Quick favor

Hey all! This is your local Teddy, with a small request--

Did anyone have a Green Navi in RECN that they're not using now?

And would you like to volunteer him/her for a cameo shot? ;P

If so, post here!
Green...not using...

Wanna use Swing? His outfit's green, if nothing else.
Huh. I didn't actually think of him. 00;

If it's alright with you, he'll be making a cameo soon. That cool?
Cameo for what exactly? He's still technically part of the RP (as Rigel's previous navi), but depending on what you need him for you can still use him.

Oh. Previous Navi...

Well, I'm having him fight for freedom. That alright?
Freedom from what?

IPC douchebags? Sure.
His operator? No. Rigel pretty much let him go.
Something else? Most likely. Just keep in mind that he isn't pulling a Drakkas.
Not IPC, not his Operator. Just fighting for the freedom of the oppressed of the Net, striking down those who would seek to steal and oppress other Navi's rights.

Nope, no Drakkas here.

That alright? ;P
Perfectly. Actually fits rather well with his personality. Just...no retarded nicknames, okay?

Oh, I might be asking you for how Swing would act/talk, etc. XD

Do you have a copy of Swing's backup? =3
'fraid I don't.

Let's see...upbeat, often contrary...obsessed with jazz music...has a sense of honor that often goes beyond any form of common sense.

That's all I can remember at the moment. I was gone when this stuff happened, so I never had much of a chance to back everything up.
Umm demonstar, didn't you copied a backup os swing?

but it's not helping, i think....
That will only help so much, since I think in December I heavily edited him and Rigel's profiles to match current registration standards.

And I also took out the panel thing for Saberang, since we didn't use the panel system.
I have one though. Geomancer.exe. His costume's pretty much military Jungle Camouflage. So if you're looking for Jungle warrior he might be of some use.

Unless you want someone who's more well known. XD

Already settled on Swing.

Thanks for all the volunteers, tho! ;P