Phoenix in Scilab Net

Scooping up the chip-like coin in a sweep of his taloned hand, Phoenix asked "Do we have enough yet?"

"Well, actually, I'm right in front of the shop right now, and apparantly, checking a few of the sale prices, we'll need about 2500 more zenny to get what we need.

If Phoenix was happy, or angry, he didn't show it. "Well, let's get started. We're wasting time just standing around, so keep those chips at the ready. I'm gonna spend some time on the wing."

Spreading his massive feathered wings, Phoenix lifted off, exploring the skies of Scilabs while scanning the ground for any sign of a viral signature.

<(BATTLE 3)>




Pheonix: 80

The viruses look Angry!!! MUHHAHHAHAHA
<(Shit, I just had to get you as a mod, didn't I?)>

As he was flying, Phoenix felt an odd wind that was getting stronger. It was pushing him to one side, attempting to send him blowing into a wall, but then he started blowing the other way! He was being trapped by the odd winds, and as Phoenix rolled in the sky, he caught a glimpse of four viruses; two of them being basically giant fans in boxes. "So those are the cause. Well, time to make a little 'emergency landing," he thought. Suddenly closing his wings, he made a freefall from about 30 meters in the air. With nothing to do, he closed his eyes, bent his knees, and hoped for the best.

Emerging from a sizable hole in the ground he'd made on impact, Phoenix quickly scurried out and asked "Silas, think you could give me chips? I'd love something that could work against the wind, thanks."

"Hmm, well, we've got the Firehit1, as well as the Shotgun. In theory, both should have enough momentum to get through those winds if you aim 'em right," came the voice of the old-timer, slotting in both suggested chips. "Sent. Give 'em hell."

"Heh, thanks."

Loading the extra data for the Firehit, Phoenix's right arm seemed to expand and grow, but in reality, only the flames on his arm were intensifying. Steadying himself, he punched, letting his firey shell extend and stretch, battling the gusts to reach the Windbox. The fires disappating, he opened his fist, revealing five dull grey energy fields on his claws. In another jabbing motion, Phoenix sent that flying as well at his boxish foe.

"Silas, I've got nowhere to go. Those tanks will be able to nail me wherever I am. Any ideas?" Phoenix asked his Operator. True, he couldn't fly in this level of wind, and trying to run flat-out here would be impossible.

"Easy, use your wings as big wind-catchers and let the wind carry you around."

Trying it out, cautiously opening his wings, Phoenix was almost immediately swept off his feet. By adjusting his wings, Phoenix found he could steer in midair. "And to think I owe it to this new Wind subtype." Steering to and fro, he basically tried to steer his way out of the wind.

1. Firehit1 to WindboxA (55)

2. Shotgun to WindboxA (50, chance of splash)

3. Windbox-assisted Wind-style dodge (basically an ubar-dodge of doom)
The Firehit smacked into the Windbox, and the follow-up Shotgun had full effect on the virus. The wind from the left side stopped, leaving the gale from the right to shove Phoenix along instead of being held in the middle by the two conflicting winds. A Kabutank fired a bomb at Phoenix, but he was able to ninja right out of the way.

WindboxA: DELETED!


Pheonix: 80
Rid of one Windbox, Phoenix was now free from the two clashing gales. However, this meant that the second 'Box was free to push him around as much as it wanted. "Silas, double Cannons, please," Phoenix said, struggling against the forceful winds.

"Gotcha. Use those Cannon's recoils to get yourself outta that wind, okay?" Silas commanded, giving Phoenix his required arsernal.

Preparing both Cannons, Phoenix turned to face the Kabutank that had been behind him. With two green energy balls in hand, he mocked it. "Aww, you look all alone. Don't worry, chubs, I'll take care of that." And with that sentence, he extended both his arms forward, and with a fat 'bamf,' he was sailing out of the Windbox's range, and into the sky.

Free of the strange unnatural winds, Phoenix was free to spread his wings and fly about. He was about to start soaring, when he noticed that his feathers were an absolute mess! The wind must have bent them totally out of shape, as well as made them extremely dusty and dirty. Without further hesitiation, Phoenix abandoned all thoughts of the battle and set to cleaning himself in midair.

1/2: Double Cannons to KabutankA

3. Er, Wind-style [WTF?=10000]dodge[/WTF?]? <(really cleaning his feathers without a thought for the battle)>
"Chubs" was quickly vanquished as the shots were propelled by wind toward their target. Pheonix quickly discovered, however, that if there was anything windboxes could do it was blow wind. As he fought to get his wings open and carry him away from the blowing force, a bomb, propelled by the wind, just barely missed his back. The wind still forced against him: it seemed he couldn't escape it after all.

WindboxA: DELETED!
KabutankA: DELETED!


Pheonix: 80
"HRRRGH!!!" Phoenix grunts, struggling to open his wings so he could clean them. "Gah, Silas, I'm out of ideas, and out of glamour. What should I do?" he asks, defeated and un-glamoured.

"Well, I have an idea. First, try and get this Kabutank over here, so you won't have to fire into the wind to get it," Silas commanded. "I'll give you chips later."

"Hmm, how to get him over here," Phoenix pondered. Then, it hit him. Starting a total swaying drunken run in the extreme wind, he yelled "HEY, KABUTANK!!! YOU'RE UGLY, AND YOU REEK OF VIAGRA!!! I'LL BET YOU'VE NEVER GOTTEN ANY!!! YOU'RE PATHETIC!!!"

"Now, now, let's not overdo anything," Silas chided, a little sheepish.

Not listening, Phoenix continued to run around, acting like a moron, and continues berating the tank. "YOU'RE SO STUPID, YOU ONCE TRIED STICKING YOUR NOSE UP A SMASHER'S BARREL!!! YOU HAVE THE IQ OF A METOOL'S PICKAXE!!!" he continued this for quite a while, trying to make the Kabutank pissed enough to try and charge him or something similar.

1/2/3: Make a total ass of himself running around, trying to get the Kabutank closer to him.
Evidently, the Kabutank would like Pheonix to stay out of his personal marriage problems, because it musters as much strength as it can to jump and actually become airborne. It soon regrets its decision, however, as it is lifted off the ground by the wind force and thrown to the other side of Pheonix, who manages to sidestep its lunge.

WindboxA: DELETED!
KabutankA: DELETED!


Pheonix: 80
"There we go, niice and easy now," Phoenix thought as he easliy sidestepped its Windbox-assisted lunge. "Slias, some chips right now would be kinda nice.

"Hmm, do two Rageclaws seem okay to you?" Silas asked, slotting in the two anyway. He knew Phoenix would find a use for them somehow.

Phoenix accepted the two Rageclaws, but had no real idea as to how he could use them in this gale. Hell, he was almost blowing over. In fact, he actually did, falling forwards into his stoma....

....wait, falling forwards?

Phoenix then saw his chance with the Rageclaws. With a few steps sideways, not taking his eyes off the ever-pissed Kabutank, he jumped. Somehow mustering up enough strength to open his wings, he shot forwards like a bullet. Giving himself enough momentum to turn fully horizontal, Phoenix thrust both arms forward in a Superman. Now looking like a feathery superhero, Phoenix let the Wind carry him to, and through, the raging Kabutank.

1/2/3. Windbox-assisted Wind-type Dodge/Rageclaw/Rageclaw = UBARHYPERSPEEDDOUBLECLAWSTABOFDOOMANDWAFFLES!!!!111!!1eleven!!!1!11


Wind-type dash, assisted by Windbox

Double Rageclaws (40x2)


Pheonix rips through the tank, leaving only one lone Windbox, blowing away like normal even though there's no one left to defend it.

WindboxA: DELETED!
KabutankA: DELETED!


Pheonix: 80
"Hmm, what to do. The rest of our chips wouldn't make it to the Windbox, and the Rageclaws are still active. Wait, got it! No need for chips, Silas!" Phoenix exclaimed, getting the bright idea for once.

"No chips? Well, alright. Go nuts," Slias replied, shrugging. He was curious to see what Phoenix would do with the moment.

Phoenix got down on one knee, then the other, getting closer to the ground until he was lying commando-style on the paneled ground. Using his clawed hands and feet, he inched his way along the ground, around the Windbox, to behind it. The Rageclaws on his hands really helped to grip the ground. Making a note to remember this tactic for later use, Phoenix continued his commando-crawl to his destination: the Windbox's behind. When his wings started to shudder dangerously, he closed them tight. Nothing was going to stop him.

1/2/3: Commando-style to behind the Windbox, gripping the ground with Rageclaw-powered hands and taloned feet
Phoenix manages to claw his way to the side of the windbox!

WindboxA: DELETED!
KabutankA: DELETED!


Pheonix: 80
Finally grazing something other than tile with his claw, and confirming it as the Windbox, Phoenix deactivated both sets of claws with a flick of both his wrists. "Hey, Silas, he have anything left that I could use to delete this Box?" he asked, using the chance to give himself a little once-over, straightening out most of his feathers and getting most of the data residue off hit talons.

"Hmm, lessee now, what have we here...ahh, the Sword!" Silas exclaimed, slotting in the powerful chip.

"Thaaaat's more like it," Phoenix said, admiring his right hand talons as they became bathed in a soft blue aura.

"Well, I have nothing else to do at this point but say 'Have fun,'" Silas replied, shrugging.

Phoenix turned around to face the Windbox that was, well, blowing wind as best as it could. Casually, almost lazily, Phoenix strolled behind it. He was in no hurry. After what seemed like a freakin' LONG time, he reached its back. Admiring the whirring mechanisms visible inside the mesh grating on its back, he shrugged, then plunged his hand into the mechanics. Letting the blue claws go as far as they could get into the Windbox, he retracted hiss hand, then plunged it in again, this time from the top. Repeating this until there was a sizable hole on every side of it, he simply walked off.

1. Casually get behind Windbox

2. Stab Windbox (80)

3. Stab Windbox (again) (80)
Thoroughly pwned from behind, the Windbox merely collapsed.

WindboxA: DELETED!
KabutankA: DELETED!

WindboxB: DELETED!

Pheonix: 80


Get: 350z!
Sighing as he picked up the zenny, Phoenix said "I'm not going anywhere this time, Silas. My feathers and talons are an absolute mess."

"Well, that's fine. Resume your hunt when you're clean, okay?" Slias asked.

Phoenix wasn't answering. He was in a frenzied clean-fest. Silas looked a bit sheepish.

<(BATTLE 4)>
Virus Attack!

ChampuA: 60
ChampuB: 60
ChampuC: 60
MarkcannonA: 60
MarkcannonB: 60
MarkcannonC: 60
ElecogreA: 120
ElecogreB: 120
ElecogreC: 120

Pheonix: 80

Battle 4 Start!
"Gah, just my luck that virii would show up in the middle of a cleaning," Phoenix grumbled, standing up and flaring up his feathers. "Silas, could you send me the Shotgun and a Cannon?" he asked Silas.

"If you say so. Shotgun and Cannon, slotted in. I'd say you should get those cannons first. They look pretty dangerous," Silas suggested.

"I'm way ahead of you," the Navi replied. Holding up a hand, a green ball of energylike data appeared in it, floating on the spot. Phoenix then picked a target; there were three of them. Aiming for the one in front, he chucked the green orb at the stationary cannon in one of his fastball specials.

"Ooh, crap, this is gonna be tricky," Phoenix thought, catching a glimpse at what he'd done. By attacking the one he'd attacked with that Cannon, his plan to get all three of the cannons weak enough to end at once with his Golden Wing was near-shot, because the other MarkerCannons were too far apart to get in a good shot at both with his Shotgun. "Well, I suppose I have to try," Phoenix said to himself, then loaded the Shotgun. Feeling the weight in his wings as they were coated in the dark grey shells of the Shotgun, he lined himself up as best as he could, and fired. The second the Shotgun coating was off him, he started to run. That running eventually turned to leaping, then gliding, and finally he was in the air, flying effortlessly around the group.

1. Cannon MarkCannonA (40)

2. Shotgun MarkCannonB (50, splash to MarkCannonC)

3. Fly around the group (dodge)
Both attacks put a dent in a Markcannon. A Champu attacks, only to miss, but a Markcannon locks on, shooting Raven and bringing him down. An ogre then takes this opportunity to zap the bird.

ChampuA: 60
ChampuB: 60
ChampuC: 60
MarkcannonA: 20
MarkcannonB: 10
MarkcannonC: 60
ElecogreA: 120
ElecogreB: 120
ElecogreC: 120

Pheonix: 30
<(Meanie... D:<)>

"DAMN IT ALL!" Phoenix yelled as he was shot out of the sky by the MarkCannon, then electrocuted by the forked lightning of the ElecOgre. "Ugh, Silas, my vitality's running low. Mind sending me chips?" he asked, bleeding from the large wound in his chest and smoking from being zapped.

"Here, take the Sword and Guard. Use the Sword a couple times, then Guard. Oh, and don't forget to use the wind to your advantage!" Silas called, disappearing.

"Use...the...wind?" Phoenix asked, a little confused. Then, fluttering a little to get back on his feet, he was shocked to see the wind blowing intensely with every flap. Settling to his feet, he smirked. He was gonna have lots of fun with this.

Bracing himself, Phoenix started flapping his wings as hard as he could, starting a small gale. Little embers started shedding off him and quickly turning to ash as they got blown out. After a little while, Phoenix stopped flapping, but the gale remained. Flinging his arms out, he spun himself around a few times, condensing it and turning the wind into a miniature tornado, spinning madly on the spot. Pointing his finger at the Champus, the small gyrating storm spun its way to the Champus, causing a real ruckus to whichever one it hit.

Meanwhile, Phoenix had already begun his attack. Flapping his wings a couple times, he rose up into the air. Snapping his right leg straight, the talons on his feet became bathed in the same blue light of the Sword chip. Spreading his wings, he shot off towards the Champus. The small twister had died out, but the effects of it were apparantly still visible in one of the Champus. Targeting it, Phoenix flew towards his target. Upon reaching it, he made a wind-up, and gave it the mid-air roundhouse kick of a lifetime. Striking a stereotypical martial-arts stance in midair and letting out a loud "HI-YAH!" he spun around in a devastating spinning kick to another Champu. Calling it a job well done, Phoenix flew backwards to a safe spot and loaded up the Guard in his wings, panting. He would need a healthy rest after this.

0. (Gust) Make tornado to seriously mess up ChampuA

1. Sword ChampuA (80)

2. Sword ChampuB (80)

3. Guard (???, reflective)
The wind makes the Champu's head spin and it becomes disoriented. Taking advantage of this, Pheonix cuts it down. He then turns on its neighbor, delivering another fatal blow. An ogre attacks, but the charge relfects, zapping it and its buddy. A Markcannon blasts the bird, however. The last Champu punches him as well.

ChampuC: 60
MarkcannonA: 20
MarkcannonB: 10
MarkcannonC: 60
ElecogreA: 90
ElecogreB: 90
ElecogreC: 120

Pheonix: 1