Riddlicious Fun Time

Some animal's precious skin/fur.

Nice. Right on Knight. Most people have trouble with that one. Or say 'Bark' or 'Tree'. Good, next riddle! I like this one, one of my few metaphysical things.

7. I'm an urge to do greater things, to go see what challenges the world brings. When something remains undone and hope is depleted, to rise to right it, finish and complete it. I'm something that reveals the inner natures of man, their hearts loud as lions or meek as a lamb. Even today we're reminded of those like me, of a hero's triumph and a villain brought to their knees. What am I?
hmmm... the first part makes me to believe its ones pride... but I'm not sure...
A mirror?
Fable/myth or song.
Hmmm... Close enough. As much as I like being able to do a riddle about something intangible, this ones a little weak. The answer was 'Adventure', but Demon is close enough for the win.

This next riddle was inspired by everyones favorite manically depressed robot.

8. My life is dreary, oh so weary, why am I even here. I exist not for myself, just for someone else, and never a thank you is near. I am the under appreciated life of the city, though one could hardly call this living, while petty bards trod on me singing ditties, all the while I sit here without givings, for who would dare thank I. What am I?
Make that two for Demon. Right on. 'Road' was indeed the answer. Next, let's try something a little easier before moving on to one of my favorites. I have to say though, I like this one a lot, even if it is a smidge easy.

9. I am the child of the elements you see; though what I do few would think so of me. Before birth I am of air, you might see me hanging there, and as a child I am of the ground. I am adverse to fire as to me it is quite dire, and you most often won't see me in the city abound. For the water, like many, I need of it much plenty, which ends the circle you see. Though I find my life most invigorating, many others sit there waiting, as few others could live a life quite like me. What am I?
A tree.
And ZS takes it with 'Tree'. That's another down. Jeez, I'm starting to run out. Next!

10. I am you, you are me, but if we had another we'd be three. I am and can be more; I can be your friend or simply a door. A door to what, you ask? To nothing of course, and to try to find something in nothing can cause madness or worse. And here we come upon what I truly be, I am nothing of course but then what is it you see? What am I?
A mirror
I'm pretty sure it's either a mirror or a shadow.
I said mirror for another riddle.

But yeah. Mirror.

Er... or, what they said.
I'm going to say reflection just to be an asshole.
I shall also be an ass and say...

A temporally displaced version of yourself, which if you were to try and step into (as you would a door) you would destroy yourself due to temporal distortions and such, leading you into oblivion aka nothing.

Yep. I think I just won myself a cookie for that.

*Throws a DemonCookie at Leon*
...I knew I should have responded earlier while I had the chance.The answer was not mirror, sorry guys. Nor was it, uh, that last answer. Last time I checked, you couldn't step into people, regardless of whether or not they were copies of yourself that have been... yeah, all that. Of course, my grasp of temporal physics is flimsy at best, so, hey, could be.

But reflection was the answer I was looking for. Demon grabs it again. You see, the hint 'a door' is not a door in the sense of stepping through and going somewhere else, it's the physical, or even closer the appearance of the door that the clue alluded to. A reflection shifts and changes based off of what it is reflecting, thus it could certainly be you, one of your friends, a door, etc... A mirror casts a reflection, so while it does these things, it isn't one of these things itself. To summarize, a mirror is simply a mirror, a reflection shifts and changes.

Chalk another one up for Demon. Next! Something silly and misleading!

11. A friend to the worker, to the child and to the mother, to the sister and the father and even the little brother, I am a friend to all who tread these lands, but one thing is for certain, I am no friend to hands. What am I?
barney the dinosaur with a hand eating fetish...

I can't think seriously when it's 7:49 in the morning
I think you've got too many correct answers here. Silverware/dishes, for instance.

Not very friendly on your hands when you have to clean them, but the whole family benefits...