DenTech Visions

As their journey through the university was drawing to a close, the trio entered the shop without hesitation, and looked around for their item. With their collective searching abilities, they managed to locate the item they were searching for with relative ease. In contrast to the large projected plaque they'd seen earlier, this miniature version was pretty small, and was only printed with a terribly shortened statement. It also seemed to serve as a kind of special pen case of some kind.

- Revitalize Intellect
- Integrate Values
- Preserve Leading Role
- Improve Civilization

It also seemed that the need to ask for a price was not of concern, as the price '1000z' was clearly printed near where the items were placed.
And so their target was found. It was quick and easy, so that was good. It was a bit of a disappointment, though.

The statement was curtailed to a terrible extent. Rose didn't need to check her picture in order to see that this one was significantly shorter. It did hit the same basic points though, and it appeared to be their only option.

" Besides, the university itself is marketing it as their vision statement, so I guess the man can't really argue that this isn't good enough."

There was, unfortunately, a price. Fortunately, though, it wasn't too bad. "So a thousand zenny for this incredibly summarized plaquette. I guess that's the best we're going to do."

The girl decided to offer up her own cash.

Rose didn't think much of dropping that kind of cash, especially with her job and her safety nets to fall back on. And even if she had thought about it, Sabrina had expressed a desire to not spend money, and Zeo was a pushover who would have done it if he wanted to or not. With his whole "no future due to no school" thing happening, Rose likely wouldn't have wanted him wasting what little he had.

She picked up a plaque that looked like it was in good condition, brought it to the front counter, prepared her payment, and awaited service. She was fairly casual about the whole deal, since they didn't need to impress this store clerk to get what they wanted.
The cashier-girl had perked up somewhat at the sight of people walking in earlier, and tried to look as cheerful as possible. Unfortunately, it could plainly be seen that she was sleep-deprived for some reason; the expression on her face was vacant as she took the payment and said the usual "Thank you!". After that, the purchase was stashed in a quickly retrieved plastic bag, and given to the purchaser.

Three down, four to go.
"Alright, that's another one off the list. It was surprisingly easy, too," Zeo said, pleased. did I miss those plaques?

Making a mental note to be more observant, Zeo turned from the counter, shot the pile of plaques a quick glare and started towards the door. "Thanks for paying, Rose. I can probably cover the next thing we need to get if we have to pay." He hadn't really put much thought into who would pay for the plaque, and Rose had bought it before Zeo could even consider doing so. Of course, that meant he'd have to dip into either the busting funds or the living funds, but he was fine on both for now anyway. "Speaking of the next thing, where are we headed next?" Zeo asked.

He paused to push open the door again and step outside. Once everyone was out he kept walking in the direction of Rose's car. "I... don't even remember all of the list. Just the NetCafe one, but I've never even been there." He also remembered the poker chip, but Zeo wasn't eager to go to NetVegas since it would undoubtedly result in some crazy plan to get the chip, their whole group being too young to enter a casino legally. "So uh, what next?" he finished.
Rose smiled and thanked the rather exhausted looking woman at the counter. As she made her way out of the shop, she held the bag towards Sabrina. "She does have that bottomless fanny-pack, after all. If it fits a spare outfit, I'm sure she can fit a mini-plaquette." Rose theorized.

"Yep," the girl smiled in response to Zeo's affirmation of how easy the object had been. "And no, it's no problem, really," she continued with a shrug. She just nodded to the proposition that Zeo would pay next. She didn't imagine the rest would cost much though.

"There's also the Thousand-Year-Old Spring-Boiled Egg, which Sabrina said her Mother may know something about; the two Tier-Three chips, which her Father may be able to help us with; and the Nil-value poker chip, which we'd probably have to go to NetVegas for," little Miss Exposition added for Zeo's sake. She'd seen the list recently, since she'd been in her pictures taking the Plaque one and reviewing it after the purchase.

"I don't really care where we head next, but it'd probably save us time," ("And gas money," she added internally, though she didn't mention this), "if we covered everything we could from Electopia while we're here."

Rose turned to the female member of their party. "Well, since half of the stuff remaining depends on you, what do you think?" She'd decided that it would be nice to offer choice on the matter to the member of their team most critical in the decision making process.

"But the egg may be the only one left in Electopia. I mean, assuming Sabrina's father lives in Netopia, which would only make sense. You never know, though. She's here, and her mother is in Yoka, so he very well could be staying here with them."

The girl considered inquiring about it, but figured she'd get an answer based off how Sabrina responded, anyway. They could chat more about her parents on the way to visit them.
And that was that. Sweet. Whipping out the list once more, she scratched the plaque off, happy that an item didn't require near injury, be it from a really big guy or a brain aneurysm. With that, she looked over the list once again as Rose talked about them all from memory...then asked for her input on what to get next. "Well, if we're getting everything in Electopia first, we don't have a choice. I haven't heard anything from Dad yet, so I guess we're off to Yoka." But before they did..."Oh, I should probably tell you guys ahead of time. My mom's a little...weird. She's really nice, but...well, don't expect her to always say the right things at the right time. Or even something about what you're talking about." Sabrina always figured that was because most of her Mom's brain was filled with recipes and other cooking-related knowledge, leaving little room for following conversations.

"Of course, she's also a super-talented cook, so chances are you won't care if you get to try some stuff she makes!" Come to think of it, it was probably past lunch time. Maybe they could get her to whip something up for them.

A sudden noise could suddenly be heard. It was difficult to make out at first, but it sounded like a growling stomach. "Ahh, sorry guys! I guess I shouldn't think about it too much..."

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Scavenger Hunt

1- Batch AA-00001 Process Upgrade ~SciLab (Suitachi's Navi Shop)
2- Nil-Zenny Poker Chip ~NetVegas
3- [Neuronomicon], author Maya Frasser ~Bookstore in ElecTown
4- Previous three NetCafe Secret Menu listings ~NetCafe
5- Two (2) Tier-3 Battlechips ~Dad?
6- Thousand Year-Old Spring-Boiled Egg ~Yoka (Mom?)
7- Dentech University 200X Vision Statement Plaque ~DenTech
Zeo was pleased to hear that the next item on the list involved dealing with Sabrina's family and didn't object whatsoever. It would certainly be easier getting it through someone close. I hope, Zeo tacked on mentally after hearing Sabrina's addendum about her mother. He couldn't dismiss the possibility that dealing with a relative of Sabrina could actually make their quest more difficult, but he preferred not to consider that. Besides, it was kind of rude, even if he wasn't saying it out loud. Sabrina probably knew how to talk with her own mother, it was common sense.

The proposition of a free and apparently tasty meal was also nice, as Zeo hadn't eaten too much today. Even if he had, he was sure he'd still be starving at this point. In fact... what did I eat today? His inability to remember was quickly forgotten a moment later. He laughed after Sabrina's final words and was about to reply when he realized that they'd reached Rose's car. "There we go," Zeo said cheerfully. "And so ends the DenTech leg of our hunt." If all went well, the next leg of their journey wouldn't take too long either. He walked over to the car and waited for Rose and Sabrina to reach the car so they could leave.
Rose just nodded as Sabrina explained her mother. "What less could you expect from the woman who gave birth to this lovely and interesting character?"

"I wouldn't worry about it." She assured her friend, and then, upon mention of food, she added, "Sounds delicious already."

Rose wasn't actually too crazy about food, but she was sure that whatever a world class chef made would be high quality. "Not necessarily something I'll love, but something good that I'll want to be able to say I've had, probably."

Rose was happy that they were going to meet Sabrina's parents, as it was sure to be interesting and fun. It'd also be nice to get to know more about her.

Since they were limited to one choice, Rose took that to mean the father must indeed be in Netopia. She was sort of glad they were meeting the mother first; mothers had a habit of being more, well, motherly, and domestic. Which theoretically should make them feel more welcomed upon meeting.

Also she'd heard less about the mother, and for Rose more information was always good.

While thinking the group had somehow arrived at the car. "That was fast," she thought, as she opened it up and got ready to take off.

"Yep. Just a few more to go." Rose wasn't ready to get too excited yet. She'd be more excited after the next one, when they were more than halfway done and entirely done with Electopia.
And there they were. The car. Sabrina opened the door, prepared to get in...but first, she removed the jacket she had worn for the previous leg of the journey. She wouldn't need to wear it anymore, and she definitely wasn't cold. After stuffing it into her pack and getting in the car, she decided to make one thing a bit clearer. "Oh, I know I said my mom was weird and all...but don't worry. There's no way she won't help us out! I guess...eccentric would be a good word for her?"

Come to think of it, she should probably be nicer about how she phrased her mother's mental state...after all, what if she turned out like that? Shuddering at that thought, Sabrina sat back as the trio moved on to their next destination.

(hey, look at us, we're off to Yoka!)
[Friendship Experience Accrued!]

Zeo/Sabrina [+4]
Rose/Zeo [+6]
Sabrina/Rose [+3]