Quote (Raikou)
Hey there.
I saw the message saying you might be able to help me, and i'm grateful.
As i mentioned before, i need a navi built from scratch, preferably something deadly. I'm not sure what you'd need from me, if anything, and i'd like to know your terms of the matter.
thanks again.
- Rei tylien
Well, the thing with navis is that the 'deadliness' comes from what you add to the framework, so to speak. I could build a navi for you, yes, and I will for a price-- but adding actual power to it is something you'd have to do.
Now, what I can do is build you the actual working parts of the navi, and give you an interface program I wrote that should help you tweak the navi's looks. As for personality, what we'll want to do is start small, something basic, and then I can set it up so the navi's personality will actually grow over time... sort of like the way babies turn into adults, but you'll be getting a 'baby' that can already walk, talk, rationally think, strategize, fight, and one that doesn't need diapers.
Basic price... eh, I'd say around 100,000z.
As far as the combat capabilities go, the navi will be capable of anything any other custom navi can do-- use chips, use a buster, programmable sig attacks and navicust...
Do we have a deal?