Supercomputer investigation

Splashman defeats the front row before Binary could do anything. Binary just wastes his chips. The Champus and MarkCannons hit each navi from behind.


Binary: 90
Splashman: 110

<(WTF? I thought the A and B viruses were in the front, not the back?)>

"Wait, what the hell?" Chris said to himself, watching Splashman attack the viruses in the front, contrary to what he said he would do. 1001's attacks just whizzed off into space.

"Huh? Splashman, I thought you were going to attack the viruses in the back," 1001 said, confused, before he heard a small 'ding' from somewhere behind him. Suddenly, an intense crack of pain shot through the back of his head, while another burning agony tore up the small of his back. Yelling in pain, 1001 was propelling forward a few meters and deposited onto the ground. The massive Sword he had been holding got torn from his hands, clattering to the ground a little ways away. Hot tears of agony dripped from the Navi's royal purple face as he lay burnt on the ground.

"Goddamn it, Binary, would you pull yourself together?!" Chris shouted harshly.

1001 was so shocked at his Operator's words that the tears stopped, his red eyes shocked.

"If that much damage is gonna turn you into a blubbering little heap on the ground, then trying to make you even half a combat Navi isn't even worth considering. If you want to fight, then you'd better get used to taking pain," Chris barked. "But, I guess you can't do that, so I'm jacking you out. I'll delete your battle routines once you're back in the PET," he concluded, punching in the code for an emergency jack-out.

1001 was starting to initiate the jack-out procedure against his will, when he shouted, "NO!" cancelling out the EJO in the process. Returning to the ground, he said angrily, "If this is what I have to take to be a combat Navi, then I'll take it." Picking up the Sword on the ground, he held it high in the air, let loose a guttural roar, and charged into the fray.

Six hands gripping the massive blade by the handle, 1001 pinpointed the two viruses that had hit him. One ... twice he swung the Sword, six sets of beefed-up arm muscles behind the force of the weapon.

Vengeance shots done and over with, 1001 felt that Splashman should take the other two, as it looked like he'd gotten shot as well. Floating up, behind, and away, he quietly observed Splashman's technique.

1. Sword to MarkCannonC (80)

2. Sword to ChampyC (80)

3. Dodge
(OOC: ...Wow. My bad, I screwed that one up big time. XD;)

SplashMan remained steadfast in his being behind the Guard, listening to the sounds of chips being used by his ally. "Yep, this is a piece of cake!"

However, something didn't sit right with his operator. "Wait a sec...isn't that sound coming in front of you?"

WHAM! A sharp pain from behind answered that question. "Owww...what happened...?" A look behind showed that the half that was closer to him was intact. "......Darn it..."


"I messed that one up big time..." The Aqua Navi shot an apologetic look at Binary. "Sorry! I guess I got disoriented or something!

"......Yeah...just so we're all clear, the viruses you need to take care of are BEHIND you." Sabrina would've smacked her Navi if she could, but instead had no choice but to turn to Chris. "I'm really sorry about that. I should've known something would screw up when SplashMan actually came up with a plan..."

"I said I'm sorry! What, you want me to take something out or something to prove it?"

"That'd be a really nice start. And here's something to do it with!" The operator grabbed a pair of chip, placing one of them into her PET. "Battlechip, Bubbler! Slot in!"

The hose took its usual shape on SplashMan's arm, and was pointed in the direction of the other Champy. After a moment of trying to make sure he didn't anything besides his intended target, he let the Aqua attack flow in the direction of the fire boxer.

"Yep, that's a start. Now let's take out that other CannonGuard!" The second chip made its way into the insertion slot, as it had before. "Battlechip, MarkCannon! Slot in!"

The Bubbler's device made way for MarkCannon's, a different shaped green cannon. It released its cursor, and the Aqua Navi did his best to place it directly over the virus that gave it out, and let loose with a single shot at it. The one that didn't get assaulted by the djinn. "I still feel terrible about time, if someone realizes I messed up like that, make me turn around or something!"

"Oh, I know I will..." Sabrina thought for a moment, before grabbing chips identical to the previous two. "But for now, we give Binary cover fire so we can't get attacked again! Battlechips, Bubbler! MarkCannon! Slot in!"

SplashMan's arms got a double workout; the right became Bubbler's hose, and the left became MarkCannon's...cannon. "Those viruses don't stand a chance now!"

[Order of Turn: (makes absolutely sure the right viruses get attacked this time)
1-Bubbler chip attack on ChampuD (50, Aqua)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on MarkCannonD (70, can lock on)
3-Bubbler chip attack on ChampuC (50, Aqua) (if necessary)
4-MarkCannon1 chip attack on MarkCannonD (70, can lock on)]
Binary's sword successfully swiped and deleted the Markcannon, but the Champy easily dodged the attack and tried to counter with a fierce uppercut. Thankfully, Binary was able to evade the attack by the inch.

Splashman's assault assimilated the Markcannon and the Champu, but WTF? The same Champu that evaded the previous attack dodged another attack!! This guy gets into a roll by landing a powerful jab against Splashman's chest.


Binary: 90
Splashman: 100

And so, SplashMan found himself down on the canvas. But he wasn't down for the count, as shown by his standing up. Probably made it up before anyone could count to 8, too. "That...smarted. Won't this thing go down?!"

"Well, there's always overkill. But first, let's get you patched up! I've been waiting for a good excuse to use this!" Sabrina placed a single chip, pink in background, into her PET. "Battlechip, Recover80! Slot in!"

SplashMan glowed for a moment, before looking exactly how he was supposed to. Oh, and being pain-free didn't hurt, either. "Wow...that really hits the spot!" He shook his limbs a bit, as if testing to see if he was in perfect shape. "Yep, I do think it worked!"

"Glad to hear it!" The young woman dug through her folder, before pulling out three identical chips, and inserting them into the appropriate slot. "Don't worry Chris, we'll take care of this! It's SplashMan's fault we're in this mess to begin with! Battlechip, Cannon! Triple slot in!"

A normal green cannon attachment became the order of the minute on the Aqua Navi's arm, and it became pointed in the direction of the remaining virus. Once he thought he had a good shot, he let three of them out, one right after the other, at the Champy. "I really, REALLY hope I got that thing..."

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover80 chip (80, Recovery)
2-Cannon chip attack on ChampuC (40)
3-Cannon chip attack on ChampuC (40)
4-Cannon chip attack on ChampuC (40)]
Just as Sabrina said, "Recover80," another sound was heard. It was the sound of Chris' jaw dropping. "Recover...80?!" he wthought aloud in awe. "Closing his mouth before he started attracting flies, he said, "Well, two can play at the chip game. ElecReel, Firehit, Cactball, slot in!"

"What the hell, Chris? You know I can't handle the ElecReel!" 1001 complained as the data was sent to him.

"Sure you can. The only reason you got results like getting your body torn apart was because you went completely psycho and decided to unleash the whole thing at once. If you try to make it into a stream or something, I swear you will have better results. And if I'm wrong, I'm a toaster," Chris explained.

"If you say so," 1001 sighed.

Still apprehensive about using the ElecReel, 1001 decided to use the CactBall first. Loading the chip, a round, shiny green ball appeared in one of his hands. Not appearing to be that deadly, 1001 was surprised when it grew razor-sharp spines all over it. Throwing it to himself in a very intense game of Hot Potato, 1001 kept saying, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," over and over again.

"Just throw it, will you?" Chris said.

"Oh, ow, right, ow, ow, ow," 1001 nodded, and sent it at the Champy. Then, he loaded the Firehit, engulfing one of his hands in orange flames. Shrugging, he made a fist and gave a simple, yet effective uppercut to the Champy.

Finally, he loaded the dreaded ElecReel. Every single one of his eyes opened, their irises electric blue, occasionally sparking. Blue electricity suddenly crackled from every one of them, arcing and surging into the 1001'st eye; the largest one that was situated on his forehead. While 1000 of the eyes closed, their energy spent for now, the last remained open, still collecting the last few remnants of electricity. Then, all hell broke loose as 1001 fired a thick stream of blue electricity at the Champy. He kept the stream up for about a minute before he finally ran out of power. Closing the eye, he gasped for breath. "Damn, that was tiring, but whadaya know? I used the ElecReel without blowing myself up," he said, smiling slightly.

1. Cactball1 to ChampyC (20x3)

2. Firehit1 to ChampyC (50)

3. ElecReel1 to ChampyC (100)


Binary: 90
Splashman: 100



<(MagicCereal used a Recov80, which I am totally jealous of)>

As the smoke cleared, 1001 looked to see a good-sized crater where the Champy had been. "Well, apart from me mixing up what was in front of us and behind us, and me blowing myself up, I'd say that this has been relatively smooth sailing.

"Hang on, you said "Relatively." You mean to say you done things more taxing than tearing yourself apart?" Chris asked, perplexed.

"Try making your homemade computer that is WAY different on the inside, which has a ton of firewalls around it, forget it visited over 50 websites, all of which had '-18 Safety Blockers' all over them! And in 1 hour, too! You are very lucky that I managed to finish before the routine Internet History Inspection team hit your room!" 1001 said over the private link.

Chris was very thankful that noone could hear what he had said, as it was done in text, but the fact that his face turned a deep crimson blush of embarrassment made more than a few people interested in what it was Binary was saying. "Binary, you swore you wouldn't speak of that again, private link or not," he complained.

"Well, enough about that. May as well move on, eh, Splashman?" 1001 boomed, heading deeper into the supercomputer.
(Yeah, gimme my 40 HP back!)

As Chris engaged in being embarrassed by his Navi, Sabrina pulled out the one chip not in her folder, and looked it over. Yep, it was a PickPocket1, alright. " can steal extra stuff from viruses with this...I really should put it in my folder!" She opened the flap with her chips in it, and pulled out a Recover10. "10 just isn't enough anymore. Later!" And thus, the two switched their locations. "There! Not really a fan of stealing, but if something's trying to kill you, all's fair, I guess."

"Eh, no one'll care if we steal from viruses! And I don't think it works against Navis, anyway! And even if it does, no one said we have to use it then, either!" It was at this point SplashMan received the suggestion of moving on. "Ack! Don't leave me behind!" He raced back alongside 1001, before slowing to a more normal pace.

(insert witty way to say Battle #3 is coming up here)
((Note to self, kill Alphonse))

Terrible looming figures appear in the distance.
Oh wait, viruses, duh.

ElecOgreA: 120 HP
ElecOgreB: 120 HP
ElecOgreC: 120 HP
Windbox: 100 HP

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP

-The spark that begins the battle is probably caused by electricity-
"Woah, 1001, there's a ton of static around this area. So much that its completely clouding the viewing window. What's going on?"

"Splashman and I just found a couple of DBLCubes and three ElecOgres, plus a Windbox. This could be pretty dangerous, especially for Splashman," 1001 replied, a grim look on his face.

"Well, if there's a Windbox, then it'd be best to get rid of that first, as life could be pretty tough if its repelling out CactBalls and Cornshot. But how to delete it without the attack getting propelled back at us..." Chris trailed off. He then snapped his fingers, saying, "I've got it! Use the ElecReel! It shouldn't be pushed back at the Windbox if you make it into a stream again, plus it could potentially damage almost the entire group!"

"But what happens if it does push my ElecReel back at me?" 1001 asked, apprehensive.

"Well, I dunno, but let's just say the results might be a little explosive. Either way, I'm sending you the Reel and a the Cornshot. That should be enough to start us off," Chris concluded, slotting in the two chips.

"Explosive? I don't like the sound of that much," 1001 gulped, accepting the chips anyway.

As usual, 1001 started off with the ElecReel, turning all 1001 of his eyes electric blue. Before he fired, however, he used his Streamline ability, creating a white aura around him. The creases all over his body opened, revealing the sparking eyes. At once, they all started pouring electricity from their pupils, arcing over into the last eye, which took in all the electricity. A second after he'd taken in all the ElecReel's power into his 1001'st eye, he closed it, stoppering its power temporarily so he could aim. He tracked down the Windbox, still blowing away. A brief thought about who in their right mind would make something so deadly look so uninteresting, he opened the eye, and fired. A perfectly circular tube of blue electricity shot out his eye, hitting the aura and turning light blue, and streaking towards its stationary target. Upon contact, the ElecReel beam split, sending bolts of lightning crashing through the crowd of viruses and making a cloud of thick black smoke, making it impossible to tell what got hit and what didn't. Knowing there would be survivors after the smoke settled, 1001 immediately loaded up the Cornshot, not even giving his eyes a chance to rest. Their irises faded from electric blue, to a warm gold, to a bright yellow, signaling the Cornshot.

As usual, 1001 decided that it was a good idea to power up again, to give the Cornshot a boost against the viruses. So, a purple aura over the white aura that he had previously summoned, making it look lavender. As soon as he had finished conjuring the auras, 1001 fired off the 1001 rounds of pure, harsh corn. Half gained white tails and passed through the purple, half got purple tails and ignored the white. Once again, the laser that shot out his left armpit came too late and didn't get a flashy tail at all. You gotta feel sorry for it.

The corn lasers whizzed around 1001 in a very flashy light show for a while, then shot upwards and divebombed two targets that 1001 had identified as the DBLCubes. Peppering everything within about a meter radius of the DBLCubes with little holes the size of a corn kernel.

Knowing that a couple of the survivors would go after him, 1001 took to dodging for a while, darting quickly, yet gracefully around the area.

*Untapped Power - +10 to Cornshot1
*Streamline - +10 to all chips used this turn

1. ElecReel1 to Windbox (100 to a group, Windbox is primary target, so 110 to Windbox because of Streamline)

2. Cornshot1 to DBLCubes (50x2+10=110 to both)

3. Dodge
"That explains why I don't feel that good all of a sudden..." Despite this, and knowing he was about to face viruses with an affinity to his weakness, SplashMan seemed remarkably composed. "Yep...this is gonna be a heck of a battle!"

"Well, you seem awfully calm about this. Not worried?"

"Nope. If anyone misses, I'm a goner. I've made peace with that already!"

"...Aren't you the confident one..." Sabrina rolled her eyes, before pulling out a chip. "We'll take care of the ElecOgres, but let's wait a sec first!"

"Why?" As the Aqua Navi pondered, the ElecReel from 1001 made its way towards the WindBox, intending to eliminate any accuracy threats from it. "Oh, that...right..."

"Yep, now we can do our thing!" The operator placed her chip into her PET. "Battlechip, WideShot! Slot in!"

The water shot blaster took its usual form on SplashMan's arm, which he was expecting from the start. He took a moment to aim it towards the nosed Elec viruses, then released the blast of Aqua power in their direction. "You know, WideShot won't do it by itself this time. I need something to finish them, so I can quit feeling so bad from all this static!"

"Well, that's never been a problem with us. Mainly because we've got so much of these!" Three chips became the latest choices to wind up in Sabrina's PET, and simultaneously, no less. "Battlechip, Shotgun! Triple slot in!"

The gun on the Aqua Navi's arm became a conventional blaster shape, and became pointed towards a single ElecOgre. It let out a single shot, then was repeated for the other two, to eliminate the threat of mass electric shock. "There, maybe now all this electricity will go down some!"

[Order of Turn:
1-WideShot chip attack on ElecOgreA, ElecOgreB, ElecOgreC (80, Aqua)
2-Shotgun chip attack on ElecOgreA (50, may hit another virus)
3-Shotgun chip attack on ElecOgreB (50, may hit another virus)
4-Shotgun chip attack on ElecOgreC (50, may hit another virus)]
<(El Bumpo!)>
Attack hit. Elecreel fails to reach DBLCUBES though. Both DBLCubes turn Red and fire, missing Binary

Windbox: DELETED

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 100 HP
"Ow!" SplashMan got nailed by the beams, twitching slightly afterwards. "Well, that hurt. I could use something to make myself feel better. Wink wink!"

"I'm on it, but don't say 'wink, wink' out loud like that, it's weird!" Sabrina pulled out one of the more pink chips in her folder, and placed it into her PET. "All right, you're good as new now! Battlechip, Recover80! Slot in!"

A warm glow surrounded the Aqua Navi, and any signs of injury that may had occured suddenly vanished, as well as his HP meter returning to its maximum level of 140. "Much better! Okay, I'm all ready to take down those...uh...what are those things called again?"

"DBLCube, and I dunno if we should do all the work now." The young woman shot a glance at the person beside her. "I'm sure Chris and 1001 want to get in on the action too! But let's go ahead and finish one of them off!" Two more chips were placed into the PET's slot. "Battlechip, Shotgun! Double slot in! And before you ask Chris, yes, I'm aware that I have a lot of Shotgun chips! Blame my brother for that...but that's a long story, so maybe later."

The blaster reformed over SplashMan's hand, with two more shots ready to go. The Navi took careful aim towards one of the cube viruses, then let out a quick one-two at it. He then stood there, scratching his head. "Er, what should we do now?"

"I have an idea. Let's try that chip I got not long ago!" A chip with a picture of a highly strange raccoon made became the order of the moment. "Battlechip, PickPocket! Slot in!"

A red mask appeared over the Aqua Navi, with holes big enough for his eyes. "Aha! I now have the stealth of a ninja! Behold, as I go around and, uh, swipe stuff!"

"...That's not what a ninja does..."

"Quiet! Don't blink, or you'll miss me because of my agility!" SplashMan began tiptoeing towards the DBLCube he hadn't attacked, at a blinding speed...for a snail virus. He then stopped, and acted as though he was hiding behind a pole. Unfortunately, hiding behind poles tends to be more effective if one is, in fact, behind a pole.

If the computer in front of her wasn't such an important part of SciLab, Sabrina would've slammed her head into it and hope she fell unconscious for a few minutes. "Yeah...1001 might not want to attack right away. Because this may take a while..."

The Aqua Navi snuck a peak from behind the 'pole', which looked absurd given the fact that a) he had no neck, B) he was wearing a ridiculous red mask, and c) he was struggling to look over thin air. "Yep, they don't suspect a thing! Now's the time to strike!" The Navi tiptoed closer towards the cube...closer...closer...closer still...and then he was halfway towards his target...

"Can you get a move on it? We're all dying of old age!"

"Ssh! If they hear us, it could jeopardize the entire operation!" A few moments later, SplashMan arrived at his destination; behind the DBLCube. "Aha, I have reached my destination! Now, to carry out the operation!" He touched the virus, and pulled a piece of data out of it with a mighty cry of "Yoink!", which he sent to Sabrina's PET without looking at it. "Operation successful! Returning to normal position now!" He raced as fast as he could back to 1001's side, his mask disappearing along the way. "Oh, hi 1001! I thought you were on my other side! So, Sabrina, what chip were you going to send me?"

"You didn't rememb-oh, don't worry about. Just let these guys have their fun!" Deep down, the operator was busy thanking all that was holy that her Navi didn't remember a thing for whatever reason...

"Okay! I'll just stand here until it's all over! La la la..."

[Order of Turn:
1-Recover80 chip (80, Recover)
2-Shotgun chip attack on DBLCubeB (50, may hit another virus)
3-Shotgun chip attack on DBLCubeB (50, may hit another virus)
4-PickPocket1 chip attack on DBLCubeA (steals cash or chip data from a virus)]
1001 was dancing this way and that, when Chris yelled, "Binary, hit the deck!"

1001 dropped flat just as the DBLCubes fired. A hailstorm of thin red lasers streaked towards him, barely missing. He felt the heat of the bolts as they sailed over him. Turning his head just enough that he could see how Splashman was faring, he saw that he'd been hit by the Beams. Getting up, he asked, "You okay, Splashman?"

"MAN, that was close!" Chris sighed in relief. "Well, I suggest that we finish off those Cubes before they fire again. CactusBall, double slot in!"

1001 accepted the data, but didn't attack right away. Instead, he looked at Chris and put a finger to his lips, as not to piss off Splashman and "jeapordize the mission." Watching Splashman curiously, he at first thought it was just more of his antics, but once he ripped a piece of the DBLCube he was about to attack off, 1001 knew there was something else going on, like a chip or something.

Either way, 1001 loaded both CactBalls at once, creating two long-chained flails in his hands. The flail's heads were dark green and covered in needle-sharp spines. Holding the extra chain in his extra four hands, he swung the two of them beside him like sideways lassos. When he thought he'd gotten enough momentum, he flung the flails at the DBLCube, letting the extra chain pass through his hands until he was almost out of chain, and firmly gripped it. The maces fell on the DBLCube and rolled onto its back side, the spines doing their best to dig into the Cube. When they felt like they'd stuck into the virus, 1001 pulled as hard as he could on the chain connected to them. Eventually, the balls tore right through the stationary viruses, leaving two almost-perfectly round holes.

1001 saw no other viruses at that point, so he decided to sit around and wait for the DBLCubes to vaporize from their injuries.

1. Cactball1 to DBLCubeA (20x3x2)

2. Cactball1 to DBLCubeA (20x3x2)

3. Sit around and do nothing.

<(I know I was autohitting, but the Cubes are completely stationary. Not like they could dodge or anything.)>

Splashman's Shotgun attacks were on the mark, but as the Cactball chains appeared out of the created smoke, the Cubes floated higher into the air, making them miss completely! The Cubes weakly healed each other at the end.

DBLCUBEA: 60 HP (Blue)
DBLCUBEB: 60 HP (Blue)
Windbox: DELETED

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP (Get: 150z)
(Er, SplashMan was attacking the same DBLCube with his two attacks, so shouldn't B be deleted while A has...110 HP, I think? Barring splash connecting, anyway. Ah well, it doesn't much difference either way.)

And there was blinking as the cubes floated to avoid the CactBalls, followed by them healing themselves. SplashMan chose to be the first to stop blinking and say something. "So that's what a CactBall looks like! We've had one for a long time, but we've never used it!"

"That's because we've never had to. Most Elec viruses we've fought can go down to a Shotgun! But anyway, we should probably take those things out before they can nail us again." Sabrina quickly and quietly added the swiped zenny to her cash total, while her navi was pre-occupied with other thoughts. "Up for it?"

"Well, sure, but didn't you just say we should let Chris and 1001 handle it?"

"Well, they tried, and missed, because apparently none of us knew they could float like that! So now it's our turn again. And we've got the perfect chips for this!"

"We do? I'm guessing it's some kind of gun, since they could float and dodge a Sword..." The Aqua Navi extended his arm in anticipation. "Hey, did your cash total just go up a little?"

"Er, what? No way! I wish it did, but nope..." The young woman whistled non-chalantly as she dug through her folder for a pair of chips, which got slammed into her PET once she found what she wanted. "Now, let's get rid of those things once and for all! Battlechip, MarkCannon! Double slot in!"

The oddly shaped green cannon appeared on the fully extended arm, clashing wonderfully with SplashMan's blue and black design. Nonetheless, it began emitting its cursor, which the Navi began trying to place atop the DBLCube. Once he believed he had, he released one of the shots, then quickly attempted to do the same with the other. "MarkCannon's hard work! Although if you concentrate, you couldn't miss if you tried!"

"Well, that should do it. But with our luck, it probably didn't, so stay on your toes, SplashMan!"

The Aqua Navi stood on his toes. "Like this?"

"...We've already discussed this. It's an expression..."

[Order of Turn:
1-MarkCannon1 chip attack on DBLBeamA (70, can lock on)
2-MarkCannon1 chip attack on DBLBeamB/A (70, can lock on) (which one it hits depends on whether B's still there or not; if it is, B gets attacked, but if not, A gets shot at again
"Wha? I didn't know DBLCubes could even move!" Chris exclaimed, bewildered.

The chains 1001 had been holding disappeared out of the Navi's hands. "Argh, I missed both of them with the ElecReel, and now I missed one with two CactBalls! That does it! Chris, Give me the Sword!" 1001 boomed, clearly pissed off that they ahd gotten so lucky.

"Sent. Do them a favor and dice them, will you?" Chris asked, sending the powerful chip.

"RAAAHHHHHHHHHHGGG!" was 1001's response, receiving the Sword, once again in the form of a humongous, overcompensatingly long blade, before charging at one of the floating cubes, as he shouted a good deal about turning the DBLCube into french fries and eating them for breakfast. It also helped that he could float too.

To put it simply, 1001 went absolutely crazy. Every time he swung at the Cube with his huge Sword, he vanished in a flash of royal purple, reappeared at a different angle, and sliced again. This continued on for about 30 seconds before 1001's Sword, totally spent, finally shattered into a myriad fragments, which hovered in the air for a while before clattering to the ground like crystal rain. 1001 himself also descended to the ground, breathing hard. "Well, if the damned cube survived that, then I don't want to know what will take it down," he said under his breath.

"1001, I think you need to learn a bit about something called controlling your attacking. I mean, going crazy like that is a good surfire way to kill something, but doing that over and over again will kill your stamina," Chris said lightly.

1/2/3: Go ape shit on DBLCubeB with a bigass Sword (80x3, so 240)
They die.

Windbox: DELETED

Binary: 90 HP
Splashman: 140 HP
Both Get: DBLBeam, 600z