The Lazy Man's Fundraising

After his data formed together, Stringer scratched his head, saying, "Uhh... where are the virii? We're not going to get any zenny or chips without them..."

"I dunno, just wander around for a bit," answered Donell bluntly. Stringer shrugged in reply and began walking off to find some virii.
The Zenny-loaded viruses in question quickly show up, but it seems as though they aren't going to be giving up their prizes willingly. Stringer was going to have to 'encourage' them to share some of their fortune with him.

CanodumbA: 50 HP
CanodumbB: 50 HP
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP

Stringer.EXE: 100 HP

"Spookys? Wow, that's quite a start. Donell, gimme the Sword and this'll be over quick," said Stringer with a grin. That grin didn't last for long as he watched his left hand turn into a Cannon.

Groaning, Stringer said, "Hey Donell, the Sword is the pointy one."

"Whatever, it was the first one I picked up," grunted Donell in return.

Slapping his forehead with his free hand, Stringer sighed, "I guess I'll just have to make do, then...". Stringer raised his Cannon at CanodumbA, figuring to fight fire with fire. After the blast, Stringer tried to get the Sword again, only for his Cannon to turn into a RageClaw.

"Well, he's getting closer, I guess..." moaned Stringer. Stringer dashed up to CanodumbB, trying to force its head off of the post and throw it at CanodumbA. "Alright Donell, the Sword now would really help!" shouted Stringer. That hope quickly turned to dismay as his empty right hand turned into a Shotgun. Stringer gave Donell a quick glare through the PET.

"Hey, you're smart, work with it," shrugged Donell. Resigning to defeat, Stringer raised his Shotgun at CanodumbA, waiting to see if he could throw CanodumbB at it before firing at both of them.

1) Cannon @ CanodumbA (40 damage)
2) RageClaw @ CanodumbB (20 damage, throw at CanodumbA)
3) Shotgun @ CanodumbA/B (50 damage, splash)
Everything that wasn't a Sword found itself employed by Stringer, and went crashing toward the pack of viruses. Only the Canodumbs found themselves targeted by Stringer's assaults; the first had a version of its own attack pounding into it, the second was actually picked up and tossed at its mate, and the first two found themselves being blown up by the Shotgun that followed.

The Spookies, meanwhile, seemed quite upset about this, and decided to do something about it. After a quick round of what looked suspiciously like rock-paper-scissors, the second Spooky suddenly appeared right in front of Stringer, and gave him a thorough lashing with its hyperextended tongue.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
SpookyA: 50 HP
SpookyB: 50 HP

Stringer.EXE: 85 HP
Stringer made a noise of disgust as he watched the Spooky's saliva roll down his visor. "Urgh, so nasty... wait... This guy's right in front of me. Hey Donell, give me the Sword already!". Stringer groaned again to see his Shotgun turn into a Bubbler. After letting out a sigh, Stringer raised his Bubbler right at SpookyB and let off a blast.

Eyeing the only remaining Spooky, Stringer changed his right hand from the Bubbler back to normal. Flinging threads out from his now free hand, Stringer threw them at Spooky, yelling, "Tie the Knot!", the name of his signature attack. As he waiting for the Spooky to get tied up, Stringer dashed forward, ready to deliever the final decisive blow.

"Jeez, I never got to use that new Sword..." groaned Stringer in his head.

1) Bubbler @ SpookyB (50 damage, splash, Aqua)
2) Tie the Knot @ SpookyA (20 damage, binding, 2 turn cooldown)
3) RageClaw @ SpookyA (40 damage)
The Spooky looked quite shocked as it realized that its plan had failed, and that it was dissolving in a bubble of water. The second Spooky was roped in by the length of thread that squeezed it inward like a corset, and then found itself torn apart by Stringer's Rageclaw.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!

Stringer.EXE: 85 HP


Get: 150z, Cannon
Scooping up the rewards left behind by the viruses, Stringer said, "That didn't go too bad considering you kept giving me the wrong chips, Donell."

"Yeah, yeah, I've got them all near by now, so whatever," grumbled Donell.

"Well, I'm still in good shape, so let's see if we can get any other goodies around here," said Stringer, looking around for some more virii.
Some marginally tougher looking viruses want to give Stringer a run for his money.

Bunny: 50
SeedbatA: 50
SeedbatB: 50
SeedbatC: 50
SeedbatD: 50

Stringer: 85

Battle 2 Start!
"Hmm... That Bunny's stunning is going to drive me up a wall if I leave it alone. Well Donell, since there's no point in asking you for specific chips, just give me the first to you grab," said Stringer. Donell did just that and slotted in the first two chips he found. Stringer's left hand morphed into a Cannon while his right hand turned into a RageClaw.

"Alright, this can work," thought Stringer aloud. He dashed forward to the Bunny, clawing it with a fast horizontal slash, then trying to grab it and throw it at the nearest SeedBat.

Taking note of the actual number of SeedBats in the group, Stringer re-thought what he was doing. "Jeez, that's not a small amount of virii... I should probably put a little distance in between them and me."

Stringer angled his Cannon at the ground, letting of a blast that sent him through the air, away from the mob of virii.

1) RageClaw @ Bunny (40 damage)
2) RageClaw @ Bunny/Throw at SeedBat? (20 damage, grapple)
3) Use Cannon to create distance
Stringer goes ape on the viruses and finishes the Bunny off quickly, damaging a bat in the process. It repays him by throwing its wings, but he was out of the way due to his propulsion. The shot itself had connected with a Seedbat, though it closed its wings to block.

SeedbatA: 30
SeedbatB: 50
SeedbatC: 50
SeedbatD: 50

Stringer: 85
"Alright, I've got this distance, so I'd better make use of it. Hey Donell, I need some long-range chips," said Stringer, mentally praying that Donell would get it right. To his relief, his RageClaw changed into a Bubbler while his Cannon loaded another round.

"Okay, maybe we're starting to get the hang of this," grinned Stringer. Donell just shrugged, looking lazily at the PET's screen. Stringer first raised his Cannon at the injured SeedBatA, firing off a blast to finish it off. Next, he raised the Bubbler, waiting for two of the SeedBats to move close enough together, then firing a shot to hit them both.

1) Cannon @ SeedBatA (40 damage)
2) Aim at Seedbats
3) Bubbler @ Seedbats (50 damage, splash, Aqua)
The Seedbat Stringer had wounded before blocked, cautious of being hit again. The bubbler hit its targets, though, finishing off two of them.

SeedbatA: 30
SeedbatB: DELETED!
SeedbatC: DELETED!
SeedbatD: 50

Stringer: 85
With both his Cannon and Bubbler now useless, Stringer said, "I guess we'd better wrap this up, huh? Send me whatever's left.". As Donell slotted in the remaining chips, the Cannon turned into a Shotgun while the Bubbler turned into a Sword.

Stringer dashed forward towards the remaining SeedBats, ready to try and dodge any attacks they might throw at him. Upon arriving at the weakened SeedBatA, Stringer struck it with a swift vertical slash from his Sword, figuring it'd be tough for it to block that. As he swung, he lifted his Shotgun up to the remaining SeedBatD, and let off a round at it.

1) Dash forward (Prepared to evade)
2) Sword @ SeedBatA (80 damage, Sword)
3) Shotgun @ SeedBatD (50 damage, splash)
One of the bats threw its wings, though Stringer was actually relieved: this allowed him to dodge around them and deliver a slash it couldn't block. The remaining bat attempted to do the same, but was instantly shot down by on oncoming blast.

SeedbatA: DELETED!
SeedbatB: DELETED!
SeedbatC: DELETED!
SeedbatD: DELETED!

Stringer: 85

Reward: 270 zenny.
After picking up the zenny, Stringer brushed his hands off, saying proudly, "Heh, no damage all battle."

"A fluke," countered Donell quickly. Shrugging, Stringer looks around for some more virii to fight.
((Remember battle number!))

Stringer would be quite lucky for the same fluke to happen twice.

SpikyA: 90
SpikyB: 90
SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: 50
CannondumbB: 50

Stringer: 85

Battle 3 Start!
"You just had to say it, didn't you, Donell?" groaned Stringer, looking at the intimidating group of viruses in front of him. He quickly ran back a bit to put a enough of a space between him and the virii to be safe for a bit. Suddenly, his right arm morphed into a Shotgun.

"Huh... I guess you're starting to get the hang of this too, Donell," said Stringer in a suprised tone. Donell just looked at the screen with that same lazy look.

Stringer raised the Shotgun up to the Canodumbs, figuring it'd be fairly easy to pick them both off due to them being stationary. After locking on to one of them, Stringer let off a round.

1) Create distance.
2) Aim.
3) Shotgun @ CanodumbA (50 damage, splash)
Both of the Cannondumbs were taken down, but putting space between himself and the viruses became difficult. The Spikies closed in, and one released a fireball into the Navi's face.

SpikyA: 90
SpikyB: 90
SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!

Stringer: 55
Coughing and waving smoke away from his face, Stringer saw an opportunity, as did Donell. The hand he was dispersing the smoke with suddenly turned into the Bubbler, ready to pick off the two fire virii that had picked the wrong Navi to blast. Stringer locked onto the two Spiky virii in front of him, and shot the Bubbler right at them.

"Wow, I guess it was a good thing that you bought this Aqua chip over something else, after all," chuckled Stringer from behind his now-charred helmet.

"I guess," replied Donell in a very flat tone.

Knowing that the Spookies were still around, Stringer took up a defensive stance, waiting for the next move.

1) Aim.
2) Bubbler @ SpikyA (50x2 damage, splash, Aqua)
3) Prepared dodge.
The bubbler took down its targets due to Stringer's careful aiming and tactics, but there wasn't a precise way to dodge the Spookies. He readied his defenses and managed to escape one's tongue, only to end up in the face of another.

SpookyA: 50
SpookyB: 50
CannondumbA: DELETED!
CannondumbB: DELETED!

Stringer: 40