The Advertising Thread
OK! ToNE is getting a whole new change into its RP, and I want YOU to join the fun! Ever since the return of the root admin, Fayt_Drkblade, he started to change the RP from the top to bottom but we don't have too much players to play it TT^TT.
The RP is 80%-ish done so you have to wait up a bit, but until then, try making a navi for your self! I'll tell ya, making a navi feels so rewarding and good XD.
*Grabs the nearest member and starts shoving into the site*
Megaman Battle Network V.3
The Order is full, so you can either wait for them to open up. They might get one spot open in the next month. After that they might not have any open spots for about less then three years.
The Council has plenty of open spots, I of course am in the Council. I was the founding member alongside Lukas. We kinda dropped in activity, I'm trying to fix that by either finding three people who have the time. Or just seeing if people here want to join.
You have to be a real good roleplayer, this site doesn't want people who do one or two sentences for Profiles or anything.
Quote (Wooga)
Organization XIV & Council of Light
I remember that place! I registered as Paexan, I think.Oh, and...

This is a beginning MMZ-ZX style RP site where your critisism would be appreciated and joining even more so.We are currently starting a sitewide plot that I made up and thus hope you can join up!
This isn't my site, but its MajinBooger's. Its a Legend of Zelda RPG. Its currently dead/in a coma, but being the LOZ fan that I am, I don't want it to die. Please, if you're reading this, sign up and give it life!
If you like getbackers, this is a rp site you gotta see! Its awesome!!! I'm about to start my own character there! Its been getting slow over there so they need new members. PLEASE JOIN!
Starring my mentally retarded fancharacter Rapid in place of Sonic. Always fun, that.
First page link
Perma-link to latest page
Anyway, just thought I'd post it here to try and spread the word a bit. Also, links in my sig. =P
this is basicly political stuff, ubscure stuff etc. all with two hand drawn cats! ya.....if you DON'T want to listen to the tube of the car, listen to THIS!
Assassination is a burgeoning trade in this age. Over time, three major assassination guilds have sprouted all over Europe, setting up major headquarters in many large countries. Being paid considerable amounts of coin for a single job, murder is an attractive profession for many poverty-stricken or simply greedy citizens.
Many opportunities can be found in these lands; a newcomer can rise to the top of a guild with a bit of finesse, a bit of imagination, and a bit of shrewdness. A quick brain can be just as important as a serial killer's state of mind in most situations...
Is this getting your brain working? Creative juices flowing?
To find out more about Pact of Shadows, go to WWW.PACTOFSHADOWS.DOTCOM
The Planet FM continues to have EM Viruses slip through their grasps as the threatening waves attack Earth and other planets. Not only that, but a hand full of FM-ians and AM-ians have begin to have ideas of distrust as after shock from the last war. They have begun to use their ability to manipulate faulted and weak willed humans to take form and wage war against each other on the planet Earth as their battle ground.
Geo Stelar and Omega-xis have begun to take on the looming threat of a possible EM war, but himself and Sonia Strumm and her partner, Lyra find it difficult for a job by themselves. Luna Pretz, Bud Bison, Tom Dubious and other once FM-ian controlled warriors have now regained their Wave Changed form compliments of the FM King who wishes them to aid their friends Gio and Sonia so that the true meaning of intergalactic BrotherHood can soon be realized. Will it be enough or will the war wage on?
FM-ians and AM-ians continue to join the fight to overthrow one planet's power without the fear of the monstrous, Andromeda. Will you choose a side, or will you fight for interstellar peace, you and your partner must decide...
Star force Forums
Shut away from the light
LoCkEd completely in a CAGE
Trapped like the animal
That I am
Surrounded in immensible RAGE
Once upon a time, God told the animals, "I'm inviting you all to a banquet tomorrow.
Don't be late!" Hearing this, the mischievous rat told his neighbor, the cat, and told him
the banquet was the day after tomorrow. The next day, the rat rode on the back of the
ox and nimbly landed in front of the banquet hall. After him followed the ox, the tiger,
and all the rest, and together they feasted 'till morning. All except the foolish cat, who
had been tricked. And the cat, unable to attend the banquet, was angry that he had
been deceived and was always trying to catch the rat...
EnGulFeD in every NOTE
These songs use to soothe
NoW all TheY do
Is cut deep scars in my heart
'Cause they rEMINd me
Of you.
The infamous Sohma family seems like the regular aristocratic family with their many
estates and businesses but a disturbing secret looms beyond their heavily guarded
gates. Inside the family, there are fourteen members trying their hardest to live
their lives to the fullest but there's one main difference from them and the rest
of their relatives. When they are hugged by the opposite sex, they turn into their
chosen zodiac animals. And yet there are only twelve animals part of the traditional
zodiac tale so what made it fourteen? There are two lessons to learn and to
remember. Never forget the god and never underestimate the cat.
All alonE in the ice-chilled glass
While tears FROST over
As ThEY fall
I keep my head down
Postponing view
of That mIRRORed wall
No matter how hard she had tried, Tohru Honda was unsuccessful to find the
"cure" of the curse, leading to at least one more generation of zodiacs.
This is their story, or rather their obstacles and treasured moments. This is their
life: Opening Closed Doors.
Never given
The CHANCE to fly
Seeing as how these wings
Were as broken
As my heart that died
WhEn you left out
The door and I fell
To the floor.
Once upon a time, a red furred cat was chased by a rooster and a monkey.
What a twisted fairytale this is. Ever since he was born, the rooster has been missing
and now, out of nowhere, he comes to Japan for New Year's and to meet the
family he never met. But that isn't with whom our story starts, but the cat. Losing
her parents at a young age and now living with her aunt in a house with room
to spare, she ends up with more than an unwanted house guest. the cat and the
rooster come across hurdles, together and apart, that they have or will overcome,
some may be easy or hard, depending upon their route to get beyond them.
But they aren't the only ones having troubles...Join us as they learn that the
only way to truly know another is to know one's self... by opening those closed doors.
We have a fan-fiction to go along with the story that seems endless.
Unknowingly LOST
Inside my head
Where everything
Is bLOODSHOt red
I fall deeper
Until I drownReceiving a peaceful
Here is our link:
You can also email me about affiliation and other things at
I need to book mark this site...
Once an age torn by the rage of men,
It only remains nothing but a world with regrets to amend.
We all hope to drown out our sorrow,
We look forward to a better tomorrow.
We dream every day we look into the skies,
Into pure white and blue until it casts shadows unto our eyes
Even in that darkness still something glimmers
And it is then we reminisce and we continue and at that second we remember.

The good times and the bad,
They were both reasons to be happy or sad.
Memories that have passed will be distant,
But we know they are there, the friendship was what made me glad.

A world of wonder with creatures all around me,
everyday was like magic and I could remain blissfully in defeat,
Destiny curls around my every being,
I don't fight this blessed thing, I embrace it, truly.

Passions of fire from my rivals,
The brink of evil clutching it's fist at such a magnificent thing.
Are they so insignificant that they cause our world to be torn,
Even malice's hand causes them to be their tools to cause the innocent such harm.
Everyday I think I'm hypnotized by the endless abyss,
Will we accept our gifts as nothing more than servants to our sins?
Surely this isn't their purpose in our life,
To serve and let their tears make us feel alive?
I hold them close and dear to my heart,
These creatures who would do the same,
To pull me from the grasp of the dark.

It is then we realize that we don't stare into this abyss alone,
Nor shall we let our pain erode us til' we wither into nothing but bones.
These creatures of fun,
Nature's innocence that is half of who we are
Our dear pokemon

I just wish that in time,You're the ones realized by people that are worth to be protected using both arms.
Does my pictures seem explicit? That's what I've been told when people say if you look real close, but I think they were just searching for things like that looking at the female trainers. Pffft~freaks!
This is an RP site, based on several Animes/Mangas and video games.
-Rurouni Kenshin
-MegaMan Legends
I know it's been posted before, but I think people like Phoenix would enjoy it, being naru-tards. >_>
Naruto RP is most active, by the way.
Oh, and we need members.