Gunner and Divinity

"Er, uh, yeah, dudette." Druidman stammered as Divinity smiled at him, thinking that she was quite a flirt. After her display with Gunner, however, Druidman felt that 'flirt' was too weak of a word. Staring incredously at both of the other Navis, he shook his head to clear his thoughts. Opting to focus on words rather than actions, Druidman stood at his maximum height, sheathed his scimitar, and cleared his throat. "I go where I'm needed, man. If we want to look for stronger dudes, then that's fine with me." he said matter of factly.

Steve, on the other hand, was highly amused to the point of almost falling out of his chair at Druidman's dillema. He wasn't sure wether this Divinity fancied him or not, but watching Druidman try to struggle out what to do for himself had an extremely high entertainment value. Even if Druidman was against it, Steve would almost certainly want to team up with Divinity and Gunner in the future.
"I think..." started Area, "It may be wiser to stay here for the time being now I think about it. There is some research event going on soon and I signed up for it. Going to another Net would be too much of a drag, so I'd actually like to stay here. We can team up afterwards again and go to a place with stronger enemies." Divinity had taken off both of her shields from her wrists, as Area was talking, and placed them on the ground. She stood on each shield, with the flat side upwards, and tried to balance on them. Spreading her arms to the sides, while keeping her wings pressed against her back, she carefully made the shields move under her feet as if she was on skis.

"If we would go to another place," continued Area, "We'd also have the risk of encountering enemies that'd take too long to beat. I really don't want to miss this challenge of the IPC." Divinity looked up at the other Navis after being immensely focused on the shields under her feet and spoke to them, "And I'd love to get my hands on another of those Firehit chips. I've got an awesome thing in mind with them." "Technically," muttered Area, "We just need more chips. Preferably elemental ones." Divinity nodded while lifting her left leg so she could balance upon a shield with only one leg. Carefully she jumped with her lifted leg upon the other shield while lifting the other leg in the process. "And if you're thinking about what my Navi is going," Area said as she figured they'd be thinking what the hell Divinity was doing, "She's training her body for good movements in battles. And to help me exercise."
Virus Attack!

MarkcannonA: 60
MarkcannonB: 60
MarkcannonC: 60
MarkcannonD: 60
MarkcannonE: 60
StarfishA: 60
StarfishB: 60
StarfishC: 60
StarfishD: 60
StarfishE: 60
DBLCubeA: 200 <R>
DBLCubeB: 200 <R>

Gunner: 130
Divinity: 100
Druidman: 80

Battle 2 Start!
Now balancing on her left leg, she turned around with wind coming from a strong movement of her wings and looked at the enemies. Holding her right hand downwards, she made her right shield float up to her hand as it attached itself to her wrist. Making a small jump forwards, she kneeled down and picked up the other shield with her left hand to attach it to her wrist. Taking it easy and calmly, she was interrupted by a voice coming from behind slightly, "Work it, woman..." Divinity glared back at a screen that had Area's face in it which was looking slightly agitated. "What...?" asked Divinity softly not understanding what was going on. "We have to defeat these goons soon so I can get to ACDC and you to Netfrica Net for the mission. We've been put in teams and we seem to have hit a spot with Druidman. Gunner is, unfortunately, in another team." Area spoke loud and clearly so everyone could hear her, but then Divinity spoke up with a bit of surprise in her voice, "So... We need to finish this as fast as possible." "Correct," said Area as she slotted three chips into the PET. "Fight," whispered Area as a grin appeared on her face.

"Gunner! Druidman! Strike quick and strong!" shouted Divinity as she took an offensive position, holding her right shield out to the front as both shields started to glow with the energy of the battle programs. She spinned around quickly, releasing her right shield towards the enemies in a blur of green light. After letting it fly out, she charged towards the enemies as a trail of flames came behind her in mid-air. Her right gauntlet, now free from a shield, charged the flaming attack of the chip data Area had slotted in previously. Making a small jump within her running movement, she thrust her fist at one of the Starfish enemies to send a burst of flames out towards it. Landing on the ground again, she felt the burning energy fade from her shield and made a small turn to head for other viruses. She caught her shield, as it returned from its attack, with her right wrist as the Sword energy immediately got charged around the edges. With a quick movement, she slashed at the nearest enemy. I hope the others have enough firepower... thought Divinity as she saw her shield going into a horizontal movement in front of her and knew she probably didn't do enough to finish it quick.

1. Boomerang [60 Wood, Multiple] @ StarfishGroup
2. Firehit1 [60 Fire, Single] @ StarfishE
3. Sword [80, Single] @ MarkcannonE
"No time to mess around, dudes!" Druidman cried out, readying his stance to dispatch these viruses quickly and efficently. Seeing Divinity streak to the left side of viruses, and Gunner no doubt preparing another long range assault behind him, Druidman darted off to the right, Calling to the heavens, "Steve, man! Chips, please!"

Steve, who had just finished checking the assignments for their mission, snapped back to the battle. "Right, strong and hard! Boomerang1! Energybomb! Vulcan2!" he cried out, popping in the chips from his folder.

Running to get to the right flank of the line of viruses, Druidman decided to risk running with a sharp object as he pulled out his scimitar, and began to bend it rapidly, causing the blade to glow a bright green, a shade that Divinity's Boomerang simply couldn't accomplish.Taking a brief stop to hurl the boomerang over his shoulder at the ranks of the Markcannon, Druidman continiued to charge down the line.

Stopping at the edge of the line, Druidman reached into his bag and pulled out a knobbly Energybomb. Knowing that this throw would be vitally important to to the team's succsess, and even the sucsess of the upcoming mission, Druidman took a flying leap up into the air, and, at the peak of his jump, flicked the bomb across his range of motion over the entire rank of the viruses, aiming at the hovering cube at the opposite end of the line.

Landing with a slight stumble, Druidman pulled out his gauntlet. With several taps of the sapphire crystals, Druidman leveled a moderate sized chaingun up, and simply charged down the line, firing like a madman and hollering like a complete fool.

1.)Boomerang1 Battlechip to MarkCannonA/B/C. (65Wood/65Wood/65Wood)
2.)Untapped Potentail:Energybomb Battlechip to DBLCubeB. (43Normx3)
3.)Vulcan2 Battlechip "Down the line." (15Normx5, pretty much starting at the top of the list of alive viruses, he keeps shooting until it dies, then keeps running. If he misses a shot, I suppose he risks running headlong into a virus.)

((Also: I won't be here Saturday and part of Sunday, so you have my permission to go on without me next round. Assume I did all dodges, or if you're feeling generous, I cast Entangling Heat Force on somethin'.))
The blush finally faded from Gunner's face as the opportunity to fight presented itself. "Quick and strong..." A gunslinger's specialty. His fist erupted into a clenched gauntlet of flame. It looked as if the others had already cut into the waves of enemies. However, many foes remained... He wouldn't be able to kill all of them unless he was really lucky. First, it was time to finish what the others had started. First off, it was time to get rid of that stationary turret... A sort of Cannon with a shield. Gunner had seen these before, but had never learned their names. Shield Cannons... He could only guess. But at any rate, he would have to get past those shields. Or would he...? He ran at the cannon. Just when it looked like he was going to collide, he leapt a short distance into the air, landing on the cannon. He nearly lost his footing as the virus swivelled its head, searching for him. He sat down to avoid falling off, and enjoyed the novelty of the situation for a moment. He raised his fist into the air, bringing his flaming knuckles down at the broad body of the cannon. The flames numbed whatever impact there might have been, and his knuckles caught air. Whether he had missed or punched clean through, he did not know. But he used the momentun to carry him down off of the confused and possibly ruined virus. The flames wreathing his hand and forearm sputtered and died. There was another single virus left; a Starfish. But he would handle that with his next attack.

He hated this weapon. It always got him soaked. So he decided to do something a little different.

His gun was still out of his hands. He brought his palms together, hoping that this would work and leave him relatively dry. The fiery glove had dried off his left side somewhat, but his pants were still clinging to his legs in an uncomfortable way. He concentrated on the chip data, making sure to keep his hands locked together. Suddenly, water began to spray out from between his palms in tiny streamers. He spread his arms quickly, releasing the water in a broad arc that increased in size as it went. Hopefully, it would wash over the Starfish and the Cubes... His next chip would serve a similar purpose, if not by the same means. He was afraid for a moment that the flame would fail to ignite due to his soaked gloves, but the dark blaze sprang to life just above his palm. If it erupted from thr ground, though, it might not catch the floating Cubes. Noting this, he got an idea. He idly tossed the flame into the air. Just as it reached the apex of its flight, it exploded into a wide disc that sent a rushing pillar of flame down to the viruses beneath. The hot wind from the inferno managed to dry him off a bit. However, that was far from his thoughts at the moment. Some viruses were still alive, from the looks of it. However, he knew how to fix that. He drew his beloved pistol. One pull of the trigger was all that was needed to send the gun's piercing round on its way.

Man, this post sounds all rushed and awful. Sorry, but my muse be dead.
1. Firehit to MarkCannonD (60, [A])
Snipe: Acc boost to Wideshot
2. Wideshot to StarfishD, DBLCubeA, and DBLCubeB (80, [A])
3. Flameline to DBLCubeA and B (70, [A])
4. Shotgun to DBLCubeA (50, [A]) [Splash DBLCubeB]
The Boomerrang races at the enemies, taking out two fish on the first pass, then striking down a third on the rebound. Divinity then smashes another fish with a firey fish and cuts down a Markcannon. Another three enemies go down with Druidman's own Boomerrang. He then chucks a bomb into a cube and uses his Vulcan to take down the final Markcannon (since Vulcan's go after only one enemy). Gunner then smashes a Markcannon. He then releases a wideshot, which fells one cube and damages another. His next attacks do just enough to delete the final enemy.

MarkcannonA: DELETED!
MarkcannonB: DELETED!
MarkcannonC: DELETED!
MarkcannonD: DELETED!
MarkcannonE: DELETED!
StarfishA: DELETED!
StarfishB: DELETED!
StarfishC: DELETED!
StarfishD: DELETED!
StarfishE: DELETED!

Gunner: 130
Divinity: 100
Druidman: 80

Rewards: 500z each
"Gunner! Druidman!" shouted Divinity as she looked at her companions. They were all at various places now after practically storming head-on towards the enemies as they had to be quick. "I'm going to log off and head for Netfrica Net as I'm teamed up there," told Divinity them as she ran out to Druidman first. "I'll meet you again, Druidman." Divinity said with a smile on her face as her visor lighted up slightly. She then looked at Gunner and walked over to him while staring at his face for a few seconds. "Here it comes," muttered Area slightly annoyed while keeping her finger close to the button to log off. Divinity spread her arms and then embraced Gunner gently while putting her head next to his. "Be careful," she whispered, "I hope to see you again. Good luck in Yumland." Ending the embrace, she took a few steps back and then nodded at him. "Bye," she said with a smile. Making a small jump into the air her entire body started to glow and then disappeared in a bright flash as Area had landed her finger on the log off button.

[Divinity.EXE logged off]
Gunner's expression was hard to read as Divinity left. After a couple moments of awkward silence, he turned to Druidman, a grin on his face. "It's been fun, manWe should probably get going too... Oh, wait." Gunner rummaged about in his pockets before producing a scrap of paper and a piece of charcoal. He pressed the paper against the flat head of a nearby Program. Amid the poor denizen's protests, he scrawled a message on the paper and handed it to Druidman, pocketing the charcoal. It bore Swift's email address, all in hurried-looking capitals; "PEACEFULKING@HOME.NET." "Email me if you want to team up again... Oh!" Gunner froze again in mid-step. "Visit our homepage sometime, alright? It's public-access, so it shouldn't be hard to find. See you around, and good luck with the investigation." With a friendly nod, he leapt into the air and dissapeared.
Druidman accepted the scrap of paper, the data already being transfered to his address book. Being left alone, he made a note to bust with Gunner again, he seemed like a really cool guy to hang out with. With a slight rush, he hustled out to an opening in the landscape, stood tall, and gave the peace sign. "Peace out!" he said aloud, as his body exploded into thousands of leaves, which were quickly scattered by the winds...