Bat-tacular battles!

As Koumori jacked into the net, she quickly ran off into the net, hoping for the poor viruses to come across her path.

(battle 1)
Speaking about Bat-tacular battles...A bunch of Pulsebats came straight towards Koumori! These viruses ain't so poor, they're willing to fight the navi off, and even trying to get a good taste of her blood??

PulseBatA: 80
PulseBatB: 80
PulseBatC: 80
PulseBatD: 80

Terrain: 100% Normal

Koumori: 120

"Four seems they are in attack range though." Koumori said, staring at the pulsebats and trying to figure out if they were within attack distance with her Dash Attack chip. After figuring it out, she spoke. "Give me the dash attack. I want to eleminate them in a single attack."
"Sending Dash Attack. Try to get within the line of them." Kedamono mumbled, sending her the chip data with the picture of a Fishy virus on it. Koumori nodded and set off.

She quickly strafed the group of viruses, attempting to find a line of attack that she could attack them at, hopefully, she could and attack them all and delete them in one fell swoop like a bat should.
Quickly accessing the chip data, Koumori held out her wings as widely as possible before curling them around her, turning herself into a type of projectile before the chip's data kicked in, rocketing her towards, and hopefuly, through, the viruses as the data finished propelling her, making her skid to a stop, away from the viruses as she looked towards them to see if any had survived.

Tactical movment to line up with Pulsebats
Dash Attack--->PulsebatA-D (90+impact, line attack)
Reserved for dodgeing
Koumori dashes quickly to line herself up with the Pulsebats and charges forward. The crash is loud, explosive, and kicks up dust everywhere. When the cloud clears, one Pulsebat remains, high above Koumori. It's... kind of scared to come down.

PulseBatC: 80 (High Altitude)

Terrain: 100% Normal

Koumori: 120
"Damn..." Cursed Koumori, she had intended to eliminate the group in one fell swoop, but had somehow missed the last one. "Guard and Sword." Koumori demanded. She was going to take it out this time.

Reciveing the data from both chips Koumori quickly wrapped herself up in her wings, a slight sheen comming off of them as she waited, sword data within her.

She then waited, and waited, the sword data within her spreading to her wings to full langth and ready to attack as soon as the bat got within her range and then, she would dash towards it and slice it in half.

Guard1 (reflect 1 attack for full. Only up to 60 damage)
Wait for Pulsebat to get within range
Attack with sword at PulsebatC if in range (80), dodge if Pulsebat is not in range of sword.
Koumori puts up her Guard and waits. This tempts the remaining Pulsebat to come down, oblivious to what the white bat's abilities could entail as it let out an ear-rending screech at the Guard, which was reflected back at it, stunning it for a bit. Taking this chance, Koumori dashed forward and cleaved the virus in half with a sword.


Terrain: 100% Normal

Koumori: 120

Get: Pulsar1
Koumori downloaded the data and walked on deeper into the net, looking for more viruses to delete.

(battle 2)
"Koumori. We have a mission from the net police. I need you to go to Yumland." Kedamono said.
"Alright." Koumori nodded as she turned towards a portal to net city, to take one of the portals there.