Lunch Money Shakedown

PaperMan dropped into the Net with a comical flop, making his presence known in a spectacularly bad way. As he got up and dusted himself off, PaperMan realized that he had no idea which way to go. Oops. The origami Navi drew some ink on his fingers and slapped it onto a loose sheet of paper, raising it up to the PET's screen as the ink formed to the words "Which way?".

"It's a straight shot from here to the online ATM. Just don't get beat up on the way there or anything..." grunted Turner, acknowledging that you really couldn't get anywhere on the Net without running into viruses of some sort.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" asked Shiri, whose child-like inquisitiveness made it impossible for Turner to hide his actions for long.

"... PaperMan... wanted to go for a walk. Yeah." answered Turner slowly, only forming up an answer as he went. White lies were just another part of parenting... right?

"Oh, okay. Have fun, PaperMan!" smiled Shiri as she spoke into the PET's speakers. PaperMan gave her a thumbs-up in exaggerated fashion, much to her delight, before beginning his secret mission for the all-important lunch money.

(Battle 1 Start)
The ATM was certainly in this direction, but it appeared someone had been doing a little construction on the network pathways in this area. A span of the net road appeared to have collapsed into the endless abyss below, and some enterprising soul had seen fit to span the gap with a... triple... wide... bridge of RockCubes? Yep, closer inspection revealed them to be RockCubes; 30 of them to be exact. Well, that's if you didn't count the gravity defying single-wide lines of 10 rock cubes floating a few meters off the ground with nothing to support them. There appeared to be three rows of these floating cubes, each situated over one of the lines that made up the bridge below. The center line of floating cubes seemed to float midway between the bridge and the two upper rows.

Very strange indeed.


PaperMan.EXE: 100 HP

Normal: 20% (10% either side of the bridge)
RockCube: 160% (Bridge and floating rows of rockcubes. Cannot be changed.)
Missing: 80% (Don't fall now...)
... Well then. It was good to see that the Net repair programs were doing their job... and having fun doing it, apparently. Turner could only facepalm at the audacity of what his Navi had just run into. Shiri could only awe at this majestic playground of her dreams. PaperMan could only paint a big question mark on a sign and raise it up for all to see.

"Daddy! Daddy! What's that?!" asked Shiri excitedly, pointing her finger at the gravity-defying Rockcubes. This was just too cool.

"It's... uh... Well, it's an obstacle course, Shiri. They're placed randomly around the Net, and any Navi that can find and complete them wins a prize. Yeah, that's it." Turner lied spectacularly, showing signs of a pro parent despite only spending one day a week with his daughter. "Isn't that right, PaperMan? You should give it a try." Oh come on Turner, don't wrap others up in your lies.

PaperMan took a step back in shock at mention of his name, pointed to himself with a "who, me?!" expression, saw Shiri's eyes glistening with excitement, and promptly resigned himself to defeat. It was against PaperMan's moral code to disappoint children, even if it meant living a lie for their behalf. Still... While he was paper to all this rock, that gave him little comfort over traversing this bizarre scenery. Were these things even stable? Intent on finding that out before risking his life, PaperMan cautiously put one foot out on the first Rockcube, putting as much weight on it as... a piece of paper... could... Hmm. Well, good luck regardless, PaperMan.

1. Test bridge for stability (Movement)
The RockCubes don't so much as budge. They aren't going anywhere. As an added bonus, the cubes above don't seem to move either.... Not that one cube falling on the other would faze this particular Navi all that much, but comforting none the less. On the far side of the bridge, however, a lone Metool jogs into view and promptly parks itself square in the middle of the path. With a funny little exclamation of "Met!" the virus ducks under it's helmet, and does it's best to imitate a speed bump.


PaperMan.EXE: 100 HP

MetoolA: 40 HP (Hiding under helmet)

Normal: 20% (10% either side of the bridge)
RockCube: 160% (Bridge and floating rows of rockcubes. Cannot be changed.)
Missing: 80% (Don't fall now...)
"It's a virus! Go get him, PaperMan!"

Yes, thank you for that bit of 6-year-old wisdom, Shiri. Turner and PaperMan, could only look at this lone Metool that suddenly decided to be an obstruction with faces that only said one word - What. What is going on? What is this nonsense? What do you do in response to that? So many whats, but there were no answers. This was just silliness in its purest form.

PaperMan, though, being the insight fellow he was, thought to response to that silliness in kind. He dropped to his crumpled and folded knees, produced a rather large paper sign from his body, welled some ink up on his thumb, and began writing. One letter at a time, in nice and big font... Turner tried glancing around at different angles to see what the hell his Navi was doing, but that proved futile until PaperMan finished and raised the sign above his head:


For the second time in the span of 3 minutes, Turner facepalmed. He wasn't going to tell PaperMan to not try it, but he certainly wasn't taking responsibility for this either. He really should've just run to the real world ATM. It would've only taken about 10 minutes, and the worst thing he'd come across was that annoying wiener dog living on the next block over.

"Wow PaperMan, you're so cool! No normal Navi could befriend a virus!" cheered Shiri, who was utterly enraptured by this ridiculous turn of events. Ah, to be young.

PaperMan gave her a big thumbs up in agreement, then proceeded to march out onto the bridge with his banner of peace in hand.

The lone Metool props its helmet up cautiously after a minute, and looks at PaperMan holding up.... a banner? The Met, still hunkered down, props its helmet up juuuust a bit further to read the message, after which it cants bodily to one side and issues a confused-sounding "Meep?"

Before anything else can come of that, however, the sounds of something... no several somethings scurrying across the RockCubes overhead drew everyone's attention upwards. Up just in time for the sounds to cease. A few quiet second pass, then an angry sounding "Met!" accompanies the sudden whistling appearance a flying pickax that tears right through the banner PaperMan was holding up. The sound of something thudding on the cubes above, followed by the sounds of scurrying told PaperMan there was at least one met above him somewhere. He also caught sigh of a Metool... jumping... from the very top left row of rockcubes to the top right row. It hurled a pickax high into the air as it made its jump, then---

"Meeeeeeeeeeet!" A third Metool dropped down from... somewhere... with its pickax held high over its helmet.

These Mets were crazy.

Well, most of them. The oddball at the end of the bridge decided to stay out of it and huddle under its helmet.


PaperMan.EXE: 100 HP

---Group1--- [Far side of the Bridge]
MetoolA: 40 HP (Peering out from under helmet, but not getting involved otherwise)

---Group2--- [Oh God what?]
MetoolB: 40 HP (Ax Throw) [Top level, right side]
MetoolC: 40 HP (Moving) [Mid level, somewhere]
MetoolD: 40 HP (Dropping to the bottom level, with pickax ready) [Mid-Air]

Flying PickAxB (Will land next turn.)

Normal: 20% (10% either side of the bridge)
RockCube: 160% (Bridge and floating rows of rockcubes. Cannot be changed.)
Missing: 80% (Don't fall now...)
A grievous offense! A truly vile, unscrupulous action! PaperMan's heart was torn even worse than his banner after a rogue pickax found itself ripping through the flag of peace. How... How could... Oh no. This thing's going down HARD now. PaperMan saw that one of the new Metools was falling down towards him. Oh was this one ever asking for it. As the origami Navi's frustrations bubbled over, the shreds of his banner began wrapping around his arm, over and over and over itself until the folded mass of paper took the shape of a longsword. The Metool was falling, about to attack. PaperMan pulled his sword-arm back, took a step forward, and swung, sending an ironic flash of "PEACE" through the air as the ink-stained blade cut at the virus.

"I can't believe those viruses would trick PaperMan like that! Why are they playing dirty, Daddy?!" shouted Shiri, shocked at the failure of the negotiations.

"... That first Metool is still hiding, actually." noted Turner, who managed to catch a glimpse of the seemingly cowardly virus.

"Huh? Then why are the others attacking PaperMan, Daddy?" asked Shiri in confusion.

"..." Turner just stared at the PET, as even he was at his lying limits with this one. He was at a total loss for words at this insanity. "... Mm." While he couldn't comprehend the state of this battle, there was one thing the gruff Operator realized: having used his only special attack right now, PaperMan was now powerless. Thinking that the Navi could probably use a Battlechip, Turner reached into his pants pocket where he loosely kept his meager collection. He counted off chips as he felt them, with one, two, three... three... hole in his pocket...


This was what was going through Turner's mind, and it stayed there because he'd get arrested if he said that within earshot of his daughter. He wasn't a Netbattler by any stretch of the imagination, but he definitely had more than 3 chips. How long had this hole been there? Where had he gone with this hole? Goddamn, those chips were all long gone. Grunting, Turner took tally of the survivors: Cannon, Shotgun, and RageClaw1. Crap. He was going need one more beer than usual that night to drink that away.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" asked Shiri worriedly, as Turner had unconsciously put on such a foul expression that it looked like his face could explode.

"Oh... It's, uh... nothing, really. I was just thinking that PaperMan could use a Battlechip and I couldn't decide which one to use." answered Turner deftly with a parent's silver tongue.

"Oh, oh, can I help? I want to help PaperMan!" begged Shiri, pawing at her father's hand for his Battlechips.

Turner quickly handed all three chips over before Shiri decided to take one of his fingers too. There's no way he could keep up with this much energy all day...

"I pick this one! Go get them, PaperMan!" announced Shiri as she lifted the Cannon up and jammed into Turner's PET.

As was proving to be his normal response to Shiri's excitement, PaperMan showed a thumbs up as his sword-arm unraveled, only for it to be replaced a moment later as new paper wrapped and folded itself over his hand in the shape of a small cannon. Despite being properly equipped at this point, though, the violent Metools were sitting up on higher levels. He couldn't really see them at all. Oh well. PaperMan fanned out his arms and legs a bit, creating more surface area on his body before jumping. While his own jumping power didn't really rival anyone else's, PaperMan could take advantage of his light weight float himself up for the difference like a kite. As such, PaperMan did just that, and jump-floated his way up to the middle level of floating Rockcubes.

With a better vantage point, PaperMan took aim at the nearest Metool. There was a fair chance that the virus wouldn't really flinch after having a paper cannon pointed at it, which if anything would only give PaperMan the element of surprise. As he activated the Battlechip, the barrel of the gun started turning black as ink welled up in the firing chamber. The ink stain spread further across the front of the gun until it reached maximum capacity, and PaperMan was forced to fire, sending a large ink bullet out of the Cannon and towards his target.

1. PEACE Papercutter (60 Wood damage, Slashing) @ MetoolD
2. Paper Kite Jump (Movement) to Mid level
3. Cannon (40 damage, Knockback) @ MetoolC
Paperman proved that proper use of irony could in fact be deadly as his slash with the remains of the banner connected, deleting the Metool mid-air. This countered the previously imminent ShockWave attack the Metool had been all primed to deliver, had it been allowed to land. After PaperMan equipped the Cannon chip, he jumped up and attempted to float like a kite up to the next level. As he did everything necessary to give himself the surface area needed to pull this maneuver off, he also made himself an easy target for the falling pickax to clobber before the projectile went spinning off into the abyss below. (-10)

Paperman managed to float the rest of the way up to the second level without incident, and landed safely upon the floating row of rockcubes. He turned towards the Metool that shared the platform with him a mere two rockcubes ahead, and promptly took the broad, blunt backside of a mattock thrown with a wicked spin at a low-trajectory to what served as his face. (-10) The mattock bounced up and over the impacted Navi with the direction of it's spin, and sailed off into oblivion. The Met that had pegged PaperMan gave what sounded like a victory cheer from above.

PaperMan pointed the origami Cannon at the Metool standing in front of him, which had been standing there staring at the Navi while debating whether to attack him or not, and fired. The Metool had seen the sword attack from earlier... It chose to drop the pickax it was holding and dive under its helmet. It managed this just in time, as the inky projectile caromed harmlessly off the Met's helmet, and deflected up and to the right... Justice was served a moment later when the Cannon round struck the rockcube the depressingly accurate mattock chucking Metool was standing on. The Met's cheers and plans to hurl yet another pickax at PaperMan were cut short when the cube bounced upwards, and summarily dumped the Metool into the supposedly bottomless abyss that was the internet.

The only oddity of this event was the fact that the rockcube returned to its previous position among the other cubes while strangely dispensing a Zenny data coin.



PaperMan.EXE: 80 HP

---Group1--- [Far side of the Bridge]
MetoolA: 40 HP (Peering out from under helmet, but not getting involved otherwise)

---Group2--- [Oh God what?]
MetoolB: (Ejected from the battle.)
MetoolC: 40 HP (Guarding) [Mid level, just ahead of you]
MetoolD: (Peace-Out.)

Normal: 20% (10% either side of the bridge)
RockCube: 160% (Bridge and floating rows of rockcubes. Cannot be changed.)
Missing: 80% (Don't fall now...)
PaperMan rubbed his face tenderly, which was a bit crumpled inward after that pickaxe nailed him square between the eyes. Some might have seen it as a problem that he could incur superficial damage so easily, but PaperMan was malleable enough that this wasn't a big deal. The origami Navi pressed his palms up against the sides of his head, and with a quick push inward, the crumpled section popped back into its normal position. Should that be a sign of things to come, one might think PaperMan would have a good chance of surviving in a cartoon.

"Are you okay, PaperMan?" whimpered Shiri, who flinched upon seeing the Navi get hit. She hadn't really seen PaperMan get injured before, so there was a bit more concern than there needed to be.

Turner, on the other hand, didn't even blink at the hit. Having seen PaperMan get hurt many times, whether it be due to bad luck or his own negligence, Turner was utterly desensitized to his Navi's method of damage control. Rather than say anything, as he really had nothing to add, Turner just patted his daughter's head to calm her down from something that really didn't need crying over.

PaperMan pulled at his face to show Shiri it was fine, gave her the thumbs up, and then proceeded to look down at the turtled virus in front of him. He cocked his head inquisitively and placed his hands on his hips, being at a bit of a loss of what to do with it. Since it seemed like it wouldn't be popping out from under its helmet any time soon, PaperMan figured he had the time to paint another question mark sign for Turner. He rose the near-instant print up to the PET screen, and presented a "now what?" face with one raised eyebrow and everything.

"Flip it!" suggested Shiri. "It looks like a yellow turtle, right? So it'll get stuck if you flip it on its back!" Convincing logic, and from a 6 year old girl no less.

"... Mm." grunted Turner in acknowledgment before picking up the RageClaw1 chip and putting into the PET. "That'll get under the helmet... probably." Nice vote of confidence, Turner.

With the Cannon-arm having unfolded after its use, PaperMan's dominant arm was free to be morphed two long paper claws. This chip already functioned pretty well as a crowbar, but given that his could also be paper-thin, this seemed like a good solution to the guarding Metool problem. Wanting to not give the virus time to counterattack, PaperMan made a quick sweep, scraping the claw against the floor in an attempt to get underneath the Metool's helmet and fling it out into the open abyss below.

Hoping for the best on that, PaperMan turned his attention to the only other matter on this strange bridge. That cowardly Metool was still hiding down at the bottom part of the bridge, and didn't seem to have any intention of doing otherwise. The origami Navi looked up to the human pair again for some guidance.

"He won't do anything bad! The other ones were just bullies!" Shiri defended the Metool, not to be totally unexpected as the whims of a 6 year old were always in flux. Turner just shrugged at the issue, waving off the Navi with his hand as a signal to do whatever. So, that was one vote save, one vote whatever. Guess that was that.

PaperMan hopped down to the low part of the bridge, and walked casually over to the far side. He kneeled down in front of the Metool, and tried to peer under the virus's helmet and wave his hand to get its attention. Whatever the means, PaperMan only goal was to present himself as a non-threat to this meek little thing.

1. RageClaw (20 damage) @ MetoolC, throw it out into Missing space
2. Move to far side of the bridge (Movement)
3. Make nice with MetoolA (Diplomacy Check)
After equipping the paper-thin RageClaw, PaperMan managed to slip his arm under the remaining hostile Met. With one heave, he tossed the Metool over the side of the bridge, and off into the abyss. The Met realized its predicament as it sailed through the air, and began throwing a combination of angry and freaked out sounding mettish at PaperMan.

With the last of the hostile Mets disposed of, the origami Navi made his way over to the only Metool that hadn't tried to attack him thus far. One thing PaperMan did notice about this Metool, now that he was close enough to tell the difference, was this one had blue striped markings on its yellow helmet instead of the green markings found on the three Mets he'd just fought with. He knelt down and waved at the Met, which until now had simply sat there peering out from under its helmet quietly. The Metool stood up with a "Meep," and somehow produced a card-like data file, which it used to tap the arm PaperMan had the remains of the Peace banner wrapped around. It then held the card up, obviously trying to hand it to the Navi.... somehow... Mets don't have hands... you tell me?

Either way, it was giving PaperMan the data for Guard1 instead of another pickax to the face.



PaperMan.EXE: 80 HP
-- GET: 450z, Guard1

Reflect Metool: 40 HP (Does not have a Pickax. Not hostile.)

MetoolB: (Ejected from the battle.)
MetoolC: (Thrown down a bottomless pit.)
MetoolD: (Peace-Out.)

Normal: 20% (10% either side of the bridge)
RockCube: 160% (Bridge and floating rows of rockcubes. Cannot be changed.)
Missing: 80% (Don't fall now...)
The green Mets were dispacted, the blue Met was befriended, and PaperMan had crossed the bridge with sweet loot in tow. Awesome. PaperMan gathered up the zenny and chip data in his arms before uploading them all to Turner's PET.

"Wow Daddy, you were right! PaperMan really did get a prize for making it across!" cheered Shiri, amazed at the payout for such a bizarre task.

"...? Oh. Yeah, he did. Good job, PaperMan." said Turner, as he vaguely remembered saying something of that sort. Guess he needed to be grateful to that Metool for holding up its end of the bargain. When he pulled the new Guard chip out of the PET, Turner's mind clicked and he thought to move all his chips to his other pocket. God forbid he lose any more chips by the expensive of his ratty-ass pants.


Right, ATM. That little detour made Turner and PaperMan both forget why they were even on the Net in the first place. Whoops. Moving on then.

(Battle 2 Start)
Moving onwards into the ACDC network, PaperMan's flappy legs carried him to a rather strange spectacle. A trio of armored viruses were laughing in their own virally-stuttered laughs, brandishing their swords at a scared little... shrub? Indeed, in the middle of the group, was a trapped little shrub, except this one had eyes and a virus signature. It was trembling in fear of the knights' obvious treachery of their code of chivalry.

Swordy-N A: 60HP
Swordy-N B: 60HP
Swordy-N C: 60HP
Shrubby: 50HP (Bullied!)

Terrain: 100% Normal

PaperMan.EXE: 80HP

"..." Turner grunted something incomprehensible, as he really, really, really wished he had just gone to the real world ATM instead of this. The viruses today were nuts. Seriously, viruses fought Navis. Today, viruses fought viruses. That didn't make sense. And, for some ridiculous reason, PaperMan ran into these kinds of situations back-to-back.

"Daddy, you have to help that green one! Bullies can't get away with picking on others!" shouted Shiri defiantly, decreeing the moral rights of a 6-year-old child.

"Okay, okay, we'll help." surrendered Turner quickly, knowing that Shiri wouldn't talk to for at least a month if he didn't do this. And by he, Turner meant PaperMan. "I'll send a chip or two. PaperMan, so help that Shrubby."

PaperMan scanned over the group of viruses for a moment, then turned back to his Operators and drew up a quick sign with "How?" on it. He had never dealt with a hostage situation before, so this was new territory. More importantly, though... Swords. Point, sharp things. He was paper. Baaaaad.

"What, you want a plan too? Jeez, like I-"

"Teamwork, PaperMan! You're both Wood types, so you can do amazing team attacks without even trying!" chimed in Shiri, completely cutting her father of without any regard to what he had to say. Which, in this case, was nothing, so the little girl did a good job. The 'amazing team attacks' might have been a little beyond PaperMan, but the general idea was A+.

"You heard her, PaperMan. Now go save that bush-thing." added Turner. God, you didn't even say anything useful. Old men should quiet when the young people are talking.

PaperMan gave Shiri a thumbs-up for the good idea, then proceeded to enact it. The origami Navi pointed his hands at the virus pack, the Shrubby in particular, and just like that, tiny sheets of paper began folding out of the ground. Tens, no, hundreds of pieces folded up into blades of grass, and the off-white paper color turned green to signify that the origami grass had magically turned into real grass. Neat trick. However he did it, PaperMan had now established a more comfortable fighting ground for him and the Shrubby.

Turner was still uploading Battlechips at this point, so PaperMan had to jump in solo, for fear that the Swordies would retaliate against the Shrubby if he just stood there too long. As he ran up towards the first Swordy, PaperMan's right arm folded apart, creating all sorts of crumpling paper sounds as it reformed into his sword-arm. Uncomfortable with the thought of how his paper sword would compete with a real sword, PaperMan went for a quick strike, slashing at the blade-wielding virus in hopes that it wouldn't have time to retaliate.

This were looking good at this point, because fighting on this accommodating Grass terrain was giving him extra energy, and Turner actually had good timing for once and just finished sending Battlechips. PaperMan's sword-arm split cleanly in two along the blade as the sig-powered weapon transformed into a RageClaw1. With a new armament, PaperMan attacked a second Swordy, thrusting his claw-arm at it in hopes that he'd become a higher-priority target than the Shrubby. As he attacked, though, something felt odd. Like... he could do more. Like using his sword and claw together gave him more ability. Being a Sword type, PaperMan was subconsciously using his cutting attacks at maximum efficiency, and now after two consecutive cuts, the origami Navi found himself with just enough extra energy that he could try to avoid incoming attacks.

PaperMan had one more Battlechip left, but judging from what it was, his disruption tactics were obviously over. The brave, yet flimsy, Navi placed himself between the Shrubby and its Swordy assailants and let his free left arm transform. The hand folded apart, leaving open space for paper to fold over itself... and fold over itself... and fold over itself... For whatever quality paper lacked as a defense, PaperMan was fully intent on making it up with quantity. Within moments, PaperMan had a full-sized and fully-functional Guard1, made completely from paper. Whether seeing that comforted the Shrubby or made it fear for its safety was unknown, but damn if PaperMan wasn't going to try.

--SetGrass (Large Area Grass Terrain) centered around Shrubby
1. Papercutter (60 Wood damage, Slashing) @ SwordyA (+5 HP)
2. RageClaw1 (40 damage, Slashing) @ SwordyB (+5 HP)
--Swordplay (Dodge)
3. Guard1 (1 Hit Shield, Reflect 60, Line Attack, Piercing), protect Shrubby (+5 HP)
To start off, PaperMan reversed the process of papermaking, returning the manmade writing material back from whence it came. This attracted the attention of the Swordy, as the interesting spectacle turned the edges of their swords to him. One of the knights leapt up to him in challenge of his skills, and was immediately retaliated in the form of a flimsy paper sword. At first, the knight stuttered a laugh in amusement of this thing that was supposed to kill it. It was cut short, for its head was sliced clean off, and the metal helmet clanged on the ground.

This was the cue for the other Swordy to attack, and they rushed him with their blades. Fighting off one with his claw-arm, he managed to leap away from a mighty sword-swipe of the Swordy just in the nick of time. Angered, its companion roared and charged him with its sword, only to be met by a defense of... folded paper? Indeed, the near-infinite paper folds were surprisingly strong against the blade, and very much so; the blade did not make but a single scratch across the paper, and even then it did not pierce a quarter of the thickness. The blade recoiled back towards its user, slicing a new hole in its armor.

The Shrubby looked in wonder at this unbidden protector. What was this strange white Navi doing, not killing it on sight? Blinking for a moment, it chose to accept the help, and cowered behind the origami Navi.

Swordy-N B: 20HP
Swordy-N C: 40HP
Shrubby: 50HP (Protected!)

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Grass

PaperMan.EXE: 95HP
In what could only be considered a bizarre scene, the Shrubby chose to place its trust in this seemingly invincible wall of paper that even the 3 Swordies couldn't topple. PaperMan himself was probably more pleased with the outcome than anyone else, as he had come this far without a single cut on his body. Whether that was the result of skill or luck had yet to be seen, but in either case, all he needed was one more push to end this. Now for some new Battlechips...

"Oh, a kitty! Come here, kitty!" shouted Shiri, who spotted a small cat walking further up the way. She immediately started running after it, and, cats being cats, it bolted at the sight of this crazy girl hunting it down.

"Oh son of a... Shiri! Come back here!" yelled Turner in frustration to the fading back of his daughter. Damnit. With a charge of parental neglect now looming over his shoulders, Turner joined in this chase, so that the father was chasing the daughter who was chasing the cat. And since this parade of lunacy was underway, PaperMan got just the slightest feeling that more Battlechips were not coming.

Oh well. If he couldn't make do in this situation, PaperMan wouldn't be able to continue holding his pride as a Navi. This cowardly Shrubby depended on him, after all. Even the sharpest sword in the world wouldn't stop him at this moment. With his motivations in proper order, PaperMan swung his RageClaw out. Rather than cut, though, the blades of the weapon unfolded a bit into a wider surface, giving PaperMan the tool he needed to grab at the Swordy and fling it into its brother virus. Or, at least, that was the plan. He hadn't tried this before. But, hey, nothing ventured, nothing gained... right?

With that done, PaperMan re-folded the RageClaw back into its cutting mode. If he could just make this one slash, he'd have protected the Shrubby with no harm coming to it. That was a big deal to him. Scrawny, flimsy, puny, PaperMan was about to protect someone. Yes! He wanted to do this! He could do this! And he did, swiping at the third Swordy with a cutting attack fueled by the will to protect. Reality would soon slap him in the face and say "you aren't this awesome", so PaperMan stepped back after the attack and entered an evasive stance.

1. RageClaw Throw (20 damage) @ Swordy-N B/C (+5 HP)
2. RageClaw (40 damage, Slashing) @ Swordy-N C (+5 HP)
3. Dodge (+5 HP)
PaperMan pressed on minus his operators to finish off the bully viruses. Speedily swinging the RageClaw, he managed to lodge it into the Swordy. From there it was a simple matter of hurling the virus into its friend, which PaperMan did. The viruses went down in a pile like playground bullies taken down a peg. However, unlike playground bullies, the surviving Swordy soon found itself cut in half with a claw.

With the incident resolved, the Shrubby made a few hops of joy towards PaperMan before dropping something it had picked up and leaving the battlefield.

Shrubby: 50HP (Protected!) (Drop: 120z)

Terrain: 50% Normal, 50% Grass

Battle 2 Mostly Complete!

PaperMan.EXE: 100HP

Rewards: 300z+120z
A bead of ink rolled down PaperMan's face, feigning sweat. That was nerve-wracking, but in the end everything went well. No injuries, the Shrubby appreciated the help, and most importantly, he managed it with limited resources. Speaking of which...

"Battles... over? *gasp* Good job, PaperMan... *gasp*" said Turner between heavy breaths. He did have Shiri in tow, although she was a bit miffed that she didn't get to pet the kitty. All Turner could think of was to let her attitude wear itself out, so he kept his attention on his Navi, whispering "Okay, keep going. I really need that money now."

PaperMan nodded, turned around, and continued walking along this over-complicated path to the ATM.

(Battle 3 Start)
As PaperMan's adventure continued, he soon found himself standing before a ragtag blockade of viruses. A long line of missing panels divided the area while two prickly Cacty viruses sat ready to attack on the one pathway through. Just behind them, a Beetank rolled into position and prepared to fire.

Perhaps PaperMan could have ignored the viruses and made the jump across the missing line of panels, but getting hit mid-jump would probably be bad.

CactyA: 70HP
CactyB: 70HP
Beetank: 50HP

Terrain: 90% Normal, 10% Missing (one huge row)

PaperMan.EXE: 100HP

Battle 3 Start!
PaperMan looked across the chasm to the trio of viruses, wondering how he could possibly traverse this impasse and make it across the bridge. Turner, however, was not even remotely curious. "What are you waiting for, PaperMan? Hurry up and get across." grunted the Operator as he led his daughter along.

In response, PaperMan could only shrug his shoulders and give Turner a "... How?" look. Thankfully, a voice of (naive) reason came to the rescue. "Daddy, wait! The bullies are going to pick on PaperMan if he just tries to go through!" whimpered Shiri in sympathy for the origami Navi. PaperMan crossed his arms and nodded in agreement, since he didn't want to get bullied... err... eh, close enough.

"Alright, alright..." muttered Turner as he dragged a pair of Battlechips out of his good pocket. "Shiri, do you want to help PaperMan?" he asked, holding the chips out towards the small child in a rare thought of parental care.

"I do, I do!" shouted Shiri excited as she took the chips and PET from Turner. PaperMan waited for the chips to come... and waited... and waited... and waited while Shiri was trying to jam the first chip into the PET upside-down. Since that wasn't working, her 6-year-old ingenuity eventually led her to the idea of putting the chip in the other way, and to her delight it slid into the PET with a satisfying click. "Yay! Here you go PaperMan!" announced the young girl gleefully as she slotted the second chip in.

With the surge of chip data incoming, PaperMan's right arm rolled itself up into a tube to accommodate the Shotgun, while his left arm folded up over itself over and over and over until a thick sheet of paper layers served as a functional Guard. Now that he was properly equipped, PaperMan approached his side of the bridge and stared down the virus trio on the other side. A tense feeling permeated the battlefield as the staredown ensued, leaving Shiri to look on wide-eyed and full of excitement and Turner to just scratch his armpit lazily.

Suddenly, the folding Navi raised his Shotgun over his paper Guard and fired at the two Cactys. A blot of ink erupted from the paper gun barrel, focusing its destructive staining power on the first virus while the splatter from the impact sent ink flying towards the other Cacty. PaperMan could only watch and hope that his aim was good.

... Now what? That Shotgun blast wasn't strong enough to destroy the Cactys, and he couldn't advance across the bridge with nothing but a Guard in hand. Out of ideas, PaperMan slapped some ink on an instantly-produced paper sign that formed out "Help?" on its surface. Turner, who had the PET in his grip, wasn't even looking at the screen for a while, so PaperMan was left alone and desperate until the gruff Operator caught the sign on a glance. "Oh, uh... Make them come to you? If the bridge is dangerous for you, it should be for the viruses too... right?" replied Turner, who suggested a pretty good idea that just completely flatlined in confidence right at the end.

Regardless of the lack of faith, PaperMan chose to follow the advice. He pondered how to bait the viruses, and soon got an idea. He slapped some fresh ink on his Guard and another paper sign, then took a stance at the bridge's entrance before raising the shield and sign together:


So it said in big black letters. A sizable bullseye was painted right on the center of PaperMan's Guard, which was probably the target. What was the prize, though...?

1. Shotgun (50 damage, Spread 1) @ CactyA/B
2. HIT THE TARGET, WIN A PRIZE (Bait all viruses)
3. Guard1 (1 Hit Shield, Reflect 60, Piercing, Line Attack) @ CactyA/CactyB/Beetank
((Cactys are annoying to mod))

As PaperMan prepared his inkblot shotgun, one of the Cactys took the opportunity to toss its head down the pathway toward the Navi. PaperMan fired his weapon, the ink splattering against the virus' head and splashing the body behind it. The ink covered the cactus-like virus, causing it to vanish. The second Cacty rolled its head forward as well, straight down the path toward PaperMan's target covered guard. The head struck the guard and was blasted away to land back on the body of the virus. The Beetank rolled forward and launched a small explosive toward PaperMan. His guard depleted, the Navi was hit by the force of the explosion and knocked to the floor. The bomb also damaged the terrain connecting the path to PaperMan's side of the field, cracking the panels.

CactyB: 60HP
Beetank: 50HP

Terrain: 80% Normal, 10% Cracked, 10% Missing (one huge row)

PaperMan.EXE: 90HP