Blade me, he commanded Steve while remaining hidden behind the tower. His right arm was occupied with the shield, so the Sword he'd requested manifested itself out of his left arm. As it solidified, Recon tightened his grip on the Guard and stepped out of the shadows. Timing was essential; to avoid taking hits, he'd have to get moving immediately. Running towards the Eleball as fast as his legs would allow him, Recon locked his vision onto his target as he thrust the silver weapon forward. It sliced seamlessly through the air, intending to cut the yellow enemy in two by dealing it a critical hit. Recon's attention was quickly diverted to the Satellites, as he was now in the open and likely to be in the targeting range of both. Watching from the PET display, Steve was curious to see what Recon would do next.
Keeping the Sword would be potentially fatal, due to the distance between the two machines, so Recon dismissed the Sword and engaged the next move. Send me that funny red flying virus, Recon petitioned from within the glow of the solar panels. Catcher, he corrected himself as the red UFO appeared on the battlefield. Picking it up from the underneath, Recon was a little unsure as to how it would work. Practising its use first would have probably been a wise move, but now was not the time to dwell on it. The navi threw the virus in an underarm manner towards one of the Satellites. Maybe it knew how to do its job.
[R1] Step out of cover / Move into solar field
[R2] Sword [80 Damage + Slashing] @ EleballB
[R3] Catcher [Copy virus attack next round] @ SatelliteB
[Recon] 60 / 100 HP
>>>>> Equipped: Guard1 [1-Hit]
If the Catcher successfully copies an attack for my use next turn, do I lose another action to use it?