Meta-Virus List


Physical Description: Flintlocks are a combination of the Shrubby, Cattack, and CannonGuard viruses. Their overall appearance is that of a low profile modern battle tank, painted jungle green. The tank has a spiked roller braced across the front that it uses to run over enemies with, clear traps, and break through obstacles. The turret is heavily armored, and features a shutter-shield that opens sideways when the main cannon is to be fired. The virus is only vulnerable to backstab attacks or drop attacks unless it is attacking with the main gun, at which time it is also vulnerable from the front. This virus is very slow, but it may move and dodge while attacking and the direction of attack is generally independent of the direction it moves in.

Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V1

HP: 230
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog1, TankCannon1, MarkCannon1, Wood+30, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V2

HP: 360
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wod + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog1, TankCannon1, MarkCannon1, Wood+30, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V3

HP: 460
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog2, TankCannon2, MarkCannon2, Wood+30, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V4

HP: 560
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog2, TankCannon2, MarkCannon2, Wood+30, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V5

HP: 680
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog3, TankCannon3, MarkCannon3, Wood+40, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V6

HP: 800
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog3, TankCannon3, MarkCannon3, Wood+40, Uninstall, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Flintlock V7

HP: 1080
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Impact + Break + Nullify + Knockback
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Steamrolls the target. This attack is never specifically executed, and is just a byproduct of movement. In other words, this is passive.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Wood + Impact + Knockback + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Fires a fragmentation cannon shell that damages terrain. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Wood + Seeking + Lock-On + Uninstall
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: A+
Tertiary Attack Description: Locks-on and fires a super-accurate cannon shell that damages the NC. ShutterGuard dropped when using this attack.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: ShutterGuard: Guards against frontal and side attacks when not attacking.
Special: This virus may attack while moving or dodging. The passive attack triggers if the virus moves into the same space as another object.
Special: Flintlocks are immune to Blast damage from Beetanks, Kabutanks, Flintlocks, and Cattacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): RollingLog3, TankCannon3, MarkCannon3, Wood+40, Uninstall, Zenny

Physical Description: Knightmares are a combination of the Bagworm, Powie, and Miner viruses. This virus is rather simple: it looks like a bronzewood Knight chess piece. It attacks, moves, and dodges all at the same time.... which is accomplished by jumping.

Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V1

HP: 240
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+10 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V2

HP: 370
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (100 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+20 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower1, GreenWood1, Quake1, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine1, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V3

HP: 490
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (150 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+30 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, GreenWood2, Quake2, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine2, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V4

HP: 630
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (200 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+40 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower2, GreenWood2, Quake2, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine2, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V5

HP: 760
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (250 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+50 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower3, GreenWood3, Quake3, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine3, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V6

HP: 930
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (300 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+60 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower3, GreenWood3, Quake3, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine3, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Knightmare V7

HP: 1230
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (400 Wood + Seeking + Mine Trap) + (Dodge + High Alt)
Primary Attack Accuracy: S
Primary Attack Description: Jumps into the air, attaining High Altitude status. It leaves a Mine on the panel it jumped from. This can only be set off by someone stepping on the panel later. Knightmares are immune to their own mines. Panel break effects and ground attacks destroy the mine.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Wood + Impact + Break + Blast2
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Crashes down, causing a panel smashing blastwave. Knightmares are immune to their own attacks.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Break + Ground Attack x 3 targets + (+80 Wood vs targets on Grass Panels)
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Stone spires erupt from the ground as a result of the previous hard landing.

Special: Raises LeafShield at the end of every turn as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodTower3, GreenWood3, Quake3, FootStomp, LeafShield, Mine3, Zenny

Physical Description:

A Mettank is a combination of the Metool, Catack, and Armadillo viruses. It looks a lot like a regular Catack, with several notable differences. The main body of the tank is slightly smaller, and the tank's driver is very clearly an actual Metool, though it doesn't bear its signature weapon. The vehicle itself is colored to match the Metool-driver's Helmet; thus the most basic version is gold with green trim, while more powerful versions will be colored differently to follow suit. The tank itself retains the same basic design as a Catack, except that its triangular treads have been replaced with four almost comically over-sized monster-truck style armored wheels, and its main gun now sports two long, narrow tines jutting out vertically up and down from a point close to the muzzle. These make it look rather like a giant version of a Metool's pickaxe, and the cannon is also now housed in a vertical pivot that allows it to adjust up and down, or even swing with enough force to strike the lower tine to the ground.

Most of the time, the Mettank moves very slowly, and it has been seen to activate a defensive mode wherein the Metool-driver's helmet expands to a jumbo size large enough to cover the entire tank in its protective dome. This does, of course, render the virus utterly blind, and when specifically guarding like this it can no longer attack or move.

It has also been seen, occasionally, to display sudden feats of unexpected speed, where it will rev up, then suddenly ram a target. At these times, its helmet defense covers the tank, though it recedes again as soon as the attack run loses momentum.

Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V1

HP: 260
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Stun 1 + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Guard1, ShockWave, IronShell1, LilBomb, WhiteCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V2 (Mettank EX)

HP: 360
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Stun 1 + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon1, Guard1, ShockWave, IronShell1, LilBomb, WhiteCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V3 (Mettine)

HP: 460
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Blind + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon2, Guard2, SonicWave, IronShell2, CrossBomb, BlackCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V4 (Mettine EX)

HP: 560
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Blind + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon2, Guard2, SonicWave, IronShell2, CrossBomb, BlackCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V5 (Mettonk)

HP: 660
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Null + Confusion + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Special: Mettank may gain Invisibility for one turn at the end of its rush attack once. When the MetGuard helmet recedes and shrinks, it disappears completely, and the tank hidden underneath will appear to have vanished.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon3, Guard3, DynaWave, IronShell3, BigBomb, YellowCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V6 (Mettonk EX)

HP: 760
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Null + Confusion + Blast 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Special: Mettank may gain Invisibility for one turn at the end of its rush attack once. When the MetGuard helmet recedes and shrinks, it disappears completely, and the tank hidden underneath will appear to have vanished.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon3, Guard3, DynaWave, IronShell3, BigBomb, YellowCapsule


Meta-Virus Name: Mettank V7 (Mettank Omega)

HP: 1000
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Null + Blast 3
Primary Attack Accuracy: B
Primary Attack Description: The Mettank blasts a target with an explosive shell from its main gun, which stuns targets.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Wide Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Slams the pick-tine of its main gun to the ground, causing a large shockwave.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Null + Group Attack + Breaking + Impact + Movement
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: The Mettank revs up and rushes one target with sudden speed. It activates its MetGuard when it begins to rush, and deactivates it again as soon as the attack run ends. The Mettank does not return to its original position at the end of the attack run, but remains where it stopped.

Special: MetGuard: The Metool's Helmet expands rapidly to cover the entire tank in a protective dome. Assumes MetalBody and can hold this guard for any number of actions. Activating the guard takes an action, but deactivating it to attack does not. Mettank cannot move or attack while MetGuard is active, however its tertiary attack ignores this. Attacks from below bypass MetGuard for normal damage.
Special: Slow to move, but can move and dodge while attacking.
Special: Mettank may gain Invisibility for one turn at the end of its rush attack once. When the MetGuard helmet recedes and shrinks, it disappears completely, and the tank hidden underneath will appear to have vanished.
Special: If the Mettank maintains its MetGuard for 3 successive actions, its next successful attack will restore 20% of its Max HP. This effect cannot be stacked, and an existing recovery must be used before a new instance can be gained.
Special: Can use HolyPanel once.
Note: MetalBody is identical to IronBody, but does not hamper movement. Non-Break attacks deal 0 damage, and Break attacks deal double.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): TankCannon3, Guard3, GigaWave, IronShell3, BigBomb, PinkCapsule

First Recorded Sighting: Okuden Net
Naturally Occurring or Man-Made: Natural Phenomena
Component Viruses: Bandcoon, Viney, Shadow

Additional notes: Navis without access to a useful amount of Slashing damage may struggle with the higher tier versions of this virus. Good RP is a perfectly good substitute in most cases, however the increasing shadow capabilities of the virus can prove problematic without. Check your target's arsenal before deploying this virus and consider carefully about doing so if their access to slashing is limited. Despite this, it should also be noted that this is not a particularly strong virus on its own, either in relative HP, or in offensive capabilities; it doesn't like the spotlight and will not fare well if deployed as the 'centre stage' focus of a battle.

Physical Characteristics:

For the most part, GrabBandit's prefer to remain hidden and the full extent of their actual form is hard to tell. Scattered reports have claimed that, when completely out of their shadow portals, the GrabBandit actually resembles a bandcoon, only larger, longer of body, sleek and lither, and seemingly made of solid shadow, with dazzling blue glows where its eyes should be. These stories also report that it sports a writhing forest of very long black tendrils that sprout from its back and wave about with a sentience of their own.

It appears quite nimble when on land, however the virus often moves within a ground-based portal, hidden from sight. When the portal is closed, with the GrabBandit inside, a shadow remains visible on the ground, a circle of roughly one panel, that heralds where the virus is. The portal shadow appears to move with great speed and precision, but only when it is not directly beneath a target. It flashes across the ground to rest directly under a new target, and the GrabBandit will generally attempt to attack that target right away, if it can. When fully out of the portal it is revealed to be, or at least to act as, the virus' own shadow.

In combat, they attempt to ensnare victims by means of opening the portal beneath their target and binding them quickly with a mass of black, shadowy vines. The portals can open to quite a wide size, depending on their target. Nothing but the GrabBandit can pass into or out of the portals, even while they are 'open'; even if one should be opened wide enough to leave a victim standing effectively on black empty space, it will seem like perfectly solid ground underfoot. Seeking attacks seem to disrupt the portal space, and eject the meta-virus back to normal netspace. Looking into a portal reveals only inky blackness, though very occasionally a flash of blue eye-glows might be glimpsed... Looking directly into an open portal is probably a bad idea anyway.

If the virus manages to bind a victim, a large pair Bandcoon paws, seemingly unattached to anything, rise out of the portal as well, and, accompanied by any spare tendrils or vines, perform a pat-down and search of its immobilised target, seeking recent chip data to steal and use. If, however, the GrabBandit is unable to use its vines, it will instead emerge from its portal in an effort to fully scope out the battlefield, moving defensively and attempting to ensure all targets are in its field of vision at once. As a defence mechanism, the GrabBandit appears to be able to flare the glows of its eyes brightly enough to bath the surrounding area in an over-powering blue light. It does this in a brief flash, fierce enough to leave victims dazzled and blinded, and even causing physical pain to those close by, before retreating into its portal again.

Between its defensive nature, and the efficiency of its movements while hidden, this virus has never been known to dodge or evade attackers, except by coincidence. Even when fully exposed it is usually far more interested in getting out of the spotlight quickly, or retreating into its portal again. Despite its shadowy appearance, the virus itself is solid enough that it does not count as being actually shadowed, though stronger variants of the virus have thrown this into question.

Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V1

HP: 220
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 10 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 1/3 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 10 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines, and it will only do so once per turn at most. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow1 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope1, Blinder, PickPocket (Rare), AreaGrab, Shadow1


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V2

HP: 310
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 20 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 1/3 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 1/3 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 15 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow1 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope1, Blinder, PickPocket (Rare), AreaGrab, Shadow1


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V3

HP: 410
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 30 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 1/2 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 25 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow2 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Blinder, PickPocket (Rare), AreaGrab, Shadow2


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V4

HP: 510
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 40 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 1/2 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 1/2 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 30 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow2 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope2, Blinder, PickPocket (Rare), AreaGrab, Shadow2


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V5

HP: 620
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 50 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 2/3 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 2/3 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 40 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow3 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope3, Blinder, PickPocket, AreaGrab, Shadow3


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V6

HP: 720
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 60 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal + 2/3 Chip Use
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Recovery chips are used at full power, while all other types are used only at 2/3 of normal, rounding down to the nearest 5.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 45 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: One Time Only, GrabBandit may use Shadow3 as a Free Action. If at any point it emerges fully from its portal and has not yet used this, it will do so then.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope3, Blinder, PickPocket, AreaGrab, Shadow3


Meta-Virus Name: GrabBandit V7

HP: 970
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage: 80 Null + Bind
Primary Attack Accuracy: A
Primary Attack Description: Opens a portal beneath a target, attempting to bind it with a sudden explosion of alarmingly sentient shadowy vines. If it fails to bind its target, or if its target escapes without severing the vines, the tendrils continue to reach all around for a victim, remaining vulnerable. Bursting up and Binding is one action, withdrawing requires another. If successful, the virus does not need to expend additional actions to maintain the bind, however it cannot move to another location as long as it is holding a bind. The virus may choose to disengage the bind at any point, and withdraw.

Secondary Attack Effect: Chip Steal
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B (A if against a target afflicted with Bind)
Secondary Attack Description: GrabBandits will generally attempt to use this on foes that they have successfully bound, however they are capable of attempting to steal the chips of unrestrained targets at reduced accuracy as well. They prefer to bind before searching. Against a bound target, two large, disembodied Bandcoon paws, along with sundry spare vines, rise from the portal and begin to pat down and otherwise search a bound victim, trying to steal the chip data of a chip that its victim had selected to use that turn. If attempting to steal from an unbound target, the virus will pounce bodily out of its portal in an effort to pin and then frisk its target with unnervingly nimble and dexterous fore-paws. If its tentacles are intact, they will assist the search. If it successfully steals chip data, it may then use it as a free action. Omega variants use all chips at full strength.

Tertiary Attack Damage: 60 + Nova2, Blind1 + To-All (Absolute, Excluding Self),
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B Damage/S Blind
Tertiary Attack Description: The GrabBandit will only use this attack if it cannot use its vines at the beginning of its turn. The portal will reposition away from any specific target, and the GrabBandit will emerge fully. After scouting the field for a moment, it will show some sign of aggression, usually a snarl or a hiss, towards its foes and then the two bright blue glows that serve as its eyes will flare up into a brilliant flash of blue light, covering the field for a moment and dazzling the vision of everything around it, regardless of friend or foe. Those closest to the flare may feel it as physically painful.

Special: Bind: This is a virus-only form of instantly-activating Hold that does not count as a status effect (thus cannot be removed with status cure). Bind works on a per-action basis, instead of per-turn, and is maintained by physical contact with the source. Bind is cancelled by attacking the source with Slashing damage, or spending one or more actions to escape with good RP quality. Bound players may attack the vines with non-slashing attacks for normal damage, but this will not free them unless they destroy the virus. Unlike a regular withdrawal, which requires an action from the virus, if the vines are severed, the virus withdraws immediately.
Special: Slashing damage against the vines at any point will sever them from the portal temporarily, and prevent the GrabBandit (if it survives) from using them at all until the next turn, while they regenerate. Severed vines immediately disintegrate, and do not count as an attackable target after they have been cut.
Special: Spends much time hidden in its portal, although there is almost always an attackable portion outside. Exceptional or clever RP may find ways to draw a GrabBandit completely from its portal against its will, leaving it exposed. Any visible part of the virus may be attacked for damage at any time, but attacks may not pass into the portal. Seeking attacks directed against the portal surface will disrupt the portal and cause the virus to displace back to the normal netspace, taking 50 Null damage.
Special: Creature of Shadow: This virus is intrinsically shadowed, except when it is attacking.. If any part of the virus is hit with a slashing attack, the effect is dispelled, leaving the virus vulnerable for the remainder of the turn, however the virus' shadow status will return automatically at the beginning of the next turn.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Rope3, Blinder, PickPocket, AreaGrab, Shadow3, Zenny
-- TinHawk --

First Recorded Sighting: NetFrica Net
Natural/Man-Made: Naturally Occurring
Component Viruses: Fishy, Genin, Typhoon

Description: TinHawk is a combination of the Fishy, Genin, and Typhoon viruses. It appears to be a large, dark brown bird, with razor sharp wings and short but thick legs and feet. As one might expect, it prefers to attack by swooping in and overwhelming foes with its size, repeatedly tearing foes with its claws, and by creating mighty gusts of wind with its wings. But it does have yet another trick for the unwary...

Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V1

HP: 250
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 15 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (10 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 3 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack1, Kunai1, Typhoon, HawkCut1, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V2

HP: 360
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (15 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 5 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack1, Kunai1, Typhoon, HawkCut1, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V3

HP: 470
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 45 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (20 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 7 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack2, Kunai2, Hurricane, HawkCut2, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V4

HP: 580
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (25 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 9 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack2, Kunai2, Hurricane, HawkCut2, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V5

HP: 690
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 75 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (30 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 11 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack3, Kunai3, Cyclone, HawkCut3, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V6

HP: 800
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (35 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 13 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): DashAttack3, Kunai3, Cyclone, HawkCut3, NorthWind, Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: TinHawk V7

HP: 1020
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Null + Impact + Piercing + Line Attack(5)
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Swoops down and through a straight path.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: (50 Null x 3 Hits) + Homing + NorthWind + Wind Type
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a small whirlwind that hunts down its target. Blows away barriers and auras on contact.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 10 Null x 15 hits + Slashing
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B
Tertiary Attack Description: Flies down to a target, and repeatedly claws the foe with its powerful talons.

Special: OmniShoes
Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: Once per turn, this virus can counter a BattleChip with a ranged version of its Tertiary Attack as a free action.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Condor, Kunai3, Cyclone, Tornado (Rare), DeltaRayEdge (Rare), NorthWind, Zenny
-- Scuttle- --

First Recorded Sighting: Sharo Net
Natural/Man-Made: Man-Made
Component Viruses: Megalian-A, Bluegon, Weather

Description: Scuttle- is an angry looking insectoid creature. Unlike the virus it was designed to be like, it is sky blue instead of blue.

This metavirus were made in an attempt to recapture the devastating power of the LifeVirus's creations, byte for byte, to the inclusion/exclusion of various aspects of their virus components, such as removing all flight capability, and cranking up their innate aggressiveness. That they were regarded as failures is more an indication of the real things' incredible might than the metaviruses' weakness. They're still extremely vicious, and very much prefer attacking to dodging.

Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-

HP: 410
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 10 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, AuraHead1, AquaAura1, Aqua+20, AquaLine (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-2

HP: 520
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 40 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard1, AuraHead1, AquaAura1, Aqua+20, AquaLine (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-3

HP: 660
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 80 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, AuraHead2, AquaAura2, Aqua+30, WaterStream (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-4

HP: 780
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 100 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard2, AuraHead2, AquaAura2, Aqua+30, WaterStream (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-5

HP: 930
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 120 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard3, AuraHead3, AquaAura3, Aqua+40, Fountain (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-6

HP: 1070
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 150 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Aqua + Small Ice Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 150 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Blizzard3, AuraHead3, AquaAura3, Aqua+40, Fountain (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttle-7

HP: 1520
Element: Aqua

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 200 Aqua + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hardened bubble at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Aqua + Knockback + Ground Attack
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Creates a wave of ice water that crashes into an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Aqua + Medium Ice Terrain Change + Extended Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses freezing cold breath to coat the enemy and the ground in ice.

Special: AquaAura: Begins each battle with a 200 HP AquaAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Elec attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: WaterProof: Cannot be inflicted with Freeze. Takes half damage from Aqua attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): MightyBlizzard, AuraHead3, AquaAura3, AquaPower (Rare), Fountain (Rare), LifeAura1 (Very Rare), Zenny
-- Scutz- --

First Recorded Sighting: Hades Net
Natural/Man-Made: Man-Made
Component Viruses: Megalian-F, Lavagon, Whomper

Description: Scutz- is an angry looking insectoid creature. Unlike the virus it was designed to be like, it is orange instead of red.

This metavirus were made in an attempt to recapture the devastating power of the LifeVirus's creations, byte for byte, to the inclusion/exclusion of various aspects of their virus components, such as removing all flight capability, and cranking up their innate aggressiveness. That they were regarded as failures is more an indication of the real things' incredible might than the metaviruses' weakness. They're still extremely vicious, and very much prefer attacking to dodging.

Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-

HP: 410
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 10 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath1, AuraHead1, FireAura1, Fire+20, StandOut (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-2

HP: 520
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 40 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath1, AuraHead1, FireAura1, Fire+20, StandOut (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-3

HP: 660
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 80 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath2, AuraHead2, FireAura2, Fire+30, Prominence (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-4

HP: 780
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 100 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath2, AuraHead2, FireAura2, Fire+30, Prominence (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-5

HP: 930
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 120 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath3, AuraHead3, FireAura3, Fire+40, Salamander (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-6

HP: 1070
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 150 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Small Lava Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 150 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): HeatBreath3, AuraHead3, FireAura3, Fire+40, Salamander (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scutz-7

HP: 1520
Element: Fire

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 200 Fire + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a fireball at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Fire + Impact
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Launches a fiery tackle an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Fire + Medium Lava Terrain Change + Extended Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses scorching hot breath to slag the enemy and the ground.

Special: FireAura: Begins each battle with a 200 HP FireAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Aqua attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: FireProof: Cannot be inflicted with Burn. Takes half damage from Fire attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): AtomicHeatBreath, AuraHead3, FireAura3, FirePlus, Salamander (Rare), LifeAura1 (Very Rare), Zenny
-- Scuttler- --

First Recorded Sighting: NAXA Net
Natural/Man-Made: Man-Made
Component Viruses: Megalian-E, Yellowgon, Winger

Description: Scuttler- is an angry looking insectoid creature. Unlike the virus it was designed to be like, it is chartreuse instead of yellow.

This metavirus were made in an attempt to recapture the devastating power of the LifeVirus's creations, byte for byte, to the inclusion/exclusion of various aspects of their virus components, such as removing all flight capability, and cranking up their innate aggressiveness. That they were regarded as failures is more an indication of the real things' incredible might than the metaviruses' weakness. They're still extremely vicious, and very much prefer attacking to dodging.

Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-

HP: 410
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 10 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock1, AuraHead1, ElecAura1, Elec+20, Lightning (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-2

HP: 520
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 40 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock1, AuraHead1, ElecAura1, Elec+20, Lightning (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-3

HP: 660
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 80 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, AuraHead2, ElecAura2, Elec+30, Strike (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-4

HP: 780
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 100 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock2, AuraHead2, ElecAura2, Elec+30, Strike (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-5

HP: 930
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 120 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock3, AuraHead3, ElecAura3, Elec+40, Bolt (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-6

HP: 1070
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 150 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Elec + Small Solar Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 150 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): ElecShock3, AuraHead3, ElecAura3, Elec+40, Bolt (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttler-7

HP: 1520
Element: Elec

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 200 Elec + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a ball of electricity at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Elec + Seeking
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Drops a thunderbolt on an enemy.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Elec + Medium Solar Terrain Change + Extended Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses plasma breath to give the enemy and the ground an unhealthy glow.

Special: ElecAura: Begins each battle with a 200 HP ElecAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Wood attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: LightningProof: Cannot be inflicted with Stun. Takes half damage from Elec attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): StaticElecShock, AuraHead3, ElecAura3, ElecPlus (Rare), Bolt (Rare), LifeAura1 (Very Rare), Zenny
-- Scuttzer- --

First Recorded Sighting: Yumland Net
Natural/Man-Made: Man-Made
Component Viruses: Megalian-W, Greengon, Wonder

Description: Scuttzer- is an angry looking insectoid creature. Unlike the virus it was designed to be like, it is chartreuse instead of yellow.

This metavirus were made in an attempt to recapture the devastating power of the LifeVirus's creations, byte for byte, to the inclusion/exclusion of various aspects of their virus components, such as removing all flight capability, and cranking up their innate aggressiveness. That they were regarded as failures is more an indication of the real things' incredible might than the metaviruses' weakness. They're still extremely vicious, and very much prefer attacking to dodging.

Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-

HP: 410
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 10 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder1, AuraHead1, WoodAura1, Wood+20, GaiaSword (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-2

HP: 520
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 40 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 40 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder1, AuraHead1, WoodAura1, Wood+20, GaiaSword (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-3

HP: 660
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 70 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 80 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder2, AuraHead2, WoodAura2, Wood+30, GaiaEdge (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-4

HP: 780
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 100 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder2, AuraHead2, WoodAura2, Wood+30, GaiaEdge (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-5

HP: 930
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 120 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder3, AuraHead3, WoodAura3, Wood+40, GaiaBlade (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-6

HP: 1070
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 150 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 150 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): WoodPowder3, AuraHead3, WoodAura3, Wood+40, GaiaBlade (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: Scuttzer-7

HP: 1520
Element: Wood

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: 200 Wood + Break + Piercing + Group Attack
Primary Attack Accuracy: B (special)
Primary Attack Description: Lines up with a target and launches a hard seed at the enemy. Accuracy decreases by one rank with each hit.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Wood + Slashing
Secondary Attack Accuracy: C
Secondary Attack Description: Tears at an enemy with its front legs.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 160 Wood + Small Grass Terrain Change + Cone Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: C
Tertiary Attack Description: Uses pollen breath to give the enemy fits while making grass grow.

Special: WoodAura: Begins each battle with a 200 HP WoodAura, which is pierced and instantly destroyed by Fire attacks. This reforms at the end of each turn.
Special: GrassProof: Cannot be inflicted with Confusion. Takes half damage from Wood attacks.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): NoxiousWoodPowder, AuraHead3, WoodAura3, WoodPower (Rare), GaiaBlade (Rare), LifeAura1 (Very Rare), Zenny
-- BigEye --

First Recorded Sighting: Netopia Net
Natural/Man-Made: Natural
Component Viruses: Quaker, Powie, Raider

Description: A large, red machine, with a single large eye in the middle. Its main form of locomotion is an equally large hydraulic press holding it up.

BigEye has a very simple mission statement: jump up, and when you land, make sure there's a Navi between you and the ground. If the Navi isn't cooperating, shake the ground up so it'll work next time. Still, they have a little more variety in their attacks than one would think...

This virus much prefers attacking to dodging, but if sufficiently spooked is capable of doing so as well as any other mobile virus. It will also never use its Tertiary Attack more frequently than every two actions. Due to both its size and attack patterns requiring a large amount of open space, it will never appear in a confined space.

Meta-Virus Name: BigEye

HP: 270
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 20 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 1
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 20 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Break + Impact / 20 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover80 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, WaveArm1, RockArm1, GodHammer1, Recover30, JumpStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V2

HP: 380
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 40 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 1
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 30 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Break + Impact / 40 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover80 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake1, WaveArm1, RockArm1, GodHammer1, Recover50, JumpStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V3

HP: 500
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 60 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 50 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Break + Impact / 50 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover120 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake2, WaveArm2, RockArm2, GodHammer2, Recover80, FootStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V4

HP: 630
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 80 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 2
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 60 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 100 Null + Break + Impact / 70 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover120 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake2, WaveArm2, RockArm2, GodHammer2, Recover120, FootStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V5

HP: 740
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 100 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 3
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 80 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 130 Null + Break + Impact / 80 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover200 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake3, WaveArm3, RockArm3, GodHammer3, Recover150, BigStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V6

HP: 850
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 120 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 3
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 90 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 150 Null + Break + Impact / 100 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover200 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake3, WaveArm3, RockArm3, GodHammer3, Recover200, BigStomp (Rare), Zenny


Meta-Virus Name: BigEye V7

HP: 1050
Element: Null

Primary Attack Damage/Effect: (Movement(High-Alt) + Knockback) Then 180 Null + Break + Panel Crack + Nova 4
Primary Attack Accuracy: C
Primary Attack Description: Leaps quickly into the air, knocking away anything it collides with, before stopping directly above an enemy. It will then immediately crash down. The impact of the fall creates an explosion.

Secondary Attack Damage/Effect: 120 Null + Piercing + Ground Attack + Chain(2) + Earthquake
Secondary Attack Accuracy: B
Secondary Attack Description: Jumps high into the air, then slams its press down onto the ground when it lands, making the ground shake, and forming a shock wave that zeroes in on enemies.

Tertiary Attack Damage/Effect: 210 Null + Break + Impact / 140 Null + Drop Attack
Tertiary Attack Accuracy: B / D
Tertiary Attack Description: Jumps, then lands with such force that it displaces nearby debris, which is sent flying skyward and dropped onto another enemy.

Special: SuperArmor: Immunity to Knockback, Microburst, Pull, Gravity, and similar effects.
Special: AirShoes
Special: The explosion does not trigger if the BigEye attacks a target on Broken/Missing terrain and misses. It will not fall into Broken/Missing terrain with its attacks unless forcefully pushed in.
Special: Earthquake: Whenever this metavirus lands when using its attack, all enemies touching the ground have their evasion reduced by 1 rank until the end of the next turn. This effect does not stack with other Earthquake instances, and does not affect allies of this metavirus.
Special: Chain 2: This attack, upon striking a target, may change directions towards a new target. This may be done up to 2 times in one attack.
Special: The second part of the tertiary attack does not trigger if the metavirus's target is not grounded. It also must hit a different target from the metavirus. For clarity's sake, it may hit nothing if there are no other valid targets.
Special: Can use Recover300 once.

Possible Rewards (Per Virus): Quake3, WaveArm3, RockArm3, GodHammer3, Recover300, BigStomp, Zenny