Mini-break in the Lab

The Pickpocket goes to steal something and comes back with a chip. Great.
Tennisman guards against the Pulsebulb's attack and then cuts it to pieces. Wonderful.
Rewards fall from the sky, hoorah...

PulseBulbA: SLICED
PulseBulbB: SWORD'D

Terrain: 70% Metal, 28% Grass, 2% Normal

TennisMan.EXE: 140HP (G) (PP: ElecPulse1)
Deuce: 60HP [Weapon Junction]

Get: 1050z, 32 Bugfrags
"Excellent work, Tennisman." Deuce complimented.

"Woo! Chip data!" Desmond added in, "I love Pickpocket..."

Tennisman was quiet. To him, it felt like an empty victory. He surveyed the area and to his dismay, realized that he had lost track of Jadia's trail. If only he had been one step faster, dodged better or aimed more carefully, there might have been a chance to catch up but now she was completely gone.

"We won!" Desmond cheered, "What's the matter?"

"Ah, it seems we've won the battle but lost the war." Deuce said, "I don't see your ladyfriend anywhere."

Without replying, Tennisman began to walk to where he had seen her last. Perhaps there was a clue to where she had gone or why she was here, but he doubted it.

"What's your facination with this girl anyways?" Deuce asked, "I mean, sure, she's cute but unless she's some kind of S-ranked virus-busting genius, I can't say that I'm impressed."

((Battle 4))
Upon somewhat more normal terrain, with a road of metal bisecting it horizontally, TennisMan found his next battle.

Noticing something on the horizon beyond the metal road, it seemed like abttle was beginning. The vague figures moved closer, and he saw what they were.

It was an oncoming unit of tank-viruses! A row of Beetanks behind a row of abutanks, behind a solitary Catack. Quickly, think of the discussing they could cause. Besides, they'll need to be dealt with before Jadia can be found.


BeetankA: 50 HP
BeetankB: 50 HP
BeetankC: 50 HP
BeetankD: 50 HP
KabutankA: 80 HP
KabutankB: 80 HP
KabutankC: 80 HP
KabutankD: 80 HP
CatackA: 120 HP

TennisMan: 140 HP
Deuce: 60 HP

70% Normal
30% Metal [Through the middle]
"I used to think viruses were an unorganized grouping of random malicious programs," Deuce said, "I think I'm going to have to re-evaluate that hypothesis."

"Yo! This is perfect!" Desmond announced.

Confused, Tennisman asked, "How so?"

"I can finally try out that Panelshot chip!" Desmond answered.

"Send it." Tennisman said and grasped Deuce with a firmer grip.

As soon as the chip loaded, he could feel as if every panel he was standing on had become disjointed. He could see where their weak points were and felt as if he could easily rip them out of place like paper. He arbitrarily chose one just ahead of him and readied himself. He stamped his foot down on the ground hard. The solid metal plate his foot connected with suddenly flipped up like a coin being tossed into the air with a cackle of electricity.


The panel hung in the air spinning and just as it began to fall, Tennisman struck. Deuce's protective field rang with a dull hum as it reflected the square block straight into the Catack's cockpit.

"Ringlog and Moonblade." Tennisman said as he charged forward, leaping over the newly created hole in the floor.

He sheathed Deuce to his back and pushed himself to go faster. The log formed as he ran, rolling just ahead of him into the first line of Beetanks. He leapt over the resulting chaos and realized he was going to crash into remaining viruses.

"Deuce!" Tennisman said.

"On it!" His racket replied and immediately dropped off his back.

A sudden updraft picked him up, carrying him up over the first wave of viruses. Tennisman found himself in a moment of weightlessness and saw his new point of impact: in front of the second wave of viruses.

"Desmond!" Tennisman called out.

As he fell, a yellow Guard materialized in front of him. Snatching it from the air, he used it to cushion his crash landing, turning it into an improvised roll. He looked up from his crouching position and found himself staring down the barrels of four Kabutanks, unhappy about their broken formation.

Tennisman flicked his wrist, revealing the Moonblade that had formed as he was falling. He lunged forward with both arms and spread them apart, splitting the blade into two halves, instantly bisecting all that they touched. The wide slash ended behind him in a full circular arc before the both the kunai disappeared.

Deuce - Overwrap (40 HP barrier)
1 - Panelshot Catack (60 damage + elec + 5% broken) x2
2 - Ringlog BeetankB, BeetankC (50 damage)
3 - dash in
Deuce - Gust Tennisman double jump
4 - Guard1 (reflect 60)
5 - Moonblade1 BeetankA, BeetankD, KabutankA, KabutankB, KabutankC, KabutankD (90 damage)
TennisMan quickly set to work. He ripped up the Metal Panel he was apparently standing behind, while on his own apparently Metal Panel, and fired it at the very surprised Catack, nailing it right between the "eyes". It was deleted instantaneously.

He then sent a Ringlog down the field, which also nailed its two targets. he was then swooped up over the remaining two Beetanks, and flung him towards a row of four stronger Kabutanks. He landed on one of them, and his shield took the blow, which dealt a decent amount of damage to it.

He then rolled back off of it, and found him right in the middle of everything that was left. Activating his Moonblade, he managed, miraculously, to slice every single one of his targets in half, leaving nothing to fight back.

What incredible luck.


BeetankA: -DELETED-
BeetankB: -DELETED-
BeetankC: -DELETED-
BeetankD: -DELETED-
KabutankA: -DELETED-
KabutankB: -DELETED-
KabutankC: -DELETED-
KabutankD: -DELETED-
CatackA: -DELETED-

TennisMan: 140 HP
Deuce: 60 HP

70% Normal
25% Metal [Through the middle]
5% Broken [Right in front of TennisMan's Starting Position]

RewardData: 1x Double Bomb, 875 zenny, 34 BugFrags
"Wow." Desmond said.

Tennisman was reluctant to show surprise at his own success, but he still felt a glimmer of pride at his handiwork. Very rarely did things go in his favour to this degree.

"See what happens when you set your mind to things?" Deuce asked, "You should simply forget the girl and concentrate on training yourself."

"Hey guys, take five." Desmond said, "I'm going to mess around with the chip folder."

Taking a seat on the ground to rest as his operator suggested, Tennisman wondered what he was hoping to achieve.

"Getting rid of these Cannons..." Desmond mumbled.

((Battle 5))
Tennisman continues after Jadia, sprinting as hard as he could to catch up to her. She took a quick glance back to Tennisman, and only quickened her pace. It was odd, her movement was so smooth, almost as if her legs were merely floating beneath her dress.
"Jadia, Wait! WAIT!!!"
As Tennisman called out to her to stop, she finally responded positively by halting and turning around. His voice must have been loud enough for her to hear, but more than just Jadia heard him. Three HeelNavis zipped in, seemingly out of nowhere and surrounded Jadia. They approached her, one sticking a buster under her chin.

Ya know, its kinda rude for someone to not follow orders... I think I will do the honor of teaching you some "manners." Heheheh.
"Let go of her!" Tennisman yelled as he stopped a dozen feet behind the trio of HeelNavis. One of the other HeelNavis, equipped with two flame throwers, retorted angrily.
Or what, Punk?[b][i][/b][/i]
The third also turned towards Tennisman, wielding a gleaming blade.
Beat it, buddy. If you value your existence...


HeelNaviA: 500HP [Shotgun]
HeelNaviB: 500HP [FireBurn1][FireBurn1]
HeelNaviC: 500HP [LongSword]

Jadia: 100HP (Surrounded)
Tennisman.EXE: 140HP
Deuce: 60HP

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Metal (Scattered randomly. Higher % of metal panels towards Jadia's/HeelNavis' direction)

<(Jadia is in danger! What will you do?)>
He had finally caught up to her but at what cost? Seeing her held at gunpoint sapped him of his planning and he repeated his warning to the enemy navis, "Leave her out of this or I will..."

"You'll what?" Deuce whispered.

"...Fight you." Tennisman finished in an insecure tone.

"That was pretty anticlimactic." Deuce said quietly.

"I hope you know what you're doing." Desmond added.
"Fight you...?"
Is this guy for real? What a moron![b][i][/b][/i]
You definitely bit off more than you can chew, my friend.
The HeelNavi moves his shotgun out from under Jadia's chin and points it directly towards Tennisman.
I'd might as well delete you right now, then I can "instruct" your girlfriend in peac- Hurgh!...

The HeelNavi's shotgun falters as he looks down to his abdomen, seeing Jadia's hand embedded nearly all the way into the HeelNavi's side. He looks back up and turns to Jadia, snarling.
You... You bitch- Jadia's other arm swings with an unnatural speed towards the HeelNavi. The HeelNavi could only watch as his upper torso slid off his body at the sternum level, slashed cleanly in two by Jadia's other hand. The navi exploded into a cloud of data, and Jadia took flight; zooming away from the stunned pair of HeelNavis. They looked back to Tennisman, rage building in their faces.

You bastard!! You and your girlfriend tricked us![b][i][/b][/i]
For that, you die!


HeelNaviA: DELETED!!! WTH?!?
HeelNaviB: 500HP [FireBurn1][FireBurn1]
HeelNaviC: 500HP [LongSword]

Jadia: 100HP (Fled)
Tennisman.EXE: 140HP
Deuce: 60HP

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Metal (Scattered randomly. Higher % of metal panels towards HeelNavis' direction)

<(Battle #5: Something is really wrong here! Ready, Serve!)>
"I take back every bad thing I've ever said about that girl," Deuce said, "She's a keeper."

Tennisman was horrified. He had seen navis deleted before but never in such a gruesome fashion or by someone like Jadia. He began to really question how much he knew about her and if she was capable of this. The possibility of this being a duplicate came up but none of this was more important than finishing this battle and finding out the truth of the matter.

"I wonder if that guy had an undershirt program..." Deuce asked.

"Deuce," Tennisman said, still suffering from shock and disbelief, "Generate an Overwrap and prepare yourself."

"Wait, what just happened?" Desmond asked.

Tennisman wasn't sure how to reply even if he could. He held Deuce with an amateur grip as he tried to analyze the situation.

"Don't just stand there!" His operator shouted, "Guard!"

Deuce recieved the chip data, further bolstering his defences. The data ran down Tennisman's arm in a familiar feeling, shedding away some of his insecurities. He spun Deuce a little until his grip conformed to a more traditional style.

"There we go." Deuce noted.

"New folder time!" Desmond announced, "Twinfang!"

Tennisman nodded and raised his racket arm up horizontally supporting his buster, which suddenly developed into a double barreled cannon. The gun simultaneously fired two pointy projectiles at the Heelnavis with impeccable aim. He dropped his arms back down and followed up the attack with another, taking up a serving stance.

"Ace Serve." He said.

A cluster of tennis balls were quickly smashed straight into the flamethrower-wielding navi. In his mind, he had already performed a stereotypical profiling of his opponents. The one with the longsword seemed more likely to be proficient in close range tactics and dodging individual attacks. He planned to use bombs against him.

He circled around the two navis, trying to get a better position to attack from and also trying to keep the sword navi between himself and the pyrotechnician.

"Try a Zapring?" Desmond suggested.

Tennisman continued to strafe around them, hiding his intention the fact that the electric attack was charging in his buster. As it reached its capacity, the barrel began to spit out a few stray sparks from the excess energy. His agenda revealed, Tennisman snapped his arm up in a flash, flinging the ring at the pair.

Deuce - Overwrap (40 HP barrier)
Deuce - Weapon Junction (attached to Tennisman)
1 - Guard1 (reflect 60)
2 - TwinFang HeelNaviB, HeelnaviC (70 damage)
3 - Ace Serve HeelNaviB (4 x 30 damage)
4 - dodge
5 - Zapring HeelnaviB (40 damage + stun) x2? + untapped power (15 damage)
Tennisman wields Deuce and prepares himself as the sword-holding HeelNavi dashes in. Sword and Racket clash, Deuce yelling a quick "Ow!" Tennisman then shifts his grip on Deuce, causing the longsword to slide off and downwards, leaving the HeelNavi open to a racket to the chest. The blow drives the Navi back, giving Tennisman enough room to fire two menacing spikes into the pair of pissed off HeelNavis. The other HeelNavi opens up with both flamethrowers and bathes Tennsiman and Deuce in flames.

Tennisman works through the pain and launches a volley of tennis balls at the flame-spewing Navi and causing his flamethrowers to swing off target. Tennisman dodges a shockwave coming from the longsword of the second Navi and blasts the other HeelNavi with an electrified ring.

HeelNaviA: DELETED!!! WTH?!?
HeelNaviB: 280HP [FireBurn1][FireBurn1]
HeelNaviC: 370HP [LongSword]

Jadia: (Fled)
Tennisman.EXE: 80HP
Deuce: 40HP (Overwrap Destroyed) [Equipped]

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Metal (Scattered randomly. Higher % of metal panels towards HeelNavis' direction)

There was no time to argue as his operator had already slotted in the chip. Tennisman had no experience using the new chip and simply held out his palm, running the chip data through it. A conical wave pulsed out, warping his view of the area. He aimed his hand to engulf both of his opponents in the attack. The edges bounced off random metal panels, rippling through the air and overlapping across itself like a three-dimensional pond surface. However, he was still hurt from the burn and needed to recover. Kneeling, he erected some temporary cover in the form of a tennis net.

Deuce sounded furious, "That butterknife-wielding punk! Take him out first!"

Tennisman looked at his racket and realized that it was no longer protected by the Overwrap but was also sporting a gash across the main body. He felt responsible for the injury.

"While I can understand your thoughts simply by being connected to you, I would like to point out that revenge is a much more acceptable form of apology to me than sulking in the middle of battle." Deuce said.

It was true. Thinking about it wasn't going to undo this or make it better. He needed to act. Tennisman tapped Deuce's face to the ground and activated his signature Court Change.

"No grass please." Deuce commented.

A dry cracking sound overtook the background sounds of the Science Lab Network. The panels, both normal and metallic, withered and rusted away to a large dune of sand. Deuce flashed white.

"Enjoy!" He cheered as he whipped a twister into an adjacent panel, splashing a blinding stream of dust at one of the navi's faces. Tennisman got up and smashed a quick tennis ball at the same target to see how blinded he really was.

"GO!" Deuce shouted.

There would be no time to wait. Tennisman charged with Deuce held firmly in hand and readied his swing.

Desmond and Tennisman cried out in unison, "WINDRACKET!"

A wide swipe of his racket pushed up a wall of sand up and over his field of view. The panels in front of him were instantly cleared away, forming a shallow ditch. The sand rose as high as the wind would carry it and crashed down like a dry waterfall. Tennisman resumed a normal stance and held Deuce securely with a defensive pose.

"Guard." Tennisman said.

1 - Elecpulse HeelnaviB, HeelnaviC (100 damage + glitch) x2?
2 - Netplay (1-hit shield + 60 heal)
3 - Court Change (sand zone)
Deuce - Gust Sand HeelnaviC (blindness)
Deuce - Attack HeelnaviC (20 damage)
4 - Windracket HeelnaviC (100 damage + gust[blindness] + knockback) x2?
5 - Guard1 (reflect 60)
Tennisman pulses the stunned HeelNavi, dealing a large amount of damage and causes an energy-draining glitch in its program. He then erects a protective net and changes the panels around him to sand. The flame-spewing navi opens up with both flamethrowers, one being absorbed by the net, the other burning through it and cooking Tennisman. The final HeelNavi charges in, only to have a cloud of sand blown into his eyes and a tennis ball to the face. The blow causes the Navi to stumble back, just making it worse when he was blown off his feet by a massive wave of air.

The Navi is flung back past the glitched navi, who opens up again with his flame throwers again. One of the flamethrowers was damaged by the PulseWave, and the rest of the fuel drained completely in the last burst. The single stream of flame hits Tennisman's racket, only to be reflected back in the form of a charged tennis ball.

HeelNaviA: DELETED!!! WTH?!?
HeelNaviB: 120HP [FireBurn1] (Glitch: Loses 10HP per turn)
HeelNaviC: 150HP [LongSword] (Blind)

Jadia: (Fled)
Tennisman.EXE: 80HP (Netplay barrier destroyed)
Deuce: 40HP [Equipped]

Terrain: 47% Normal, 45% Metal (Scattered randomly. Higher % of metal panels towards HeelNavis' direction), 8% Sand
"Well aren't we the little strategist?" Deuce complimented, "One's blind and the other is dying. If I didn't know any better I'd think you had this planned out."

A renewed barrier came up over Deuce's face, reinforcing not only their defences but their morale. Tennisman thought the battle could be going better but this was no time to be picky. Survival was already something to be proud of. He spun Deuce in his hand, readying another offensive charge. Tennisman eyed a patch of sand nearby.

"Ready when you are, Tennisman." Deuce said.

The navi held his racket out to the side and swiped another cloud of sand into the flame navi's face as he did with the sword navi.

"Panelshot!" Desmond said.

Tennisman continued to rush forward, becoming ever more aware of the panel structure and layout as the chip downloaded. He identified a loose metal panel and slid towards it, kicking it up as he stopped. Quickly changing to a two-handed grip on Deuce, he smashed the steel square at the same navi hoping to finish it off.

"That's not going to cut it!" Desmond said, "He's still got a lot of health."

Raising his arm in response, Tennisman said simply, "Shotgun."

A gun chip was slotted in and fired in a quick discharge of energy, but the shrapnel split off on awkward tangents.

"YO! I didn't have time to tell you!" Desmond warned, "I took out Shotgun so I just sent V-Gun instead."

"What chips are no longer available?" Tennisman asked as he retreated back a few steps.

Deuce butt in, "Guard! Guard Guard Guard!"

"I am SO glad I didn't take out all of these though." Desmond answered as he slot in another chip.

Tennisman held Deuce ahead of him reflexively just as the last Guard chip finished compiling. A flash of yellow glow pulsed out from the racket frame bathing Tennisman in a protective light. Still, he preferred not to be hit at all and backtracked quickly out of the way of the apparent danger.

"Kunai!" Tennisman shouted.

As he continued to dash backwards, he laid down a spray of sharp blades to cover his escape. Neither of his opponents were ones that he was ready to stay in melee range with.

Deuce - Overwrap (40 HP barrier)
Deuce - Gust sand HeelNaviB (blindness)
1 - PanelShot HeelNaviB (60 damage + elec + 5% missing) x2?
2 - V-Gun HeelnaviB (50 damage + spread 2) + untapped power (15 damage)
3 - Guard 1 (reflect 60)
4 - dodge
5 - Kunai1 HeelNaviC (3 x 30 damage)
After blinding the first HeelNavi, Tennisman launches a metal panel at him followed by a V-Gun blast that forces the Navi to EJO and damages the other. The remaining HeelNavi charges in, but leaps over Tennisman to attack him from behind! Though he managed to get past the Guard shield, he wasn't so lucky against the spray of kunai that followed.


HeelNaviA: DELETED!!! WTH?!?
HeelNaviB: EJO'D
HeelNaviC: EJO'D

Jadia: (Fled)
Tennisman.EXE: 80HP
Deuce: 40HP (40HP Barrier) [Equipped]

Terrain: 42% Normal, 45% Metal (Scattered randomly. Higher % of metal panels towards HeelNavis' direction), 8% Sand, 5% Missing

Rewards: 1000z, FireBurn1
"The BodyBurn, two Cannons, a Heatshot, the Shotgun..." Desmond listed.

"Pardon?" Tennisman asked.

"The chips that I took out," his operator explained, "That's what you asked before. Oh, and this Fireburn too now, I guess."

"So!" Deuce butt in, "Why... Is no one talking about Jadia's incredible battle prowess?"

An odd moment of silence followed the question before Tennisman replied, "That was not 'battle prowess'. That was not Jadia."

"Dude, I got a pretty good look at her. It was Jadia." Desmond said.

"A GMO could easily explain the similar appearance." The navi argued.

"Yeah? And why would anyone want to pretend to be her? Especially in front of you? Unless you want to admit that you're walking into an elaborate trap." Deuce taunted.

"A trap would not explain why those navis threatened her instead of me." Tennisman said.

"It would if you considered the fact that she DELETED one of them." Deuce retorted, "They, obviously, were not part of the plan."

"Then why did she not attack me directly?" Tennisman asked with the faintest hint of sarcasm.

"Well, perhaps we should ask her." Deuce said whimsically, "I know I'm interested."

"As am I." Tennisman replied.

Taking his first steps out of his battle routine made Tennisman realize the damage he had taken. He winced and held his arm but kept walking.

"Well, I guess you guys are done fighting so I just wanna say that I gave Deuce a little upgrade while you were chatting." Desmond said.

"What kind of upgrade?" Deuce asked.

"Well you're a racket so you need to be restrung every so often..." Desmond said.

Deuce interupted, "Well actually, this appearance is only a graphical representation. There really is no need for-"

"SHUTUP! SHUTUP!" Desmond barked, "Ah whatever, you killed my moment. You can restring yourself now."

"Interesting." Deuce said, "Very interesting."

((Battle 6))
Tennisman continues his pursuit of Jadia, if it is indeed her... No time to think about that! Jadia is only a red speck in the distance by now, so Tennisman quickens the pace. Jadia then makes an unnaturally sharp 90 degree turn and zooms off to the right. Tennisman attempts to take advantage of this opportunity and runs off in a 45 degree angle, hoping to cut her off or at least close the gap.

He bolts off, trying to catch up, and notices a strange group of objects in the distance. He can also hear his feet pinging against the now completely metal floor. As he gets closer, he notices a wall of metal, like shields, with two rounder objects flanking them. Even further out are two jagged figures. It almost looks like the front line of a chess set. Tennisman doesn't want to waste time dealing with the obstacle, so he attempts to hurtle it. However, as he is just about to jump, a pair of yellow eyes open on both of the jagged figures... ElecOgres!

Warning! Viruses Identified!

((From left to right, all facing Tennisman))
ElecOgreA: 120HP
HardHeadA: 60HP [IronBody]
IronShieldA: 120HP [Shield Down]
IronShieldB: 120HP [Shield Down]
IronShieldC: 120HP [Shield Down]
HardHeadB: 60HP [IronBody]
ElecOgreB: 120HP

Terrain: 100% Metal

Tennisman.EXE: 80HP
Deuce.EXE 40HP

<(Battle #6: Checkmate! Ready, Serve!)>
"That's NOT a wall." Deuce pointed out.

Tennisman immediately retreated back a step, only barely avoiding touching the viruses at Deuce's warning. He wondered if his obsession with Jadia was genuinely interfering with his ability to think straight if he couldn't even spot something so obvious.

"Alright, this shouldn't be so hard. Only... Seven guys!" Desmond said.

"They are heavily armoured." Deuce added.

"Seven armoured guys!" Desmond corrected, "No problem!"

"The ElecOgres are not armoured." Tennisman noted.

"OK FINE! WHATEVER!" Desmond shouted angrily, "JUST GO!"

Tennisman took up a serving stance, readying himself to perform his signature attack while Deuce made his own preparations and taunted.

"Tick tock, Tennisman," Deuce said as he produced a small barrier, "Which one will it be?"

Feeling adequately armed for this battle with Deuce in hand, Tennis picked out his targets - the ElecOgres. All that signalled his attack was a flash of tennis balls and several serving sounds chained together in a quick burst.

"Zapring." Tennisman called out after he finished his last swing.

He swiped his hand over to the other end of the field and let loose the electric bolt at the other unprotected virus. Even with the added conductivity of the floor, it was too weak an attack to delete it completely.

"Pickpocket!" Desmond added, slotting in the chip.

Tennisman objected, "No, wait!" But the data had already begun to compile.

The pseudovirus's little claws scampered over the metal tiles, making an unpleasant scratching noise as it charged the ElecOgre. Its pudgy body picked up speed quickly and leapt to challenge the real virus.

"No worries, guy," Desmond assured his navi, "You got this."

Deuce also seemed to share in his confidence, "Desmond's right. If you can't handle this, what hope do you have if Jadia suddenly becomes 'unhappy' with us? I, for one, appreciate staying in one piece, unlike that Heelnavi."

It was something to think about that he might have to fight her if it came down to it. He abhorred the thought of having to attack her at all and believed that he would rather jack out than fight, but thinking it and doing it were two very different things.

"Netplay." He stated.

The net came up as he retreated further into his thoughts. He felt insecure, needing to hide behind something; anything. Like the viruses he was facing, whenever he was in trouble he would hide. Behind a Guard, his net or merely a cold expression, he always tried to be one degree away from what he was facing. The only person he had ever really opened up to was Desmond and perhaps that was why Jadia was so important to him. She was someone else to open up to. Around her, he felt vulnerable but it was okay.

She would not hurt me.

"Oh, here comes our little thief." Deuce announced.

The little Bandacoon made a big leap over the net and arrived back to greet Tennisman, wagging its tail in a seemingly happy manner. Tennisman bent down to check the contents of its mouth while keeping an eye on the rest of the armoured viruses.

Deuce - Weapon Junction (combine)
Deuce - Overwrap (40 HP barrier)
1 - Ace Serve ElecOgreA (4 x 30 damage)
2 - Zapring ElecOgreB (40 damage + stun) x2
3 - Pickpocket ElecOgreB (steal zenny/chip)
4 - Netplay (1-hit shield + 60 heal)
5 - dodge
As Deuce pulls up a protective overwrap, Tennisman sends a volley of 3 tennisballs at the ElecOgre virus and deletes it. He then sends out a bandicoon out to the other ElecOgre after successfully stunning it with a zapring. Tennisman then sets up a protective net. The two HardHeads fire, one hitting the net, and healing Tennisman, and the other missing completely. Two of the IronShields fire a volley of 2 bombs each, while the other lifts it's shield to attack with a main gun beneath the massive hunk of metal. Tennisman manages to dodge most of the incoming fire, only a couple shots getting indirect hits.

HardHeadA: 60HP
IronShieldA: 120HP [Shield Down]
IronShieldB: 120HP [Shield Up]
IronShieldC: 120HP [Shield Down]
HardHeadB: 60HP
ElecOgreB: 40HP [Stunned]

Terrain: 100% Metal

Tennisman.EXE: 120HP
Deuce.EXE 40HP [40HP Barrier] [Equipped]
Pickpocket: Zenny