A quiet table in the Navi Shop

Rogan resisted the urge to sigh with relief when his companion didn't take his diversion too badly amiss. As much, in truth, because she didn't bite at it, as for her remaining calm. Unfortunately, his relief didn't last as she jumped right back to the topic he'd tired to edge away from. It seemed very casual, and completely polite, but unerring all the same.

He could tell her no, probably, but when a person was curious that never worked out well, no matter how much they might try to be polite. Carefully he weighed his options, taking a moment to reach for his cup again. Ah, empty, that was right. Without really thinking he raised the cup above his head and caught the barista's eye again. The man nodded to him.

Still thinking he cast his eyes to Leslie then, arching one eyebrow to see if she was ready for a top up as well. He knew exactly who she was now, and if it wasn't exactly the stellar peaks of stardom, at least it was a position notable enough hat she wasn't likely to be connected in any way that would be dangerous for him. She seemed far too honest for that. Out of ways to dodge the question, he began to decided whether it was a risk worth taking, for the sake of his cover, given what he was doing at the moment. It would probably be ok to give her at least a vague picture, to satisfy her curiosity.

Unfortunately, his PET chose that moment to blink the last of the probe's green lights back to yellow. His eyes darted down to sift through the window showing the streaming list of information, data and coding that ran through the window on on half of the display. Nothing... the connection was here somewhere though, he knew it had to be.

"Please forgive me for a moment, Leslie. I have to take care of this first and it needs a few moments of concentration." With a small smile his attention went back to the screen, fingers on his left hand dancing quickly. Through Lyntael's internal location he had enough access cover to... ok, and now, this root to find... Twice in the next minute he very nearly tripped a flag that would have singled him out, and maybe sent security to them, despite Lyntael's filtering, but gradually more databases opened up for the probe to scan through without detection. When the next stage of his delve was stabilised he tapped in the commands to scan the networks he'd uncovered and the probe's lights blinked green again as it set to. Still monitoring and guiding its progress gently with one hand, he relaxed again, the tricky part dealt with for now.

"Again I apologise; that was rude of me, but it was necessary. You see, Leslie... I may not have been entirely honest with you before about my work." For a moment he pondered how to phrase it for her. "My hobby is just as much a part of my work as the photography is, you see. As far as many are concerned, it's probably more truly my profession than anything I do behind a lens." He fell silent as the fresh drinks arrived, nodding politely to the man who brought them and taking and extra few moments to inhale the steam once more.

"I deal in... information. In something of a specialised field, you might say. I need Lyntael to be able to handle herself, because I need her to be able to work with me, in tandem." With a small sigh he rolled his shoulders. No matter how relaxed this was, a part of him still wasn't completely comfortable talking about it at all, even if he'd already convinced himself it couldn't hurt. "Before I had her, there were simply some projects I couldn't pursue at all... jobs that I could not take. It has never been a problem; I do as I do and take the work I wish to, but, with her to assist me at the internal network level, more becomes possible." He took a long sip of his coffee, checking Lyntael's progress as he did. Still stable, finishing up, more or less. Good. "But, only if she can do her part and look after herself while I'm busy with mine. I know that she can, and so I trust her to learn quickly and do so."

Fortunately for Rogan('s bank account), Leslie had slowed a bit on her tea consumption, so she was still fine with her second cup. As he proceeded to do...whatever it was he was doing, Leslie checked out the battle situation, such that it was. They were stuck on a single virus? Granted, Martia had basically stopped participating, but was the other Navi really so bad at busting that she needed that long to beat one enemy? Then again, at least she was supporting her Navi...

As she tried to wrap her head around it, the martial artist finally got her explanation on just what her new acquaintance was doing. More or less. "Oh, I get it. Sounds like why I got Martia...I wanted to spread martial arts, especially my family's specialty of karate, across the cyberworld as well as the real world! So I guess we're alike that way, huh?"

"But, uh, no offense or anything, but...well, looking at the battle, your Navi, Lyntail, her name was? Well...she kinda sucks at fighting. Martia didn't have too much trouble with anything, but yours hasn't been able to beat one virus yet." ...Oh, idea! "Actually, if you really can't spend much time operating her, maybe you should use some chips that can be used more than once, so she can be more self-sufficient, and you can spend less time sending her stuff! Lemme think, what do I have that's like that...there's GutsPunch and FireHit, like I used earlier...oh, right, there's also this thing called RageClaw. It's a really common chip, and it lets a Navi attack with it 6 times before it goes away. You wouldn't by any chance have one, would you? It'd probably help her a lot." Woo, look at her, giving operating advice. She never thought she'd see the day.
In many ways, Leslie made a valid enough argument, Rogan supposed. He wanted to frown at the side of his screen still showing Lyntael's combat stats. He case certainly seemed to be helped by the slow down the navi pair had experienced. She would have a point, if not for the realities of his occupation.

" 'Lin-tile' is how it's pronounced, the a-e diphthong makes it a hard 'i' sound." He enunciated the two syllables clearly for her, and winked. "It's latin in formation, but a name without meaning in and of itself. My brother has a penchant for latin names. I probably should have changed it when he gave her to me, when I made the PET itself more... sensible, I suppose, but... it does no harm." Reskinning the PET from its bright sunshine yellow to the sleek black it was now was one necessity, as far as he was concerned... but probably better not to mention at this juncture that the only reason he hadn't renamed her then as well was that he hadn't known how to, and that Lyntael herself had immediately began displaying hurt and shock when he had asked about it. He shrugged with a vaguely non-committal gesture for the rest of her suggestion.

"There are similarities, I admit, but not quite the same. Suppose your Martia was designed in such a way that she was made to seem inexhaustibly shy? That she would not leave your PET at all, or let herself be known or seen except under the most strenuously private of circumstances? If that were so, she would be utterly unsuitable for the task you needed her to perform, and no amount of extra assistance or outside support would make using her worth your while. Nothing short of fixing that failing directly would be of any use to you, correct? It is the same with Lyntael." He sipped his coffee and rubbed softly at the back of his neck, wondering if he'd been too obscure in his explanation.

"Certinaly, I have the time and freedom to make use of chips here and now, and hold her hand... but there will be times when there can be no deus ex-machina of chip support to save her, no friendly colleague to throw her recovery chips," a small grin quirked at one corner of his mouth as his eyes held Leslie's, despite his otherwise very serious expression. "What happens when she works in places that render her completely isolated and disconnected from the PET, except for basest communication? When I must work in one system, and she in another, together towards a task, such that I cannot assist her? What then? Virus busting is incidental and secondary to the work that she will need to be doing in these circumstances, and it will be vital to her continued existence and my own safety, that she be able to do as she is told, and look after herself as she does so, alone, unassisted and isolated." He shook his head. "Because that is how she will be the vast majority of the time: utterly alone."

Rogan sat back in his chair and repositioned slightly, his eyes drifting over the cafe and the small handful of other patrons with a casual ease. He continued as his eyes wandered.

"The work I'm doing at the moment isn't strenuous, and for the most part, Lyntael's presence alone is enough to maintain the little smokescreen she's running for me... but it is not always like this; I must be certain she is ready for it when it is not. If she fails in her tasks in a situation more serious than this, or if she fails to defend herself while doing so and is corrupted in the process... I might be able to recover some of the data lost, even most of it, perhaps... but it equally could cost me my freedom or my life, depending on just how badly things go wrong." Despite the starkness of his last comment, he managed a small chuckle, his lips curling in a smirk. "And Eric would probably have my guts for garters himself, for getting his precious 'child' 'killed'..." He hid his amusement behind his drink a moment later, though it hadn't quite occurred to the man that someone who didn't share his views might find the comment more horrifying than amusing.

As he chatted casually, it became clear that, despite a friendly disposition and charming demeanour, time permitting or not, Rogan had no intention of offering his navi any actual assistance, beyond verbal commands. He glanced down at the screen again, breaking eyes with Leslie to look back and forth between his own readouts and delicate hacking, and Lyntael's situation.

"I need to push further, Lyntael. Keep moving." He didn't wait for the softly spoken 'yes, sir,' in confirmation, that only followed after several seconds this time; after a cursory examination his eyes came back up again. It seemed that, aside from that one glance around the cafe a moment ago, whenever he was not looking at the screen, his eyes would remain fixed on hers, an intent and focused green that only changed at all whenever he laughed.

Right, foreign language, whatever. Leslie blankly nodded as Rogan explained the origin of his Navi's name, ceasing to care on the issue as soon as she found out she wasn't pronouncing it right. He then proceeded to explain a bit about his Navi, and how she differed from Martia. He did have a point, but at the same time..."I dunno, I think I could find a way to make to work. Like, instead of trying to get massive Navi classes, maybe make her more of a private, one on one trainer or something, so she wouldn't be too out of her comfort zone. It might not be perfect, but that doesn't mean the whole thing can't work or anything."

The next part, however, proceeded to make her brain implode, or at least feel like it. Was she really hearing him right? "Okay, lemme get this straight. You can give her chips right now, but you're not, because sometime in the future you can't? Am I hearing that right? Because if I am, you're being stupid. Isn't this the perfect chance for you to make Lyntael stronger? You have time to kill, your Navi's paired up with someone capable of handling herself...I know as well as anyone about the importance of training, but if you always train the same way, that's the only thing you'll know how to do. And then, when a real situation comes up, you won't know how to adapt. How to be flexible in the heat of battle." ...Why was she saying all this, anyway? People like that never listened. Just a waste of air. "Oh, whatever. You're probably not paying attention to me by now, anyway. So I'll put it this way. You need Lyntael to be able to fend for herself, right? Well, you're gonna need upgrades for that to happen. And if you send chips when you can, you'll get more cash for them faster. And then everyone's happy, because you'll have a stronger Navi, Lyntael won't get the crap beaten out of her, and I'll have a Navi that isn't overworked. Right?" By now, the martial artist's look was quickly turning into a glare aimed right at the person across from her, and had completely stopped drinking her tea. Which, for anyone that knew her, might be the scariest part of all.
About to respond with an equally hard tone, Rogan checked himself, watching Leslie's reaction carefully. She was very definitely not pleased with his stance, and with his leaving Lyntael to fend for herself. She didn't seem to grasp the importance of it, or the necessity of making her ready, but there seemed to be no way to explain it in a way that would satisfy the fierce young woman. Yes, fierce, that was the word he was beginning to associate with her. Something in her voice and behind her eyes told him that annoying her any further might be a bad move in more ways than just depriving him of his cover story. A different approach then.

"You wound me... Of course I listen to you, Leslie. Much of what you say is true, but I simply don't agree with the whole of it, just as I suspect you don't particularly agree with me." As if in contrast to her reticence, Rogan paused long enough to take a protracted sip of his coffee.

"You say I should make use of chips here and offer Lyntael support that she will not have access to when it is truly important, since it's no good to train in only one fashion. Well, I could say the same to you. Perhaps I should encourage you to bust with me for a while, without the aid of your battle chips? No?" He arched his eyebrows at her for a moment, offering her as friendly and genuine a smile as he could. "If you're not fond of that idea, then how about a compromise? Operate and instruct your Martia as you see best, and I'll operate and instruct Lyntael as I see best, and we'll agree to disagree over that issue, hmm?"

That still left her voiced concern about her own navi being overworked by the area, but he didn't really suppose it would be too great a threat, realistically. His sweep didn't need to move very quickly, really, so even if Leslie took umbrage at his not-quite challenge, and did decide to go chip free, the slow-down wouldn't hurt. He tilted his head slightly, still grinning as he watched her, and took another sip.

"Yeah...guess what? Way back when I first got Martia, that's exactly what I tried. Just jacked her in and went to do stuff. And you know what? It sucked. I think she got, like, 2 battles done in about 3 hours? And she can't even protect herself with sparks like Lyntael. All she could do was whatever martial arts moves she could come up with, and make sure whatever she attacked didn't do the same thing. Hell, that's what got me thinking that she needed more than what she came programmed with!" And thus was Rogan's idea metaphorically rapid punched into submission. "I'm telling you, even just a couple of chips make things go so much faster it's not even funny!"

With that, Leslie wet her whistle once again, and treated her digestive system to some more tea, a sign that she was calming down at least a little. "Not bad tea at all! I should probably make a mental note about here, if I'm ever around SciLab and need my tea fix!" Well, assuming the prices were reasonable, anyway. Though places like this were rarely known for their low costs...eh? Something didn't quite feel right. A quick look down revealed that her left hand wrap was getting a bit loose. "Yep, knew it. Hang on a sec..." In a matter of seconds, the entire bandage had been unraveled, and she began rewrapping. It didn't take a martial arts expert to know that she'd done this a time or two before. It wasn't long before her entire wrist and hand, save the fingers, were covered. She made a fist to test, and smiled, which probably meant the results were positive. "...Perfect! Tight, without cutting off any circulation! Sorry about that, but it was gonna drive me nuts if I didn't fix it!" On the plus side for Rogan, it shifted her mind off topic, so he was probably off the hook for the time being.
Rogan's small grin didn't falter as Leslie continued to press her case at him. Not a complete truce perhaps, but an improvement to some extent. Carefully, he set his coffee down on the table top again and leaned back. It was almost empty again, but enough still remained that he could claim not to be finished yet if the table staff got antsy. All they needed now was another jump of topic and with any luck she'd let the matter go for now.

As if on cue, the young woman made her own distraction moments later and Rogan watched her rebinding with amusement. It struck him that while she had struggled with ungainly uncertainty with the upgrades to her PET, where his actions were nimble and quick, here was something that showed a complete reverse; her actions were efficient, practised and precise, every bit as skilful and certain with this task as he had been with the other. Little parallels like that always made him smile, and here he chuckled softly as she apologised, as though he hadn't done the same moments earlier, and for longer.

"Not a worry at all; it is, after all, important to keep the tools and effects of one's trade in good order, no?" And there was a helping of irony to go with it, considering the topic he was steering carefully away from. "Though it does make me think of one thing, if you don't mind my asking of course." His grin flashed teeth at her is a quick smile and he tilted his head slightly, raising an eyebrow.

"You mentioned before, when you first acquired Martia, about her having to make do with whatever she 'could come up with'. Did she not inherit your own compliment of skills, training and prowess? I would have thought that would have been an important part of it, if you had her custom made for you. Not that I'm meaning to pry, of course, but it does make me curious."

He held her eyes for a moment longer after asking, then spared a glance down at his own screen. Most of the available areas he had faked clearance for were searched now, without result. Time to press on, but Lyntael had barely moved. The further he probed away from her network location the easier it would be for his own searches to be detected. He suppressed the urge to give her another command to move on; right now he wanted his companion's attention away from the manner in which he instructed his navi, and there truly was no rush right at the moment. She knew where to go without being told again, he could wait for her. Besides, if he had to come back later and hack more directly, it wouldn't matter, and now was a safe enough place to test Lyntael's capabilities to do this task. He relaxed, letting the PET rest into his lap again in one hand and glancing back up to Leslie instead.

"Oh, of course not. Martia has extensive working knowledge of almost every type of martial art known to man, and the natural technique to put it all to use! But, she does have a problem with that...because she's almost all technique, and pretty much no power whatsoever. Of course, when I found that out, I went and bitched to the person that made her for me. But, it was way too late to alter her like that. So what he did, was add a technique recognition system into her, which allows her to adopt moves from other Navis she fights with or against, and use them herself! And somehow, she manages to convert the technique so that, by working with her innate ability, it brings out its true power, and lets her hit with more strength than she could ever muster on her own! But don't even think about asking exactly how it works, because I don't have a F-ing clue! I'm kinda surprised I remembered that much, honestly..." Hmm. Now that she brought that up, it made her wonder how much of a move Martia could copy like that. A punch was a punch, but if that punch was normally covered in electricity, would she get that part, too? Or just the punching part? She might find out before the end of the day, if her Navi was paying attention to her partner. And based on what she'd seen, she probably was.

"But, of course, for that to work, you need to actually encounter other Navis. And it doesn't necessarily have to be actual fighting, but there needs to be some form of competition for it to work at top efficiency. I think that's how it works, anyway. And until recently, I haven't had very many chances to go out and do things with Martia, so I haven't gotten much mileage out of it yet. At least I know it works, I guess!" Man, look at her, going all in-depth about her Navi's inner workings. Made her feel smart. Which also made her bona fide triple threat, with brains to go with her beauty and brawn. Sweet. Now, she just needed to not do anything incredibly stupid in the near future, as she was oddly prone to do in these moments.
Ahh, that did the trick alright. Rogan grinned and nodded to his companion, listening as she went into detail about her navi's specifics. He had hoped that question would grab her enthusiasm enough. He could almost see the veritable torrent of other side thoughts racing through the young woman as she spoke, and it made him chuckle, the sort of genuine mirth that made his eyes sparkle and dance as it took him.

"That does seem very useful indeed. For your protestations of not understanding it, you do seem better informed than some I've met, and interested in it with some passion as well, if I may say." another soft laugh got past his teeth before he contained it with a smile. A quick glance don told him that Lyntael was moving again now, perfect.

"I have to admit, I didn't question Eric too deeply when he gave me Lyntael. I think I was more concerned by the fact that he gave her the appearance of a fifteen year old, and an outfit that would raise eyebrows on even an adult. He is a peculiar man. I'd believe that the thought of looking at her that way actually hadn't crossed his mind... though he did talk at length abut how important it was that she be truly complete, and able to 'experience' the full range of every spectrum and experience, if she 'wanted' to." He shook his head with a small grin, retrieving his coffee and draining the last of it before he realised. "But you see why I didn't get very far with him, perhaps... it is difficult to ask about uses and specifications, when the designer is caught up in more concern about what a program 'experiences', than whether it's useful or not."

Wryly amused, he glanced at his Pet again and taped a few more buttons, beginning to delicately press his search further once more. "Fancy another, by the way? I noticed that this place seems to have an interesting selection of treats to go with their drinks, as well, if you're interested. Least I can offer for taking up all your time like this." Another flash of teeth and a twinkle in green eyes above as he offered, that same eyebrow arching up again to punctuate his question.

"Well, I try to learn what I can...anything that can get me a leg up on the competition!" After all, no matter how powerful you were, knowing how to use your moves was as important as the moves themselves. She fell silent as Rogan kept going...it sorta bugged her how he kept remarking about his Navi's 'uses' and 'specifications', as though she were some sort of mindless machine. Well, technically she probably qualified as a machine, but most Navis were anything but mindless. "Experience isn't really chopped liver, you know...you can learn about uses and all that through experiences. Really, you could argue that it's more important than any of that. There's a reason most people respect their elders, after all!"

As her acquaintance pointed out some of the other, non-liquid stuff the shop offered, Leslie looked over to take a look. Nothing stood out, though; she was never much for sweets. Now, if they had sushi, she'd take up the offer in a heartbeat..."Thanks, but no thanks. You don't get a figure like this by scarfing down cookies!" Or, in her case, having basically nothing besides noodles to scarf down, along with hours of rigorous physical training. It was probably a small miracle she wasn't a walking skeleton by now. "I'll take a tea refill, though!"
A small shrug and a relaxed smile served as part of his response as Rogan let his eyes drift over his companion again briefly. It occurred to him that, if she saw, Lyntael would most likely scold him for staring like some sort of letch, or at least, she try to, then sulk when he shushed her. Still, it wasn't as though he was actually staring; he was being quite casual about it, really. Besides which, there was absolutely nothing wrong, in his book, with looking at and appreciating things of beauty.

"As you wish," at his gesture to the wait-staff, another drink for Leslie was swiftly made up and sent towards their table. He brought his gaze back to her face as it arrived. "I don't discount the value of experiences, of course. I'm completely self-taught in all my fields of work, in fact. I still find myself having to deal with mistakes from the early days, even now on occasions. Experience is a wonderful educator," here he chuckled, a rich and amused sound. "If sometimes a harsh mistress." The gentle shake of his head that seemed to be his unconscious was of dismissing an idea or argument. "The problem with the exchange is the supposition that we are dealing with an actual entity, capable of having genuine experiences in the first place. Many believe it to be so; I do not." To forestall the reaction he was certain that would follow that degree of bluntness, Rogan went on smoothly. "But that's a topic I expect we will remain at odds on; I shalln't convince you, nor you, I, so let us please not fight over it." Perhaps a small concession was in order too, just to smooth things... "Besides, Martia and Lyntael seem to be getting on very well together, it would be a shame to break them up so soon over a disagreement between us, no?" If Leslie believed that the navis were truly entities that had genuine experience, perhaps an appeal to that might keep her cool enough to continue.

"Maybe you can tell me something instead. If I remember the research I did so long ago correctly, you're normally located in the Yoka region, is that right?" He picked up his coffee mug again, only to rediscover, for the second time, that it was still empty. He should have gotten a refill at the same time Leslie did, but he'd probably had enough coffee for now anyway. Setting it back down with a small grimace, he went on. "I myself have never had the occasion to work out that way, or even to visit, but I've heard a little from others who have... visitors every one. Tell, what's it like to live there?" He recrossed his legs and relaxed back, tilting his head slightly as he watched her. On his PET, the search drifted to a pause again, but he left it; Lyntael had stopped again as well, and it wouldn't do to outstrip her.

Woo, more tea. Leslie didn't go straight for it, though, given the copious steam coming from it. She wasn't incredibly thirsty at this point, anyway. She then shot Rogan a sour look as he stated his views on Navis again, though this time it was less what his view was, and more that it would almost seem like he was baiting her if he hadn't kept going. But, he had, so it was pretty obvious he wasn't. "Well, that's not entirely my call, anyway. There's nowhere I absolutely HAVE to be, so even if I didn't like you, I'd probably still stick around and see how much tea I could bum off of ya!" Come to think of it, it probably didn't look that different to him..."Uh, don't worry about that, by the way. This is probably going to be my last cup. And thanks for picking up the check, by the way. I love the dojo, but it's not exactly a good way to get rich, you know?"

And speaking of which, time to talk about her hometown. "I dunno if I'd call it a region...it's really just a sleepy little town right at the edge of DenCity. Most people are involved somehow in the area's tourism, since we have the most renowned zoo in all of Electopia, and world renowned hot springs. But I guess you didn't ask for the encyclopedia entry, huh? What it's like to live there...uh, I never really thought about it, really. I mean, I've lived in Yoka ever since I was born. But, I guess I really like it. For the most part, everyone being nice isn't just an act for tourists; a lot of people I know are friendly even after business hours! It's also got a nice balance to it...it's far enough away from the big city that it's quiet and peaceful most of the time, but not so far that you can't make a quick trip there for whatever reason. Plus, if you luck out like I did, you can end up with your own private hot spring in your backyard! What's not to like about that? The one problem is that during the busy season, it gets really, really busy, and unless you can swing across lampposts, you'll have trouble getting around from place to place." It was probably a bit jarring at how casually she threw that out there, as though she knew from experience. "Of course, some of the less developed areas, like where I live, don't really have much of them, since it's a pretty traditionalist area. But, since so few people go there anyway, it doesn't really matter, I guess."

With that, the martial artist took a good, close look at the person sitting across from her. Yep, he still looked forgettable, though one thing was pretty clear. "So, where are you from? You don't look like you're from Electopia, that's for sure!"
A gentle nod and an equally gracious grin answered Leslie's sudden concern about her ordering. Rogan shrugged softly to her despite himself. Few things cooled the temper like a sudden case of self conscience and he relaxed inwardly at her concern If it looked to the outside like he was simply being casually chivalrous about buying her drinks, and nothing more, then he certainly saw no reason to correct her.

"No, indeed. I actually move around a lot, and I rarely settle in one place for very long, but, ah..." His normal hesitation made him pause, but after only a slight delay he continued. He counted himself a good judge of character, and a drop of truth wasn't going to case any problems with this young lady. "Originally, I suppose, I hail from a lively little place up in northern Netopia. Lovely place where the girls are all red hair and freckles, and pretty as the hills, and they'll laugh and trade you a kiss for a dance if your feet are nimble and your tongue clever." Unconscious of how his eyes danced with joyful memory as he grinned, he winked at her, then looked down at himself for a moment. Without checking his actions, a soft sigh managed to slip out.

"Truthfully, I've not been back in a very long time. I don't really think of it as home any more, but I do find myself missing the nights of music and song... and dancing." It was an extra moment before he added, well, admitted really, "...and the pretty girls." With another guilty shrug he turned his eyes back to Leslie. "But for today I have the pleasure of your company, and that more than makes up for it, I assure you... Swinging on lamp posts, you say?" If his grin this time was ever so slightly cheeky, and the arch of his eyebrow wry, then so be it. "You must be very limber indeed, no?" The smirk became a pleasant chuckle as he felt himself relaxing far more than he probably should. Ah well, it was a nice enough day.

"So, you're a roamer, huh?" Leslie took another sip of tea, looking a bit more thoughtful than normal. "I always thought that'd be nice, just drifting from country to country, taking in the sights and fighting styles. I've seriously thought about doing it a couple times. But it's not gonna happen...I definitely can't leave my father, since who knows what he'd do without me. And if he passed away, I'd have to assume my role as head of the dojo right away, as the only survivor of the Battle clan. So it's a good thing I like Yoka, since I'm not leaving it any time soon, huh?" She grabbed her yet to be drank from cup, and tried to blow on it to cool it off, but it almost came off as a deep sigh, despite her efforts to avoid it sounding that way.

As she thought, Rogan was Netopian, though the specifics were news to her. She thought it was a bit interesting at how quick he focused on the ladies of where he was from...he hadn't really come across as that kind of guy. His response afterward, on the other hand, finally made her realize that maybe, just maybe, most people weren't capable of hopping along public lighting to get around town faster. "Well, I only do it when it's really crowded...and only in Yoka! Everyone there knows me and father, so no one really cares, and the tourists usually just stop and stare. And of course I'm limber! Anyone that spends their life following the path of martial arts is!" She'd give him a demonstration, but she knew from experience that doing that in public, and especially inside, was not a wise idea.

"By the way...I don't think I ever came out and thanked you for helping me install those HPMemories. So, er...thanks!" The martial artist performed a small bow, though the stiffness made it obvious that she was feeling a little awkward about it. Usually, she was the one helping relative strangers. It was a bit odd to her for the reverse to be true.
Whether the vaguely flirtatious innuendo was missed entirely, or politely ignored, Rogan let it slide with a gracious nod of his head. He really was being unusually bold; it made him realise just how long it had been since he'd had a normal conversation with a woman who was not also his opponent in some way. Electronic media only went so far after all, and certainly could never provide the fun that so appealed to him in the game of playful flirting.

"Not at all, you're most welcome. I'd hardly be much of a gentleman if I didn't help a pretty young lady when she asked. Besides..." Here he winked, his grin just a little bit self-mocking. "I seem to recall I wasn't being much of a gentleman at all, before a certain someone intervened. Truthfully, I should be the one apologising for that." Sitting up again, he rolled his shoulders and reclaimed his PET from the table top, checking it briefly, and carefully probing other related and cross-linked areas for the information he was after, while Lyntael was clearly holding position. The name led here, there had to be more to it than a blank employee record with no assigned data or occupation. That was just too suspicious. As his fingers tapped and tweaked, he looked back up to Leslie in between.

"It would be nice, if the travelling was all that dreamy adventure novels made it out to be. I've read a few that tell stories of daring drifters and dreamers, seeing the world and living by lady Fortuna's pleasure. For myself, it's not nearly so romantic, I'm afraid to say. I go where my work leads me, and often as not it means strange hours, uncomfortable sleeping arrangements, and whatever terrible food I can get while on the way from 'a' to 'b'." He leaned in with an almost impish grin that wavered somewhere between conspiratorial and commiseration. "If you're ever in Sharo, and you pass vendors offering 'traditional' pelmeni... I'd advise you to decline." The probe on his PET beeped quietly, a muted sound that wouldn't have travelled much beyond the pair themselves, and Rogan set it down again, waiting.

"Still, I suppose it's comfortable enough, in its own way. I couldn't imagine working a desk job, or even living like a hermit, like my brother, trying to 'dissolve the ever more blurry line between navi and operator' as he puts it. The freedom is worth the costs, I'd say, for me anyway."

And with that he stumbled up against the other half of what Leslie had said before he'd had a chance to think about it.

"Last of the clan, you said? It must be quite a heavy responsibility to live with, especially with the whole of your life still ahead of you." Her words fit together a few more puzzle pieces in his mind. Just her father, so that flicker of pain before; must have been the loss of the mother, and her the only daughter to the family, by the sound of it. "I'm sorry, I didn't realise it was such a hard situation, I hope you don't think me rude. But perhaps you'll have the chance to travel more some day." she did sound as though she wanted to, after all, no harm in offering some encouragement. "If the Battle family legacy is contained within and carried by you, then one day, that legend will go wherever you do, and spread to any part of the world you chose to take it, surely? I'm sure you'll see the world yet, if you want to, miss Leslie."

What he didn't say, though the thought rolled like distant thunder in the back of his mind, was that one day, when the ties that bound here to home so tightly were shorn away, she might travel simply because the heart could no longer bear to remain, or return. A bit too close to the bone, that thought. He pushed it away.

"And besides... you're young and beautiful, highly skilled, and probably on your way to becoming a legend in your own right, I imagine... I shouldn't think you would remain the last of your family line for long, if you truly didn't wish to, no?" A small wink, just a briefest flash, joined his grin. As much as his words were light and good-humoured, there was at least a certain amount of honest compliment behind his eyes as he spoke.

"Yeah, you kinda were being a jerk at first. But, at least you snapped out of it! Plus, you're nice enough to get me tea, so I can't be too mad at you, now can I?" For Leslie, that part had already entered the realm of bygones, so any irritation from earlier was completely gone. Instead, she listened to the 'cons' of drifting, which really didn't sound all that bad to her. Bad food? She basically lived exclusively through questionable noodle stands. Bad sleeping areas? She slept on an old futon. Weird hours? She'd probably woken up at every single hour of the day at least several times. Yeah, it'd be a pain for most people, but for her, it'd arguably be an improvement over her current life. But, alas...

"Hey, I'm not the last one yet! Father's still alive, after all. But even after he's gone, it's not that easy for me to travel. It doesn't really matter what I want...as the sole survivor, it'd be my duty to maintain our dojo, like my father before me, and his father before him. It's practically written into the DNA of all Battles. It might not be the perfect future I'd like, but the family legacy is far greater than my own personal wishes." As the martial artist spoke, the smile that she'd worn for most of the time began to fade, until she was completely serious. "There's nothing stopping from doing it now, of course, since my father's in charge, but...I truly don't believe that he could keep it running without my help. He can barely do it with me. And even if I did, it probably wouldn't be long before he did something...stupid. But, that's enough of that. Let's talk about something less depressing!" Her smile returned, but if Rogan looked closely, he'd probably be able to tell that it was a little bit forced at first. She might have talked about it, but she wasn't exactly happy about it.

"Yeah, one day I'll just head over to a sperm bank and make sure I have a kid. I mean, otherwise, the Battle bloodline would end with me. And I'm sure some of my ancestors are rolling in their graves already just because a woman's going to be in charge of the dojo. If they found out that I died without continuing the family line just because I'm not interested in screwing a guy, I'd probably have to kill myself in the afterlife just to stop putting up with them! Ha ha ha..." While her laughter was real, it had an odd hollowness to it...like she was more embarrassed than actually amused. "So, uh, how's the coffee?"
It was a sign of how much Rogan had let himself relax that the uncomfortable explanation of his companion's preferences made his eyebrows raise. Just a fraction, and only for the briefest of moments before he caught himself, to be sure, but a slip like that was the sort of thing that could cost everything in a more serious circumstance. He inclined his head softly, eyes down for a moment.

"It's fine, thank you," a quick deflection of the more recent question, before, "I do apologise; I didn't mean to assume. It's a bit of a failing of mine, truth be told." He shrugged softly, lifting one hand to rub his neck. One slightly embarrassing revelation was always helped by one in exchange, after all. "I do tend to be a little bit old fashioned, I suppose you could say, and sometimes it leads me to take some things as a given that I really ought not to." He smirked at her, looking up from under his brows, since his head was still slightly lowered with the apology. "Alas, that all the men in the world be deprived so... but more gain and good fortune to the ladies, I suppose." He winked; just a very slight gesture, barely the flicker of one eye, but it did seem to simply be a natural part of any good humoured smile or smirk he gave.

At the very least, the man was making it clear that the revelation was no bother to him, and if he lamented the futility of charm or flirtation, he certainly didn't seem about to let up on either over something as inconsequential as actual preference.

"Actually, since you ask, the coffee here was very good, I must say. For a coffee shop blend, at any rate. Quite pleasant on the palate, without the over-brewed back taste you often find at public establishments. It's almost a shame I've never been here before." A soft chuckle, accompanied by a somewhat roguish smile punctuated his response. "Much as I've done a bit of work here at SciLabs before, it's never been during business hours, you might say." For a moment his features relaxed back to something closer to a calm serious set and he shifted in his seat to meet her eyes more directly.

"Truly though, I am sorry for pressing on a tender subject; it was not my intent to make you uncomfortable. If it's any consolation, I think your dedication marks you a stronger person that I. After all, I ran away, and truthfully I don't think I've stopped yet." Rogan almost bit his tongue as the words found their way out. Where on earth had that come from? That was not the sort of thing he had any business mentioning, even obliquely, to a person he just met. This was why he didn't socialise over anything but business, normally. It wouldn't have been a problem if he hadn't already determined her to be harmless. Now that he had, though, she was dangerously close to the line of 'too pretty to keep his thoughts straight', whether she was out of bounds or not. He cleared his throat softly and, curse of curses, felt the very faint hint of warmth cresting his cheeks.

"I agree, Let us talk of other things, tell me..." and herein lay another problem. His life and work were not things for discussion, hers too uncomfortable. Chatting about operating was fraught with the perils of conflicting views, and anything else seemed too deliberately derailing to be at all tactful. What a minefield. Oh, there was one thought. "What other sorts of plans did you have for your Martia, there? You mentioned getting her to help with advertising and the public awareness and such. What sorts of things did you have in mind? It's an area I've never really looked into too much, really. By chance, I don't tend to get quite as exposed to the mass media twenty-four seven, as most people do these days. It's got me curious."

The server came to take Rogan's empty cup, and he waved away the question of a refill, content to sit and relax for now. Others had wandered in in the time they had been there by now; a couple more tables occupied by individuals or pairs, mostly lab workers by the look of things. The woman surrounded by papers was gathering them up quickly and muttering under her breath about incompetence, the couple in the corner were every bit as oblivious as they had been when Rogan and Leslie first entered. Unconsciously, Rogan listened to the snatches of conversation and exchanges that took place, filtering for anything of interest or value, though he wasn't truly expecting to hear much. Instead, after a brief glance around the area again, he returned his gaze to Leslie, watching her with an easy, as he raises his eyebrows, to go with the interested tone of his question.

"...Why are you apologizing? It doesn't really matter or anything, does it?" It was in fact, not her preferences that resulted in Leslie's moment of awkwardness. If someone gave her a megaphone and told her to shout it from the rooftops, she'd do it like she was reciting the alphabet. What had hit her was that she had suggested not doing something...then immediately went and did it anyway. She hated that, especially from herself.

"Well, uh..." And suddenly, she found herself in an awkward situation. She knew how she was going to use Martia, it was just...odd to say out loud, to other people. "This probably sounds weird, but I want Martia to get a little famous. Not like, say, some attention whore idol or anything like that, but I want her to go around helping people with her abilities. Then, once people know who she is, they'll get curious about her, and want to learn about her. Then they'll find out that her operator helps run a local dojo, and, intrigued, they'll sign up! It's...sorta indirect, I know. But, one thing I want everyone who wants to learn from my father and me to know beforehand is that martial arts is more than violence. It can sharpen the mind, and train the soul. It allows its practitioners to go beyond their limits. And, above all else, it can be used to help as well as harm. We need to make money, but if it's at the expense of losing the heart and soul of what we do, I'd rather be broke!" ...Huh. When she put it like that, it was a no-lose situation. After all, the worst case scenario would be that nothing would change, and she could think of worse lives to live.

"So, you've done work here? Neat! Though, I'm pretty sure SciLab's open 24/7, so it'd be kinda hard to flat out not work during business hours. Or does that just mean you worked the graveyard shift or something? Because I'd be so bored having to work in the middle of the night, with nothing going on..." Leslie may have been honest, hard working, and reasonably intelligent...but fortunately for Rogan, she was also generally as thick as pea soup, or else she'd be getting suspicious of his 'hobby' by now.
Either miss Leslie was very clever, and was casually taunting his relaxed carelessness, or else the pretty lady was beyond oblivious. One way or the other, it made Rogan smirk winningly on the outside, while inwardly berating himself. How to salvage that... as with many things, he decided, bluff and misdirection. His grin became a more full smile that let him visibly run the tip of his tongue over one of his canine teeth even as he waves his eyebrows in an unmissably suggestive fashion.

"Oh you might be surprised. There are a great many things one might do for a consenting business associate, in less than well lit offices late at night, that certainly prevent one from becoming bored." He chuckled, glancing away again and trying to school his face to innocence. Not a lie, certainly; his work seldom left him bored, and if his choice of words in answering implied something other than what he meant, well, misinterpretations happened.

More people were gradually coming in for drinks or snacks, but not enough that the coffee shop would really be considered busy, yet. None of the chatter that he could hear grabbed Rogan's attention, but he did his best to keep an ear open anyway. Knowing that one department head meant to foist the dirt of their mistake onto another might prove useful, one day, after all. The majority of his attention remained on Leslie though.

"Still, I think I'm far more interested in you," he let the double entendre hang in the air for only a second or two, long enough to notice, perhaps, but continued again before there was any chance for Leslie to actually comment. "It's an interesting plan, certainly. You're meaning to help your Martia become properly famous in her own right, independent of you and the dojo, first, so that the dojo will gain 'natural' interest by association?" He stretched slightly, continuing to work with his PET with half an eye; the occasional glance flicked down while his eyes remained on his companion for the most part. "I suppose it has some good advantages, though. After all, a lot of people will already have an idea in their mind about what your dojo is and represents, but you get to define the image and public perception of Martia yourself, with a clean slate to hold up to the public eye. I suppose it would let you ensure that the people who do come to you, through this, will be coming for the reasons you want them to, is that right?"

An entry that came up on the other side of his PET's screen caught his eye, and he pursued it with quick motions of his fingers. Got him. Well, a trail, at any rate. Now to follow it down. His eye flicked over to where Lyntael's vitals and readouts played. It seemed the pair were about done with their current conflict and Lyntael could move towards a more suitable location for pulling this string. His brows drew down for a moment. She'd collapsed, for some reason, but all of her statistics were stable, and she'd taken no damage. She was too unpredictable for his liking, by half, but at least she always shook it off and responded to his direct orders, even if that was the very least one should expect.

"Lyntael, you are all right. You are unharmed and all your vitals still read as functional and safe. On your feet now, you can stand." He was surprised to hear his voice come out vaguely soothing as he spoke to her. It didn't particularly matter, he knew; there she was getting up again now, but it still surprised him a little. The connection ensured the she knew where he wanted to press next for searching, and they were about finished with the battle; she'd move when they were done. Instead of saying anything more, he returned his attention to Leslie. A part of him vaguely wondered if he oughtn't really tell her that her navi was getting involved in something they might get in trouble for, if he got caught. It certainly wouldn't help her fame. He brushed the thought aside, dismissed. He had no intention of getting caught, and as long as she didn't know, there was always deniability even if they were.

"Oh...OH..." Leslie's eyes widened as she bit on the obvious double entendre. "Heh, guess it'd kill time, for sure. Though, it'd probably lead to some awkward moments if you weren't careful, so I hope you didn't go too far, too fast!" If she only knew...

"Yep, that's the plan, more or less." It wasn't exactly something a business major would come up with, but it worked well enough for her purposes. "I haven't gotten a lot of results yet, but since I just put it into action not too long ago, that's not exactly a big shock. But I think before long, Martia will break through, and we'll have lots of new students!" Preferably students that could withstand the breath of a man that regularly drank enough sake to kill an elephant. "But, not all those students will be studying under my father, or even me...after all, no matter what your business is, nowadays, if it's not connected to the Net in some way, it'll probably go badly in the end. So, my ultimate dream is to have a CyberDojo, as well as the regular one! Martia's designed to be an excellent instructor, of course. She's kind, patient...for the most part, anyway, as skilled as any master, and she's always good at getting people to look at her, even unintentionally!" And she didn't just mean her feminine attributes, either. She always did seem to have the uncanny ability to make people pay attention to her.

As Rogan checked out his PET, the martial artist did the same. Looked like they'd finally erased the enemy, and her cash total got a needed shot in the arm. The large green crystal her Navi was checking out made her nervous, but she elected not to say anything; it wasn't like her Navi had forgotten the last time they'd found one of those, after all. She knew the risks, and she was a big girl. A big, bouncy girl, who was still nice and unbouncy were it counted.

Still, Leslie knew enough to not stop and stare, and looked up at the person across the table. He seemed nice enough, but...there was just something about him that wasn't sitting right with her. And since when was a woman's intuition ever wrong? But as long as she didn't know what that something was, she had no reason at all to be suspicious of anything. But she did know that that something existed, and that was gnawing at her a little...