Phantasm and Nitro's flaming fight!

Nitro takes the initiative, using his powerful break ability added to a shotgun to put a nick through most of the ENGBalls without a hitch. He then proceeds to bombard the Scarecrows with a simply thrown Minibomb.

Phantasm takes the easy way out and sends a ghostly flare at the weakened Powie, deleting it.

Nitro's minibomb proved to be minimally effective as lightning shot down on the two Scarecrows, recovering their health, and blasting two ozone rending bolts of electricity at the duo. Phantasm ghostily slid out of the way, but Nitro was not so lucky.

The remaining powie jumped into the air and slammed down as a heavy weight toward Phantasm, but the ghostly navi slid away once again.

ENGBallA: 30 HP [red]
ENGBallB: 30 HP [blue]
ENGBallC: 30 HP [red]
ENGBallD: 80 HP [red]
ENGBallE: 80 HP [blue]
ScarecrowA: 100 HP
ScarecrowB: 100 HP
PowieEXB: 100 HP

Terrain: 100% Normal

Phantasm: 120 HP
Nitro.EXE: 50 HP
Nitro shouted out as he was struck by the bolt of lightning, and fell forward. There was a tense moment where Nitro didn't move, and Chris gripped the sides of his PET hard, but Nitro slowly got to his feet, clutching at his chest where the bolt had connected. "Nitro!" Chris shouted, worried. "Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Nitro said, then, falling to one knee, changed his answer to "No. Do you have anything that'll patch me up?"
"Sorry, I don't," Chris replied. "Just try and gut it out for now. I'll send you some chips so you can still help Phantasm out, but just try and keep your distance."
Two spherical objects appeared in each of Nitro's hands, one a cactus ball, the other a bomb sizzling with electricity. Nitro lobbed the latter at the Scarecrows, the bomb charged with even more explosive energy that it had before. After he carried out this attack, he rolled the Cactball at one of the Scarecrows, then crouched down once again. A large yellow shield appeared infront of him, and he crouched behind it, regrouping from his injuries.

1: Magbomb1 at ScarecrowA (30ElecDmg + Blast3 + Stun) (Mass Destruction Activated)
2: CactBall at ScarecrowA (20WoodDmg x 2-4hits + Ground Attack)
3: Guard1 defending Nitro
"Grrrr..." Phantasm grumbled, he hated the fact that he had to take cowardly actions, only the lowliest creatures run away from a fight was his outlook. Desperate to jump into the fray, Phantasm shouted out into the air, "LEXXX!!!!! GET YOUR ARSE BACK HERE!!!", although he didn't expect a reply, one did appear.

"I'm... Back... PET... Fixed" the flustered netop managed to say down the mic before collapsing into the chair, he then continued to speak after a few deep breaths, "W-what.... Sorry.... Chip do you want?" having to take a breather in between.

"Took your time didn't you?" the navi said in a annoyed tone.

"I-I.... neighbour... tools..."

The navi, already frustrated by the whole situation, interpreted Lex's slow talk with a quick, "Enough!" he then held his arm towards the viruses and said, "Nitro has been taking a beating for me, time for me to take some of the flak, send me the Ringlog and invis, we'll distract them" no reply came from the netop, but the chips power did appear within.

Phantasm was sure that his partner could not take much more of a beating and that unless he could at least distract them, Nitro might not survive the fight. He held the launcher high and fired the two massive logs at the enemy group in such a way, that the noisy logs created even more of a racket than usual, Phantasm then looked out for his partner's position, making sure he was ok before waving at the enemies as he disappeared from sight, hoping to distract and confuse his foes.

1. Ringlog 1 at the group of ENGBalls centred on ENGBallB (50, Ground Attack, Wide Attack +A and C, wood DMG)
2. Ringlog 1 at the group of ENGBalls centred on ENGBallD (Second use, 50, Ground Attack, Wide Attack +C and E, wood DMG)
3. Invis1 used when attention of enemies are held to confuse them (Grants Invisibility status, 1 turn duration)

Nitro's Magbomb didn't do much but stun the Scarecrows as they seem to absorb any electrical attacks that come their way. This, however, landed him a chance to defeat one of them with a CactBall. He then put up a Guard.

Phantasm was slightly unlucky as he sent the Ringlog again and again at the ENGBalls, deleting only the red ones who were trying to bumrush the attack, but the blue one practically flew over it. The other blue one potshotted Phantasm, who just turned invisible, but took the blow anyway.

The Powie took this chance and bounced high into the air above Nitro, who has placed his Guard IN FRONT of him, so he took the brunt of the attack as well as having the ground underneath him crack a bit.

ENGBallB: 30 HP [blue]
ENGBallE: 80 HP [blue]
ScarecrowA: DELETED
ScarecrowB: 100 HP
PowieEXB: 100 HP

Terrain: 99% Normal, 1% Cracked

Phantasm: 100 HP [Invisible]
Nitro.EXE: 30 HP [Guard1][Cracked]
"Damnit!" Nitro shouted as he laid spread eagle on the ground. He could feel the ground underneath him cracking, so he rolled to the left, off of the damaged floor. "I could really use some medical attention!" Nitro shouted to anyone that would listen.
"I've told you already, we don't have anything to heal you with," Chris said to his navi. "It looks like the Guard survived the attack. Try to get it, we've just gotta wait this one out."
Nitro looked over to the cracked area to see his shield laying just infront of it. He leapt over, then kept rolling as he grabbed it. He crouched low, trying to keep the shield both infront and above as much of himself as possible. He hated not being able to help, but it was to risky to try anything with the condition he was in.

1: Dodge left
2: Dodge forward-right
3: Guard1 protecting Nitro
Phantasm watched on in utter horror at the beating that his partner had taken, any lesser navi would have died of long ago he thought to himself as his face filled with a large grin, "You picked a good partner Lex" he mumbled to himself, he then lifted the volume to actually address Lex, "Hey Lex, send me that arrow and the guard, I'm gonna help our old friend Nitro out"

"You probably should, he's taken quite a beating" Lex said as he watched the battered navi stagger to his feet while attempting to mount a defence in the face of the strong enemies, "You'll have the chips in a few seconds" Lex then filtered through his pockets for the correct chips, he then proceeded to send them to his navi with great haste.

Phantasm received the chips just as his shield of invisibility began to wear off, he used the last dredges of the cloak to great effect by running with great speed at the line of foes that separated him and his partner, he then crouched before making a large leap, not over the enemy line, but straight through it, aiming at the gaps closest to the Powie who had harmed his comrade, he then waited for the perfect time to nail the virii with the strong chip attack, he then came through the other side landing close to Nitro with a barrel role.

The ghostly navi immediately stood up next to Nitro and activated his guard chip, producing a large yellow shield, which he proceeded to link with Nitro's in an attempt to form a sheild wall that would defend from all directions.

1. Jump through the line of enemies, getting closest to the Powie while also aiming for Nitro's location
2. Arrow1 at PowieEXB when the closest point had been reached (100 DMG + homing, accuracy B )
3. Navi Combo Ultra Shield: Guard 1 interlinked with Nitro's to form a larger barrier (Reflects one attack, bouncing back a maximum of 60 damage)
Nitro got over the cracked panel beneath him and placed the guard in front of him and his partner navi. Phantasm moved in and shot the Arrow chip right into the Powie with no problem and proceeded to reinforce the shield layed by Nitro. The intelligent ENGball accidentally fired against the shield, only to be completely reflected back and Phantasm's shield still remained...

ENGBallB: 30 HP [blue]
ENGBallE: 60 HP [blue]
ScarecrowA: DELETED
ScarecrowB: 100 HP

Terrain: 99% Normal, 1% Cracked

Phantasm: 100 HP [Guard1] [+1 FXP: Unison/Selfless Guard!]
Nitro.EXE: 30 HP [Guard Destroyed] [+1 FXP: Unison/Selfless Guard! ]
Chris watched his Navi struggle to make it through the battle. If they were going to continue on through the Net, he would definitely need to recover some health. "Nitro," Chris said. "Now seems like a good a time as any to run out and grab some chips. Do you think you can fly solo for a while?"
"I'd really rather that you didn't!" Nitro shouted quickly, but his operator was already gone. "Great... Phantasm, Chris has run out to grab chips, I'll try to help out as much as I can, but you'll need to pull a bit of extra weight until he gets back." Nitro peeked out to the right from behind Phantasm's Guard and looked at the remaining viruses. One of the ENGBalls looked a bit weaker, so he decided to bring the health of the other one down. Nitro swung his arm out from behind the shield and fired his buster, sending a solitary bomb flying towards it. He then quickly ducked back behind the shield, and placed his hand on it. The moment he felt it disappear, he'd run out to the right, to avoid any further attacks.

1: Buster at ENGBallE (8dmg)
2: Dodge left
3: (Dodge right)
(Sorry, just no inspiration...)

Phantasm undertook evasive actions upon sensing his partners movements, jumping from the shield's protective power as soon as his partner began to move it in an attempt to distract the foes from his weekend partner, he then called to Lex, "Send me the shotgun, I got a plan" knowing that he would need to act quickly as to avoid any unnecessary casualties.

Lex was intrigued in the navi's actions, filled with curiosity, he dare not delve further into the plan Phantasm had devised, in fear of somehow disrupting the flow of the battle, he instead went with a simple, "Roger that" confident in this navi's strategic powers.

The purple navi flung his head to the side, watching the navi's futile attempts to take down the strong adversaries ahead of them, with a smile he shouted to Nitro, "You call that a buster shot? This is a buster shot!" a small ball of surging flame rushed out of his flaming hand at the target Nitro had previously assaulted and unlike most buster shots, the bullet seemed to pick up speed as it approached the opponent. Phantasm then fired the significantly more powerful shotgun at the ENGBall moments later, leaving the foe no time for rest between the two attacks hoping to finish it and its annoying partner on once and for all.

1. Dodge right when Nitro dodges left
2. Buster attack at ENGBallE 8DMG (2 X 2 X 2)
3. Shotgun at ENGBallE, spread to ENGBallB (50 DMG, spread to one other target, null damage)
The busters of the two navis plinked away at the HP of the two energy balls before Phantasm went all out and destroyed one, also damaging another with the spray of the shotgun. While the energy ball wavered about, switching from blue to red, the Scarecrow lit up and shot a bolt of lightning. The bolt arced, moving in an untraceable path through the air, then smashing through Phantasm's guard. The shield looked relatively unphased, but the attack left Phantasm burned and momentarily dazed.

ENGBallE: 2 HP [red]
ScarecrowA: DELETED
ScarecrowB: 100 HP

Terrain: 99% Normal, 1% Cracked

Phantasm: 70 HP [Guard1] [+1 FXP: Unison/Selfless Guard!]
Nitro.EXE: 30 HP [Guard Destroyed] [+1 FXP: Unison/Selfless Guard! ]
Nitro watched the electrical attack curve its way through the air, finally colliding with the shield infront of him. He was about to dash out from it, but stopped when he noticed that it hadn't disappeared. He looked over to Phantasm, and noticed that he seemed to have taken the brunt of the attack. As he watched this transpire, he couldn't help but think Good thing that wasn't me. He then looked at the remaining viruses. The last ENGBall looked particularly weak, while the Scarecrow seemed to be in perfect working order. He weighed his options, and decided that attacking the floating ball would be the best course of action. Once again aimed around the shield and fired his buster at the ball, and immediately ducked back behind the shield. Phantasm should be able to handle this last virus by himself, Nitro thought, and once Chris gets back, I'll be able to come out guns a-blazing. Nitro once again placed his hand on the shield, and prepared to dash out from behind it, should it disappear.

1: Buster at ENGBallE (8dmg)
2: Dodge left
3: (Dodge right)
(I'm confused as to who has the guard so I'm giving it to Nitro anyway)

The jolt of electricity surged through Phantasm's body, pushing his system to its limits while also dealing a considerable blow, this sent him flying back a few meteres, finally landing with a terrible thud. The navi clambered back to his feet, he held his shield arm and groaned slightly, he then cursed the useless sheild before saying, "Fat lot of use you were.." he then turned to his partner who was in the midst of engaging the near dead floating orb, "Catch" he shouted as he threw the shield into the air, "Hopefully you'll get better use of it than I"

"Hey Phantasm" A second voice appeared in the form of Lex, "Use the minibomb and the cannon for a easy finish"

"Theres no such thing as a easy finish..." the navi muttered to himself, everytime he ever thought that he could get away with a quick kill, something always went wrong. Always.

Phantasm held his hand up towards the virus, readily awaiting the first attack chip, when it did appear, he instantly fired it at the strange foe, he had only just noticed the wierd electrical nature of the foe, Pays to pay attention... he thought to himself as he chuckled quietly. The bomb appeared in his other hand just moments later, he proceeded to adopt the stance of someone who was about to throw a base ball and with increadible force, he sent it flying directly towards the one who had caused him the most pain.

1. Throw sheild to Nitro
2. Cannon at ScarecrowB (40 + knockback, null damage)
3. Minibomb at ScarecrowB (60 DMG + Blast 1)