ GelMan [Null 80 + Slashing] [4/6] {B}
[4] Dodge
When the terrain changed its form, GelMan was already prepared for the worst as he crossed both his gigantic arms across his chest, changing his body's color into dark purple. "Do your worst, missy!"

As the thunderous electric wave collided with GelMan's hardened body, its amplified strength from the metal has managed to pierce through the defense and blow the navi off into a critical state. On his knees as he watched the Terra moving towards him, the wounded navi stared towards Terra through his white mask and threw both his arms forward as it stretched. "Not like this, *slurp*, I'm not going down like this!"

The stretched fist connected against Terra as the first destroyed the barrier and the other was a clean hit against the navi's torso, leaving her utterly breathless. But in the end, the navi was still continuing with her charge to end the battle once and for all...

"There you are, GelMan. Honeywell sent me all the way here to get you...but look at you, all worn out."

In a blink of an eye, a large glassy navi appeared between GelMan and Terra, warding off the sword attack with a whisk of his glassy hand. The unknown navi stood at the same height of GelMan, but this time, he was made entirely out of crystal glass filled from head to toe with orange-colored juice. His entire head, however, was made entirely out of silver but was sculpted into a stoic expression.

"Honeywell is displeased of your tardy. You need to go back and explain your situation...Despite your current form." The navi continued to talk with GelMan as if he was completely oblivious of Terra's existence.

"BE-*SLURP*-QUIET, JUICEMAN. THIS IS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS." GelMan retorted. "Aw, but it is Honeywell's "damn" business...Come on then, lets go." JuiceMan forcefully took his comrade up by his arm and began to walk away with his back facing Terra...

"This poor thing has lost quiet alot of his own body from his battle...Take what you want from it, it's all yours."


And, as quickly as he appeared, JuiceMan disappeared to leave the wounded Terra alone...and bunch of jellos flung all over the place. However, the jellos began to move on its own and focused into a single pile, forming into an (edible) jello data crystal.

GelMan: 1 HP / ESCAPED!
JuiceMan: 500 HP / ESCAPED!

Terrain: 40% Normal, 60% Metal

Terra.EXE: 1 HP [Barrier Destroyed]

900z + [MetaGel1] BattlechipMetaGel1
Damage: 90 + Slow x 3 Targets
Accuracy: B
Description: Summons three Metagels to drop down on three different opponents. Causes Slow on contact.
Duration: Once
Element: Aqua
"Well, that was certainly a close call," said Scarlet, looking worriedly at Terra's current HP total. Terra clutched at her torso, feeling numb in the area after the particularly powerful punch pulled by her opponent. "Terra, you all right? I'm jacking you out-"


Terra held up a hand, and surveyed the area. The jelly bodyparts left over from her brawl with the gelatinous Navi were starting to coalesce back into something, and Terra was at critical health already. She couldn't afford another fight. Tensing up, she prepared for the worst... only to find that the jelly merely condensed into a data crystal. Analysis found it to be battlechip data, which Terra picked up quickly.

"All right, let's go," she said, disappearing into a pillar of light.

[Jack Out]