Chip buying.

My my, I have to think about that after the battle which I am participating this very moment. I too am saving the money to purchase a HP memory. If I have enough zennys to spare, I'll think about purchasing your extra Rageclaw.

do you have any chips you are willing to part with for my rage claw?
Haha, I would take part with my cannon anyday!! But, as I can see, your navi is a [SWORD] type navis. Hence, having almost no use for a ranged weapons such as a cannon. Don't worry my friend, I'll come one day to trade with your rageclaw.


oh well, Persephone? i think we are ready.
She's certainly going to have her hands full, handling all these trades at once.

<Swift and Gunner.EXE>
ah...if she can't handle it......too bad, so sad, get used to it.
Excuuuuse me?! I can handle more than you can any day!

800z => Suien
800z => Shigeru
RageClawx2 => Timmy

Don't get on my bad side, fool. missed the trade i have for a magbomb1 for 1000z.
That's not a trade, that's highway robbery...

Magbomb1x1 => Timmy
1000z => Swift
bite me.