Red in the steaming enviornment

A column of red light burst down into the net and reformed into the bodice of Red. She looked around and exclaimed gleefully, "I wonder what's there to do?" The red-caped wonder giggled before humming merrily and skipping into the distance.

((Battle 1 please.))
((Occupational Hazard 1: When you mod other people. Sometimes, they don't pay back the favor as quickly. Occupational Underscore Addendum: But one must be patient and exercise one's right of bumping.))
((Bump 2))
((Bump 3))
((It's been quite awhile since I've modded in Yoka... *cracks knuckles*))

Lil' Red finds some fish out of water! Sort of.

ShrimpyA: 100
ShrimpyB: 100
ShrimpyC: 100
BombcornA: 70
BombcornB: 70

Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 190
Myun.SPT: 80

Battle One!
((Thanks Steve. Er... I think Support Units aren't there at the beginning, they have to be summoned.))

"There's that feeling again," Red commented, snapping her fingers as her support unit came to her side.

"The one where you feel like you're running forever and JUST came across something?" Shin asked. "Yeah, I get that feeling too sometimes."

""Well, we need some cash for some upgrades. So let's get this started," Red remarked.

"Alright, time for some blazing justice! Areagrab! Elecsword! Flameline! Slot-in!" Shin announced, sending his navi the chips.

Red grinned as the data was uploaded and patted Myun on the head. "You just avoid getting hurt for now okay?" she cooed to her pet. The rabbit nodded and got into a dodging position.

"Here I come," the wind navi murmured, smirking.

And in an instant, she vanished.

The next moment the crimson crusader was behind the Shrimpy viruses with an evil glint in her eye as she brandished what seemed to be a European Broadsword with electricity crackling down the blade. "You lose!" the red-caped wonder claimed cheerfully as she swung her weapon powerfully at the viruses, attempting to eradicate their very existence from the face of the net. But it was all a game to her now.

The wind navi quickly fastened the sword to her back as she turned upon her next targets, the Bombcorns. "Ruler of Fire, burst from the earth and sear my enemies! Kashin Shourai!" Red chanted, slamming her hand on the ground and sending towers of flame erupting in a line toward her enemies, trying to roast them to cinders and ashes.

"This might be another certain cause for flash fires," Red proclaimed cheerfully, grabbing her sword and swinging it down on the ground. She could do no more, but the wind around the netscape circled around her figure, an attempt to aid their mistress in avoiding harm. They too, would be ready, if an attack came, to gently glide her out of the way.

Turn Summary:
1. Summon Myun
2. Areagrab behind Shrimpys [Teleport/Dodge, +1 accuracy]
3. Elecsword to ShrimpyA,B,C [80 Elec DMG x2(weak) = 160 DMG]
4. Flameline1 to BombcornA,B [70 Fire DMG x2(weak) = 140 DMG]
*Gust: Dodge

Myun's Actions
1. Dodge
((Kicks the topic))
((uppercuts the topic))
((FALCON PAAANCHES the topic))
((Lazymod go))

Stuff goes boom.

BombcornA: DELETED
BombcornB: DELETED

Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 190
Myun.SPT: 80

Hey, you win!

GET: 650z, Cornshot1, 8 Bugfrags
Myun quickly gobbled up the Bugfrags as Red sighed and stared off into the distance.
"More?" she asked, unamused.
"Yeah... we need some more cash for those things." Shin replied.
"I guess so," Red said, shrugging, letting her cape flow dramatically behind her. Myun caught up, and so the two watched for more viruses.

((Bump? ._.))
As the hood progresses through the net, she quickly finds herself amongst a small group of strange, pine cone-like virii...


BagWormA = 150
BagWormB = 150
BagWormC = 150
BagWormD = 150
BagWormE = 150
BagWormF = 150

Red: 190
Myun: 80

((Thanks FZ, you're a lifesaver.))

"Ooh, this might be fun~" Red commented, placing her arms behind her head as she noticed the viruses.
"I'm guessing they'd be Wood element from the pinecone-ish appearance," Shin mused.
"What? Haven't we fought these guys before?" his partner exclaimed in surprise, waving her arms up and down.
"Uh, Red? Shouldn't we just take care of them?" Myun blandly pointed out, ending a possible argument.
"R-right! Let's go bust some viruses!" Red proclaimed, cheerfully, laughing all the way.
"Time for some barbeque and flambe. I like my worms cooked. Battlechips Slot-in! Go for it Red!" the self-proclaimed Ace Netbattler yelled enthusiastically, cheering his navi on.
"Here I come!" the crimson crusader stated as she dashed toward her opponents, making hand seals in preparation for her attack. "Ruler of fire! Burn my enemies to ashes! Kashin Shourai!" the wind navi chanted, slamming her hand onto the ground. The surface of the net cracked, a rumbling in the area could be felt as searing towers of lava erupted from underneath three of the Bagworms, attempting to incinerate the viruses and rid them from the net.
Crackling fire manifested around the red-caped wonder's fists as she moved in line with her next targets. "One," she muttered, using her right hand to send a blast of fire at two of the enemies she lined up, "Two!" the navi cried, now punching forward with her left hand as she blasted another shot of fire at the same two viruses.
"My attacks will conquer the battlefield!" the navi proclaimed, her right fist bursting aflame yet again, but with seemingly much more intensity.
"The PET... it says her power level is..." Shin started, gaping at the screen of his personal computer, but was promptly shut up by a soccer ball hitting him in the head from somewhere.
"Owwww~" the netop muttered, rubbing his face as a kid ran by muttering an apology. Though he turned his attention back to the battle.
"BLAZING UPPERCUT!" Red shouted dramatically as she attempted to slam her burning fist into the last Bagworm's body, possibly to flip it over for massive damage or something like that.
"Ruler of Wind. Lend me your arms and protect me from my enemies. Fuuka Shourai!" the wind navi muttered as the gentle breeze of the netscape whipped around the one who called them, attempting to glide her out of the way of any oncoming attacks.
"ORA!" Myun shouted, dashing into the fight after her mistress had finished. Her right fist was charged with pink energy and it was going straight toward one virus. "SUDDEN IMPACT!" the support unit yelled, trying to slam some hurt into a Bagworm with a fist of fury.
"I think that may work," Shin mused, observing the fight.

Turn Summary
1. Flameline1 to BagwormA,B,C [70 Fire DMG x2(weak) =140 DMG]
2. Heatshot to BagwormD, splash to BagwormE [40 Fire DMG x2(weak) =80 DMG]
3. Heatshot to BagwormD, splash to BagwormE [40 Fire DMG x2(weak) =80 DMG]
4. Firehit1 to BagwormF [60 Fire DMG x2(weak) =120 DMG]
*Gust: Dodge

Myun's Actions.
1* Break Attack to BagwormA [15 Break DMG]
((Bump, maybe I should screw the rules and PM one of you. Bah. We'll see.))
((3rd time... BUMP))