Operating Area: Forest to Lighthouse

((Ilyani has equipped Walking Cane, a mid-weight blunt weapon.))
((Hunter has picked up backpack and parachute, both added to inventory. The pack and parachute are so heavy that they incur a -1 penalty to pursuit rolls.))
((Jeremi acquired a pack and parachute, both added to inventory.))
((Eric acquired Woman's Handbag and stuffed it with bottled water x3. All have been added to inventory.))

Everyone scrambled to gather up various items that looked useful. Jeremi and Hunter both gave the place another once over to see if they could find anything else, but nothing special was discovered.

While the search was being conducted, however, Eric slipped off the plane by himself and proceeded onto the forest path. Luckily for him, it seemed like there was nobody directly on the path. As his headache lessened, distancing himself from shibito around the plane, he found that it was growing as he proceeded down the path. The only answer, which flickering visions confirmed, is that there was another one of the freaks shortly down the path. Then again, he couldn't exactly be sure... The visions seemed to flicker even amongst the eyes of even those who weren't affected like those bizarre zombies.

Back at the plane, Jeremi remained worried about the success of the barricade, perhaps for good reason. The pilot and co-pilot were holding nothing back in their attempts to break it. "Don't worry Jen-Jen... I'm trained to handle this," the pilot's voice came from behind the door.


The door opened a bit. Then a smaller thud...


The door sounded like it was breaking off of its hinges. Another low thud indicated that they were still trying, both of them, ramming their bodies against the door. It couldn't hold much longer, not against unreserved strength like that.


Objective: Reach the Lighthouse.

DIRECTIONS: All players with the exception of Eric are currently on or around the front of the plane. The cockpit is ahead and the door is closed and barricaded. To the left is a small clearing, surrounded by the woods (into which the scoutmaster disappeared). A similar clearing to the right of the plane, where the cabin wall broke open, leads into the path that the scoutmaster mentioned. Eric is now on this path. Up ahead he sees that the winding path continues.

Three players are together; Eric has gone ahead. No player is detected by shibito.

Ilyani Scales: 10/10 Vitality
Hunter O' Leary: 12/12 Vitality
Jeremi Davis: 10/10 Vitality
Eric Smith: 10/10 Vitality

The 3 players who are together detect each other, Eric, and two people nearby, both identified:
Pilot @ cockpit: 10/10 Vitality
Co-Pilot @ cockpit: 10/10 Vitality

Eric no longer detects the 2 in the cockpit, but does detect the players and another figure up ahead:
Unidentified Figure?
Ilyani looked around nervously. The pilot and his 'Jen-Jen' were close to breaking out of their makeshift barricade, and if she didn't get out of there soon, she could be pilot food or something silly like that. So she did what was indicated of her earlier, which was to get out onto the path pronto and get the hell out of there. She turned to the two who were still there, and called out to them, "C'mon, guys. Time's wasting. Those two maniacs'll bust through that door eventually, and I don't think I want to be around when they do."

And with that, she turned on her heels (not literally, since she was wearing sensible shoes) and blazed through the trail Eric left earlier. She was feeling a little exasperated, what with someone already leaving, but she told herself to not let those little things get the better of her. After all, she was a Scales. Scales don't get miffed over someone leaving them in a pinch, Scales were to get out of that pinch whether anyone was gonna help or not. As she ran, she took the time to survey her surroundings for anything useful. Perhaps she could find something much sturdier than the cane that was currently flying behind her.

[Movement: Scoutmaster-indicated path]
[Spot: Anything useful]
Jeremi watched Ilyani from behind as she ran off into the forest. "Good enough" he muttered to himself, beginning to follow her into the woods. "Come on guys" He shouted to the remaining survivors, while eying the incredibly creepy children. He had always thought of himself as a good person, or at least not as a bad person. Leaving the dead, dying, or in some other way screwed up was not something he normally associated with himself.

Even so he found himself running, sprinting behind that women. It would be absurd to die this easily, it would be absurd if everything just ended like this.

------------------------Everything here was absurd

He found his feat pounding at the ground, while he remained only loosely aware of the surroundings. Somewhere in the back of his head he kept looking for something to carry, something like a weapon.

[Pursuit: Go down path]
[Spot: Heavy Weapon/Log]
And then Hunter was alone....

"Come on, people! What's so hard about 'Stay Together'?!" he shouted as he hustled down the trail after the others. The heavy backpack swayed with his movements, causing his path to wobble from side to side ever so slightly. As he ran, he kept an eye out for the seemingly elusive walking staff he had missed out on before.

For a forest, there was a severe lack of branches lying on the ground...

((Move: Follow the others))
((Spot: Stave))
((if(bool staveIsFound == true){Inventory.Add(Stave);}))
Eric stopped still, trying to make himself a small as a target as possible, looking as if he was a deer in the headlights. He crouched. Eric needed to find out who the person was as soon as possible. this place was crazy enough, turning a jocular older man into a crazed bloodthirsty profanity yelling-- was he even human anymore with how he was ramming himself against the door? Eric could still hear the thumping very very faintly in the distance when he listened hard. He needed to get into the head of this new guy. Maybe while everyone else caught up. the teenager concentrated, trying to reproduce the same feeling he had felt before with those burning children who had looked at Hunter.

Did he want to do this again? No. No he didn't. Not in the least. But he wanted to survive. Survival- was death preferable to going crazy and insanely muttering like those things? The things that should be dead but refused to die? He didn't know. He wasn't sure he wanted to find out.

[sightjack unknown man]
((Jeremi equipped Heavy Wood))

Everyone moved quickly away from the plane, sensing that the barricade might not hold for much longer.

Eric, a little ways ahead, cajoled himself into another one of the bizarre visions before the others arrived. Whoever it was up ahead, their eyes were covered in a red liquid mask... not a good sign. The man exhaled heavily, almost snoring. His eyes were flickering open and shut lazily, staring blankly at a flat, broad stump. The cut of the wood looked fresh; embedded in the stump was an old-fashioned logging hatchet, a little longer than a person's forearm. Luckily, the man didn't already have a hand on it and seemed fairly exhausted, so it might be possible to simply sneak past without danger.

As everyone else caught up with Eric, they quickly searched the ground for useful tools. Unfortunately, all that really came up were branches and logs of various sizes, both light and heavy. They might work as a weapon for now, but relying on them long-term would be infeasible. Testing them out, Hunter was forced to recognize that he just couldn't wield any of them effectively as a weapon given his stature. The small sticks were just so small that they would be entirely ineffective as weaponry. He did notice a number of lightweight, hand-sized rocks that could be used as bludgeons, however.

A sound of creaking metal behind them... Freddy had gotten out. Gunfire was already bursting throughout the wreckage. If there was anyone left behind when the four left, there was no saving them now. Uproarious laughter burst through the woods as the pilot began to stumble towards the path. Oddly, it seemed as though the co-pilot was no longer with him. "Who wants to meet the captain?" the voice called out, followed by laughter that was quickly broken by a fit of coughing.


Objective: Reach the Lighthouse.

DIRECTIONS: All players are at the start of the forest path. Behind them is the plane crash. Ahead of them, the path continues.

All players are together. No player is detected by shibito.

Ilyani Scales: 10/10 Vitality
Hunter O' Leary: 12/12 Vitality
Jeremi Davis: 10/10 Vitality
Eric Smith: 10/10 Vitality

The players detect each other and two people nearby:
Pilot @ Front of Crash: 10/10 Vitality
Log Cutter @ Forest Path (2): 10/10 Vitality
Catching up with Eric, Ilyani took a while to catch her breath. As her breathing racked her burning lungs, her dark blue eyes raced around to find something useful, but all she found were some rocks and sticks. Her mind was about to disregard the natural items as complete bollocks, when the opportunist came in. Critical analysis raced across her conscious, and she nodded to no one in particular.

Bending down, she picked up a couple of rocks, as well as the same number of sticks. Hey, you never know when the time came that demanded the use of a well-thrown rock or a nice and sharp stick. She stuffed them into her inner jacket pockets, glad that she had the sense to bring it on this trip. The air-conditioning in the airplane was ludicrously high, and she would had shivered like a madman a couple of hours into the flight if not for the cold protection.

Suddenly, she heard an unmistakable voice turn the silence of the forest into unnerving disquiet. Ilyani's head jerked in response, her eyes focusing behind the scurrying group. After a few moments of attempting to see the escapee, she gave up. It was not her concern to see the pilot, in any case. The madman had a gun, and that was her concern. She walked forward a bit before sensing that something was amiss. Perhaps it was an effect of that vision-thing back on the plane, but she just somehow knew that someone was up ahead.

After the bout with Freddy and Jen-Jen, she figured she was not taking any chances with strangers. She tried to move as sneakily as possible, watching the ground for possible twigs or bushes that would snap and swish, giving away her position. Cold sweat gathered on her temples as the tension grabbed her.

[Inventory: 2 Rocks, 2 Sticks]
[Move further into forest path]
[Hide check - avoid detection]
Jeremi watched the quiet chick as she went to pick up some rocks.

Its the little things that count...

She seemed entirely too nervous though, it was far too unsettling to leave her like that. With giant log in hand, he decided he could make her feel a little more... comfortable... Without waiting for the others (they clearly were taking too long) he strode up past her, confidently. 'Nothing to worry about here' he thought, content with the situation now that he had a weapon in hand.

As he took the lead he pondered what to do if there was another crazy man in the woods. Normally it would be best to try to reason with them, but something told him that wouldn't work. No, he could probably make everyone feel better by beating them senseless with his log. Hehe.. beat him senseless with his log... hehe... log...

Yeah, that would work, gotta see what is going on, but it might just work....

[Pursuit: Move further into forest]
[Engage new people in conversation]
[Combat: If they seem crazy hit them with a log]

Well, these were too big to defend himself with, but Hunter still picked up a shoulder height stick. One of the rocks, too. Right now it'd be clunky and unwieldy, but if he could get a length of the rope from the parachute free, he could make something a bit more useful.

Catching up with the group proper, he was assailed with the knowledge that someone like the pilot was ahead. Thankfully, it wasn't Ranger Rick. Still, he thought he had seen an axe in that brief flash, and that didn't look friendly, so he stepped into the brush, held the stick horizontally so that it wouldn't raise above him, then stepped up to follow the group. He didn't risk talking to them, but gave curt acknowledgements if they looked in his direction.

((Pick up: Staff, Rock))
((Move: Follow the group/trail))
Eric knew enough that some vision caked in blood was not a good idea to head toward. He swiftly moved as stealthily as his shoes allowed toward the forest path at a brisk pace.

He needed to stay out of sight, and perhaps he'd be able to use this strange ability to do so. He didn't know if any of the others had it but- Eric decided to say nothing. If they brought it up, then he'd talk. But if they thought he was crazy, he might be left to fend for himself.

This place didn't exactly look friendly.

He needed some friends. While running was easy, it was impossible to keep running and running. Especially swimming across that water. He needed another option.

[Pursuit]: Move into forest
[Sightjack]: Continue feed of info
[Spot]: Look around for any threats