The wideshot crashes into the line of Cannondumbs and takes out the whole gang. Splashman sends an Icewave into one of the Misties, which causes the creature to freeze and then shatter. A large hammer monster appears before another and smashes the virus. The last one is somehow overwhelmed with its own element. Splashman then hides under water. One of the Wallas fire upon him but its attack passes right over him.

CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!
CannondumbC: DELETED!
WallaA: 100 (left)
WallaB: 100 (right)
WallaC: 100

Terrain: 80% Normal 20% Sea (in the direction Splashman came from)

Splashman: 200 (Sea)
After waiting for a few moments to make sure he didn't get hit by anything else, SplashMan resurfaced, and spent a moment just staring at the viruses...or specifically, the lack there of. He wasn't used to being this good for this long a stretch..."Yep...that Speed upgrade really helped..."

"Yep..." Sabrina admired the sight of every non-Walla virus for a couple of moments herself, before starting to drag chips over to her Navi's spot on the screen in front of her. "Now let's keep it up! Battlechip, DoubleNeedle! Slot in!"

A bow-like gun formed on the Navi's forearm and hand, which promptly was aimed towards the first walrus virus, and in a sense attempted to give it a taste of its own medicine by shooting two sharp, pointy objects. Not the exact same, but it'd certainly do. "One down, two to go!"

"And next up...one you're not gonna like!" A chip featuring some sort of wasp-like object crackling with electricity was immediately sent over. "Battlechip, Arrow! Slot in!"

SplashMan turned around at another of the Walla, and watched as an Elebee formed in front of him and began to fly over towards it, stinger extended and ready to strike. "That's Arrow? Well, you'll be glad to know I can tolerate it, since I don't actually have to deal with it myself!"

"Good to know! Now, attack that last one yourself, so we can move on!"

The Navi quickly bent over, and quickly but efficiently shot a powerful blast of water at the third and final walrus. Attacks didn't get much simpler than that...but immediately started looking around, to make sure all Walla were accounted for and deleted. And if even one remained, he had that water below him to help with avoiding...

[Order of Turn:
2-DoubleNeedle chip attack on WallaA (50, hits twice)
3-Arrow1 chip attack on WallaB (100, Elec, homing)
4-Water Splash sig attack on WallaC (140, Aqua)
5-Submerge (if necessary)]
As Splashman pops back up, he fires two large needles. The walla is too fat to dodge and gets taken down. He then fired a bee, which totally deletes another virus. Splashman uses a special and then hides from his rewards. Scary stuff.

CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!
CannondumbC: DELETED!

Terrain: 80% Normal 20% Sea (in the direction Splashman came from)

Splashman: 200 (Sea)

Rewards: 1150z
...Nope, no attacks from above the surface. SplashMan peeked out from under the water, to find nothing but reward data in the immediate vicinity. And that was fine with him. "Another group toasted! ...Or whatever..." He leapt from the drink, and rushed over to the data to analyze it. ...Hmm, just cash data this time, but since it was a lot, he couldn't complain too much. "Zenny sent over! Now, how many virus groups have we beaten so far? I kinda forgot..."

"...How do you kinda forget something? Anyway, that was #4 that you just creamed. Why?"

"Ugh...weird stuff always happens at about this point. Weird stuff that has a knack for inflicting pain on me. I'm not exactly looking forward to that..."

"Hey, I don't wanna hear that kind of talk! You've gotten this far without taking any hits, why should this be any different?"

"Because it's weird stuff...well, better get it over with..." And so, SplashMan ventured farther along into the Net, now more cautious than usual given the situation...

(searching for Battle #5)
Splashman walks further in, the area now completely normal.

The aquatic battler spots a navi in the distance.

"Well, hello there. You on a virus run too?" the gold-chromed navi asks Splashman, turning around on his tank-treads skates to face Splashman.

"Well, actually, that's a stupid question. I mean, there's not a lot to do on the net than that. I'm Tankman by the way, upholder of justice and peace," Tankman continued, introducing himself.

Sighing with a bored expression, Tankman looks around and looks kind of downcast, "I've been patrolling this area for a while, but nothing really weird shows up. What do you think?" the gun navi asks Splashman.

((Err, softlocked for a bit, I guess))
Well, he wasn't exactly expecting a friendly Navi...looked like he ran into some good luck this time. But what did he mean by 'really weird'? Did he mean those things that happened every so often? "Er...really weird? What do you mean, exactly?"

Of course, he had forgotten a major something...good thing his operator picked that time to pay attention. "Psst! Introduce yourself!"

"Huh? Oh, right!" SplashMan flinched in admonishment for forgetting something that basic...especially considering TankMan had just done it himself. "I'm SplashMan! And, uh...I guess I uphold justice and peace, too! I mean, I try to do what's right whenever I can..."

"Real smooth, SplashMan..."

"...So, yeah. What do you mean by nothing 'really weird' showing up? Is something going on?"
"Nice to meet you, Splashman," Tankman replied before sighing and scratching the back of his head with his left hand.

"Well, I patrol right? So usually every time I finish off a fourth virus group, something weird happens to me. Weird progs, giant metools, hordes of synchronized viruses, Heelnavis, Heelnavis stuck to motorcycles, Heelnavis on viruses, that kind of stuff," Tankman elaborated. "Well, you know, this may be a bit awkward, but why don't we have like... a friendly match? I uh- don't know how to hold back very well, so bear with it. Or we could... like, go explore or something," Tankman suggested, clearly bored.

So, what do you want to do?

[Sure, let's have a fight.]
[Hmmm, I like that exploring idea]
(moves the cursor to Option #2 and presses A)

Hmm...well, he had to be honest with himself; both options sounded just dandy to him. Dandy enough that he couldn't decide on his own. "Hmm...lemme talk with my operator about it!" He opened a little screen of his own for maximum two-way conversation ability. "Sabrina, what do you think?"

"Well, here's the deal. Once you jack out, we're going to need to get going. And I'm sure as heck not about to get out. And I think a straight-up NetBattle'll definitely hurt our chances of going really far in. So why don't you two do some exploring? Who knows, maybe you'll find something neat!"

"Okay!" The Aqua Navi turned back towards TankMan, now able to give a good answer. "Well, my operator would rather we do some exploring. So I say we do that! I've cleared four virus battles myself, so together we could probably find something really weird!"

In the back of his mind, he could hear himself going, "You idiot, you don't want anything weird! Weird things can hurt!" But he chose to ignore it...for the time being, anyway.
"Alright then, to adventure!" Tankman shouted, pointing in the distance with his gun arm, the antennae on his head twitching violently.

And so they were off.

((You're next battle is Battle 5))
SplashMan was fairly confident that there was no turning back at this point. So...

"Right! Let's go!" He raced ahead, fairly confident that TankMan would be able to catch up with him...what with the fact his distance running had much to be desired. The fact the back of his mind wouldn't shut up with the 'weird stuff is bad for your hit points' wasn't really helping, either.

(let the true Battle #5 search begin!)
(Shin wanted me to do this as my first moddy thing, so, here yah go!)

As the duo walks through net for a short time, the soon encounter three progs, not normal ones mind you, these little bastards looked like crazy just beat the crap out of them as they spewed random, incomprehecible gibrish from their pie-holes.

"What the...? Looks like we might be in for a fight..." Tankman mumbled under his breath, unfortunately for them, it was loud enough for the trio of progs to turn around and notice them.

"I LIKE WAFFLES!" the first yelled like a complete and total idiot.
"DO YOU LIKE WAFFLES!?" the second yelled, the question was probably directed towards Splashman and Tankman, but they didn't have a chance to speak before the last piped up, probably stupider than the other two.
"I NEED TACOS OR I'LL EXPLODE! That happens to me sometimes." the third yelled, then the battle routines of the duo started up.

"I don't need this. Come on Splashman! Looks like it's time to virus bust." Tankman said towards Splashman, readying his weapons and locking onto the trio of progs.

Malicious ProgA: 700 HP
Malicious ProgB: 700 HP
Malicious ProgC: 700 HP

Splashman.exe: 200 HP
Tankman.exe: 800 HP

Terrain: all normal
(OOC: Oh no! I'm stuck with a noob! (shot repeatedly))

...Crazy as all heck Mr. Progs. Fun times. Fun times that could possibly end his times if they weren't careful. "Well, I guess we got the weird stuff we wanted..."

"Yeesh...look at those things! You can just tell they're freaks by looking at 'em!" Sabrina shook her head, trying to reset her internal weirdness meter, and splashing some water on formerly dry land in the process. "But...we can't hammer them quick. Look at those HP totals!"

"Yeah...what should we do, then?"

"Well, considering, like, over half our attack chips can hit multiple targets, we do what we do best! Hit lots of things at once!" She sent over a single chip, which featured a blue cloud holding a red and yellow umbrella. "Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"

Appropriately, a small cloud formed above what was the closest thing to SplashMan's head, which watched as it moved over towards to the Mr. Prog trio, and began attacking by...raining on them? Maybe it was hard rain..."Well, that's one attack down...what next?"

"Now...we use that which we always use!" Sabrina's next choice...three identical chip pictures featuring Lark viruses. "Battlechip, WideShot! Triple slot in!"

A gun vaguely resembling a Lark's mouth formed on the Navi's hand, and was soon pointed towards the trio of...adversaries? They weren't exactly viruses or Navis...but that's digressing. He released all three waves of water towards the Mr. Progs, each capable of inflicing large amounts of pain in their own right. But speaking of which, how was he going to avoid any possible counterattacks?

After a moment of thinking, his operator decided on an old standby. "No need to dodge this time, SplashMan! Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

A red shield with a blue + mark appeared in front of him, which he promptly ducked behind. But instead of focusing on maximum ducking, he looked over at TankMan, who was obviously raring to go. "It's all yours, TankMan! Let 'em have it!"

[Order of Turn:
1-LilCloud chip attack on Malicious ProgA, Malicious ProgB, and Malicious ProgC (70+10, Aqua)
2-WideShot1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA, Malicious ProgB, and Malicious ProgC (60+10, Aqua)
3-WideShot1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA, Malicious ProgB, and Malicious ProgC (60+10, Aqua)
4-WideShot1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA, Malicious ProgB, and Malicious ProgC (60+10, Aqua)
5-Guard2 chip attack (120-, Reflects an attack)]
Splashman's attacks go fucking insane on the trio of progs, though, SOMEHOW the lil cloud's rain managed to miss as the three jumped back in unison, the rain completely missing and it just kept on. But, the three wideshots DID splash them with some highly consentrated water blasts, dropping their HP values by, well, a LOT as Splashy over there pulled up a guard2.

"Not bad Splashman, now it's my-" Tankman said, but was interupted by a colorful rainbow as one of the progs shouted. "ROYAL RAIIIIIIIINNNNBOW!" the other two started a chargin up their lazars, thankfully, they didn't get a chance to finish, but, they kept their charges...and will probably fire next turn.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!" Tankman shouted before bringing his tank barrel down, and RIGHT in the face of the prog as it was charging at him, waiting till the last moment, then...BOOOM! Right in the prog's face mor maximum damage; canceling out it's attack as he shot several machinegun bullets towards each of the lazar charging progs, each spread hitting dead on as Splashman's guard went back into him as chip data, seems like it's useable, but only as the next attack of next round.

Malicous ProgA: 530 HP (CHARGIN MAH LAZAR!)
Malicous ProgB: 440 HP (close range with tankman)
Malicous ProgC: 530 HP (CHARGIN MAH LAZAR!)

Tankman.exe: 730 HP (close range with Malicous ProgB)
Splashman.exe: 200 HP (guard2 useable next turn and next turn only)

Specal: Splashman's Lil Cloud is in effect for one turn more

Terrain: Normal 100%
Well, that laser attack did NOT look like it was fun to get hit by...but SplashMan didn't reuse his Guard. Instead, he dispersed the data, and looked over at the group of Mr. Progs and TankMan. "Come on, Sabrina! Let's keep up the pace!"

"Well, that's fine and dandy, but now it's going to be kinda tough to hit them with wide range moves..."

"Yeah...but as long as we use the right ones, we should miss TankMan! Plus, maybe we can interrupt their charges with some attacks!"

"Well...I guess you're right. Okay, I'll send stuff over!" After a moment of thinking, the young woman transferred a chip featuring a RainGear virus over to her Navi. "Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"

A RainGear became the latest shape to appear at the end of the Aqua Navi's arm. "Watch out, TankMan! Don't move for a minute!" After a couple of moments, it opened its mouth, as if an actual one was attacking, and caused three geysers to erupt in the area of the insane Mr. Prog...and preferably avoiding the ally Navi in the process. "Okay, send me more!"

"Easy for you to say..." Sabrina cycled through her chips, before settling on one featuring a walrus in a sailor's hat and shirt. "We don't really have much else that won't risk hitting TankMan! But here...battlechip, TwinFang! Slot in!"

A tusk-like missile formed on each side of the Navi's arm, which was now entirely normal shaped for a change. After taking a moment to get the aim down, he shot each fang on each side of the yellow Navi, in order to hit the Mr. Progs at each end.

"...Okay, I've had about enough of us playing 'Sidestep the Navi'. We're going to hammer one of those freaks, and then we're waiting for him to get out of the way!" And naturally, nothing said hammer like a chip that actually involved whacking an enemy with a hammer. "Battlechip, BigHammer! Slot in!"

A Gaia virus suddenly appeared in front of one of the Mr. Prog, and lowered its hammer down, and hopefully right down on said Mr. Prog. But if that was everything, it meant he was on his own. He eyed the opponents warily, fairly sure he was going to have to dodge some lasers in the near future...

[Order of Turn:
1-WaterLine1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA, Malicious ProgB, and Malicious ProgC (80+10, Aqua)
2-TwinFang1 chip attack on Malicious ProgA and MaliciousProgC (70)
3-BigHammer1 chip attack on MaliciousProgC (160, Break)
As Splashman sends a line of water at each of the progs, hitting dead on, the two chargers finish chargin their lazars...only to have a taco in their mouths and swollow them, healing them a little while shouting in unison. "OOOPS! WE SWALLOWED OUR LAZARS!" as Tankman, fed up with these progs already, just said.

"Ugh...I think my IQ is dropping just being around them..." she said, face palming himself as Splashman sent two white fangs at the two intended targets, missing one and hitting the other, as well as bringing a large hammer down upon his intended target, smashing it into the ground.

"I'MA FIRIN MAH LAZAR!" the prog that was closest to Tankman said, before firing a large lazar into his face before Tankman shot the prog with two large shells from his Tankcannon and throwing a large granade in the mass, it slowly ticked as the damaged prog from Splashman's attack began to charge it's lazar again, and once again, not able to finish as the other rushed right at Splashman, but, he dodged with great grace and again as the same prog sent a "Royal Rainbow" In his direction and, again, missing as the Lil Cloud disapated from the battle.

Malicous ProgA: 520 HP
Malicous ProgB: 260 HP (close range with tankman)
Malicous ProgC: 380 HP (CHARGIN MAH LAZAR!)

Tankman.exe: 650 HP (close range with Malicous ProgB)
Splashman.exe: 200 HP (close range with Malicous ProgC)
Tank Grenade: 60 HP (explodes next turn)

Terrain: Normal 100%
...What the?! How did he get this close to the rabid Mr. Progs? He couldn't remember at all...oh well, it gave him a good excuse to use a close range attack. "Sabrina, I think you know what I want right now..."

"Oh, you can have it after the battle!" Sabrina gave her Navi a rather seductive wink. "You can have it several times!"

"...What are you talking about?"

"Sigh...never mind..." Though a tad disappointed that SplashMan never learned innuendo, she sent over a chip featuring a blue Swordy, which she figured was what he really meant. "Battlechip, AquaSword! Slot in!"

"Thanks!" The Aqua Navi's hand faded, replaced by a water-based sword. And with it, he performed the act of slicing the Mr. Prog nearest to him horizontally...then vertically...then horizontally again...then-

"Battlechip, AreaGrab! Slot in!"

Before SplashMan could attack a fourth time, he instantly vanished, reappearing quite some distance away from the others. And while he was used to AreaGrab being used in tandem with AquaSword, he was more accustomed to it being used BEFORE he started the slicing and dicing. "Hey, what'd you do that for?"

"Lemme put it this way...grenades + lasers = bad!"

"...I think those Mr. Progs are starting to affect you..." The Navi looked on the rest of the battle's participants, making sure no forms of pain made their way towards him. And if they did...well, that's why he had legs...

[Order of Turn:
1-AquaSword chip attack on Malicious ProgC (80+10+15, Aqua)
2-AquaSword chip attack on Malicious ProgC (80+10, Aqua)
3-AquaSword chip attack on Malicious ProgC (80+10, Aqua)
4-AreaGrab to a fair distance from the Malicious Progs, or at least out of Tank Grenade's range (teleports user)
(*faceplams self* I KNEW I WAS MISSING SOMETHING! Blah...I'm new, don't kill me for it...but feel free to break my face if you want.)

Splashman slashes once, twice and thrice at the program, all the slashes hitting with great force, hitting it hard, but the prog did manage to get a lazar off at Splashman, hitting him right before he could teleport away being at such close range but damaging it's self from some splash back(20).

Splashman did indeed teleport out of the way of Tankman's explosive, but that does not mean it went un-noticed by the prog that was he was in range of. "Mmmmm...TACO!" the prog went as it went after the bomb. "No you don't you little bugger!" Tankman yelled as he sent a barage of shots at the prog all of them hitting dead on except one bullet, but it was enough to get the prog's attention as it fired a large lazar at Tankman, but thankfully for him, he managed to to the right of the beam of energy at the very last second.

"That was close..." he mumbled before sending another spread of bullets, but this time towards the prog that Splashman had slashed at, four of the shots managed to hit and he was probably lucky, considering the prog had attempted to dodge the attack. The single, overlooked, prog fired another lazar, luckaly, Splashman managed to see the blast and evaded it while the grenade went off and blew up one of the progs and damaged the second weakest one with shrapenal.

Malicous ProgA: 520 HP
Malicous ProgB: 160 HP
Malicous ProgC: Slashed and sploded.

Tankman.exe: 650 HP
Splashman.exe: 120 HP
Tank Grenade: SPLODED!

Terrain: Normal 100%
Okay...one down, two to go. And so long as he didn't muck his attacks up, he could probably make that two down. But that was only if he hit his mark..."Okay, what should I do next?"

"Well, you've got some distance between you and those things...how about a nice squirt from your cannons?"

"I dunno about a squirt, but I bet Water Splash would work well!" SplashMan quickly bent over a bit, and let out his signature torrent of water from his back cannons towards the weakened (but not deleted) Mr. Prog. But that wasn't going to finish it by itself..."Done, but I need something else. Doesn't have to be strong, but good accuracy'd be nice!"

"Hmm...oh, I know! We haven't used this one in a little while!" A chip featuring a picture of a Shrimpy virus was sent to the Navi with a flick of the finger. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Slot in!"

A nozzle-like gun formed on the Aqua Navi's hand and forearm, and he positioned it towards the Mr. Prog. He didn't need to trigger the splash effect, though it'd be nice...just had to make absolutely sure he finished his target off...and...whoosh! A large bubble-shaped bullet was fired from the nozzle, sailing towards the direction of the severely weakened Mr. Prog.

"Well, that's two down! Now, for that other one...let's just hit it with something basic!" The next chip transfer was a two-fer; twin chips of blue Canodumb. "Battlechip, Hi-Cannon! Double slot in!"

The nozzle faded, and was quickly replaced with a blue cannon. SplashMan still had his arm extended like he was shooting, so he simply readjusted his aim towards the insane Mr. Prog that had yet to be really hammered, and fired two quick blasts of energy in rapid succession. However, the first one seemed a little larger and more powerful...seemed like he had put a little extra something in it. "Okay, done! ...Mind if you give me a Guard or something this time? I don't really want to get hit again..."

"Sure!" As requested, Sabrina sent over a certain defensive chip. "Battlechip, Guard2! Slot in!"

Once more, the Navi found himself behind a reflective shield, and he wasn't afraid to use it. "Hey, Mr. Prog! Gimme your best shot!" As he shouted, he couldn't help but feel a sense of irony about his saying he didn't want to get hit, then trying to taunt the enemy into attacking him...

[Order of Turn:
1-Water Splash sig attack on Malicious ProgB (140, Aqua)
2-Bubbler chip attack on Malicious ProgB (50+10, Aqua)
3-Hi-Cannon chip attack on Malicious ProgA (80+15)
4-Hi-Cannon chip attack on Malicious ProgA (80)
5-Guard2 chip attack (120-, reflects an attack)]
"OH MY GOD! HE KILLED KENNY!" One yelled right before Splashman began his attack at the death of their comrade.

"YOU BAST- BLAAAGH!" the other yelled as it was hit hard by Splashman's signature attack and before it could do anything else, Splashy's bubbler hit dead on, splashing over to the other prog and era- I mean, deleted, the prog.

"NUUUUUU! REEEED! YOU KILLED MY FREIIIIIND!" the remaining prog screamed in horror as Splashman's Highcannon's hit the little thing head on, damaging it highly as it fired a larger than normal lazar...RIGHT INTO SPLASHMAN'S GUARD!

The counter attack from Splashman's guard hit dead on, ripping through the prog's data but, Tankman, having enough of this, rushed in towards the prog until he was within melee distance of it, and fired off two large tank shells into it's face, sending it flying.

Malicous ProgA: 195 HP
Malicous ProgB: ERASURE! I mean...erm...DELETION!
Malicous ProgC: Slashed and sploded.

Tankman.exe: 650 HP
Splashman.exe: 120 HP
Tank Grenade: SPLODED!

Terrain: Normal 100%