Kirbyron in WoW

Leon, my main is horde, So there is love for the horde
Why fight? I've got an incredibly reasonable debit card...

*Suddenly pops up out of nowhere* Give in to the WoW side, Lego! JOIN US! IT IS YOUR- ...uh... (Pst, line!) (Destiny, you fool!) (Oh, right.) -DESTINY, YOU FOOL!

YOU ARE NOT PREPARED! ...To resist WoW's pull!


Well... as a matter of fact... it's gone a smidge....


....until the minnish multi-player oblivion that is....
Lego, you'll get over the tediousness once you experience your first Dungeon Crawl. >:3

...Or your first BG...

Whichever we encounter first. At either rate, get on your character on Khaz; I'll be on there all day today, training up my Warlock.

I actually have my History exam tomorrow...

Ah hell. It's not like I know how to revise anyway. And history is easy.
Pshaw, you can't even get the Levitation moveset. D:<
*flies away with an epic villain*

We have converted Lego to the WoW side. He has upgraded to a full account. >:3

Yes, Twi. We're all very proud about it. <.<

Anyway, that concludes the trial of Kirbyron and Legomage. An insight into WoW got me hooked and probably would hook you too (unless you despirately wanted to prove me wrong).
