Nikko and val

((Can't just show up uninvited, Planey.))
Nikko blasts one cannon, then runs forward and throws a bomb directly into a tank. SHe then gets closer and finishes off one enemy while taking a chunck out of another. Meanwhile Edgar starts forward.... and falls in a hole, which takes him to another part of the area. Valkerie then moves in as well, cutting down the reaminging tank. She then slashes to kill the markcannon. A beam then fires from the Cube, zapping Valkerie.

KabutankB: DELETED!
MarkcannonA: DELETED!
MarkcannonB: DELETED!
MarkcannonC: 60
DBLCube: 200 <R>

Nikko: 140
Valkerie: 100
"Heh. four down, two to go."
"careful nikko."

Nikko quickly rushes at the cube with her rageclaw, not careing about being hit, she jumps up with her little kitty legs and slashes once with it as she lands, she plays a quick game of run around the cube before jumping up and slashing again with her rageclaw. She then quickly ran around the area, attempting to dodge any attacks from the enemy. then as she nears the cube again she jumps up and pounces upon it, rinning around quickly as she does.

RageclawX2---->DBLCube (40X2)
swordplay:extra dodge
Cat attack---->DBLCube (50, chance to stun, dodges for the rest of the turn)
((Belive it or not Majin, I checked with both of them about 3 hours before this battle if I could join them, and they both were fine with it. So I'm sorry that my post at 9:21 did not say anything about this, and if you want to make sure I was invited, I can foward the responces I got from both Darkstar and knight....))
A portal appears behing Edgar, and he floats backwards into it.

((Event starting))
- Drats, we've forgot about Granny.
Valkyrie evaded a blast from the remaining cannon then continued to move forward, trying to reach the virii.
- We can let her wait. She is probably used to it by now anyway.
- Don't you, like, respect your ancestors or something?
Dancing around the shots of her enemies she got closer and closer...
- Oh yes, the dead ones. Hmm.... she is probably close enough I guess...
- Great. Then hurry up and finish this already.
...only to get hit by the beam of the DBL cube. The beam zapped her, but after a moment. She shook her head, trying to shake off the pain itself, then continued to advance.
- With pleasure- She hissed, ready to use the sword that Sieg sent her just a few moments ago. Upon reaching the cannon, she thrust forward; no fancy moves, no form whatsoever, only the will to get that dumb cannon cut into two. Satisfied with her work, she went on to destroy the cube that Nikko was already attacking. She held the sword in both arms, then swung it with all her might to slash part of the cube off, trying to reduce it into... a geometric shape that has some weird name.
1 Sword MarkCannonC(80)
2 Sword DBLcube (80)
3 Dodge]
Both of Nikko's claw strikes land. However, she overshoots on her pounce. Valkerie then strikes both opponents with her sword before backing off. The Cube then heals a bit.

KabutankB: DELETED!
MarkcannonA: DELETED!
MarkcannonB: DELETED!
MarkcannonC: DELETED!
DBLCube: 60 <B>

Nikko: 140
Valkerie: 100
- Is that how you hurry?
- Oh, shut up already!
The cube was in the blue phase, and already damaged. One strike with the sword should be enough. If she hits, the cube gets deleted; if she misses, it will only heal itself. Not that the cube was so awesome at dodging...

She slashed at the cube, gracefully bringing the sword down in a crescent arc.

1. Sword DBLcube (80)
2-3. Dodge]
It dies.

KabutankB: DELETED!
MarkcannonA: DELETED!
MarkcannonB: DELETED!
MarkcannonC: DELETED!

Nikko: 140
Valkerie: 100

Rewards: 200z, extra 75z to Valkerie
- Well Nikko, it was really a pleasure. Too bad I have to get going.

Valkyrie jacked out before her furry friend could say a word. She had work to do, even if she didn't want to.
"Meow.......she's gone already....."
"jack out for now Nikko."

With that Nikko jacked out in a blue beam of light.