Chaos Land

"Alright" Andria said, her face showing some more excitement then before. She turns to Mercutio and approaches him. She turns him around towards the pit and begins trying to push him. "Go on and take point pointman." She goes, giggling some as she does this. The pink pony now has his head next to Tharum's side. If we could understand what was going trough the pony's mind at that moment, it would be "O deer, not again." Why it was that, we don't know, as it would take an much better understanding of the universe then we posses..... That or Andria's actions previous to this point.
Tharum breifly takes note of the creature at his side before looking back to the flask in his hand. "... Powerful stuff 'ere. Better save that for later." He looks back to the group, shaking his head as if to shake off the bizarre image, saying, "What're you fellas still doin' pussy footin' around the grave! If you're scared, just say so! We can go back and I can get payed for this nonsense now! Otherwise, get a move on, I won't wait forever y'know!"
Nalerenn raised from his kneeling position, looking towards Tharum, slightly annoyed by the outburst.

"Knowing is half the battle, my friend. It is always best to be prepared for the situation."
"Infernal woman! Get your disguisting, low-born paws off of me!" Mercutio was pushed to the edge of his balance again, and this time shoved the girl back. He took two long steps away from the grave, only affording himself a passing glance at the footprints that the others had discovered.

"I most certainly will not be going first. If you're so keen, woman, why don't you start us off? I will not be putting my health beneath yours, commoner! Yes, of course, why don't one of you foolhardy myrmidons take the lead? Hmm?" He glared about at them again, as if daring them to head down the steps first.
A soft sigh left his lips as he walked over to the hole to look inside of it. He then turned around and pointed at Geraden, "Geraden and Andria," he said as his finger went from Geraden to Andria, "I suggest you two go into the hole first. With your skills and weapons, you'd be the best choices." He then turned away from them and looked at Mercutio, "Mister Strongarm, you take the position behind them. Riverwind, you too. You two should be capable of seeing the traps before our warriors step into them. Keep those eyes open." He then turned around one last time to look at Nalerenn, "You and me should stick behind for back-up and in case we get attacked from behind."

Shuryou took a few steps away from them all to look at them all and started to talk again, "I suggest we leave the animals here with Tharum. He'll take care of them. And I would like to see the people of our group cooperate instead of retaliate. Mister Strongarm and Miss Andria, could you two create a peace treaty between eachother? If need be, temporarily?"
Tharum shrugs. "I don't know nothin' about takin' care of 'em, but if you just mean make sure they don't run off, well that's fine. Won't make my job any harder anyway. Yeah, sure I'll watch over your critters."
"Myrmidons," Geraden murmured, unsure if the duke had used the work correctly. "Bah, you are correct Shuryou. I just hope that the cave allows for the length of my weapon. In narrow spaces, Andria and I would be far less effective."

Still, the large warrior stepped to the entrance of the hole and stared down, a sly grin of anticipation escaping his lips. He turned one last time toward his companions.


He made his way into the hole, keeping his eyes peered for any foul creatures.
Leaving his bow slung upon his back, Riverwind patted Swiftgale for a final time, commanding the horse to stay put with a click of his tongue. Reaching into his pack, he extracted one of the few amenities he had allowed himself--an enchanged torch, to light the way ahead. Well aware that the warrior himself hadn't prepared for such circumstances, he swiftly followed the colossus, unsheathing his rapier in the process.

The faster this was done, the better. He disliked the thought of leaving his companion alone for extended periods of time.

((Spot, Listen checks at +6))
They move down into the passageway, carefully making their way down. They are still within sight if one looks down the passage. They now stand at the bottom of the stairs.
Andria saw that some of the group has started moving, and there was no way to get the bossy one up front. She gets up and walks past Mercutio, making sure to say something that he would hear. "If my uncles find out how you treated me, not even your "Nobility" will beable to save you." She continues to the pit, and starts to walk down it.