Supercomputer investigation

"1001, I'm detecting zenny and chip data. Grab half and give the rest to Splashman," Chris ordered.

1001 scooped up all the reward data scattered everywhere, devided it into two perfectly equal piles with his six arms, and held one pile of reward data out to Splashman in one hand, ducking a little so the hand was easily accessible to his partner. The other pile he sent to Chris to analyze.

"Hey, we got the chip of that DBLCube virus, the DBLBeam!" Chris exclaimed, putting a blank chip into the PET. A half-second after he put it in, it popped out, all the data already written on it. Sticking it into his chip folder, he nodded and said, "Well, let's keep going, shall we?" to Sabrina. Under his breath, he added, "And now that I've got a healing chip of my own, I'm not TOTALLY jealous of that Recover80."

Meanwhile, 1001 had already started deeper into the supercomputer. "Come on, Splashman!" he called.

<(BATTLE 4)>
SplashMan was a bit hesistant in taking the reward data, mainly because of how he used that sword at the end. However, he got over it, and grabbed it for himself. "I guess I'll send this over, and you can have the PET analyze it!" The data disappeared, with the aforementioned place its destination.

"What? You're not going to do it yourself? Aww..." Sabrina allowed her PET to analyze the data, then inserting a blank chip to copy the DBLBeam data over. "DBLBeam? Never heard of it. Oh well." She placed it in the case on the opposite side as her PET's pocket, placing it in the spot where she kept non-folder chips.

And this was when she overheard Chris muttering about her fancy Recover80 chip. "Hey, do you have any idea how expensive that thing was? It took me dozens of viruses and a pair of NetPolice missions just to afford it! Totally worth it, though!"

"You bet it was!" SplashMan showed off his non-injured self, before realizing 1001 had already started looking. "Okay, let's go find more viruses!" He rushed ahead, eventually joining the djinn Navi for a good ol' fashioned virus search.

(Battle #4 shall occur now)
<(BUMP #1)>
<(BUMP #2)>
<(BUMP #3)>
Attack of the Viruses!

StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 60
StarfishC: 60
KabutankA: 80
KabutankB: 80
BoomerA: 60
BoomerB: 60
BoomerC: 60

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP

"There, a viral signature! 1001, how many are there?" Chris exclaimed.

"Eight," came 1001's simple reply. "Now, before you immediately shove in the ElectricReel into the PET, I'd also like to request the new DoubleBeam chip immedately after," he added.

"Aw, man, how'd you know?" Chris asked, slotting in the two chips. "Either way, the toughest of the viruses seem to be those Kabutanks, so I'd reccomend hitting them with the ElecReel," he said.

"Already on it," 1001 replied. Indeed, his eyes were all glowing a bright electric blue, signifying the ElecReel, but didn't use his two self-powering abilities yet. With a chip this strong, and viruses these weak, there would be no need for them. So, he continued to divide the ElecReel's power evenly into every eye.

Midway through, however, 1001 changed his mind. He didn't need to use such careful methods of controlling the power. He was already used to it; he could withstand it. So, he diverted it, and put all the immense power of the ElecReel into his 1001'st eye, making it glow like the sun.

Trying to hold the electricity in the one eye was more difficult than 1001 had thought. He had to tap energy from a few things around him to sustain his body. The lights went dim, and a few lesser computers went dark. He used the time he bought to gather his targeting programs and find the foremost Kabutank. Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer, and let it go. This time, however, it wasn't a narrow, steady circular beam of blue lightning. No, this was chaos, a veritable thunderstorm of bright blue electricity streaming out his eye. But 1001 could still feel his eye in place, acting as a focusing dish for the torrent of lightning, to make it at least slightly focused on the virus crowd instead of covering the entire area. Upon contact with whatever he'd hit; he couldn't see because of the brightness, the electricity exploded, sending pulses of electromagnetic energy throughout the area

Finally, the chip ran out of power, and 1001 closed the eye, totally spent, but still intact. Then, Chris cut in, "That was impressive, even though you knocked half the computers and all the lights in this room offline."

"Ugh," was 1001's only reply, loading the DBLBeam.

"This energy wasn't familiar at all. Half of it was soothing, like a ten-minute break after sorting through months of history in Chris' homemade computer. The other side was the opposite, like a power outage that wipes away everything SciLabs had been working on for the last month or two. The data was strange; every time 1001 would try to load the data, it started to randomly swap from being completely soothing to completely raging, so he had no idea what was going to happen when he used it. Either way, he pulled it from his inner data banks and loaded it.

Before he truely started using it, however, 1001 made the customary two auras around him: one white, one purple. Untapped Power and Streamline were ready to go.

The DBLBeam chip data made his eyes open; the irises were switching from red to blue every half-second. Curious, 1001 spread his arms and legs just as the chip fired itself. A myriad of colorful lasers streaked everywhere. They were so dense, he had no idea of what he hit. Apprehensive, 1001 decided to leg it somewhere else. Darting around, low to the ground, 1001 tried to find Splashman in the midst of the flashy light show.

*Streamline - +10 to DBLBeam
*Untapped Power - +10 to DBLBeam

1. ElecReel1 to KabutankA (100, can hit a group, 'TankA is primary target)

2. DBLBeam to Random (30 to a group, +10 to two viruses)

3. Dodge
"Viral signature? I don't feel anything..." SplashMan took a look around, only to notice that there were a bunch of them right in front of him. "Oh, THOSE viruses! Right! Let's get 'em!"

"...You couldn't there were viruses right in front of you? Did Dad even give you a detector for that?"

"...Huh, it's turned off for some reason. Hang on a sec!" A clicking noise could be heard coming from the Navi's head. "Okay, it's on! Yep, I can definitely sense 'em now..."

"...Can we stop sensing them and start deleting them now?"

"Oh, sure! I'm ready whenever you are!"

"Just for that incident, I'm throwing you a curveball!" Sabrina pulled out not one, but two identical chips from her folder, confirming that she was NOT leading with WideShot for once. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Double slot-in!"

"Right! One WideShot atta-eh?!" Instead of the WideShot he was expecting, SplashMan found himself with a green cannon on his arm, and with two shots, no less. "MarkCannon?! I didn't see this one coming! Really, I didn't!" He emitted the cursor towards one of the Starfish, attempting to get it directly onto one of the Aqua viruses. Once it seemed like such was the case, he fired one shot at it, then rinsed, lathered, and repeated on another Starfish. "I still can't believe we didn't lead with WideShot!"

"Hey, I can do something different if I want to!" After a snap of her finger, Sabrina grabbed another cannon-related chip and inserted it. "Let's wrap those Starfish up! Battlechip, Hi-Cannon! Slot in!"

The green cannon faded, making room for the slightly more powerful blue cannon. "Still no WideShot? ...Oh, we're saving it for last, aren't we?" Now comforted by the fact it was only a matter of time before the Aqua attack would be used, the Aqua Navi took aim toward the bubble shooting virus, and let out a single blast in its direction. "Okay, let's take those Boomer out now! And there's only one thing we have that can do it!"

"'s time!" The familiar chip of a Lark made its way into the PET. "Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

The familiar Aqua attack appeared on SplashMan's arm, who was highly pleased by it. "Finally!" He took extra care in trying to aim it at the clothespins with boomerangs, reveling in all of the Aqua glory in his arm...even though the inside of it consisted of nothing but water anyway. The Navi let out the wide blast of Aqua power towards the (hopefully) only remaining members of the opposition. "Ahh, WideShot always makes me feel better after I use it!"

[Order of Turn:
1-MarkCannon1 chip attack on StarfishA (70, can lock on)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on StarfishB (70, can lock on)
3-Hi-Cannon chip attack on StarfishC (80)
4-WideShot chip attack on BoomerA, BoomerB, and BoomerC (80, Aqua)]
(LAWL, you getz mah first mod postz in, leik, 4evar.)

Binary gives the Kabutanks the evil eye, blowing them to pieces, as Splashman quickly takes out the starfish. His last shot was about to delete the three boomers, and actually did delete two of them, when the third was smart enough to keep its weapon in its mouth to protect it from the enemies' attack.

StarfishA: DELETED
StarfishB: DELETED
StarfishC: DELETED
KabutankA: DELETED
KabutankB: DELETED
BoomerC: 60 HP

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP
(OOC: o snapz)

"Yeah, we did it!" SplashMan beamed, until realizing that he actually did not get all the viruses he had attempted to eliminate. "Wait...aww, there's one left! It blocked my WideShot!"

"What? They can do that? Huh...well, it's not a big deal or anything. We can take it out, no problem!" Sabrina reached in her folder, and pulled out a single chip. "I'm almost afraid to do this again...but why not, it's not like we're in any danger of getting attacked, and we can get a little extra for it!" She placed it into her PET. "Battlechip, PickPocket! Slot in!"

The red mask of apparent DOOM appeared on the Aqua Navi, which almost seemed unnecessary given the fact he lacked a real face. "Huh? A mask? That can only mean one thing!"

"...Oh God, here we go again..."

"I'm an outlaw!"

"..." The young woman promptly located the nearest wall, casually walked over to it, and knocked her head against it.

"All right, ya no good varmint! Hand over yer goods, or yer in fer a rough time!" SplashMan assumed a bowlegged stance, hands near his sides as if he had guns there. "Oh, looks like we got ourselves a strong silent type! Stick 'em up now boy, or yer a goner!" No response from the Boomer. "I gave ya yer warnin'. Go say hi to the devil fer me!" He attempted to pull out a gun and fire, only to realize that his only real weapon was on his back. "Well, guess I left my guns back at the inn. Guess yer just gonna hafta take a good ol' fashioned beatin'!"

The oddly cowboyish Navi walked towards the clothespin virus, still maintaining his bowlegged stance, and with an angry look in his eyes. "I don't care if yer gonna feed yer children with it, that booty's mine!"

"...Booty's a pirate term..."

"Ma'am, I'm gonna have to ask you to be quiet fer a spell!" SplashMan finally reached the Boomer, and looked down upon it. "Not gonna defend yerself, eh? Guess them eyes wanna be black!" He slammed a fist into the virus, only to knock out a bit of data out of it. "Finally realized yer better off givin' it to me, eh? Smart man!" He reached over and picked the data up, as the mask disappeared. "...Huh? How'd I get over here? And what's this I'm holding?"

"Never mind that, send it over and head back over to 1001!"

"Uh, okay..." He sent the data over to Sabrina's PET, then dashed back to the djinn Navi's side. "So, uh, I guess we should take that Boomer out now!"

"Yep! Use this!" Three identical chips were inserted into the insertion slot. "Battlechip, Cannon! Triple slot in!"

The green cannon took shape on SplashMan's arm, and became pointed towards the boomerang wielding virus. He then quickly expended all three shots at the remaining enemy. "I hope that did it...but seriously, what happened? I don't remember a thing after WideShot..."

"It's no big deal! Don't worry about it!"


"I said don't worry about it!"

[Order of Turn:
1-PickPocket1 chip attack on BoomerC (steals cash or chip data from a virus)
2-Cannon chip attack on BoomerC (40)
3-Cannon chip attack on BoomerC (40)
4-Cannon chip attack on BoomerC (40)]
"Sabrina, I'd appreciate it if you didn't fracture your skull against the walls. Sharp minds are becoming more and more uncommon as of late," Chris said lightly, watching his battle partner smash her head against the metal wall of the room. "Either way, 1001, we can't let those two have all the fun, so we might as well add some of our own damage into the mix. I'm sending you the triple Rageclaws," he explained to his Navi, slotting in the three identical chips at the same time.

1001 loaded all the chip data at once, conjuring a set of nasty-looking knuckle-claws on each arm. The arms themselves swelled up, as if the data muscles were given injections of hyped-up steroids. Soon, 1001 looked the part of a large, purple, beefy saloon brawler. Shouting a loud, masculine war cry that suited the part, the djinn Navi lept at the Boomer.

Six times 1001 punched the Boomer. His expression showed that he was hard at work pulverizing the virus into a plethora of pulpy particles. It helped that his knucklaws were shredding everything he hit, meaning that mostly everything within arm's reach, like the ground, got french-fry-cut.

After what could have been anything from an hour to a few seconds to 1001, his spent muscles deflated, and his knucklaws snapped, becoming utterly useless. Breathing hard, 1001 flashed a thumbs-up to his Operator.

"Man alive, 1001. Why do you always have to do things like that?" Chris asked, sounding exasperated, but smiling all the same.

"Because you send me the chips that make me do it," 1001 retorted, smiling back.

1/2/3: Brawl the Boomer with three Rageclaws (40x3)
Stuff happenes.

Splashman: 300+75 stolen
Binary: 300
"Well, that's another pack of 'em down, 1001. You know, if we get far enough into this computer, we might not even need to make a bunch of trips! Just get 'em here and now!" Chris exclaimed.

"Well, that would be cool, but by the looks of things, the viral infection went pretty deep," 1001 replied coolly.

"Either way, grab half the Zenny left over, and go farther in," Chris said.

Scooping up the zenny data, 1001 closed his hand, and in a flash of purple light, it was in the PET. Then, he motioned for Splashman to follow him further into the labyrinth of ways to go through the computer. It looked a lot like the Real World SciLabs.

<(BATTLE 5, PLZTKXBAI!!11!1eleven!1!!)>
(I'll take the miniboss after Cereal posts.)
SplashMan quickly grabbed the other half of the cash data, and sent it over. "Right...there was just zenny in there! I knew that! Who said I didn't?"

Over in the real world, Sabrina returned to the supercomputer, clutching her head with one hand. "I know this is going to sound really stupid, head hurts for some reason...seriously, I didn't think I hit it that hard!"

The Aqua Navi looked at his operator, confused. "You hit your head? When? I don't remember you doing that...not anytime recently, anyway..."

"Eh, it'll get better on its own! Now get going and find some more viruses! And be intuition's telling me your next battle's not going to be that easy!"

"I'll worry about that when I get there!" SplashMan delved deeper into the Net with 1001 next to him, in search for his next battle.

(let there be Battle #5 miniboss fun!)
As the navis advance, a rythmic stamping of feet is heard. Soon afterwards, they could see a dust cloud on the horizon. Closer and closer the strange entity came, and as it advanced even farther, the navis could only speculate wildly as to what sort of humongous foe could create such a giant shaking with its footsteps. The movements within the cloud suddenly stopped, and as the dust cloud cleared, the navi's saw the terrifying visiage of...
Suddenly, Metools! Hundreds of them! Okay, maybe not, but it's a BIG group. Their helmets glinting in the light, their pickaxes swinging back and forth, the large group of enemies is halfways between comical and frightening. As one, they swung their pickaxes, sending a giant wave of energy at the navis. This may be a difficult fight, after all.

Metool Horde: 800 HP

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP

As the Navis felt what seemed like a Net earthquake, SplashMan seemed oddly calm, even stopping to think. "You know, this shaking feels kinda familiar. Like I've felt this before."

" that you mention it, and my head's feeling a little better, I'm feeling deja vu right now." Operator and Navi watched as the herd of Mettaur made their entrance. "Oh, now I know where we've heard that before! Remember when we had to deal with that group of Spikey in ACDC? Same thing here, but with Mettaur! And we've got 1001 beside us!"

"Oh yeah! I guess they'll attack with a team shock wave, like the Spikey made a massive HeatShot with their attack!" As if on cue, the pickaxes fell, and the attack was sent. "...Yep, I was right..."

"No kidding. Oh well, that's why we have this!" Sabrina pulled out a chip, appropriately enough one with a picture of a Mettaur, and placed it into her PET. "Battlechip, Guard! Slot in!"

The yellow and green shield appeared in front of SplashMan, who stepped in front of his ally with it, and kneeled. "I'll protect us!" And so, that's what he attempted to do, until the Guard faded. "Well, I think I can say we've never done that to start a battle before. What's next?"

"Uhh...well, lemme think. Chips that could hit more than one virus worked well against the Spikeys, right? Just can't rely on 'em, since even Mettaur can probably catch on after a while! But since they're not that bright, gotta milk it while we can!" Another chip went via hand from folder to PET's top slot. "Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

The water gun formed on the Aqua Navi's arm, and became trained on the front of the Mettaur pack. A single, yet powerful water attack came out of it, and went sailing in the direction of the group. "Now that's more like it!"

"Let's keep up the Aqua attacks! Since, you know, all of ours multi-hit!" Chips #3 and #4 were removed and sent their way; each had a picture of a red shrimp virus on it. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Double slot in!"

WideShot's gun faded, and became the classic hose of the classic Aqua chip known as Bubbler. It was aimed at more Mettaur, and two shots were let out in VERY quick succession. If one wasn't looking, one would think SplashMan had fired at the same Mettaur, though he had actually fired at adjacent ones. "Haven't used those in a while! Okay, now to take whatever they fire at me!"

"You're awfully confident about that. Usually you're paranoid about it!"

"Eh, we've got a good recovery chip, I'll live!"

[Order of Turn:
1-Guard1 chip attack (60-, Reflect) (specifically used in front of 1001)
2-WideShot chip attack on Metool Horde (80, Aqua, can hit up to two other viruses)
3-Bubbler chip attack on Metool Horde (50, Aqua, can hit another virus)
4-Bubbler chip attack on Metool Horde (50, Aqua, can hit another virus)]
<(Yanno, technically there should only be 20 Mets, if the HP adds up. I'm just gonna say there are more, like 50 or something.)>

"Oh...snap..." Chris opened up, temporarily speechless. Then he got it together to say, "What the HELL? I didn't know Metools lived in SciLabs Net!"

"Chris, I'm not a combat Navi, I've never been on the real Internet, but even I know Metools live everywhere. They just don't usually reveal themselves," 1001 explained. "Either way, I'd really appreciate some chips right about now," he added.

"Right then. Take the Electricreel, and the Cornshot, and remember to add your own power to them this time," Chris replied, slotting in two chips.

Nodding, 1001 clasped his six hands together in a strange sort of six-way prayer. Then, the white Streamline aura appeared, followed by the purple Untapped Power aura on that. He unclasped his hands and straightened his eight limbs out, ready for the two chips.

First the ElecReel came, turning all his eyes the customary electric blue. Remembering how he had exhausted himself trying to control it with one eye, 1001 divided it into the other 1000 this time. The electricity surged through them, making the 1000 eyes crackle with electricity. Then, a thin beam shot from each of the irises, into the last eye on his forehead, which almost immediately fired.

The electricity tore through the two auras, gaining new colours as it went. A second later, there was an immense horizontal column of blue, white, and purple electricity, flashing as it darkened the ground streaking towards the horde of Metools like a deadly firework. Upon contact, the beam exploded, sending waves of colorful lightning.

Not even moving, not even breathing, 1001 loaded the Cornshot. The eyes, not even given the chance to close, faded from blue back to their normal gold, and switched immediately to bright yellow. The purple aura had all but faded, but the white aura still glowed. "Good enough," 1001 thought, shooting off the 1001 yellow bullets. They gained yellow tails phasing through the last of the white aura, making it fade entirely, but now there was a flashy lightshow all around 1001. The white-tailed bullets whizzed around 1001 for a few seconds, before they decided to get at their target: the Metool group. All the ammo shot from 1001's frozen position at the Metools, aiming for their little black faces.

"Good job, 1001. Now go up," Chris said shortly.

"Up?" 1001 asked.

"Yes, up. Quickly."

Scratching his bald head, 1001 asked himself, "But why up?" Then he saw the monster shockwave heading towards him and Splashman. "Good reason," he said to himself, and shot upwards like a champagne cork, hoping to avoid the wave by a good 10 or so metres.

*Untapped Power - +10 to ElecReel1
*Streamline - +10 to all chips used this turn

1. ElecReel1 to Metool Horde (120, can hit a group)

2. Cornshot1 to Metool Horde (50 to one, 60 to another. If the Horde counts as one thing, use the 60 shot)

3. GTFU (Get-The-F***-Up) (Dodge upwards)