Morning exercise

Valkyrie managed to stab through the virus using her signature attack, and set to it with the sword chip: the bat closed its wings to block the first strike, then threw them off, cutting through the Navi. This did leave it open, however, to Valkyrie's second strike.

CanodumbA: DELETED!
CanodumbB: DELETED!
Seedbat: DELETED!

Valkyrie: 80

Reward: 200 zenny.
- Stupid bat!

Valkyrie shook the remnants of the virii off her armor and looked around. This little battle was merely enough for her to warm up; although she enjoys slaying small fry from time to time, she didn't want to jack out just yet.

- Hey Sieg, you awake?

- So-so...*yawn*

- Were there any computer malfunctions lately?

- Well... one of the clients said that the "machine voice lady" offered hot steamy chat if he dials number 10

- What happened?

- He dialed one and got connected here...

- Riiiiight... Off to the answering machine then?

- If you may... turn right there

Vaalkyrie followed the path till he stumbled into something... that said " hot steam chix for free!!!!". If that weren't enough, other "things" popped up right next to her; one said something about Asian girls, there was another on that..., and another which... I'll leave that up to your imagination.

- I hate spam so much...

said Valkyrie with a smile under her helmet, and shifted into her fighting stance
The spam is caused by the viruses!

ShrubbyA: 50
ShrubbyB: 50
MetoolA: 40
MetoolB: 40

Valkyrie.EXE: 80
- Hurry up, my shift is almost over

-Send me a battlechip then

-As you wish... sending Rageclaw

The armor on the left hand of Valkyrie slowly changed: it grew bigger, bulkier, and the end of each finger sharpened. By the time the claw formed, she was already charging at the spam-bots. A burst of flames emerged from the boosters, pushing her forward even faster. She stopped suddenly in front of the first metool, planting her left foot nearly at its side (digging deep, almost cracking the panel), while raising her right behind her. The kick was reinforced using the momentum of the charge; should it hit a ball, the goalkeeper would probably catch on fire.

With her clawed hand, she reached out for the other metool. Using her increased strength that the chip granted, she lifted the virii and... a sinister idea formed in her mind. She threw the virii up, and pulled her lance to the side, as if it were a baseball bat. A large, steel baseball bat. She attempted to hit the virii, so it also hits one of the shrubbies at least.


- Didn't know you're such a sportswoman

- Most sports are watered down fights... but fights nonetheless.

1 Sig attack MetoolA (40)
2 Rageclaw MetoolB (20) and ShrubbyA or B (20)
3 reserved for dodge]
((Need damages in your summery.))
One met dies and the other is thrown into the air. A Shrubby pukes up a log, but misses.

ShrubbyA: 50
ShrubbyB: 50
MetoolB: 20

Valkyrie.EXE: 80
-Lets make this short; I'm sending shotgun

- A gunchip... great.

Valkyrie pitched her lance into the ground and held out her right arm. The arm transformed into a fairly normal shotgun barrel. She lunged forward, trying to grab the shrubby, and toss it into the other one. Then she fired off the shotgun, trying to hit both.

1 RageClaw (20x2) ShrubbyA into ShrubbyB
2 Shotgun ((how does shotgun dmg split?)) ShrubbyA and ShrubbyB
3 reserved for dodge)

Valkerie throws the two bushes together, using their proximity to blast them both. The last met atacks, but misses.

ShrubbyA: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!
MetoolB: 20

Valkyrie.EXE: 80
Valkyrie turned to the last virii. She wasn't really enjoying this battle; she had to use a shotgun to make quick work of them, something she wouldn't usually do, if Sieg didn't ask her. The virii was injured, and she has the rageclaw, it was evident what will happen.

Valkyrie tried to smash the metool into the ground with her claw, nearly breaking the panel they were standing on..

1 Rageclaw metool (40)
2-3... walk away?)
The rage claw ends it.

ShrubbyA: DELETED!
ShrubbyB: DELETED!

Valkyrie.EXE: 80

Rewards: Guard, 150z
-My shift is over, I'm jacking you out.

-Fine... This last battle... Didn't feel right... I don't want to stay here anymore.

-You don't want me to send you a gun chip ever again, huh?

- Yeah... That'd be great.

-'Kay, I promise.

-Thanks Sieg.

That said, it was time to jack out. A pillar of light appeared, then dispersed as Valkyrie left the office computer.