Third Mission Request

Due to certain circumstances, I'd like to go ahead and request another mission. This time, I'd like something that's not very physically taxing, since I'm kind of recovering at the moment. For my reward, well, how about a recovery chip? It should be at least a Recover50, although I'd work for a higher grade. Thanks in advance!

- Martia.EXE
Greetings, Martia,

Based on a profile of your previous work, you may be interested in pursuing the following mission, which has been specified for release only to clients meeting specific criteria:

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Hello! My name is Cornelia Craft; I am the founder of Craft Comics, also employed as one of many character designers and storyboard advisor. I'm holding a PR event at Stanley Court, a mall located in uptown Electown. As far as my fans know, it's an in-person book signing. In reality, I'm planning to use this as a launchpad for two new characters: Warp, a new superheroine navi based on my own navi, and MindRoot, a new villain who will terrorize my comic cast. I have two positions I need to fill and would like to hire a navi/op pair to assist:

1) I need a navi to dress as Red Nova, the popular superheroine of my comic series, Starborn. The ideal actor requires no athletic training nor prior experience. The ideal applicant must possess the following features: blond, near 6', dramatic bust size, dramatic hip size, Caucasian, and decent to above average muscle tone. Your job will be to visit shops and participate in wish-fulfillment events orchestrated by employees to garner sponsorships for Craft Comics. You will need to act in character (should be simple, easy character).

2) I need an operator to pilot an animatronic alien suit designed to look like MindRoot. The operator will attack me during my book signing and then disappear through an illusion based off of a simple pulley system and a holographic projection. No particular traits are necessary for this position. Would not recommend the claustrophobic to this position.

I need exciting, motivated candidates! Please apply through the GNA. See you there, Starborn!


If you would like to accept, please reply in the affirmative.

-Global Network Administration
Huh, wonder why my text color screwed up...but anyway, sounds like me and my operator were born for this mission! Sign us up!

- Martia.EXE

Very good. For this mission, your operator will need to report to Stanley Court in ElecTown; specifically, the event plaza at its center. Please contact again if you have any trouble locating your employer. We will send word ahead signifying your acceptance.

-Global Network Administration

((Topic opening in ElecTown shortly))