Cat girl strikes again!

a large blue beam crashed down onto the net, Nikko appeared as it disapeared.

"Time to kill some viruses."
"Battle chips are at the ready."

Nikko just walked on, ready to fight.

(battle 1)
((...A large blue BEAN? XD))

Metool: 40
Spikey: 90
Spooky: 50
Canodumb: 50

Nikko: 140

Fight on, old bean.
(damn.....i need to start double checking my paragraphs for spelling mistakes. also, don't you mean CANNONdumb? spelling mistakes are abound this week! we are L33T! *shot*)

"Seems like a few viruses we have fought before, one of each."
"Why.....why did someone create a dog virus!?"
"......Cannon, shotgun battle chips in and download."

As the data reached Nikko a large green cannon appeared on Nikko's right paw while a smaller buster appeared on her left. Nikko then lined up the cannon with the Metool while she aimed her shotgun at the Cannondumb. She then fired both at the enemys, attempting to delete them quickly as she then rushed at the Spooky, jumping at it and hopeing it doesn't teleport to avoid her attack as she then ran around like a crazy kitty hopped up on coke, the drug, not the drink.

Cannon---->Metool (40)
Shotgun---->Cannondumb (50+splash)
Cat attack---->Spooky (50+chance to stun and dodge for rest of turn)

Virus Name: Canodumb
HP: 50
Attack Damage/Effect: 20
Attack Description: Fires its cannon after aiming
Element: None
Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Cannon, Zenny
Special: Immobile

Just following the Virus list, bucko.))

Metool: DELETED!
Spikey: 90
Spooky: 50
Canodumb: DELETED!

Nikko: 125

The Cannon connects with the Metool, deleting it in one shot. The Shotgun Nikko fires hits the Canodumb full force, deleting it as well-- but unfortunately it doesn't hit anything else.

Nikko's Cat Attack misses-- the Spooky moves faster than the eye can see, dodging the attack with ease and striking Nikko hard with a counterattack from behind.

The Spikey also fires off a flaming shot from it's mouth, but misses...
"Markcannon1, Magbomb1, rageclaw battle chips in and download."

As Timmy sent Nikko the chip data a large rifle-like cannon appeared on Nikko's right paw while a smaller matalic bomb appeared in her left paw. Nikko then took aim at the Spooky with the gun and fired a blast at it, hopeing to hit while she threw the bomb at the spikey while a claw appeared on her right paw. Nikko then jumped at the spikey with quite a LOT of speed, she wanted to finish it as she then clung to it's face and scratched the HELL out of it with her rageclaw. Nikko then jumped down to the ground and ran around like crazy, hopeing to dodge any attacks.

Markcannon1---->Spooky (70, high accuracy)
Magbomb1---->Spikey (30, elec, chance to stun)
cling to spikey's face and rageclaw it twice----->Spikey (40X2)
(post done)
The Spooky is marked and destroyed. The Magbomb goes wide, but Nikko follows through anyhow, landing on the Spikey's head--to be blasted by a fireball. She scrambles to her feet, avoiding a flaming tackle--

Metool: DELETED!
Spikey: 50
Spooky: !DELETED!
Canodumb: DELETED!

Nikko: 95
"Nikko.....trying to claw a spikey to death while your on it's face is not a good idea."
"Shut the fck up!"

Nikko then jumped at the spikey once more, slashing four times as quickly as she could, as she then jumped back and ran like hell.

RageclawX4---->Spikey (40X4)
The first Rageclaw slash manage to hit the Spikey, carving a huge tear in its side, but the virus retaliated by spitting a burst of fire that smashed into Nikko, despite her attempt to dodge. Infuriated by the Spikey's resistance, the cat-girl Navi charged in and dealt a scything blow to the Spikey's head, sending it flying to crash nervelessly into the panels.

Metool: DELETED!
Spikey: DELETED!
Spooky: !DELETED!
Canodumb: DELETED!

Nikko: 65


Get: 100z!
"Geez Nikko, that has got to hurt."
"Shut up."
"Here, mini-energy pack, sub-chip, download."

A small ammount of energy surounded Nikko with a nice blue color, healing her a little.


Nikko then picked up the meger rewards and walked on, she was pissed that there was only 100z after the battle.

(battle 2, mini-energy pack used, +50HP to Nikko)
Suddenly, there were Bunnies! THOUSANDS--*is shot*

Ok, just a few. With a couple Shrubbys.


Nikko: 115

Battle 2, Start!
"Oh goody."
"You can take them out."
"Your right."
"Shotgun, markcannon1, Guard1 battle chips in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chips a small buster appeared on Nikko's right paw while a taller looking cannon appeared on Nikko's right paw. Nikko then took aim at BunnyA and quickly fired off a blast twords it, hopeing that it hits and splashes upon another target. Nikko then took aim at BunnyB, makeing sure to aim carefuly as she fired a blast at it, hopeing to delete it. Then a large yelow sheild appeared in front of Nikko, as she took cover and it disapeared she dared out from behind it, hopeing to dodge the enemy attacks.

Shotgun---->BunnyA (50+spash to random target)
Markcannon1----->BunnyB (70, high chance to hit)
Guard1 (blocks and reflects 1 attack for 60 damage)
The Shotgun made very short work of the hapless Bunny, who didn't even get a chance to hop aside in an attempt to avoid it. The Bunny 'meeped' slightly as the Markcannon cut into its core programming and ripped it apart. A third Bunny, furious, shot a ring of electricity at Nikko--only to have it thrown back in its face to delete it. A Shrubby timidly stepped out from behind its cover to toss a log in Nikko's direction, but the catgirl jumped straight over it.


Nikko: 115
"Heh, weaklings."
"Magbomb1 battle chip in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chip a small matalic ball appeared in Nikko's right paw. Nikko then threw it at ShrubbyA, hopeing to hit it and maybe even stun it. Then she jumped at the remaining Bunny with her signature attack programing, trying to dig her claws into the little virus as she jumped back. Nikko's body then started runing around like crazy, the after effect of the signature attack had kicked in.

Magbomb1---->ShrubbyA (30, elec, can stun)
Cat attack---->BunnyC (50, can stun, dodge for rest of turn)
The Magbomb missed its target completely, exploding harmlessly a good distance away. Nikko's Cat Attack, though, was much more accurate; she tore the Bunny apart with careful precision, and slid easily out of the way of an incoming log rolled by one of the Shrubbies.


Nikko.EXE: 115
"Rageclaw battle chip in and download."

As Timmy slotted in the chip, a large bear claw appeared on Nikko's right paw, Nikko smiled at the little bushes, it was time for some hedge cliping. Nikko jumped at ShrubbyA and slashed only once as she did she then picked it up and threw it like a fast ball at ShrubbyB, whom was the next target for her as she then jumped at it and slashed down once, hopeing to delete it as she then jumped back and ran around quickly, hopeing that the little shrubs were deleted finaly.

Rageclaw---->ShrubbyA (40)
rageclaw throw----->ShrubbyA into shrubbyB (20 to each)
Rageclaw---->ShrubbyB (40)

(unsure if i have an extra dodge)
One of the Shrubbies tossed a log at Nikko, hitting her in the leg, but she refused to let that stop her. With three quick Rageclaw slices, the hedges had been clipped unto deletion.

ShrubbyA: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!

Nikko.EXE: 105 HP


Get: 180z!
"Meow, i want more zenny than this."
"Just keep on going Nikko."
"all right."

Nikko then downloaded the rewards and moved on.

(battle 3)

MetoolA: 40 HP
MetoolB: 40 HP
MetoolC: 40 HP
MetoolD: 40 HP
MetoolE: 40 HP
MetoolF: 40 HP
MetoolG: 40 HP

Nikko.EXE: 105 HP