D-Lux Art

[responds in thread so that her name draws attention to it]
*Skull bashes the thread for massive damage*
*Threatens that further posting for the sake of posting will meet with warns*

*Notes that art is a decent start*

*Likes the hands, but explains that arms don't bend like that*

*Thumbs up the rest*
Alright, more cruddy art.

But I feel like doing something with it.

Basically, my "Intermediate 2D Art" class the teacher gives homework every week. And since the course started, it's pretty much been "Research an artist, find a work of art he made, write a page", then "Draw a picture similar to one by the artist you researched last week" This week, however, it was "Draw a Self-Portrait". So I made one, and I'm placing it here.

I dunno, it's not very good. But it kind of looks a little like me. Also, the ears are different sizes, but that's okay, because that's how they are in real life. (One of my ears is different, it's like, folded over or something at the top, I dunno.)

So, if anyone feels like commenting on it, feel free. If you don't feel like it, don't.
Or do, but why you would if you didn't want to is beyond me.

very good job on the eyes, I never got good at those...

I think the face is a little long, but I'm an idiot at art...

if you need to learn anatomy still, I suggest by some exercise magazins like 'men's/women's health'...

it's not as good as drawing a real person, but it shows examles of body without being awkward or pornographic. because they are usually wearing tight clothes in those, it helps you see how the whole thing goes together...
Free Choice Art Homework

SummonerMan.EXE (Read Physical Description here.)

I have to color him, and will do so eventually. . .

More Questions and Comments and Criticisms?

Also, Thank you Niax for the advice and criticism. I do realize that my anatomy is off, however, I don't plan on buying fitness magazines. I'll figure some source out, though.

EDIT: And 5 minutes and 4 colored pencils later . . .

Yeah, It's quick and cruddy, but It has color now for reference.
Pretty nice jorb with the cloth. The hand's a bit small, but anatomically correct. The leg is also a bit thin, but that's nitpicking.

But I love picking nits. : D

Good job.
More sketches, just putting them here because I feel like it. . .
((Darn you, Lux, clogging up the Fan Art section with your rather average and not particularly incredible art. You're taking away attention from good Artists and Hiko's Backstory.))

Female Stage Magician who still needs a name.

Aqua Twins draft 1 They look kind of dumb though.

Aqua Twins draft 2, I think this one looks better, despite the lack of faces. (Or perhaps that's a factor towards why it looks better)

There you go, say whatever, or don't.



New one from the day after I made these, but I was away so I couldn't use my scanner.

And now for something completely different...

Well, actually, not really. Different medium, same poor quality that you've all come to know and love, right?

Well, I got distracted and made this:

That's SummonerMan.

So, I figured I'd upload it here. Feel free to comment/criticize/advise/insult/praise or whatever it is you feel like doing to it.

Anyway, while I was uploading that, I figured I'd stick my other, though worse, RERN type sprites here.

The first one is SummonerMan from when I tried making him in MMBN style. It didn't work very well. The other one seems to be better quality. The Second one is Mokusei. The Third and Forth are Atra, one with helmet, one without. She was a Navi that I almost registered with, but I picked Mokusei instead. However, I still have her Sprite and her Reg. saved in the depths of my PC, so I put her here too. These dudes are older, and all use MMBN bases, I think. Mokusei is just Shado man, and maybe a Bomb throwing pose, Atra is Medi, I don't remember what Summ is, but it doesn't matter, as he's bad anyways.

Oh, and by the by, I used this dude as his base...

See the similarities?