The RERN SSBB: Tournament!

just a heads up. Added a link to the promo video.. either I suck at making videos, or i have sucky software to make them in *cough* or both.

also, added steve's and my BF's FCs to the list.
Apparently I'm a moron, and I forgot to take my Wii up to my parents this weekend. >_<

I won't have access until like, Sunday night at best.
Ok hopefully we'll be starting in a few hours. Here is the current line up.

Shur vs Twi

Sora vs Lux

DNR vs Raptor

DNR is replacing steve unless steve miraclously spawns a new wii.

The final match will be a 3 freeforall since we didnt get 8 people.

Also to note, the three who didnt make it past the first three fights, will fight in a 3 free for all also.
Here's my quarter-arsed tournament progression table:

Match order:

Twi VS Shuryou > Twi Wins

Sora VS Lux > Sora Wins

DNR VS Raptor > Raptor Wins

Twi VS Sora VS Raptor > Twi Wins

DNR VS Shuryou VS Lux > Shuryou Wins

Twi VS Shuryou > Twi Wins

Match videos pending.

Did you get any vids?
Who else thinks that we should have another tourney?