Bloodsong: The Heroes

Marquez Baeln
Fighter/Druid 3rd
True neutral

Maya Darkholme
Rogue/Ranger 3rd
Chaotic Neutral

Marroar Songsteel
Wizard/Cleric 3rd
Chaotic Good

Ilianna Morgaude
Bard 3rd/Fighter 2nd/Sorc 1st
Neutral Good

Rysan Marquise
Cleric 2nd/Rogue 2nd/Fighter 2nd
True Neutral

For six full cycles, the continent has been torn by unbroken war between the Humans and the Orcs, and it seems that no force in the world can prevent the urban Humans and nomadic Orcs from utterly destroying everything that they have spent the centuries building. The Elves, mercifully seperated from the conflict, have retreated to their ancestral homes, but now both sides are becoming increasingly aggressive towards even the most peaceful of elven homesteads.

The Heroes, as they would later be known (but not forever,) all came to this sacred grove for different reasons.

One ancient Druid, the guardian of the forest, told his tribe of an odd and unnatrual whisper of power from somewhere near, corrupting the trees and animals.

The advisor-Wizards of the Central Plains detected something similar-- and took an interest in it.

The shamans of the Orcs were not immune to its call, and were affected by it much like the animals of the forest: Violently.

And one god, for his own unfathomable purposes, took an interest in the event.

Our adventurers meet in a sacred grove, in a location that even the most seasoned Druid could not possibly know, standing before a tall, powerful-looking Celestial, adorned in blood- red and silver robes, eminating an aura of power.

Though war rages all around, it cannot reach this grove. The figure speaks, but no words come out. Instead, the wanderers are instantly aware of what they are to do. They have been chosen to save the continent, to become the greatest heroes that the world will ever know: Not only heroes, but Heroes of whom ballads will be sung for millenia.

The figure reveals no more, but vanishes along with the grove, leaving all of them standing together in a woodland just outside the Central Plains.

You are aware of the fact that nine hours' hike across flat ground to the north is a fully armed squad of Humans on the move.

Orc encampments are nearby. You may roll whatever checks you consider appropriate to search for signs of them.

Listen and Spot checks reveal nothing special at this moment.

The city's massive gates are locked, and two guards are visible at the ramparts.
Save the world? Wonderful. Just what she'd been trying to do in the first place. The calling, as she had come to know it, had been powerful. Powerful enough to drag her away from her mission, powerful enough to drag her this far from home, and this was all that was there to answer her? She answered the call and in turn was told that she was going to save the world. Fantastic. The damnable orcs were probably taking the chance then and there to swarm the towns under her charge. And what would Uncle say to her sudden flight of fancy? Her little adventure to the middle of nowhere!

Illiana shook her head. How annoying. The Calling had done nothing but distract her from her duty and brought her to the middle of nowhere to speak with some...thing! Something that had now taken it's leave and left her alone. Or not quite so. There were others. "The rest of you, I assume you heard the same? The message of The Calling? Or are you the agents of it?" The proud woman set herself, shoulders back, chin up, feet firmly set in the ground, as a smug grin grew on her face. "I demand information. You will each tell me why you are here and what you know about The Calling."

It did not take her long to remember her place. She was not in her home, not with the servants and underlings, nor was she in the lands where she was welcome. "I... I'm sorry. This has been a little shocking, that's all. The Calling, or at least that's what I've named it, it was what brought me here. A feeling. A powerful feeling that I had to be here, in this place. It's hardly something one experiences everyday." Yes, she certainly did have to watch her tongue. Not all were kind to elves. Much less the bastard blood children of men and elf kind. And not in these lands.

Despite her falling back, she still kept her hands at her sides, her right hand within easy reach of her slender blade. While the others had not yet made any hostile actions, they all appeared armed. She still held herself proudly, as before, standing firm and tall. Her attire was appropriate, unelegant and comfortable, with a color range of brown to tan. The clothes were also well worn, showing days upon days of use and wear, strain and struggle. The items were modest and loose, as the likes a man might wear. Her attire seemed to simply embody modesty with little flesh meeting the light, and were it not for her too pretty, feminine face, the woman's true gender might very well be missed. As she had planned, of course. The hood on the back of her cloak was not simply for the weather. A shame she had lacked the foresight to enter the grove prepared. She would have at least been able to hide her heritage.

Strange how the scene in the grove had played out. The memory of the figure was blurry, like she couldn't quite remember his form. Was it even a he? With luck, the others would know more. "But please, my question still stands. Are you a part of The Calling itself? Or perhaps you are all like myself? Did you too hear it?"
"Loooud, inn't sheee, Fiiish?" The druid turned her head to grin down at the wolf that was hunkered down beside her. The beast's hackles were all the way up, its legs splayed out for stability, and its lip drawn up into a snarl directed at the place where the tall humanoid thing had stood just a moment before. If the wolf didn't like it, then the druid wouldn't like it, either. Her senses were vastly inferior to a wolf's, and she knew that a beast would know more about the encounter that they had just experienced than she could ever figure.

The druid turned her head the other way as a woman standing halfway across the clearing came to a sudden stop in the middle of her commanding rant. The druid's grin grew larger and even more lopsided. It was obvious that this was some kind of Plains girl. The people from the Plains always seemed to be high on arrogance and low on common sense. The wolf had realized that the silently speaking apparition was gone for good, and had turned its snarl on the girl instead. The druid reached down and patted the creature reassuringly on the head.

"Don' worryyy, Fiiish. Sheee don' look laiiihk muuuch trubble." The druid reached up and plucked a twig from her short hair. There always seemed to be an ample supply of them present. She began to pick her teeth with the end of the stick; it was something that she had picked up the habit of doing whenever she was thinking. Finally the druid said, "Yeh, ay heaaard iiit. Prettyyy taaall order iiit leeeft us wiiith. Ay'm heeere ta seee whaaat aaal thiiis diiisturbaaance iiin the foressst iiis 'bout."

Suddenly, as if struck by a sudden thought, the druid's eyes narrowed to slits as green as summer maple leaves. "Aaand whaaat're yooou doiiiing iiiin myyy foressst, aaanyhowww?"

In reality, not all of the forest belonged to the druid, including the part that they were presently in. However, how would the outlanders know that? The druid thought it best that she strike some fear into these intruders. They didn't belong in any forest. If they didn't have any kind of business here, the druid would just kick them out back to the Plains where they belonged.

--ask what the heck everybody, Illiana especially, is doing in the forest.]
"Well, well, well . . . . and you say its your forest huh?"

The Cleric of the group looks at the very delirious druid lady. "See, I come from a village not far from here, so I can say with full right, thiiiissssss issssnnnnt yyourrrrrrrr forrreeeeest". Unfortunately, he's half right with this: his village is only a few miles from here and is a situated neutral zone, but he doesnt actually belong to that village, not now at least. He's actually quite young for an elf, about 18 in human years.

It was quite cutomary for elves at that age to be exiled in a "Trial of Manliness" to prove something from themselves. But why did he? A known intellectual in the village at the ripe young age of 18, had to prove himself? Sure there were the many explosions that seemed to happened when he was around and then there were the . . . lack of wildlife in the surroinding areas but it that why he had to prove himself? This "Choosing" seems like a good way to prove that he could control himself and finally be accepted into the elven society once more. But one small obstacle came to mind . . .

"Can I burn your tail Little wolvie?" He said as he looked at the Wolf that belonged to the druid. He was an insane pyromainac . . .
What the... Why... were Maya's first incomplete thoughts after she had heard all that had been said. Heroes...? But... she thought as she stared at her hands silently. Her small hands, covered by black gloves, were now hands with which she would become a hero if she liked it or not. Forming her hands into fists, she stared back up at the point were the figure once was that had spoken to them about their destiny and shouted out loud, not caring about the reactions of the others.

"WHERE IS OUR CHOICE IN THIS!?" she shouted at the top of her lungs through the bandana she had wrapped around the lower side of her face as most rogues did to cover their identities as much as possible. Maya looked around at the others and became slightly annoyed at their own reactions to this. A road to sudden glory would be a stupid thought as nothing would be given to people on a silver platter these days. She only had her bow and arrows with her and some requirements for going on long journeys. She wore a simple loose leather outfit that was dark like the night with a bit of dark brown entwined in it. On her back was her quiver with arrows in it with the bow attached to it carefully. Money and other belongings were placed in various pockets of her outfit. She was awfully small but this was normal to her as she was of the Halfling race. Maya was quite slim as she needed the speed in her actions. Heroes... thought Maya as she looked away from the others, Heroes die. They all do.

Maya took a few steps away from the rest as she needed some space for herself and thought about the events that had occured a few minutes ago. So we've been ordered to save a bunch of people against our will. Atleast one person is happy towards this twist of things. One person is... Distraught. Peculiar. And doesn't seem to be capable of grabbing the line of events. We've got one sarcastic person. I've got to keep my eyes one for that one. The last... Seems quiet... Maya held her eyes open for all words of that which they were saying. Eventually the question of what they were doing here and words about the 'Calling' flew into her ears. Am I part of them...? Am I...? she thought as she looked over her shoulder at the others.
Quick note: It's middday.

Maya hears shouting from the ramparts.

Illiana hears it too. To her, it sounds like orders between soldiers. She looks, and sees the two guards yelling at each other and pointing at the group. After a moment, another guard appears.

The rest are unaware.
"How very familiar." Ilianna said as she threw her hood over her head and drew the strings tight. She sincerely doubted that they'd seen her... irregularity. The nearby guards should still be ignorant. From the looks of things, though, they looked as if they were preparing for something. Well, there was a war going on... "I'm just not used to seeing it from the other side. You. Elf. Cover your ears. Your kind is not welcome in these parts. There are many who view the retreat of the Elves as cowardly, if not worse. 'Let the man who be not my friend be my foe,' as my family says."

Again, Ilianna was reminded of her position. She almost cursed. Perhaps she had spent too long in her own lands. "And may I suggest that we go and meet with the nearby men? There is a war going on, so those who commit suspicious actions, such as a gathering like our own? Yes, well, I've seen men imprisoned for less. Please speak the tongue of the Central Plains or speak not at all. The small one and the druid might do well to stay back and away. And you too, Elf. With luck, these men know little of elves and won't be able to identify you simply by the look of your skin. Hiding your ears should be enough, but best not to take chances."

She cycled through the rest of the languages at her disposal, the language of the Plains itself, then stumbled through the two tongues practiced by the elves, of race and home, each time repeating her message, often shortened in the fears of the increasing suspicion of the guards. "Do you all understand?" She said, her voice now kind and understanding. "I pray we find nothing but good fortune ahead of us. Now, please, let us go. And remember, the language of the Plains, if you can help it. Or at least the Common tongue." With that, she turned about and started marching towards the guards. She turned her head back as she walked and smiled from within her hood. "No reason to waste time, right? We can speak once this is taken care of." She stopped and turned around fully as a thought reached her. "I'm terribly sorry! I've just remembered, I've not said my name! Ilianna. My name is Ilianna. It seems were in no small bit of trouble, with the figure and The Calling so... I suppose what I'm getting at is, the sooner we take care of the immediate issue, the sooner we can figure out what this is all about. Okay?" She said, happily, before turning back and heading towrds the guards once again.
"I pray we find nothing but good fortune ahead of us. Now, please, let us go. And remember, the language of the Plains, if you can help it."

-- I don't understand this. Is this a request to speak in the language of the Plains? Do you know the language of the Plains?

The guards lower their voices and talk amongst themselves, and the third guard retreats from sight.

Illyana's Elven ears pick up the word, "Woodie."
(I hate to make a post simply for an ooc comment, but I'd rather wait for the others before Ilianna makes any other actions. Yes, that is a request to speak the language of the Plains, or rather the language of the Central Plains, as it was put in your first post. And yes, Ilianna knows the language, as well as the other three languages mentioned in that post.

However, her knowledge of the Eastern Forest language is debateable. Ilianna only has access to two bonus languages for her intelligence score. However, she is half-elven. I basically took it that Eastern was this game's version of Elven, and since half-elves start with Elven, I thought that the way things would work here is that she would know Eastern. If this is incorrect, please notify me of this so I can fix it.

But yes, to make things simple; 1. Ilianna is asking the others to speak Central, and 2. She does know Central. Nice and simple, eh?

EDIT: Post modded due to new information.)
The druid heard the elf's mockery of her accent loud and clear. Her head whipped around, as did the wolf's. The grin was gone from her face, and the creature's snarl had only grown in size. She could already tell that she wasn't going to like this one.

"Ay'm sorryyy, I caaan't understaaand whaaat you're saaaying." The druid shrugged, and went back to picking her teeth. "Aaand no, you caaan't buuurn Fiiish's taiiil. He wooon't liiike thaaat."

The wolf called Fish was eyeing the elf's toes rather critically, as if trying to decide if there was enough meat on them to make their consumption worthwhile.

There was a halfling rambling about their lack of choice in the matter, but the druid just shut her out. There would be no room in any group for a pessimist. Perhaps they could dump this halfling off at the next town, and get her out of the way...

The other woman, the one who seemed to think that she was in charge of everything, was going through a number of languages. Most of them the druid didn't recognize, but when she got to the tongue of the Plains, it turned out that this half-human was asking them all to try and fit in.

"Aren't you just the snobby one, hm?" the druid asked, switching over to the Druidic that she was far more accustomed to. However, slinging insults in foreign languages wasn't going to solve anything, and she reluctantly went back to her rusty Plains.

Then, the druid realized that the half-human was telling her and the halfling to stay back, out of sight.

"Ay beg youuur paaardon, laaadyyy." The druid shook her head at the many-tongued woman, who was apparently called Illiana. The druid resumed picking her teeth with the stick that she had rescued from her hair. "Siiince wheeen weeere yooou electeeed ouuur leaderrr? Ay owwwn paaart of thiiis foressst"--the druid snuck a dark glance at the elf who had called her bluff--"aaand thaaat saaays thaaat iiif aaanyone iiis giiiving orderrrs arounnnd heeere, iiit shooould be meee..."

--nothing really important going on here. Just responding to other players, and telling Illiana not to be so high-and-mighty.]
Maya stared away from the others at quite a distance, not wanting to be affiliated with them at first, as she listened carefully to what they were saying. Eventually she heard the words of leadership and orders going through her mind and she looked at them over her shoulder. "Either way..." she started while raising her voice slightly so they could hear her properly, "We should start moving. Staying here doesn't help us one bit. Let's decide who becomes leader of our group from the lay of the land. The beast woman clearly knows enough of the forest," she said as she turned around and pointed at Marquez. "So I suggest we let her lead to our destination," she continued and before she could continue talking she was struck by a fault they had made all.

"Also... It might be wise to start with introductions," she said as she took a few steps towards the others, "My name is Maya Darkholme. What are yours? We'll be sticking together for a long time... It's best to know each other's name." She looked around, checking each face of the group and started to realize there was no way of getting away from this so she had better get used to it. I may not like it, but... Without a clear mind, they'll fight because of stupid things. I'll stick around for that purpose and maybe some treasure. Maya grinned slightly under her bandana and waited for the answers of her companions.
"The path ahead of me took me here, well mostly, and the path ahead of me will take me out" Said the traveller while taking out his crossbow. "I think that we all know that we are not alone, and I do not think they are the most friendly of people. I would suggest that one of us talk to them, to make them go elsewhere. I will cover you in case it turns ugly" His voice became more hushed by the end of talking.

"You may call be Wren" he said before disapearing into the woods to cover his fellow travellers.

Where he formerly stood only his backpack remained. The rest of the group might mantain sight of him, but hopefully the humans would not.
" IIIIIII THHHHIIIINNNKKK . . . . .. now that shouldnt be a good way to talk to a fellow comrade should it?" The elf stopped mid way through his little insult of the druid. He looked around the rest of the group, but after seeing each person, his eyes kept shifting to the cold, ready-to-kill face of the druid's companion. He kept thinking various pictoral ways of burning his little tail but his thought pattern soon changed. . .
" My ears!?" He covered his ears at the thought of trying to pass out as a human. " . . . I see" is all of what he could reply to it, he knew little about the position of neutrality of the elves. Elves had to look out for themselves, they had their own problems in their villages and couldn't afford to be in such conflicts, that was obvious. But he never thought of why not helping out to settle these conflicts. . .
" I havent introduced myself, how rude of me" he bows as he said that. "The names Marroar Songsteel and I am pleased to enflame you-- I mean meet you all! " he stammered on hit statement. He seemed to have mixed up his thoughts of burning the wolf and introducing himself. " If I can make a suggestion, I believe this Ilianna person should be the leader, she took charge of the group first and she makes a very good point. Plus I dont think the druid should handle the societal issues of meeting these guys. No offense but I dont think you could make sure we dont enter conflict." He said with a discerning tone in his voice.
The druid's face set itself into flatness as she listened to the others. They seemed big on getting things done. The druid didn't have any kind of problem with that, but she would certainly be better off without the elf inevitably messing things up.

"Maaarquez Baaaeln," the druid said in response to the inquiry of names. "The wolllf iiis Fiiish." She grinned at the elf, who was hastily trying to cover his telltale ears. "Wooould yooou liiike me to remooove thooose fooor yooou? I caaan do iiit permanentlyyy." Her hands went to the pommels of the short swords that hung ready at her sides. "Iiif you'd liiike."
"Well there Maaaaarquez, I did say I was sorry no need to try and kill me. " The elf sweats a little as he said that. He's not really that bad of a guy. Sure he may try to kill small animals, but that doesnt mean she had to try to kill her that fast. "But the dog however, looks delicous enough to eat" He drools a little bit before he catches himself and cleans it off. " Um sorry about that, I can get . . . . maniacal a bit sometimes."
A guard emerges from the gates and approaches. He now stands perhaps 50 feet away, and is closing at a casual pace.
The Guard approaches Ilianna. Now that he's closer, you can see that he's partially armored, probably as a formality.

"You," he says, pointing so that everyone sees exactly who 'you' is. "Who are you and what business do you have here? He makes no comment on the race of the group, but doesn't look pleased to be out here dealing with strangers, and suspicous ones at that.
"We'll finish this later," she hurriedly whispered to her companions." After that, Ilianna cleared her throat and began to speak. Her tongue took well to the language of the Men of Plains and she smiled as she spoke. "Greetings. And my aplogies as well for not having approached you earlier. My comrades and I were, or rather are, having a small disagreement. Again, my apologies."

"As for who we are, well, it's as you see. Nothing you've never see before, I'm sure. Wanderers are all too common these days, it's practically become a profession. At any rate, the little one is Maya, my female companion is Marquez and the final man you see is Marroar. We have a final companion amongst us, but he appears to have stepped out to take care of a little business. As for myself, my name is Ilianna." She almost said her last name out of habit, but stopped herself. Constantly relying on her Uncle was hardly good for her own development. She'd be more than strong enough on her own, she'd made that promise more than once.

"But tell me, good sir, what town is it that you hail from? Or rather, which town it is you protect? I seem to have gotten lost along the way to my destination and could use a point from which to find my way home. I'm sure my companions would appreciate a night of shelter and rest as well. And let me also assure you that we do not intend on staying on your hospitality alone." She let her hand slowly move down to her waist, to her belt. Ilianna moved three pieces of gold into her hand and then placed one between each of her fingers. She held her hand up, saying, "We are certainly willing to pay our own way. Especially with recaptured gold from the beady-eyed brutes," she said, her smile wide.

Language - Central Plains
Diplomacy Check
The guard starts to ask to see the final member of the group, then pauses. The gears turning in his head are positively visible. After all, now that he knows he's not dealing with a bunch of beggars, they couldn't possibly do much harm.

"Alright, Elf," he says, turning his back and making for the gates, "I'll tell them to leave the gates open for you and your last remaining friend. But be quick. We're expecting--"

He's cut short by an arrow, and falls to the ground, bleeding profusely.

Within seconds, a fully armed squad of Humans has gathered at the gates, and is closing fast.
Wren watched as the arrow implanted itself into the poor defenceless guard. Whoever was attacking wouldn't likely let them live aswell. His eyes drifted towards the tree-tops were he thought that it came from. He immediately brought his crossbow up and fired, targeting the vitals of the nearby foe. The bolt cutting past tree after tree slicing the air is search of its resting place.

He began moving towards the rest of the group, slowly though, as not to be seen by those he knew must be closing in around him. Hopefully the shot did not give him away.

[Summary: Ranged sneak attack vs archer in the trees. +6 to Hit. 2d8+1d6 damage. No dex bonus for the archer(flat-footed)
Proceed to move towards the group 5']