Crash Course

A large, oft-used teleporter in the ACDC network shone yellow, and a pillar of light appeared from its glowing interior. The light resolved quickly to form the female form of Terra.EXE. Her face was calm as the light dimmed and washed away, as if a liquid. She stepped off the teleporter, and had a look around. Scarlet's face appeared on the space of air beside her face, a good foot or so away.

"You should be jacked into the ACDC network now, Terra. Go ahead and walk around a bit until you find some viral signatures," her operator stated.

Terra nodded in affirmation, and began to stroll in an arbitrary direction, not knowing what to look for. Her senses permeated the ground to search for the things called viruses.

[Battle 1 - Ready]
(Terra.EXE: 150HP)
Terra didn't have to put a whole lot of effort into the search. In fact, she didn't even need to step off the telepad (even though she already had). Her first cursory scan of the area, a simple turn of the head from one side to the other, and she spotted viruses. The viruses were a trio of Metools, and running Metools at that! They ran right past her, too; with the occasional exclaimation of "Met!" from one or more of them. They scurried right across her path, totally ignored her, and kept right on running.

How strange.


Terra.EXE: 150 HP

---Enemies--- [Running....?]
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Telepad: Indestructible [Directly behind you.]

Normal: 100%

Terra had tensed up when she saw the trio of Metools turn their stride towards her. She was all readied up for battle when the Metools... ran past her? She stood in puzzlement for a while, before turning to her operator. "Is this normal viral behavior? I don't think it is," she asked her operator.

Scarlet took to pondering something for a bit before replying to her Navi, "Yeah, I believe they're running away from something. One of them was squeaking something, maybe it was scared. Also, if they're running away from something..."

Terra interrupted her, " might not be a good idea to stay. I understand. I will follow them."

"Careful," Scarlet warned.

After that, Terra took to herself, following the Metools at a moderate pace, not wishing to distress them any further. If anything, something that viruses would run away from, she would not like to be in its vicinity at any time in the future. Her feet tap-tap-tapped lightly on the white paneling, trying to find what the viruses were up to.

= Terra.EXE =
1) Movement - Follow viruses
Terra follows the Mets down the main pathway for this section of ACDC. She looks behind her to check if there is indeed something following the fleeting Mets, but doesn't see anything. When she turns her head back to look at the Mets again, she discovers the fact that they had reached a 4-way intersection, and were quickly disappearing around the corner to the left. There didn't appear to be anything noteworthy directly ahead either, just more net road.

What would she do?


Terra.EXE: 150 HP

---Enemies--- [Around the corner to the left...]
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

Normal: 100%

Arriving at a four-way intersection, Terra saw that the Metools seemed to be headed for someplace. Unfortunately, the network administration had failed to put so much of an indication of where each intersection went. All there was to be seen was more roadway as far as the eye could see, and probably much farther. She contemplated on it for some time. "Scarlet, should I stalk those viruses some more, or should I just try and find some other viruses?" she asked, not sure of what course action she should take.

The operator scowled in thought. Her mind went to the book she had been reading the previous night. Holt's Virus Behavior, somethingth edition she didn't care to remember. She couldn't remember the part about this, and bit her lower lip in frustration. Time to rely on instinct.

"Uhhh... why don't you follow the Mets. It might lead to somewhere interesting. Besides, it might be a good idea to tone down on fighting for a bit, since you're new to the net. I know, I sent you here to fight, but why not a little detour before we get serious?"

Terra's face screwed it up just the slightest bit, contemplating the decision. In the end, she simply shrugged, and continued to satiate her operator's curiosity. Lightly stalking the construction-hatted midgets, she kept a safe distance, and tried to look inconspicuous.

= Terra.EXE =
2) Movement - Keep following Metools
Terra rounded the corner to the right stealthily. The Mets were there, still running along their way, either oblivious to her presence of just plain ignoring her. Either way, it seemed she had succeeded in following them unnoti-- A pickax fell out of the blue, and buried itself into the panel next to her, and a disappointed sounding "Meep." accompanied the near miss.

A quick look around revealed the presence of three more Metools, only these were spoiling for a fight. The first was standing close to the side of a building across the intersection from Terra, staring at her silently without moving. The second, in the middle of the street behind her, saw her look at it and dove under its helmet. The third was standing atop the building across the intersection, and had just hurled a pickax high into the air as she watched. It then hauled back, and prepared to throw another....

How does a Metool get on top of a building anyway?


Terra.EXE: 150 HP

---Group1---[Running away.]
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

---Group2--- [Hostile]
MetoolD: 40 HP (Preparing to hurl another Pickax) [On top of a building on the left]
MetoolE: 40 HP (Guarding) [Middle of the road to the left]
MetoolF: 40 HP (Staring at you.) [Across the intersection from you]

Flying PickaxD (Will land next turn.)

Normal: 100%
Terra looked at the new trio of viruses she had encountered with a little hint of surprise. It did not last long, for her operator nodded to her, and her expression relaxed. "They seem like they want a fight," Terra said calmly.

"Right. We'll deal with them quickly. I'm slotting in chips. Zigzag to the middle of the intersection, their attacks can't follow turns," said Scarlet. Her hands deftly pressed the appropriate menu selections, transmitting the chip data to her Navi. "Shotgun, Cannon, RageClaw1. The last is to be used under contingency, try to finish off with the first two."

Terra nodded in agreement as she felt the chip data course through her systems. This is what it is like to receive data, she thought, as her legs bent slightly in readiness. Flexing her gloved hands, she reached out her right hand into the air, palm faced ground-ward. With a sweeping motion, she motioned up a tiny piece of ground from the paneling underneath her.

Without a word, she threw it into the air in front of her powerfully, and the little seed stopped in mid-air. It floated for a moment, before sucking up the ground beneath it in a pillar of white. Swiftly enough, the piece became larger and larger, with Terra guiding its shape along the way. Before long, a moderately large white fist of nothing but ground hovered before her. Terra moved her fingers around a bit, testing the terraformed limb's capability. It moved in perfect sync with her fingers, and she smiled in satisfaction.

"This is what I am capable of," she said to herself, as if in reassurance.

Her legs ready for action, Terra moved to evade the flying pickaxe flying towards her, at the same time aiming to get a good shot with her first attack. Her movements were erratic, first left, then a sudden turn to the right, repeated without pattern. The earth-fist floated along with her, as if attached to an invisible string. Then, when she thought the moment right, she made a motion with her right hand, as if to fire a small two-fingered pistol at her first target: the menacing Metool on the ground. The earth-fist mimicked her action, except with more explosive results, as a resounding crash signified a successful round, fired off.

Continuing her run, she drew on for a few more seconds, before lifting her hand upwards to point at the building-based Metool. This time, she made a gesture to fire a pistol with only one finger, but with a definite recoil to her hand. The fist did the same, blasting a solid Cannon round from its forefinger and throwing itself back a bit from the force. Afterwards, Terra waited for the fruits of her assault, still on the move. The earth-fist flexed in anticipation, now with rather sharp-looking claws protruding from its knuckles.

= Terra.EXE =
1) Movement: Middle of intersection, zigzag towards MetoolE
2) Shotgun @ MetoolF (Null 50 / Spread1)
3) Cannon @ MetoolD (Null 40 / Knockback)
-- Equip RageClaw1: Right Arm
Just after Terra sprinted away from her starting position, the airborne mattock plowed into the ground where she had been standing just a moment before. As she ran across the intersection, her evasive action allowed her to narrowly avoid the Metool's second pickax, which buried itself into the panel right beside her... the one she would have occupied had she continued along the same path. As she moved ever closer to the Metool standing next to the building, the one staring at her seemingly mindlessly, she raised her hand towards the Met...

The Metool watched as the earthen hand moved to point at it, decided being elsewhere was a better idea, and hopped sideways just as the Shotgun blast turned the wall behind where it had once stood into swiss cheese. When it glanced to the side and discovered what the Navi had done to the wall, it began to quietly panic. Its eyes grew quite large as it looked back at Terra.

Terra's follow up attack, a cannon shot at the mattock hurling Met, found its mark. The Met was caught completely off guard while getting ready to hurl yet another pickax, took the shot dead-on, and exploded into deletion.

The last of the Mets stood up from where it had taken cover, and slammed its pickaxe into the ground with an angry sounding "Met!" The strike generated a slow moving shockwave that rumbled its way towards Terra while the still ticked-off Metool prepared to send another her way.


Terra.EXE: 150 HP

---Group1---[Running away.]
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

---Group2--- [Hostile]
MetoolD: Head Shot
MetoolE: 40 HP (Getting ready to attack again.) [Middle of the road, far behind Terra]
MetoolF: 40 HP (Really looks scared.) [Right in front of Terra]

ShockWaveE: (Will arrive at your current position next turn.)

Normal: 100%
Terra watched the Metool leap out of the way of her Shotgun-finger attack, and tsk'd in slight annoyance. Oh well, better luck next- and the Metool suddenly ended up in front of her. -time? ...Shoot. The Metool was scared witless, as she could plainly see. Its comically large eyes were wide open, making them seem even larger, and its little body was trembling to tiny little bits.

"Terrified, aren't you."

The Navi crouched down on her knees, and stared at the little construction helmet with eyes. Then, without warning, she reached out with her left hand... and gave the tiny virus a loving pat on the head. Just then, the scream of "Met!" from behind her alerted her senses to the shockwave currently traveling through the ground. Calculating the shock's relatively slow travel, she figured she would have enough time.

"Hey, lil' guy. Don't look so scared, I won't hurt you if you don't hurt me. Your friend over there might, though, so if you would step out of the way?"

With that, she patted it on the head once more, before leaping backwards from her position. If she had timed it right, she would leap right over the impending linear attack that the surprise attacker had in store for her. If not... well, she gritted her teeth anyway. Afterwards, doing a corkscrew mid-air spin, she turned her face towards the Metool in question. Her hand was already in motion, swept in a wide arc, fingers outstretched as a predator's savage claws. The earth-hand followed suit, its knuckle-mounted claws shining in the light and performing a swipe with deadly consequences.

= Terra.EXE =
1) Pat MetoolF on the head, warn of impending shockwave
2) Backflip towards MetoolE when shockwave almost hits
3) RageClaw1 @ MetoolE (Null 40 / Slashing) [5/6]
The Metool is so scared, it doesn't react at all to being petted and assured by Terra. As Terra leaps away from the terrified Metool, it stands there frozen, watching her flip through the air... and of course gets smacked by the Shockwave. This seems to jolt the virus out of its mental lock-down, and prompted the little virus to drop some Zenny as a hopeful distraction before bolting.

The other Met, on the other hand, was ready to fight the Navi. However, when it saw her suddenly leap up and over its initial shockwave attack and swoop down upon it from the air, the Metool discarded any plans it had for trying the same attack twice. Instead, the Met, still very angry at the deletion of a fellow Metool, spun around and took a rage filled swing with its pickax. Terra's glowing stone hand collided with the mattock with an audible clang. The stone hand recoiled up and away, along with the Navi's own arm mirroring the movement, as the berserk Met successfully parried her attack... barely.

Other than having her striking hand knocked away, Terra wasn't really affected by the counter... The Metool on the other hand, being quite a bit smaller than even the stone hand, much less the Navi using it, was sent rolling backwards a few feet. It rolled to a stop, stood up, and shook itself to dispel the dizziness it must surely be feeling after that tumble. With an angry sounding "Met!", the pipsqueak virus defiantly raised its mattock towards the Navi, clearly intent on trying (somehow) to defeat her.

Too bad the deluded Metool looked and sounded something more along the lines of cute than the threatening warrior it thought it was....


The trio of metools that had led Terra into this absurd fight had stopped running, and were now watching the battle with intense interest from a safe distance away.


Terra.EXE: 150 HP

---Group1--- (Watching.) [A fair distance away.]
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

---Group2--- [Hostile]
MetoolD: (Head Shot)
MetoolE: 40 HP (Fencing with Terra. What a trooper.) [In front of you.]
MetoolF: (Ran away. Lookit 'em go!)

Normal: 100%

Moving back a bit, her hand lurched back from the invisible impact to it, Terra stood where she was, rather annoyed that her attack was merely parried off like so. She turned to the little holoscreen beside her and said to her operator, "Tch. Scarlet, is it feasible to continue this fight? It's kind of sad to see this little one try."

"You're being quite the sport here, I'll grant you that. It's up to you to decide, you're the one fighting," replied Scarlet, chuckling a bit. She was watching the fight with great intent, and out of the corner of her display screen, she could see another group doing the very same thing. Thinking about it, she decided to let them be. Spectators welcome, her little mind joked.

"I would like even ground on it, then. Being this tall against a walking hat doesn't feel very sportsmanship-like for me," said Terra, wincing a bit when she saw the Metool she was fighting was also knocked backwards, with surprising force, too. She readied herself for whatever her operator had in mind.

Scarlet nodded, and opened up the override menu on her PET screen. A few swift taps later, and she finally said, "All right. Activating Archiva program, base form one."

Terra felt herself changing, and her form was enveloped in light, as if she were about to emerge from a teleporter. However, this was not the case now, as the light-being shrunk down quickly, down to barely more than a foot in height. The light washed away, revealing a cream-white doll-like form, with pudgy white arms and legs. Large black eyes stared forward, their cute attribute working their hardest. The only other notable attribute about it was the hollow circle on its chest.

The infant-golem examined her features, and nodded gravely, if it can be called 'gravely'. "This is a suitable form. And it's, uh-" Terra hesitated slightly, before admitting, "kind of cute." She lifted her fingerless arms up and down slightly, and looked up. The fist that she had formed earlier was still there. Terra turned back to her opponent, and thought of something better to finish off the Metool.

With her now-stubby legs, Terra began to circle around the lone Metool with surprising speed that betrayed her minute size. Moving clockwise to the left, the golem raised her left hand, and formed another earth-fist, an identical mirror to the original. She formed it a lot faster than before, however. Terra smacked the two fists together in a threatening pose, then moved in towards the Met.

Clenching the two earth-fists readily, Terra halted in her tracks for a bit, and let the two fists collide into each other as fast as she could. If she had positioned it right, the Metool would be sandwiched between the two, mashed into an impressive pulp of warm data.

= Terra.EXE =
-- GMO Shift [Terra Archiva: Ahdae/INFANT]
1) Movement to circle around MetoolE, getting closer to it
-- Equip RageClaw1: Left Arm
2) RageClaw1 Pincer Smash @ MetoolE (Null 20 / Impact) (Null 20 / Impact)
After Terra finished her GMO change, the Metool lowered it's mattock to the ground, canted to one side, and uttered a combination bewildered and quizzical "Meep?" It didn't know what to think. It was used to everything on the network being larger than itself, and here, this Navi had just shrunk to roughly two-thirds the Met's size. It watched in fascination as the strange mini-Navi started running with this really bizarre looking unnatural gait in an arc around and eventually towards the Met. When the mini-sized Terra raised her stubby golem arms and came charging in, the Met simply lifted the mattock, and thrust the blunt crescent towards her suddenly. Terra ran smack into the backside of the pickax with a thud, which dug the blade into the ground and broke her charge with painful abruptness. (-10) Undaunted, Terra slapped her nubby hands together... The stone fists followed her example, and crushed the Metool between them.

As the Met disintegrated into deletion, the only thing left was the mattock (that Terra had faceplanted into). It was entirely possible to convert it into ShockWave chip data....


The trio of Metools that had been watching did an about face, and proceeded to run away as they had before.



Terra.EXE: 140 HP
GET: 260 Zenny, *ShockWave (*or Key Item: Bronze Mattock)

* Note: Your choice.

---Group1--- (Fleeing)
MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP

MetoolD: (Head Shot)
MetoolE: (Pancake'd)
MetoolF: (Ran away. Lookit 'em go!)

Normal: 100%
Prying her rock face off the pickaxe's surface, Terra stumbled backwards a bit, wheeling her arms around. Then, she stood to examine the actual thing that had hit her. "This is an... interesting piece of equipment," Terra said, touching the shining edge of the mattock with her blunt arm. Then, realizing her tiny size, she reverted back to her original height, so that then she looked down at the pickaxe with wonder. Picking it up, she tossed it up in the air a few times, catching it deftly with her fingers, a hand on her side. By the look of amusement on her face, she was plainly enjoying her little act.

"Terra, careful with that," Scarlet said with worry in her voice.

"Don't worry, Scarlet, I'll stop," chuckled Terra, as she grasped it tightly. Looking at her small reflection in the polished bronze, it was hard to believe that she was smaller than the mining implement just a few seconds ago. She transferred it to the PET as a memento of the brave little Metool. Stood up to me, it did. You don't find bravado like that in any virus, she thought, as the mattock disappeared from her hand and began strolling along again, her hands in her pockets.

[GET: Bronze Mattock]

[Battle 2 - Ready]
(Terra.EXE: 140HP)
Terra approached her next prospective battle calmly, her hands in her pockets. Upon sighting a group just ahead, she drew out her hands and got a bit closer. One of the viruses turned around on a whim and noticed her, letting out a cry that alerted the two turret viruses flanking it. The CannonDumbs whirled around to lock on to Terra as the Bunny hopped forward between their crosshairs.

Terra noticed a sizable boulder to her left and quickly dodged behind it as the two turrets fired. Their shots took chunks out of the rock, but Terra still had some cover to make use of.

CannonDumbA: 50HP
CannonDumbB: 50HP
Bunny: 50HP

Terrain: 100% Normal
Boulder: 30HP

Terra.EXE: 140HP (Behind Boulder)

Battle 2 Start!
Terra was in good spirits; she had finished her very first virus battle, and it went very well. She walked along, beaming at the compliments Scarlet had given her earlier. Suddenly, she felt disturbances in the ground beneath her, and her eyes flicked around in search of the interruption. It was a little bunny, flopping around with its long ears and spring-loaded body, jumping around a couple of green turrets. Her senses denoted their identification through their signature tags: Canodumb turrets, and electrical Bunny.

Just as she was about to warn Scarlet of the danger, the Bunny alerted its comrades to her presence. Terra's eyes widened as the Canodumbs' muzzles were directed towards her, and she had the sense to locate nearby cover. Placing her back towards the boulder, she felt the vibrations of the boulder through her skin, and shivered, as if she were shot along with the rock. By this time, Scarlet had taken notice, and appropriately set the course of action.

Furiously tapping through the chip selection menu, Scarlet relayed her strategy to her Navi quickly, "Terra, I'm sending in Shotgun. Use the RageClaw to throw that rock towards one of the turrets. Shotgun the remaining. Be prepared to move."

"All right," replied Terra, leaning on the large rock she used for cover.

The Navi looked around, and found her floating earth-fists still ready for use. She smiled slightly, then dismissed the left hand, causing the fist to crumble into tiny pieces of rubble, quickly disappearing into the ground below it as if it was never there. Then, Terra turned around, and made a gesture of lifting an invisible object in her right hand. The earth-fist followed her example, scooping up the boulder in front of her with ease.

Shortly after, the boulder was hurled decisively at a Canodumb, and Terra was on the move once more. Her legs carried her around the virus group, moving sideways to try and line up the Bunny and the Canodumb together. Her hands were clenched into fists as she went along, her earth-hand coming along for the ride. After she decided she had gotten the angles right, she stopped mid-run, widened her stance, and pointed her finger-gun at her enemies, prompting a mighty blast from her earthen companion.

= Terra.EXE =
-- Equip RageClaw1: Right Arm
1) RageClaw1 Boulder @ CanodumbA (Rock 30)(Null 20 / Impact)
2) Circle around virus group, line up Bunny/Canodumb
3) Shotgun @ Bunny/CanodumbB (Null 50 / Slashing)
Terra began her assault by hurling her improvised cover at one of the automated turrets. The boulder crashed into the gun, smashing a hole in its base causing it to rock precariously back and forth before it settle against the side of the rock. The bunny took the opportunity to fire a ring of electricity toward the now defenseless Terra, but the Navi moved out of the way in her attempt to line up her next shot.

Terra fired her shotgun, the hail of iron pellets deleting the hopping bunny and deactivating the second turret seconds before it could lock on to her. However, her movement put her right in the path of the CannonDumb leaning against the boulder. The gun fired and a metal slug smashed into Terra's chest and threw her to the floor.

CannonDumbA: 30HP
CannonDumbB: BALEET'D!
Bunny: SHOT'D!

Terrain: 100% Normal
Boulder: 10HP

Terra.EXE: 120HP (Behind Boulder)
"Cannon, underway," blurted Scarlet, as she resolved to damage-control mode, tapping the Cannon chip's little icon on her chip selection. Which was not very much, she thought, but she had to make do with what she had. She did not like having to ask for anything, though never a single item from the hoard of things the Krysarch title earned her was ever refused nor wasted.


Terra winced at the pain of the blast, the metal slug that had hit her dead center in her chest disintegrating just as she was about to touch it. However, the pain was much reduced than if it was in the real world; if it had been a human in her place, they would have a gaping hole in their torso. The terraformer received the Cannon blast quickly enough, and leapt up from her place on the floor with deft precision.

Can't shoot me down that easy, she thought.

The Navi was quick to remove herself from her current position, going with her earlier circling maneuver. As she did so, she commanded the earth-fist to fire the Cannon as before. The forefinger of the artificial hand, pointed at the turret virus, erupted with a visible crackle of light, its large slug traveling at speeds to delete the target, faster than you could say, "Bang."

After that, it was a simple matter to keep on moving around the Canodumb turret, so as to not fall within its shooting range.

= Terra.EXE =
1) Movement - Circle around Canodumb
2) Cannon @ CanodumbA (Null 40 / Knockback)
3) Keep moving
Terra got to her feet right after being knocked to the ground, allowing her to dodge a second shot from the turret. She moved too quickly for it to follow and promptly put a hole through it with her own Cannon before watching it crumble away.

CannonDumbA: HOLE'D
CannonDumbB: BALEET'D!
Bunny: SHOT'D!

Terrain: 100% Normal
Boulder: 10HP

Battle 2 Complete!

Terra.EXE: 120HP

Rewards: ZapRing1, 190z
"What's this?"

Terra bent down to examine the electrically-charged ring the Bunny had fired off from its mouth earlier. Of course, she was sensible enough not to touch it, but instead let the earth-hand handle it. Turning it around for a bit, she deemed it to be inert. Scarlet's attention was drawn, however, and she had the sense to analyze the data of the ring.

"Hmm... that's battlechip data. Marked as [ZapRing1] here. Bring it up," said Scarlet.

Soon after, a message appeared on her holographic screen of the statistics of the chip. Electrical element, moderate damage, stunlock capability. Not too bad. She lightly pressed the [Upload] button, and her wireless folder was immediately updated with the new chip. A graphic of a leaping Bunny mid-air was depicted on the chip selection screen, and Scarlet allowed herself a small smirk.

"I'll move on to find more viruses," said Terra, and Scarlet nodded in affirmation.

[Battle 3 - Ready]
(Terra.EXE: 120HP)
After walking for a while longer, Terra came across another lively group of viruses. They were all floating just off the ground at the moment, which was good for them considering the abundance of damaged panels around the area. Not letting that stop her, Terra approached the viruses. The Champus raised their flaming fists while the weighted Powie continued to float without moving.

ChampuA: 60HP
Powie: 60HP
ChampuB: 60HP

Terrain: 60% Normal, 40% Cracked

Terra.EXE: 120HP

Battle 3 Start!