Difficult Water

Starting off, SplashMan emerged from the water's surface, deleting the remaining Starfish easily with an upgraded Bubble chip. The Cloudier went up to her and kept unleashing the barrage of needle-like rain. (80) Unfortunately, they were quickly removed from the plane of existence with the power of WIDESHOT SPAM.

CloudierA: DELETED
CloudierB: DELETED
CloudierC: DELETED
Starfish2A: DELETED
Starfish2B: DELETED

Terrain: 40% Sea, 60% Normal

SplashMan: 130 HP [Submerged]

Rogue 3 - Victory!!
Rewards: 2000z
As soon as he submerged into the water once again, SplashMan rose once more, and headed for the remaining data. He knew he didn't have to, he just liked doing it. "Sending the data over! No chips in it, though."

"Again? Darn!" Sabrina did like that increased zenny total, however. But then again, that's not entirely what they were there for. "Oh well, keep going! I can patch you up to full HP before you probably have to take any more hits, so no need to worry about that!"

A soothing sensation covered the Navi's body, as a subchip eased the damage from some of the rain. "Okay, I'll keep going!" And that's precisely what he did, making sure to keep an eye out for...things. Whatever those things were.

(Searching for Battle #4; 1 MiniEnergyPack SubChip used)
SplashMan moved further into the Rogue Yoka network in search of viruses to knock heads with. The water seemed to creep in everywhere now, enveloping the entire landscape in a pool of shallow-looking water. It was probably much deeper if one looked, however. The water Navi didn't take too long to find some viruses. A few Spooky were playing around with a few paper-doll Wingers, which seemed quite annoyed at the Spooky's insistent tongue-lashing. They seemed to be fighting over a piece of shiny data, which could be easily identified as a gleaming mystery data diamond. SplashMan's footfalls in the water alerted them to his presence, prompting them to stop their playtime and get ready for some busting time!

Spooky2A: 80HP
Spooky2B: 80HP
Spooky2C: 80HP
WingerA: 180HP
WingerB: 180HP
WingerC: 180HP

Green MD: 30HP

Terrain: 100% Sea

SplashMan.EXE: 180HP

Hmm, looked like this newest group wasn't as watery as the previous ones he had run into. And those Winger...it was foggy, but he could recall SplashLady getting zapped good by them in NetFrica. And this time he was standing on water...that couldn't be good. "Um, Sabrina. I don't want to sound like a wuss or anything, but I kinda think running might be the best thing to do right now..."

The aforementioned operator took a good look at the group of viruses. The Spooky weren't anything special, but those Winger...that did NOT go over well in NetFrica. But still, it was hard to just run off without even trying. "Tell you what, SplashMan. We're going to fight. But! If things head south in a hurry, we'll am-scray. How does that sound?"

"Okay, okay!" The Aqua Navi looked nervously at the virus group, wishing he was doing pretty much anything but just standing there. "Just hurry!"

"Will do!" As thought previously, the Spooky weren't the scariest viruses, but they could heal others, which wouldn't help against the puppets. Best to try and take them out quickly. "I know those Winger are dangerous, but let's try and wipe out the others first. That way we won't have to worry about them getting healed mid-battle! Battlechip, WaterLine! Slot in!"

SplashMan's right hand, like so many times before, engaged in a transformation; this time, it became similar to a Raingear virus. He pointed his newly shaped arm towards the ghostly foes, causing the false virus to open its mouth, causing nothing to be expelled from it; however, that was not its purpose. Instead, geysers erupted from the water beneath the battle's undead participants, rising skyward as anything in their way surely would feel the wrath of Aqua power.

Now for those Winger. Hmm...well, there was, uh...shoot, there was that, but she didn't really want to use it so much in a short period of time, since they were starting to get overreliant on it...but desperate times called for desperate measures, and this wasn't the time to get cute with their tactics. "Let's try and beat the others at their own game! Battlechip, AreaGrab! Battlechip, Blizzard! Double slot in!"

The water tank Navi extended his arm again, as he disappeared from where he stood. A moment later, he appeared once again behind the bizarre puppet viruses, his hand resembling some sort of vent. With a WHIRR, a blast of ice blew forth from it, frigid enough to solidify almost anything exposed to it. Fortunately, it wasn't the most concentrated of attacks, and was wide enough to hit a group of Winger with ease...whether or not it actually did tended to be an entirely different story.

"Okay, good! Now let's get to avoiding whatever comes your way!"

Didn't have to tell him twice. SplashMan immediately started moving away from the viruses as quickly as he could, to make sure he had some room to avoid incoming attacks. Tongues, electrical shocks...he didn't really want to experience either...

"Oh, and just in case..." One more chip had been saved for use, and Sabrina picked then to use it. "Battlechip, Recover120! Slot in!"

The Aqua Navi glowed for a moment, as his code was rewritten to not have the damage of the previous battle. However, he didn't even stop to enjoy this fact, instead trying to ensure that no Spooky or Winger could touch him.

[Order of Turn:
1-WaterLine1 chip attack on Spooky2A, Spooky2B, and Spooky2C (80+15, Aqua)
2-AreaGrab chip attack to behind Winger group (teleports user)
3-Blizzard chip attack on WingerA, WingerB, and WingerC (100+15, Aqua, creates Ice terrain, increased freezing chance on Sea terrain)
5-Recover120 chip on SplashMan (120, Recovery)
SplashMan attempted to first disable the virus healers, conjuring up pillars of water underneath them. One of the viruses was caught in the initial gush of water, deleting it. Of the other two, one teleported away before the attack and the other narrowly dodged it, sticking its tongue out at SplashMan mischievously. The other Spooky had teleported behind SplashMan, and proceeded to take a lick at him. The Navi teleported away with AreaGrab moments beforehand, causing the virus to miss just like SplashMan had.

At the end of his short teleport, SplashMan unleashed a blizzard of frigid ice, causing the sea panels it hit to freeze and freezing two of the Wingers as well. The third drew back on its string to avoid the attack and countered with a fierce storm of electricity. Fearing for his digital life, SplashMan dove backwards desperately and escaped the attack unharmed save for a bit of a tingly sensation in his feet. After failing to hit with its attack, the only mobile Winger drew up its string well out of attack range. Sabrina took the opportunity to heal her Navi.

The mystery data seemed to be doing okay for the moment; the viruses had temporarily about forgotten it when SplashMan arrived.

Spooky2A: 80HP
Spooky2C: 80HP
WingerA: 65HP (Frozen)
WingerB: 65HP (Frozen)
WingerC: 180HP (Too high up to attack)

Green MD: 30HP

Terrain: 90% Sea, 10% Ice

SplashMan.EXE: 300HP
Though it was impossible for him to physically do so, SplashMan let out a large sigh of relief at the lack of electricity coursing through his body. Some local tingling in his feet, maybe, but nothing resulting in severe loss of HP. "That was nerve wracking...but I guess we're not about to quit, huh?"

"Um...no. No we're not. I know those Winger are scary, but since they're frozen...well, I think you can get close without worrying about it!" Hmm, what to use...Sabrina wished they could go all out, but if they did, that Mystery Data was, uh, going to be non-existant. Better use something that couldn't backfire like that. "Battlechip, AquaSword! Slot in!"

The Navi held up his right arm, and watched as the hand dissipated to make room for a watery blade that he'd seen...well, he lost count a long time ago. Bringing it down for a more controlled attack, he let off a single, mostly horizontal slash attack with it, that could slice through even solid ice. And with any luck, he just proved it by doing so.

"Nice! You can get rid of it now, by the way. We only needed it for that!" Now for those Spooky. An indirect attack would be best, but again, they had to account for that mystery data, and its, er mysteriousness. "Listen up! Before you use this next chip, take a sec to make sure you only hit those Spooky, okay?"

The water tank Navi placed his sword on some of the previously created ice, pressing hard against it to break the blade in two, and allowing his right hand to return to him. "Gotcha!"

"Then without further ado...Battlechip, LilCloud! Slot in!"

For a moment, nothing happened; SplashMan heeded his operator's words, trying to find out where to send the attack without it blasting the green cube into a million data bits. Once he decided on that, a small cloud formed above his head. It moved forward, seemingly doing nothing, but once it approached the ghostly viruses, it gushed rain...and not via the big goopy droplets that made it sorta fun to run through every once in a while. These were tiny, bullet-like droplets that stung like heck if you so much as stuck a hand in it. Having felt the attack earlier, the Navi sympathized with the targets a little...but considering they were trying to delete him, just a little.

Sabrina thought for a sec, before pulling out one more chip. "SplashMan! Think you can get a little closer to the Mystery Data?"

"Sure!" The Aqua Navi moved over towards the green piece of data of indeterminate origins, settling on a spot that still had a little distance from it, but close enough that he should be able to attack anything that got near it. "I think I know the answer to this...but what am I doing here?"

"For this! Battlechip, ColdPunch! Slot in!"

SplashMan clenched his hand into a fist, as it became encased in an icy, glove-like object that for whatever reason made it look twice as big as it really was. More importantly, however, it gave him a good deterant for anything that might attack either him or the data. After all, what kind of virus wouldn't be at least a little intimidated by a giant fist?

[Order of Turn:
1-AquaSword chip attack on WingerA and WingerB (80+15, Aqua, Slashing)
2-Take Aim on remaining Spooky2
3-LilCloud chip attack on Spooky2A and Spooky2C (70+15, Aqua, lasts for 2 turns) (Aqua Boost)
4-Get a bit closer to the Mystery Data, but not so close that a Winger attack could hit both it and SplashMan
5-ColdPunch chip attack on any Spooky2 that try to attack SplashMan or the mystery data (70+25, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)
6-ColdPunch chip attack on any Spooky2 that try to attack SplashMan or the mystery data (70+25, Aqua) (Single Target Aqua Boost)]
The frozen Winger are sliced up to their deaths as the Spooky teleport in for some action! SplashMan's ready with his cloud of death, raining hell upon one Spooky. The other gets a good dose of ICY FIST. The remaining paper doll bounds down from its trip above, and does not like what it sees.

WingerC: 180HP

Green MD: 30HP

Terrain: 90% Sea, 10% Ice

SplashMan.EXE: 300HP
Only one virus left. And no shocking. SplashMan was pretty happy about that, but he couldn't let the gas up now, especially since the no-shock streak could still be ended. "Phew, almost done...let's finish off the Winger now while we've got the chance!"

An incredibly obvious statement, but it wasn't one Sabrina could argue with. "Yep!" Luckily, she had already done some chip searching, bringing one close to her PET's insertion slot. "Let's see if we can end this with one attack! Battlechip, Arrow2! Slot in!"

The Navi held a hand forward, as a spark appeared above its palm. It began to take a form, manifesting itself as what appeared to be an Elewasp virus. Luckily for him, it was only malicious towards other viruses, as it began to see red as soon as it noticed the lone paper down, causing it to extend its stinger, and rush the enemy with pure, unadulterated electrical rage.

That could be enough, but just in case...SplashMan began to invoke the leftover Aqua energy within him from his previous LilCloud and ColdPunch attacks, causing a sudden surge within his cannons, and filling them instantly. Lowering them into firing level, he gazed upon the area the Winger may or may not be inhabiting at the moment, ready to shoot at a moment's notice if Arrow hadn't quite done the job. And in case THAT didn't work...well, he had a buster, and he wasn't afraid to use it.

[Order of Turn:
1-Arrow2 chip attack on WingerC (130, Elec, Homing)
1a-Reserve Tank R (passive buster charge)
1b-Reserve Tank L (passive buster charge)
2-Water Splash charge attack on WingerC (160, Aqua)
3-Buster Shot on WingerC (40)
4-Buster Shot on WingerC (40)
4a-Buster Shot on WingerC (40) (Gatling Attack)
it flies
Breaths of frost (80)
insects of work
and the roll of

left one
only one
the ravager
of virii


Green MD: 30HP

Terrain: 80% Sea, 20% Ice

SplashMan.EXE: 220HP

- 2250z
- [ElecShock] Battlechip
- GMD: [PhoenixShot2] Battlechip
And so, SplashMan had
emerged victorious, but
had took one last hit.

Fortunately, he wasn't able to be frozen as the last Winger fell to the might of his, er, mighty assault. And that mystery data wasn't deleted or anything. He accessed all the leftover data, and watched as it was transferred. "You might wanna get a blank chip ready, Sabrina! That was too big to just be cash!"

One, nothing. Two different chips appeared on the PET screen...neither of which particually appealed to the one holding it. "ElecShock, and PhoenixShot2 from the mystery data. I'm sure lots of people would be beside themselves with that, but meh...whatever. By the way, I don't think we're ready for a Battle 5 by ourselves, so you can jack out anytime."

"Okay!" And this did the Aqua Navi vanish, and leaving the dangers of the Net...