"[Holoß.net] installed and fully operational"

With a strong push, Holoß locked in his front leg, halting his sprint in a skidding slide. Wondering why he wasn't getting attacked, Not that I'm complaining he thought, he risked a quick glance around the surrounding terrain. To his surprise, the Fishy he had sent on a gnarly wipeout ((sorry, still on a surfing bit)) was still stunned by the attack. The other, which he hadn't paid attention to in his rush to stay mobile, was either concerned about its partner or was still confused by what had just happened. Either way, the disjointed NetNavi wasn't going to let this advantage pass him by.

Tensing, he tried to remember how he had felt when his brightness levels had overloaded before. All he could remember was a feeling of a jolt of electricity sparking through him right before collapsing. As he thought about it, an odd buzzing and whirring noise began to emanate from the ring projectors that made up his arms and legs. Realizing the mini-generators within the rings were starting to overcharge, he pushed them even harder, seeking the spark that would trigger his attack. He continued to push the generators, to send them over the edge. With a jolt, a visible bolt of condensed electrons ran the length of Holoß.

Light exploded towards the viruses, so intense that the beams seemed to physically burn the air and cut through the land of the surrounding netscape. Channeling the blinding, burning energy rocketing out of him, he sent it all against his foes, using it to engulf them in a wall of radiance. As quickly as it began, the light was gone. Holo slumped, generators clicking as they tried to restart.

"Holo, heads up!"

The Navi snapped his head towards where the viruses last were, then started began taking defensive maneuvers. Though dazzling, he knew that the attack couldn't have taken both of them out.

1. Brightness Spike (Targeting FishyC. 30 dmg + Elec + Blind)
2. Brightness Spike (1 Action Recharge)
3. Dodge


((EDIT: Oops... that was dumb of me...))
Holo sends the fishy to hell with his signature attack and while he recovered, the remaining fishy attacks him, but, Holo dodges at the last second, narrowly evading a fishy basher.

FishyA: DELETED [Fishy Group: Omnishoe]
FishyB: 75

Holoß: 80 [On Normal Panels]

16% Broken
12% Cracked
72% Normal
Holoß threw himself to the side to avoid the attack. As he rolled out of the way, he fluidly changed his shape, beginning to gracefully stalk his remaining prey on the silent pads of a panther. Holoß dimmed his projectors and slinked along the ground. All of a sudden, the Navi coiled his adopted form and pushed off from the ground with a mighty surge. Rocketing through the air, Holo made a passing attack at the virus, batting at it with powerful paws and slashing with razor sharp claws. He landed heavily as he shifted back into his normal form.

All the while, Aelieth just sat in the computer chair, draped in his lab coat. After slotting in the last chip, all he could do was watch. Though he could cheer his Navi on, Beta looked to be so wrapped up in the battle that Aelieth feared distracting him and creating an opening for the virus. Frustrated at his inability to help his creation, he simply watched.

"You can do it..." the NetOp said, quietly enough to avoid detection from his PET's microphone.

Back in the Net, an opposite train of thought ran through Holoß's head. Aelieth's silence troubled the Navi. Without knowing what his operator was thinking, he naturally assumed the worst: Aelieth's wasn't talking to Holo because he was disappointed with his performance for some reason.

Eager to change this, Holo charged into battle. Bounding form panel to panel, trying to avoid the cracked panels still strewn about the field, a trio of claws sprouted from holographic fingers. No special flourish, no fancy moves, Holo decided to simply maul the virus with his weapons. He brought his talons crashing down in a powerful arc, then slid under the virus. Standing up on the other side, he turned around and continued his movement backward, ready to react should the virus attack.

1. RageClaw (FishyB. 40 damage + slashing)
2. RageClaw (FishyB. 40 damage + 10 damage (untapped power) + slashing)
3. Dodge

The first slash with the rageclaw was a success which made the Fishy to retreat away from Holo. The virus was desperate, so it rushed in without thinking about the consequence. Before it knew it, the virus was cut in half by the second slash in mid air, causing an explosion of data.

FishyA: DELETED [Fishy Group: Omnishoe]

Holoß: 80

16% Broken
12% Cracked
72% Normal

[DashAttack] Battle Chip
Aelieth let out a triumphant whoop as the last bits of the virus floated down to the ground. The exultant cry from the operator startled his Navi. "You're doing great," Aelieth said, smiling. The reassuring words warmed Holoß, alleviating his insecurities. He continued on his way, arriving at the firewall company's homepage after a brief walk. Floating a short distance from page's entrance was a Mr. Prog, smiling away as Holo approached him.

A short while later, Holo left the homepage, a crystalline fragment of data secure under his arm. He held it up in one hand, and it disappeared in a flash of blue light. "Alright, I've got the patch." Aelieth said, uploading the data as he received it. "You up for a little more virus busting?" he asked. Holo nodded, his expression eager. With no set destination anymore, he picked a direction at random and headed off into the deeper reaches of ACDC.

((Battle 4))

As Holo walks deeper into the net, he spots a Fishy and several Swordy's as well as a few Metools in the middle of their ranks, they must be trying to break the language barrier between them all before turning to Holo. It's battle time again~!

Fishy: 90
SwordyA: 60
SwordyB: 60
SwordyC: 60
SwordyD: 60
MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40
MetoolC: 40

Holoß: 80

Terrain: 100% normal

Battle 4...BEGIN!
Holo took a step back as he saw the sheer number of viruses loitering around ahead of him. "Cripes, that's a lot of viruses..." Aelieth commented. "We're going to have to take them out fast to have a chance here. Sending the Shotgun and... this new chip looks pretty powerful." he said, slotting in the two chips. A shoulder cannon sprouted out of his shoulder. A reticle appeared, aligning itself with his right eye. Two crosshairs appeared in opposite corners, flashing as the lined up with each other and the viruses. With a thought, he activated the shotgun chip, sending a pelting barrage of holographic energy at his enemies. Once expended, the shot-cannon evaporated from his form and he reached for the remaining battle chip.

Unsure of what he was supposed to do with it, he simply tried activating it. His arm snapped up, held aloft in front of him by an unseen force. A beam of light ran the length of his forearm, encasing it with a rather angular representation of a Fishy virus. A feminine voice eminated from a speaker on the back.

"Welcome to the Damage Achieving Speedy Homing Attack, or D.A.S.H. Attack, user interface. Please select your method of destruction."

The Navi struggled to pull himself free from the contraption, pushing against it with his free hand against it to get leverage. A musical chime sounded from the speaker.

"You've chosen: SUPER SONIC. Please confirm your selection." the voice commented, the words "Super Sonic" shouted out by a deep, almost demonic, voice.

Genuinely panicked, Holoß redoubled his efforts, straining to pull himself free. He slammed a foot against the casing, franticly trying to escape. In desperation, he jumped up and kicked with both feet. He just hung there, the Robo-Fishy holding him in mid-air. Another tone chimed his unwitting selection.

"SUPER SONIC confirmed. Initiating countdown:"

A hiss of steam erupted from a split that appeared in weapon's back panel.


An ominous whirring resonated from deep within the casing.


Two gigantic engines lifted out of the open panel.


A third engine rose to sit atop the back of the Robo-Fishy.


Turbines in the front of the rockets began to spin as an evil glow grew in the depths of the jets.


Holo tried with one last, tremendous effort to pull himself free, digital sweat pouring down his face.


Blue flames erupted from weapon as it, and Holo, were sent careening forward a breakneck speeds. It was all the poor Navi could do to keep himself from dragging along the ground. A burning, screaming blur crashed into the midsts of the viruses, barreling through them with frightening force. All of a sudden, something disrupted the duo's flight, skewing the trajectory and knocking Holo's foothold loose, causing him to scrape against the ground. The chip crashed into the ground, shattering it and freeing the Navi. Sliding to a stop, Holo pushed himself up and took and unsteady defensive stance.

1. Shotgun (50 + spread 1. MetoolA and MetoolB)
2. Dash Attack (90 + impacting. Up to 5 enemies. Targeting Swordy group and Fishy)
3. Dodge
Holo manages to hit the first Metool with his Shotgun attack, sending it to viral hell, just as the other faced it's similar fate with the splash effect.

Then, in a rather entertaining and comical display of Holo trying to attack and get off the dash attack, Holo tears through the entire group of Swordies and manages to delete the Fishy just as well, the viruses cursed Holo's name in viral hell as the remaining met hid under it's helm, and rather comically, a small puddle of fluid spreads out from under it's helm...uh, I think it just peed it's self in sheer terror. If that were even possible...is it?

Fishy: It's cousin deleted it.
SwordyA: Damage
SwordyB: Achiving
SwordyC: Speedy homing
SwordyD: Attack'd to hell
MetoolB: It's dead, alright?
MetoolC: 40 (under helm, probably peed under it in sheer terror)

Holoß: 80

Terrain: 100% normal
The pitiful display from the remaining virus caused a wave of embarrassment to wash over Holoß. He held back from attacking it, sympathy overpowering the virus busting protocols ripped from the base Navi Aelieth built upon to create him.

"Holo... I know it looks pathetic, but it's a virus. For Navi's and other programs, it'd be the right thing to back down. They can reform, lose their destructive tendencies. Viruses are created with the sole purpose of destruction. Even if you let it go, it'd just come back later with more to continue wrecking up the Net."

The Navi made no move to attack the virus, but a conflicted air clouded his expressions. Torn, he faintly registered that Aelieth slotted in two chips. I won't use them, he thought, not unless it attacks first... Holo stood stock still, waiting to see what the virus would do. A small panel appeared on his forearm bearing a cross, ready to fly to his aid in an instant.

1. Slot in Cannon
2. Guard
3. Ready Cannon to use in case Metool attacks. (40 + knockback)
The virus waited and waited until it thought it was safe...only to see Holo again as he raised a Guard. The virus wasn't a complete idiot as it held off on it's attack, but, it decided to move somewhat to the right and then attacked, it's own attack reflected off the guard and hit it, then it was blasted into nothingness as Holo finished off the poor, pee covered, virus...IN THE FACE! A small pile of rewards appear in the remains of the final Metool...it's dry...right?

Fishy: It's cousin deleted it.
SwordyA: Damage
SwordyB: Achiving
SwordyC: Speedy homing
SwordyD: Attack'd to hell
MetoolB: It's dead, alright?
MetoolC: DELETED!!

Holoß: 80

Terrain: 100% normal

Reward data: 700z
Treading along the dry areas surrounding the data, Holo collected the zenny.

"I'm sorry, Holo." Aelieth said, noticing a slump in the Navi's 'shoulders'. "It's part of their programming. They have to damage data." Holoß sighed, then looked off to the distance. An ominous feeling rose in the pit of his stomach as his gaze wandered. Something was about to happen... he could feel it.

Still anxious, he started off again, hoping he could take what the Net threw at him.

((Battle 5))
The guy feeling in Holo was certainly right when a pair of thug Heelnavis were loitering just ahead of them. They caught a glimpse of the navi and started to walk towards him. "OI! YOU'RE WALKING INTO OUR TERRITORY!!", one tried to scream as loud as he could at Holo's ear. "YEA! YOU BETTER START WALKIN' AWAY TILL WE MAKE YOU!," the other one came to Holo's other ear and screamed just as loud as the other one.

They continued to pester Holo, even when he didn't do anything wrong...and it was starting to get very annoying. It doesn't matter anymore, the urge to beat the crap out of them were just too much now.

HeelnaviA: 200
HeelnaviB: 200

Holoß: 80 [First Action Only / Preemptive Strike!]

Terrain: 100% normal

Holoß would like to think of himself as a tolerant guy. At least, that's what he's programmed to think of himself. So far, he's only encountered viruses and, though disruptive to the Net in general, they at least were relatively quiet. But these guys... The holo-Navi sincerely wished that the rest of his kind weren't this obnoxious. The just kept going on and on... Continually yelling, shouting, screaming. Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise, noise. There was one thing Holoß was beginning to hate, all the noise, noise, noise, noise!

And it was because of the general horrible treatment his Navi was receiving from these two buffoons that Aelieth wasn't the least bit surprised when two words silently appeared on his PET screen: "[RageClaw. Now.]" Grabbing what was beginning to become the pair's old standby, the operator slotted in the claw weapon.

The instant he received the data, Holoß shot his arm out, taking particular care to aim his strike to cover one of the HeelNavi's mouth. Anger was awash over Holo's simple visage, communicating that he would like nothing more than to rip the Navi's gibber hole from his face. To further communicate his point, Holo's eyes disappeared, replaced by an image of the HeelNavi's face. A giant zipper flew in from of screen, crashed into the image's lower jaw, then zipped itself shut. Clenching his grip tighter, he twisted at the hips and sent his claw crashing down to throw the Navi at his partner. These two were in for a fight they could never have expected...

1. RageClaw to throw HeelNaviA at HeelNaviB (20 + impacting to each hit + 10 Untapped Power (I guess split evenly between the two))

((So, how's this going to work? Will I get the rest of my actions after you mod this post, or is this it for my first turn and I start up at 3 after this?))
Holo manages to send the two Heelnavis into each other with his throw, damaging them a little more than the norm. They stared in disbelief, both of them thinking, "That PUNK!" They then managed to scramble to their feet. One brought out an orange colored Vulcan, the other created a large set of claws, they then awaited Holo's next move, staring him down with glares, as if to challenge him.

HeelnaviA: 175 (Vulcan1 equipped)
HeelnaviB: 175 (Rageclaw1 equipped)

Holoß: 80 (two actions remain until end of turn) (Rageclaw1)

Terrain: 100% norma
"Holo, try and avoid the one with the Vulcan," Aelieth called out, rifling through his poorly organized chips. "I'm sending something to help deal with the other one in case he tries to get... handsy" The operator found what he was looking for and slotted the chip with a *click!*

A fraction of a second later, Holoß noticed a *ping* as he registered the familiar "You've got battle chips!" feeling. Activating the chip, an innocuous little cross, only a shade darker than Holo's normal projections, appeared on his arm. The cross detached itself from his arm, creating a separate panel floating inches away, and rapidly grew until it was nearly as tall as he was. Throwing that jerk had allowed the projection Navi to blow off some steam, allowing him to think clearly once more. Throwing him into the other Navi was just plain catharsis. He began to circle the Navis, an idea forming in the back of his mind. He silently sent the chips he'd need to Aelieth.

His be-clawed hand twitched, ready to catch him should he have to throw himself out of the way of an oncoming barrage, as he glared back at the HeelNavis. The chances of his idea working were slim, but if it did... well, these two brought it upon themselves.

2. Guard (Reflect one attack, up to 60 damage. Used against HeelNaviB if possible.)
3. Dodge

[RageClaw Active: 14 uses until break]
Holo raises his guard at the exact moment the Rageclaw Heelnavi attacked, sending him flying and damaged at the same time, the second, the Vulcan Heelnavi, sends several shots Holo's way, but, the navi manages to dodge the first barage before a second is sent, one of the three bullets from the second hit Holo in the leg.

HeelnaviA: 175 (Vulcan1 equipped)
HeelnaviB: 135 (Rageclaw1 equipped)

Holoß: 70 (Rageclaw1)

Terrain: 100% normal
Holoß flinched as the bullet passed through his hologram only to impact his ankle projector. The leg fluctuated violently as the projector was knocked out of alignment. Furious, Holo willed the ring abruptly back into place. To hell with the plan... the Navi thought. These two need to be put down, now!

The hand projecting his RageClaw chip slowly started to rise, a more sinister shape bubbling up and rising out of it. His left arm elongated, the fingers coalescing into a single point and thickening. As these changes overcame his upper body, his lower body began mutating into powerful, triple jointed legs, six inch talons sprouting out of his feet. The entire mass grew in size as Holoß's face screen winked out and the projectors resettled along the spine of something huge.

They think picking a fight with a random Navi is a good idea, huh? Thought it'd be a bit of fun, eh? he thought, a pair of reptilian eyes sprouting out of the limb that was more head than hand. Let's see how much of a good idea they think it is now...

A low rumble resonated deep in a huge, muscular neck.

"['CAUSE I'M AN 'EFFIN DINOSAUR!!!]" the textbox blipped, the usual graceful scrawl replaced with rough, quick scratchings, as the tyrant lizard king roughly shoved it out of the way.

Gathering a surge of energy, the Navi actually managed to send a brief jolt of energy to his vocal program, letting loose a deafening roar. Flames erupted, flowing over his back as twin jet engines suddenly came into existence. The adopted form of Holo could only manage two more steps before the force of the engines carried it off the ground and on a collision course with the hapless HeelNavis. Just as he was about to crash into their midsts, he lowered his head, using himself as a battering ram. He thought he could feel two bumps as he rocketed forward, the second somehow failing to fall to the side. In a fearsome effort, he snapped his head up, sending... something... into an sky born arc. The T-Rex swung his legs forward and dug in, gaining enough ground to push up with explosive force, his toothy maw gaping hungrily as he rose to meet his prey. With a ferocious, rending bite, he clamped down on whoever, or whatever, he sent into the sky, the opened his mouth again to swallow his target. His his rise approached its peak, he twisted in the air, a gleaming sliver cannon barrel sliding out between hooked teeth. His stomach sucked in beyond physical possibility as he targeted a spec on the ground that looked vaguely humanoid. A shock wave exploded from the cannon mouth as a canon blast, and the contents of Beta's stomach, were sent screaming to the earth.

The engines sputtered out, shocking Beta out of Dino mode as he started plummeting down, seeming to chase his attack to the ground. Panicking, a pull cord appeared over his shoulder. He grasped it and yanked down. Nothing happened... Yank two led to the same result. "Holo..." Aelieth said, a worried tone starting to rise in his voice, "The ground is getting really close, really fast..." A third pull yielded no result. "You might want to do something... like now!" In desperation, he coiled his arms and, with a tremendous effort, ripped the cord not only forward, but out of the engine. The engines roared to life just before he was about to become a concrete pancake. He disappeared in a plume of smoke, rising up just high enough that he could land on his feet when the engines failed a second time.

Crap... the holographic Navi scowled, slumping forward. I'm too spent from that attack... He glared at his enemies, trying the same stare down technique they had tried before.

1. DashAttack (HeelNaviA and HeelNaviB. 90 damage + impact + 10 Untapped Power, split between the two)
2. RageClaw (as teeth. HeelNaviB. 40 damage + slashing)
3. Cannon (HeelNaviB. 40 + Knockback. Shooting towards HeelNaviA, if possible)

[RageClaw Active: 13 uses until break]
Holo rages and turns.... into a dinosaur? o_O The Heelnavis, shocked by this development, stand stock still before the navi runs right into them. Continuing on, dinoholo mangles one Heelnavi into the air, before blasting him with a Cannon, overkilling him completely.

A bit disgruntled from the loss of his comrade, the other Heelnavi charges at Holo before he hits the floor and whacks him halfway across the battlefield with his Vulcan, making him slam into the ground, far, far away.

HeelnaviA: 80 (Vulcan1 equipped) [2 Actions away]
HeelnaviB: DELETED

Holoß: 60 (Rageclaw1)

Terrain: 100% normal