Megaman PC

Hey, I know I've been talking about the PC versions of Megaman before, and, for anyone who is familiar with them, it's the game that Cestus ripped off that PA ripped off to get Voltman. XD

But, I had been a bit hard pressed to find any screenshots or sprites of the guys.

Well, I found them. Now we can look at what Voltman SHOULD look like. XD

This was just something I found on a whim, and thought I'd share it with you.
"Without that charge, I wonder how effective Voltman would be. He's one of those bosses that needs his room to fight. Outside of it, I imagine he's quite the wimp."

I'm glad your voltman isn't that ugly. If it were, I might send you back to registration. For serious.
Do you remember what Cestus' Voltman looked like? XD
Frankenstein, if I recall correctly. I did some digging on the roots of my navi's name, hence how I found out about this.
Sorta. It was more or less a limbless, yellow, Woodman.EXE, with two big hands floating in front of it. XD
...There was a sprite?!

I just saw the Reg. info.
There was. Cestus was a moderate spriter. I found it one time, but he killed the link.

That was back when most of the board was in LETS HAET CESTUS mode.
*proudly bears a "NVR HAETD CESTUS LOL" pin*

But yeah, I never saw his sprite of Voltman. I kinda wish I was a better spriter though, I could use some cool sprites for Miyu/Ayumi/Illumina/that new secret guy/Celeste mk 2.