Since I prefer long-range chips over sword based ones, I'm putting up my operator's RageClaw chip for something that I'd actually enjoy using. Or cash, which is also nice, but I'd prefer chips since I don't want my level going down. If you're interested, please reply!
Pardon me miss, but I was wondering exactly when you were going to inform me that you were putting up one of my chips for trade.
-Brandon Jetto
Well, it okay, then?
Well, whatever...I'll leave this to you. Just make sure you get fair value for it!
-Brandon Jetto
That last bit seemed unnecessary...
-Brandon Jetto
RageClaw for trade/sale!
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Hmm, well, for long-ranged chips, my folder includes a Shotgun and two Cannons, plus my fair share of zenny. Any combination of these sound okay to you, Target.EXE?
-Silas Lemrock-
-Silas Lemrock-
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An even deal. The Shotgun and zenny are your's. Well, actually, they will be as soon as the trade goes through!
Attached: Shotgun, 400 zenny
-Silas Lemrock-
Attached: Shotgun, 400 zenny
-Silas Lemrock-
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Glad you like the deal! I'll get my operator to attach the chip.
And she was right. Enjoy your new RageClaw.
-Brandon Jetto
+Attachment: RageClaw Battlechip
And she was right. Enjoy your new RageClaw.
-Brandon Jetto
+Attachment: RageClaw Battlechip