DenU Library Archives Network

"Hm, looks like a serious infestation problem," Shin commented, scratching his chin.

"But don't viruses have natural habitats like this anyway?" Red inquired, strolling slowly toward the tree.

"Well, this place has some serious problems if you can find a tree in the middle of a library," Shin grumbled, unamusedly sipping his tea.

"Clean-up time I guess?" Red asked, sighing and shaking her head.

"Of course! They might be ruining precious volumes of data by living there! I can't stand by and watch these ancient volumes of knowledge be corrupted by habitual viral lifestyle!" the ace proclaimed, rising from his seat and clenching his fist in front of him.

"Well, that may be true, but I think the tree is the main problem," Red replied, sweatdropping.

"That's just a weird anomaly, don't worry about it and focus on defeating the viruses," Shin commented, taking another sip of tea as he slotted some chips in.

"Well.... whatever you say," the crimson crusader replied, curving her lip upwards. Taking a deep breath, Red put on a cheerful expression and waved at the viruses. "Hey hey! All of you! Let me show you something cool!" Hopefully grabbing their attention, Red snapped her fingers and conjured a giant top hat above her.

"Now you see me... dooooo," Red chanted, the hat covering her entirely. A equally large wand comically appeared out of thin-air, tapping the hat before it lifted up, revealing no Red.

"Now you don't! Bop! The Magical Maiden's Butt-Punch!" Red announced, inches away from the Webby, crouched down, posterior facing the virus before she bounced back and slammed her rear-end into the virus.

Spinning around, she called out to the apples and beehives, "Now now! Don't be shy! Get down here and join me for the show!" The crimson crusader pulled out two Boomerangs during this line, and on "show," tossed them whirring at the upper viruses, aiming to knock them down to ground level, but more cutting the Honeycombs off the branches, and using her own ability to knock the apples down to a better view.

"Those bees might get angry, so you know what to do," Shin replied, tapping one chip on standby on the holoscreen.

"Just fend 'em off, right?" Red giggled, pulling out the hilt of a sword with its blade missing. Tapping it twice, a giant swath of electricity blasted out of the blade end, forming an incandescent light-show of bolts.

"Batter up!" Red called, bringing the Elecsword back and readying to swing at any bee swarms heading her way. She could feel the grass below her giving her strength by the second.

Myun, in the meanwhile, decided to actually look around for books while her muscle fibers worked together to heal injured areas.

Turn Summary:
1. Magic Trick [Decoy + Teleport (in front of Webby)]
2. Cannonball Butt-Punch at Webby [150 DMG + Break]
*Anchor: Next attack grounds virus it hits
3. Boomerang1 at AppleSamu2 group [60 +15 Wood DMG + Group Attack (Arc)] (Try knocking them down off Tree)
4. Boomerang1 at HoneyBomber2 Group [60 +15 Wood DMG + Group Attack (Arc)] (Try knocking them down off Tree by cutting off connecting stems)
5-6. Use Elecsword to beat back any bee swarms [80 Elec DMG + Slashing + Wide Attack](3 uses)
*Regen 5 on Grass

Myun's actions:
*Fiber Fixer: Heal 30 to Myun
1-3. Search around Bookshelves
Red quickly teleported forward and towards the base of the tree before she smacked the webby virus in front of her with her... posterior. The spider stood no chance and fell to the attack (150) before Red engaged the AppleSamus and HoneyBombers in the trees. Her boomerangs whizzed through the air and managed to slice one of the AppleSamus from its branch before it fell to the ground with a loud thud (75). The other was struck by the boomerang (75), but it remained on its perch before it slid from behind its HoneyBomber and fired a stream of seeds towards the crimson crusader (100).

However, Red continued to keep up the fight and engaged the HoneyBombers with a second boomerang in an attempt to knock them from the tree branches. This boomerang had similar success since it did cut one branch out from under a HoneyBomber. However, the virus kept itself from falling thanks to its nearly transparent wings. The branch caused the boomerang to go slightly off course and it struck the second HoneyBomber (75), which retaliated with a pair of bee swarms. However, Red was prepared for them and quickly sliced them down with a pair of elecsword swings, and had recovered some of her health too (15). The AppleSamus retreated into their protective fruity coverings and sealed up tight (ironbody).

AppleSamu2 A: 95 HP (In front of tree, Grass) [Anchored] [Ironbody]
AppleSamu2 B: 95 HP (On Tree) [Ironbody]
HoneyBomber2 A: 190 HP (Hovering)
HoneyBomber2 B: 115 HP (On Tree, in front of AppleSamu2 B )

Large Tree: 3000 HP (Middle of bookshelves, Anchored, Heavy)

-- ALLIES --
Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 125 HP (Grass) [Elecsword]
Myun.SP: 85 HP (Browsing the bookshelves, Normal)

20% Grass (Around Tree)
50% Cursed (Around Grass)
30% Normal (Around Cursed)
"Agh! ah ow ow ow ack! ow!" Red whined as the Applesamu barraged her with a stream of seeds that could win the nation's watermelon seed-spitting contest. Rubbing her face, Red evaluated the situation and sighed.

"They're not all at ground-level," Red pouted, bending over, depressed.

"There's still hope! If we can't get 'em the first time, we'll just need something with more force!" Shin declared, eyes burning passionately as he sent in two battlechips. Adjusting his shades upward, Shin dramatically pointed forward, giving Red a pep-talk in the form of, "Go forth Brave Warrior! Protect the books from these viral masses! Chaaaaaarge!"

Every single resident in the library let out a "Shhhhhhh!"

"R-roger that!" Red replied, tears shimmering from her eyes as she warped between the still aloft HoneyBomber and Applesamu. Spinning in mid-air, Red forwarded the GutPunch's power to her legs and delivered a powerful kick at the applesamu, hopefully using enough force to knock it off the tree.

Stepping on the tree-branch where the AppleSamu was on, the crimson crusader launched herself backwards, flipping and twirling in mid-air before she aimed a powerful overhead kick, with the addition of her innate control of gravity, at the HoneyBomber, planning to knock it down to ground level.

Landing back on the floor, Red waited for the results before deciding her next course of action. The Elecsword glowed faintly as she prepared to swing away incoming bee swarms. Her systems absorbed energy from the ground and processed her sugar deposits to repair the fairy-tale fighter's recently sustained wounds.

Myun's muscle fibers kept working on her wounds too.

Turn Summary:
1. Areagrab between HoneyBomber2B & AppleSamu2B [Teleport, Movement, Dodge, +1 Accuracy]
2. GutPunch to AppleSamu2B [70 DMG + Impact + Knockback](Knock out of Tree?)
*anchor: next attack grounds opponent.
3. GutPunch to HoneyBomber2B [70 DMG + Impact + Knockback](Overhead Hit)(4 more uses)
4. Elecsword parry any incoming bee swarms [80 Elec DMG + Slashing + Wide Attack](Last Use)
*Regen 5 on Grass
*Innate Sugar Rush: Heal 30 to Red

Myun's Actions:
*Fiber Fixer: Heal 30 to Myun
Jumping up to the top of the tree, Red bonked the apple still on the tree down to the ground, leaving the beehives ripe for the killing. The virus didn't receive any damage due to its solid casing, though. A punch to the next target sent the next virus plummeting to the ground, with a swarm of BEEEEEES coming after the red-caped warrior. A swipe of her Elecsword fixed that problem. Once the AppleSamu got out of their shells, they found themselves at a distinct disadvantage, with them at the bottom and her at the top. They tried firing their seeds anyway, and of course, missed as the thick leaf cover protected Red. Not finding any good way to do anything substantial, they shut themselves in their hard exteriors again, anticipating an overhead attack.

Meanwhile, Myun found an old book on how to cook some strange-looking stew, of which one of the ingredients was rabbit.

AppleSamu2 A: 95 HP (In front of tree, Grass) [Ironbody]
AppleSamu2 B: 95 HP (In front of tree, Grass) [Ironbody]
HoneyBomber2 A: 190 HP (Hovering)
HoneyBomber2 B: 45 HP (In front of tree, Grass)

Large Tree: 3000 HP (Middle of bookshelves, Anchored, Heavy)

-- ALLIES --
Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 160 HP (on Tree) [GutPunch 4/6] (2 Actions Left)
Myun.SP: 100 HP (Browsing the bookshelves, Normal) (3 Actions Left)

20% Grass (Around Tree)
50% Cursed (Around Grass)
30% Normal (Around Cursed)
"Hey, you can finish one off now," Shin commented to Myun, who threw away the book she found in disgust and nodded before grabbing the end of the bookshelf and propelling herself forward with quick boxing steps toward the weakened HoneyBomber.

"Then, I'll do the same with these~" Red giggled as both AppleSamus were on the ground. Myun aimed a powerful right hook at the HoneyBomber in the meanwhile, whacking it with her ears, before moving around behind it and delivering a mighty left straight at it.

"Nice idea. Burn em up nice and tender," Shin suggested, grinning as he sent in two chips.

"Today's special is deep-fried AppleSamu!" Red cheered, diving toward the ground and delivering a powerful stomp to the surface. The earth shook and cracked as pillars of lava burst out of the ground and marched their way toward the stationary AppleSamu viruses, flames roaring as they attempted to burn the viruses to a crisp.

"Phew, now that that's over with...." Red sighed, taking out a bottle of wax from her picnic basket. "We'll use this!" At that, the crimson crusader smashed the bottle onto the ground, a towering candle forming instantly and lighting its wick at the end with a green flame that soothed all allies in the area.

"....One more?" Shin mused, eating some potato chips.

-splice over-
Myun's Actions:
*Run Myun Run: Movement to get in Melee Range of Honeybomber2B
1. Attack HoneyBomber2B [50 DMG + Break]
*Rhythm boxing at HoneyBomber2B [2x10 DMG]
2. Move behind HoneyBomber2B [Movement/Dodge]
3. Attack HoneyBomber2B [50 DMG + Break]

Red's Actions:
4. Stomp FireTower1 at AppleSamu2 group [100 Fire DMG x2(Weakness) +100%(Grass) = 300 DMG + Piercing + Group Attack + Ground Attack]
5. Candle2 [Create 100-HP HeatBody object w/ Regen 10 To-All Allies]
*Regen 5 on Grass
Punching and slugging commenced as Myun reduced the HoneyBomber on the ground to a mushy pulp with her flurry of fists. The AppleSamu viruses turned to attack the rabbit SP, but were then turned flambé as two towers of fire appeared beneath them and roasted them. Things were going well, and Red set up a Candle to heal everyone's wounds.

AppleSamu2 A: DELETED
AppleSamu2 B: DELETED
HoneyBomber2 A: 190 HP (Hovering)
HoneyBomber2 B: DELETED

Large Tree: 3000 HP (Middle of bookshelves, Anchored, Heavy)

-- ALLIES --
Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 175 HP (Grass) [GutPunch 4/6]
Myun.SP: 100 HP (Trying not to remember recipe for rabbit stew, Normal)

20% Grass (Around Tree)
50% Cursed (Around Grass)
30% Normal (Around Cursed)
"Phew," Red sighed in relief, giving a thumbs up to Myun for their impressive teamwork, her pet returning the gesture in response. The red-caped wonder's sugar reserves restored some more of her health in the meantime.

"One to go," Shin reminded, analyzing the situation cautiously. "We'll hit it with something so it doesn't even have a chance to attack. I hope you're not warpsick by now," Shin chuckled, sending in the last Areagrab along with the newly acquired PhoenixShots.

"Nope! ....Well..." Red mused before receiving the battlechip data. "Ok! Let's finish this in one go!" the crimson crusader cheered, warping in an instant to the HoneyBomber's location. She attempted to wrap her legs firmly around the hive, amplifying her grip with the GutPunch power she had still imbued in her lower body.

"Heheh, today's special, roast honeybees!" Red shouted, her fists aflame, the fire forming a bird-like shape as she crashed both fists toward her final opponent, attempting to destroy in once and for all.

Letting go of the possibly burning hive, Red activated another chip Shin had sent in that moment, drawing a yo-yo from her picnic basket and launching it at a tree branch and wrapping around the structure before she fell to the ground, aiming to slow her descent. Once landing, the crimson crusader peered toward the final virus' direction, ready to move out of the way of any incoming attacks.

The Candle burned brightly, with healing for all.

Turn Summary:
*Innate Sugar Rush: Heal 30 to Red
1. Areagrab to right behind HoneyBomber2A [Teleport, Dodge, Movement, +1 Accuracy]
2. Use GutPunch Legs to Hold HoneyBomber2A [Hold?]
3-4. Double PhoenixShot1 Punch to HoneyBomber2A [70 Fire DMG x2(Weakness) = 140 DMG]x2 (Total = 280 DMG)
5. Yo-Yo1 at Tree [Slow descent]
6. Dodge
*Regen 5 on Grass
*Regen 10 To-All Allies from Candle2

Myun's actions:
1-3 Dodge
Red obliterates the last HoneyBomber. Complete with strangleholds and apples.

I don't believe it!

Habeeb it!
AppleSamu2 A: DELETED
AppleSamu2 B: DELETED
HoneyBomber2 A: DELETED
HoneyBomber2 B: DELETED

Large Tree: 3000 HP (Middle of bookshelves, Anchored, Heavy)

-- ALLIES --
Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 210 HP (Grass) [GutPunch 4/6]
Myun.SP: 100 HP (Trying not to remember recipe for rabbit stew, Normal)

20% Grass (Around Tree)
50% Cursed (Around Grass)
30% Normal (Around Cursed)

Rewards: 980z, Redfruit2, 43 Bugfragz.
"Yahoo! We're on fire!" Red cheered, pumping her fist in the air, her rabbit following suit.

"Hm... we're doing pretty well. Let's do one more and head out," Shin suggested.

"Ok! Hey! Looks like there's a neat book next to this tree!" Red commented, giggling happily as she added the text to the inventory.

Myun, in the meantime, tried hiding the rabbit stew book so it would never be seen again. The two bounced off.

After a while, Red and her SP's bouncing was cut short by a burst of gunfire that hit the ground near them. This alerted the two to a pair of turret guns off to their side which had apparently decided to open fire. Before Red could even think of firing back, however, two floating shield viruses floated in front of the turrets. As if that wasn't enough, a bunny virus hopped out from between the turrets flanked by insect viruses.

The only point of interest in the mostly normal netscape was the abundance of glass panels behind the viruses.

ShooterA: 120HP
ShooterB: 120HP
IronGuardA: 200HP (In front of ShooterA)
IronGuardB: 200HP (In front of ShooterB)
MagmackerA: 160HP
TuffBunny: 100HP
MagmackerB: 160HP

Terrain: 75% Normal, 25% Glass (large area directly behind Shooter viruses)

Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 210 HP
Myun.SP: 100 HP

Rogue Battle 4 Start!
"Interesting odds," Shin mumbled, scratching his chin as Red and Myun jumped back from the shots.

"So? What do we do?" Red inquired curiously, waving one arm frantically toward the sky.

"These guys are just too tense, let's put them under some shade," Shin suggested, chuckling lightly as Red gave a firm salute back.

"Roger that sir! One grassy knoll coming RIGHT UP!" the crimson crusader yelled, kicking the ground in front of her and elevating the playing field while spreading grass around the whole area. A tree popped up near the group of viruses, but it didn't seem to pose any significant threat to them.

"Ok, let's see them play catch, I bet they're just here to play," Shin suggested, winking as he sent in some chips.

"Oh boy! Oh boy! I haven't played catch in...." Red jumped for joy, suddenly stopping with a blank expression on her face as she tried to remember the last time she played catch. A frisbee materialized in the woodland wonder's hand in the meantime.

Staring at the object blankly, the childish navi shrugged before materializing another frisbee in her other hand and grinning gleefully at the viruses.

"Ready or not, here I come~" Red called, twirling rapidly. Faster and faster she spun, almost becoming a mini-cyclone before she sent the two frisbees zooming toward the viruses, a deadly humming resounding through the air as they approached and passed the electric-looking group and Red caught them back on the return trip.

Setting the frisbees gracefully down in front of her, one on top of the other, Red stood up and nodded firmly as she examined her work of making the stack...

...before stomping on the stack and crushing it with her right foot, causing a pillar of fire to erupt from underneath the ground, scalding her leg and marching across the ground and heading straight toward the Ironshield viruses, attempting to consume them entirely in its hellish pyre.

"And one more for the road," Red giggled, blinking out of existence as she appeared directly behind the Shooter viruses and loading a bow with a mystically powered arrow.

"Say cheese~" the red-caped wonder giggled, releasing the arrow, the projectile lighting on fire and producing an image of a bird with its wings spread out as it crashed toward the Shooter viruses.

Myun just tried not to get hit.

Turn Summary:
1. Picknicker's Refuge [Stage Change Grass, 20 HP Tree in center of virus group]
2. Boomerang1 to MagmackerA, TuffBunny, MagmackerB [60 +15 Wood DMG x2(Weakness) = 150 DMG]
3. Boomerang1 to MagmackerA, TuffBunny, MagmackerB [60 +15 Wood DMG x2(Weakness) = 150 DMG]
4. FireTower1 to IronGuard Group [100 Fire DMG +100%(terrain) = 200 DMG + Piercing + Ground Attack + Group Attack]
5. Areagrab behind Shooter Group [Teleport, Movement, Dodge, +1 Accuracy]
6. PhoenixShot1 at Shooter Group [70 Fire DMG +100%(Terrain) = 140 DMG + Wide Attack]

Myun's Actions:
1-3. Dodge
Starting off, Red changed the entirety of the battlefield into a sprawling grassland, sprouting a tree in the middle of the viruses before launching twin boomerangs at the enemy. The viruses managed to dodge the first round, but were caught off-guard by the second, heavily damaging two and deleting one. The enemies took this not lightly, as the Magmackers and IronGuards hailed upon Red with an enormous storm of bombs, their combined explosive radii completely covering the area. However Myun and Red moved, they could not evade them all. (30 @ Red) (45+Stun @ Myun) Retaliating to this, Red unleashed a FireTower on the Guards, but only hit one. The Shooter behind the deleted one decided to open fire then, but was thwarted as Red disappeared behind the turrets, and roasted them. Some healing was done by the grass as well, negating all the damage done to Red. The IronGuard realized the situation and turned around to meet Red, its shield still lowered. Firing some more bombs haphazardly in her direction, it managed to score a hit. (10)

IronGuardA: 200HP (In front of Red)
MagmackerA: 10HP
TuffBunny: DELETED
MagmackerB: 10HP

Terrain: 80% Grass, 20% Normal (Line from Myun to IronGuards)

Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 200 HP
Myun.SP: 55 HP (Stun! -1 Action)
"How interesting~" Shin commented, grinning as he observed the remaining viruses.

"This'll end quick~" Red remarked, licking her lips as she stared down the IronGuard.

"Smash 'im quick," Shin advised, sending in three battlechips.

"No matter what kind of defense it is...." Red started, spreading her arms and crouching down. In an instant, she had warped above the IronGuard and flipped forward, her foot turning into the head of a spiked mace-ball.

"...I'll definitely..." the crimson crusader continued, smashing her foot down on the virus and landing. Reaching into her picnic basket, Red pulled out three Bamboo staves and spun around before sending them flying at the IronGuard. The wind started to pick up around her...

"...break through it!" Red yelled, finishing her sentence as she held her hands in front of her while flower petals swirled around in front of her, forming a spiraling path toward the virus in front of her.

In another instant, a burst of wind shot out from the red-caped wonder's hands, following the path of the flower petals and shooting toward, and possibly through, the IronGuard.

Red subconsciously directed her recovery processes through the PeT link to her Support Program and healed the bunny, whose own healing processes started up while shaking off the stun that she took from the Magmacker viruses.

"Go get 'em, Myun," Shin ordered, smirking.

"With... pleasure," Myun growled, moving in close to the viruses in seemingly an instant using quick boxer-like movements.

"Take... this!" the boxing bunny shouted, a bit monotonously, but you could sense the anger behind the left straight she threw at the first Magmacker.

"Aaaaand!" Myun continued, diving toward the other Magmacker, twirling her ears like helicopter blades as she delivered two quick smacks at the virus, hoping to finish it off.

Red jumped slowly back, careful of what could happen while Myun did the same, watching the enemies closely.

Turn Summary:
1. Areagrab above IronGuardA [Teleport, Movement, Dodge, +1 Accuracy]
2. Cannonball Drop Kick at IronGuardA [150 DMG + Break]
3. SideBamboo1 at IronGuardA [80 +25 Wood DMG + Piercing]
4. Cherry Blossom Spiral at IronGuardA [110 Wood DMG + Break + Impact + Knockback + Phasing + Seeking](6 TCD)
*Innate Sugar Rush redirected to Myun [Heal 30]
5-6. Prepped Dodge

Myun's Actions:
*Fiber Fixer: Heal 30 to Myun
*Run Myun Run: Movement to get in melee range of Magmackers
2. Attack MagmackerA [50 DMG + Break]
*Rhythm Boxing at MagmackerB [2x10 DMG]
3. Prepped Dodge
Little miss Red set quick to her job,
and appeared above her enemy's location.
Her target had a bomb to lob,
But missed it thanks to Red's teleportation.

The Ironguard raised it's shield,
but Red's cannonball kick bypassed it.
A Magmacker shot across the field;
it poor aim saved Myun from a hit.

Red threw her Bamboo lances
and fell her unguarded foe,
While Myun boxes rhythmic dances,
and trumped Magneaker and his bro.

Red cleared the field with her bunny,
so the rest of the attacks mattered not.
Rewards awaited! Chips and money!
This is what they got:

RewardData: IronShield2, 2400 zenny, 53 BugFrags.

Red_Riding_Hood.EXE: 200 HP
Myun.SP: 100 HP

Battle 4, Victory!
"Phew, good haul," Shin complimented while he told the service he didn't need any more refreshments.

"No books here though," Red commented, shrugging as she patted herself off.

"Well you got some interesting stuff, so it doesn't matter," Shin replied, finishing the last of his tea. "Ok, we're done for the day, let's get out of here."

"Alrighty! Time to go, Myun!" Red commented, pumping her fist in the air. Her support unit did the same and nodded firmly.

Then they disappeared off the network.